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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Coalition Forces Kill Extremists in Afghanistan

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 27, 2006 – Coalition forces killed 10 insurgents in separate operations in Afghanistan July 25 and today, U.S. military officials in Afghanistan reported.

Coalition forces killed three extremists today following a failed ambush on a civilian convoy in the Zhari district of Kandahar province. The extremists attacked from a compound as the convoy moved west on Highway 1 near the Zhari District Center at around 8:30 a.m. Intelligence sources confirmed the location of the enemy compound, and coalition forces killed three enemy fighters with artillery fire.

"The coalition is working with our Afghan partners to drive Taliban extremists from southern Afghanistan and create a safe and secure environment to facilitate reconstruction and extend the reach of the central government," Army Col. Thomas Collins, a coalition spokesman, said.

Elsewhere, a coalition patrol killed seven extremists July 25 after the enemy fighters attacked coalition forces in the Garmser district of Helmand province. There were no coalition casualties in the fight. The coalition unit received small-arms, rocket-propelled grenade, machine gun and sniper fire from a group of extremists. The coalition force returned fire, killing five insurgents.

Later in the same area, insurgents fired small arms at an Afghan National Army mortar team with an embedded coalition tactical training team. The combined unit responded with machine gun fire and killed the remaining two insurgents.

"If enemy extremists fire upon coalition forces, we will respond with deadly accuracy," Army Lt. Col. Paul Fitzpatrick, a Combined Joint Task Force 76 spokesman, said. "If they attack Afghan civilians, we will respond just as forcefully. We remain committed to engaging any threats to the peaceful future of the Afghan people."

(Compiled from Combined Forces Command Afghanistan news releases.)

Related Sites:
Combined Forces Command Afghanistan
Combined Joint Task Force 76