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The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC)

Adult Immunization Workgroup Members

Chair, Office of the Secretary

Jo Ivey Boufford

Administration for Children and Families

Joan Gaffney

Margaret Washnitzer

Administration on Aging

Valerie Soroka

Moya Benoit Thompson

Agency for Health-care Policy and Research

Karen Carp

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Tamara Allen

Jose F. Cordero

William Heyward

Tamara Kicera

Beth Knowlton

John Livengood

Linda Martin

Alison Mawle

Dixie Snider

Raymond Strikas

Walter W. Williams

Food and Drug Administration

Norman Baylor

Stuart Nightingale

Peter Patriarca

Health Care Financing Administration

Pauline Feldman

Pamela Gentry

William McQueeney

Sam Shekar

Health Resources and Services Administration

David E. Benor

Anita W. Burney

Vito Caserta

Anne H. Chang

Jessie M. Crawford

Rita Goodman

Margaret T. Lee

Louis Emmet Mahoney

Michele A. Puryear

William A. Robinson

Paul S. Rusinko

David M. Stevens

Indian Health Service

Michael Trujillo

National Institutes of Health

George Curlin

Bruce Gellin

Regina Rabinovich

National Vaccine Program Office

Robert F. Breiman

Stephen J. Sepe

Jane Zanca

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

Cheryl Austein Casnoff

Amy Nevel

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs

Amy Busch

Gretchen Schroeder

Office for Civil Rights

Denise Carver

Marcella Haynes

Office of the Inspector General

Joe Green

Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

Agnes Donahue

Office of Minority Health

Georgia Buggs

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Joseph Autry


AAIP  Association of American Indian Physicians

ACF  Administration for Children and Families

ACIP  Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

AHCPR  Agency for Health Care Policy and Research

AoA  Administration on Aging

APIAHF  Asian Pacific Islander American Health Forum

ASPA  Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs

ASPE  Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

BPHC  Bureau of Primary Health Care

BRFSS  Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

CDC  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CMHC  Community / Migrant Health Centers

CRADAs  Cooperative Research and Development Agreements

DHHS  Department of Health and Human Services

FDA  Food and Drug Administration

HCFA  Health Care Financing Administration

HCH  Health Care for the Homeless

HCPH  Health Care in Public Housing

HEDIS  Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set

HRSA  Health Resources and Services Administration

IDSA  Infectious Disease Society of America

IGA  Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

IHS  Indian Health Service

IOM - VPR   Institute of Medicine - Vaccine Priorities Report

JCAHO  Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

NCAI  National Coalition for Adult Immunization

NIH  National Institutes of Health

NHIS  National Health Interview Survey

NVAC  National Vaccine Advisory Committee

NIAID  National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases

NVPO  National Vaccine Program Office

OCR  Office for Civil Rights

OIG  Office of the Inspector General

OMH  Office of Minority Health

OPDIVs*  Operating Divisions

OSG  Office of the Surgeon General

PROs  Professional Review Organizations

SAMHSA  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

STAFFDIVs  Staff Divisions

VAERS  Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

VICP  Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

*OPDIVs are the original Public Health Services agencies, including the Administration on Children and Families, CDC and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registries, FDA, HCFA, HRSA, IHS, NIH, Program Support Center, and SAMHSA.

STAFFDIVs are the major staff offices of the Office of the Secretary of DHHS, which include the Assistant Secretary for Health (Office of Public Health and Science), Assistant Secretary for Legislation, Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Civil Rights, Consumer Affairs, Deputy Secretary of the Chief of State, Inspector General, and Office of General Counsel.

Last revised: August 19, 2005


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