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Jan. 15, 2009  War on Terror   Transformation   News Products   Press Resources   Images   Websites   Contact Us 
Jan. 1USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Battle Group spends its first full day off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, delivering relief supplies to victims of Indian Ocean tsunami.  Story
Jan. 15 Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz arrives in Thailand to assess relief efforts and visit devastated region. Story
Jan. 30Millions of Iraqis turn out to vote for National Assembly members in the country's first democratic elections in generations.  Story | Story
Early Feb U.S. forces delivered aid to remote Afghan villages cut off by heavy snowstorms. Story
Feb. 10 Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz announces U.S. military aid to tsunami zone is almost complete. Story
Feb. 17Iraq 's Independent Electoral Commission certifies results from Jan. 30 elections. Story
March 1 Iraqi judicial system refers first Saddam associates for trial. Story
March 3A new health academy opens in Iraq. Story
March 11 Coast Guard Cutter Mohawk returns to port with more than 2,600 pounds of cocaine interdicted at sea. Story
March 16 Iraq's new Transitional National Assembly is seated in Baghdad. Story
March 17 Afghan military academy graduates its first basic training class. Story
March 18 U.S. helicopters and crews rescue more than 200 villagers from floods in Afghanistan's Uruzgan province. Story
April 5 Hospital Ship Mercy called back to Indonesia after Earthquake. Story
Aprl 6Iraqi Transitional National Assembly elects Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani as president. Story
April 7 Iraqi Transitional National Assembly elects Ibrahim al-Jaafari, a Shiia Muslim, as prime minister. Story
April 12Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld meets with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad to discuss progress and continuity. Story
April 13 Rumsfeld visits U.S. forces at a provincial reconstruction team in rural Afghanistan. Story
May 12Top U.S. engineer announces coalition has rebuilt 11 power plants, adding 2,000 megawatts to the Iraqi electrical grid. Story
May 16Officials announce new counterterrorism initiative to focus on Saharan Africa. Story
May 31 Benchmark 1,000th reconstruction project completed in Iraq. Story
June 3Military tops public confidence list in new Gallup poll. Story
June 29 Hawk crew rescues three Afghan children near Salerno. Story
June 30NATO commander, Afghan president discuss progress, election security. Story
July 4 U.S. unit helps bring water to Iraqi farmers. Story
July 13 Military stands by to provide security, emergency response for shuttle mission. Story
July 16 U.S. contribution to Darfur airlift operation begins. Story
July 19 Joint Chiefs chairman promises transformation aid to Slovak military. Story
Aug. 1Coalition, Iraqi ministry sign historic public health charter.  Story
Aug. 3Joint Commission for Conditions-Based Transition holds its initial meeting in Baghdad Aug. 2. Story
Aug. 7 U.S. forces support international efforts to rescue crew of sunken Russian sub. Story
Aug. 16 Officials announce Afghanistan's Baghran Valley to receive more than $2 million in U.S. reconstruction funds. Story
Aug. 29 Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans; thousands of Guardsmen on duty.  Story Story
Aug. 31 10,000 More Guard troops to support military's hurricane response. Story
Sept. 4 Rumsfeld, Myers visit Gulf to assess military hurricane relief effort. Story
Sept. 9Iraqi President Talabani visits Pentagon, thanks American troops for liberating Iraq. Story
Sept. 18Afghans successfully vote in National Assembly members. Story
Sept. 24Hurricane Rita makes landfall near Texas, Louisiana Border. Story
Oct. 1 Afghan government expands former-militia reconciliation program. Story
Oct. 2 Afghan, Coalition Doctors Treat More Than 400 in Qalat. Story
Oct. 6 Top Army engineer announces New Orleans ‘essentially dry now.’ Story
Oct. 7 Coalition, Afghans mark four years of Operation Enduring Freedom. Story
Oct. 7 European Command experts plan for possible natural disaster in Bosnia.  Story
Oct. 10 First U.S. earthquake relief supplies arrive in Pakistan.  Story
Oct. 11 Rumsfeld sends general to coordinate Guatemalan disaster relief. Story
Oct. 15 Millions of Iraqis cast ballots in constitutional referendum. Story
Oct. 19 Saddam Hussein's trial begins in Baghdad. Story
Nov. 22 Coalition forces turn over Saddam Hussein's Tikrit palace to Iraqi government. Story
Nav. 28 All-Iraqi aircrew flies its first solo mission. Story
Dec. 1 DoD helps other nations address HIV challenges. Story
Dec. 9 U.S. forces support elementary school in Kosovo. Story
Dec. 11 Poll shows nine in 10 Iraqis want to vote Dec. 15. Story
Dec. 15 Iraqis head to polls to elect National Assembly. Story
Dec. 16 Infrastructure Projects Changing Minds in East Baghdad. Story
Dec. 16 National Elections Set Milestone for Iraqi Security Forces. Story
Dec. 17 Prison Stands as Testament to Saddam's Evil. Story
Dec. 18 Cheney Visits Iraq, Officials Laud Historic Vote. Story
Dec. 19 Cheneys Attend Afghan Parliament Opening Session. Story
Dec. 20 Ambassador Says 2006 to Be 'Year of Police' for Iraq. Story
Dec. 21 Iraqi Security Forces Working Toward Self-Sufficiency. Story
Dec. 21 Projects in Mosul Point to a Better Life for Iraq. Story
Dec. 21 Cheney, Rumsfeld Praise Military Disaster Support in Pakistan. Story
Dec. 22 Security, Sunni Participation Deterred Election Violence, General Says. Story
Dec. 22 Rumsfeld Cites 2005 Successes, Challenges for New Year. Story
Dec. 26 Support Command Focuses on Training Iraqi Logisticians. Story
Dec. 28 Iraqi, Afghan Elections Signal Most Significant Progress in 2005. Story
Dec. 29 Tal Afar Sees Progress With Water Network Completed . Story
Dec. 29 Apprentice Program Teaches Construction Skills to Young Iraqis. Story
Dec. 31 Pace Says 2005 Successful Year for Iraq. Story
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Staff Sgt. Jerry Potts, an infantryman from the 82nd Airborne Division, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, Bravo Company, 1st Battallion, Fort Bragg N.C., puts up a hand signal during a patrol in Tal Afar, Iraq on Sept. 15, 2005 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. James L. Harper Jr.
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Iraqi citizens vote on Dec. 15, 2005, in Mosul, Iraq in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. U.S. Army photo by Spc.Clydell Kinchen
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An injured Pakistani child waits in Muzaffarabad, Pakistan, for transport to a medical center in Islamabad, Oct. 20, 2005. The United States government is participating in a multinational humanitarian assistance and support effort lead by the Pakistani Government to bring aid to victims of the devastating earthquake that struck the region Oct 8, 2005. U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt Jeromy K. Cross
Flooded roadways can be seen as the Coast Guard conducts initial Hurricane Katrina damage assessment overflights Aug. 29, 2005. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Kyle Niemi
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An injured Pakistani woman sleeps in a tent in Muzaffarabad, Pakistan, Oct. 20, 2005. The United States government is participating in a multinational humanitarian assistance and support effort lead by the Pakistani Government to bring aid to victims of the devastating earthquake that struck the region Oct 8, 2005. U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt Jeromy K. Cross
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Senir Airman Charlie Lyddon, 1st Combat Communications Squadron, interacts with the local children, July 28, 2005. The 86th Air Expeditionary Group donated soccer balls, soccer nets, candy and toys to the children attending the Nonko Primary School of Kigali-Kanombe, Rwanda. The United States provided transportation for 1,200 Rwandan forces to and from Sudan in support of African Union Mission in Sudan. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt Bradley C. Church
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An Afghan man casts his ballot at a polling station in Lash Kar Gah, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, Sept. 18, 2005. Polling stations were busy, but orderly, across the city. Defense Dept. photo by Staff Sgt. Jacob Caldwell, U.S. Army
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Victims of Hurricane Stan in Guatemala form long lines helping to move food, water, and medicine from a US. Army Black Hawk helicopter, Oct 15, 2005. U.S. military personnel with the U.S. Southern Command Joint Task Force Bravo continue to provide assistance to the government and the people of Guatemala as part of an ongoing disaster relief effort in the wake of Hurricane Stan. Defense Dept. photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Robert McRill, U.S. Navy
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A C-5 Galaxy rests on the flight line in Rota, Spain after having CH-47 helicopters and equipment off-loaded on Oct. 16, 2005. The helicopters will be flown into Pakistan to support earthquake victims. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Reynaldo Ramon
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