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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

News Release

Senate Confirms New USIP Board Members

June 6, 2007


Ian Larsen
cell +1-202-657-7327
Lauren Sucher
cell +1-202-657-7326

The U.S. Institute of Peace is pleased to announce that the United States Senate has confirmed the presidential nominations of six new members of the Institute’s board of directors.

The individuals confirmed are:

  • Ron Silver, who will fill a vacant seat on the board.
  • Judy Van Rest, who will fill a vacant seat on the board.
  • Anne Cahn, who will replace Betty Bumpers.
  • Kathleen Martinez, who will take the seat of the late Seymour Martin Lipset.
  • George E. Moose, who will replace Mora McLean.
  • Jeremy A. Rabkin, who will replace Barbara Snelling.


The United States Institute of Peace is an independent, nonpartisan institution established and funded by Congress. Its goals are to help prevent and resolve violent international conflicts, promote post-conflict stability and development, and increase conflict management capacity, tools, and intellectual capital worldwide. The Institute does this by empowering others with knowledge, skills, and resources, as well as by directly engaging in peacebuilding efforts around the globe.


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