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Held Hostage in Colombia: New Hope for a Humanitarian Accord?
Public Roundtable Event

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Date and Time
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM

U.S. Institute of Peace
2nd Floor Conference Room
1200 17th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Event on Colombia at USIP.

Senator Luis Eladio Pérez, who was released from captivity last February by the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC), visited Washington the week of May 10-15, 2008 on a visit sponsored by USIP and the Center for International Policy. Held hostage since June 10, 2001, Pérez was one of six Colombians released this year after extensive diplomatic efforts.

A May 14 USIP panel, organized and moderated by Virginia M. Bouvier, included the deputy chiefs of mission from the Venezuelan and French embassies, and ICRC representative and Colombian journalist Jorge Enrique Botero, who has followed Colombian peace processes and humanitarian issues for the past two decades. Pérez also met privately with members of Congress and officials of the National Security Council, Department of State, Pentagon, and Colombian embassy. He met with the Washington Post editorial board and held a press conference at the National Press Club.

Discussion at these events focused on the current status of the remaining hostages, initiatives to secure their release, and opportunities and prospects for a humanitarian accord.

"Senator Pérez presence demonstrates that rigorous and well-coordinated diplomatic efforts can work. He reminds us of the urgent need to pursue and encourage such paths to peace in Colombia." observed Bouvier.


  • Senator Luis Eladio Pérez
  • Angelo Rivero-Santos, Ph.D.
    Deputy Chief of Mission
    Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  • Jorge Enrique Botero
    Colombian journalist, author of Simon Trinidad: Man of Iron (2008)
  • Minister François Rivasseau
    Deputy Chief of Mission
    Embassy of France
  • Margarita Studemeister
    Senior Advisor for Inter-American Affairs
    Regional Delegation for the United States and Canada
    International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Virginia M. Bouvier, Moderator
    United States Institute of Peace

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Please contact Ian Larsen (+1.202.429.3870) or Lauren Sucher (+1.202.429.3822) in the Office of Public Affairs and Communications.

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