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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 22, 2002

President Calls on Senate to Pass Trade Bill
The South Lawn

President's Remarks


6:05 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: I'm looking forward to my trip to Europe. I'm going to take a couple of messages.

One, of course, I appreciate the friendship with the European people, our strong alliance; and that our alliance must remain tough in the war against global terror; that even though we've had some initial successes, there's still danger for countries which embrace freedom, countries such as ours or Germany, France, Russia or Italy. And as an alliance, we must continue to fight against global terror. We've got to be tough.

Secondly, friends benefit through free trade. I will reaffirm our commitment to trade. I hope the United States Senate finishes debate on the trade promotion authority and passes the bill. It's going to be important for our friends around the world to see this commitment to trade.

Trade is in the interests of our workers. Trade is in the interests of job creation. And trade is in the interests of developing nations as well as developed nations. And so I want to thank those in the United States Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, who have worked hard on this bill. I hope they finish the debate and pass this important legislation. It'll be a strong positive message.

I'm looking forward to the trip. I'm honored to represent the greatest nation on the face of the earth in capitals around Europe. And I look forward to reporting back to the American people upon my return.

Thank you very much.

END 6:08 A.M. EDT

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