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Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases Dengue: Clinical Manifestations and Epidemiology

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Skills Deficit

  • Knowledge is not sufficient to produce behavior change
  • People may lack the skills necessary to carry out the recommended behaviors
  • Need to address this skills deficit
This basic knowledge about dengue and Aedes aegypti is important, but knowing these facts is rarely enough to change people's behavior and involve community members in dengue prevention activities. Householders who know the dengue basics still may lack the knowledge or skills necessary to carry out the recommended behaviors—that is, they may not know where or how to find the containers where water can accumulate and mosquitoes can reproduce. Any successful program must address this skills deficit, ensuring that householders are confident in their ability to control mosquito reproduction in and around their homes.

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This page last reviewed February 13, 2002

Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases |
National Center for Infectious Diseases |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
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