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USIP Releases Latest Text in Seminal Series on Conflict Resolution

January 2007

The United States Institute of Peace is pleased to announce the publication of Leashing the Dogs of War: Conflict Management in a Divided World (United States Institute of Peace Press, January 2007).

Recognizing the importance of responding to an ever-changing international relations climate, the gifted team of Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall has created this latest volume to address the sources of contemporary conflict and the array of possible responses to it. In Leashing the Dogs of War, forty-three of the most influential and innovative analysts of international affairs present multiple perspectives on how best to prevent, manage, or resolve conflicts around the world.

Crocker, Hampson, Aall book series

Reflecting the greater work of the Institute, the six volumes produced by Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall make significant contributions to expanding our knowledge and understanding of international relations and conflict resolution: individually and collectively, they provide some of the best and latest practices, research, and thinking in the field and are highly relevant to foreign affairs practitioners as well as to professors and students. From the classroom to the negotiating table, they are being used far and wide and have received ringing endorsements and praise.

Managing Global Chaos, published in 1996 by the United States Institute of Peace Press, was developed in response to numerous requests by teachers and practitioners in need of a volume that stimulates thinking about the challenges of international conflict in the post-Cold War world. A groundbreaking book—truly the first of its kind—this volume brought a diverse array of voices to bear on complex issues of conflict management and resolution—including the perspectives of government policymakers, nongovernmental officials, and scholars.

Following on the success of Managing Global Chaos and acting on the demand for cutting-edge and comprehensive classroom texts, the editors published Turbulent Peace in 2001 as the update to Managing Global Chaos. Now, in 2007, Leashing the Dogs of War replaces its well-established predecessors to address the tough terrain of today’s international relations landscape.

The Crocker-Hampson-Aall team has also developed three volumes that focus more specifically on aspects of mediation. Herding Cats: Multiparty Mediation in a Complex World provides resources and case studies that reflect real, hands-on experiences by mediators in complex settings. Taming Intractable Conflicts: Mediation in the Hardest Cases lays out the steps involved in tackling the most stubborn of conflicts. Its companion volume, Grasping the Nettle: Analyzing Cases of Intractable Conflict, further identifies and analyzes the defining characteristics and underlying dynamics of intractable conflicts and spotlights more than eight current cases.

For detailed information about these and other USIP Press titles, please visit our bookstore at http://bookstore.usip.org.


The United States Institute of Peace is an independent, nonpartisan institution established and funded by Congress. Its goals are to help prevent and resolve violent international conflicts, promote post-conflict stability and development, and increase conflict management capacity, tools, and intellectual capital worldwide. The Institute does this by empowering others with knowledge, skills, and resources, as well as by directly engaging in peacebuilding efforts around the globe.




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