PRIO Network

Academic, multidisciplinary, international and independent, PRIO is a key institution within peace research

The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) has as its mission to conduct high-quality academic research on questions relevant to the promotion of a more peaceful world.  We are an independent and international institute. Our working language is English. The staff at PRIO comprises 60-70 people, of whom more than 80 % are researchers and PhD candidates. In addition to this, there are 5-10 MA students, who are provided with work spaces and scholarships while completing their theses.

PRIO contributes to theoretical and methodological development both within specific academic disciplines, and through cross-fertilization between disciplines.

PRIO engages in the promotion of peace through conflict resolution, dialogue and reconciliation, public information and policymaking activities.

PRIO research is primarily disseminated through academic publications, but also through reports related to our engagement activities and via contributions to the media.