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Regional Resources

Sri Lanka Web Links

Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English providing information generally on conflict in Sri Lanka. For related web links, see Terrorism/Counterterrorism: Web Links, U.S. Human Rights Policy: Web Links and Regional Resources: Asia.

General Resources

The sites below collect links to other Internet resources which describe the background, history and current events in Sri Lanka.

Government Agencies and International Organizations

Amnesty International

Human Rights Watch

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

Sri Lanka

United Nations

United States

World Bank

  • The World Bank in Sri Lanka
    Web site is part of the regional focus on South Asia, one of several regions listed. It includes an overview of World Bank programs and projects in Sri Lanka, with sections on news and events, data and publications, and related web links.

Maps and Guides

  • Sri Lanka: CIA World Factbook
    Country information covers the geography, people, economy, government, and infrastructure. Includes a map.
  • Sri Lanka Maps
    Maps from the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection of the University of Texas at Austin. These maps, produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and other sources, include country, city, regional and historical maps.
  • Reliefweb: Sri Lanka
    Regional and thematic maps from the UN's ReliefWeb covering Sri Lanka.
  • Your Nation
    An interactive database with information derived from the CIA World Factbook, Your Nation allows the user to compare or rank statistics for any two countries or display a statistical summary for an individual country. Settings are customizable.

Media and News Sources

  • BBC News | South Asia | Sri Lanka: an unwinnable war?
    Part of the BBC In Depth series, this article from April 27, 2000 links to other stories and profiles for background on the general election and the conflict in Sri Lanka.
  • OneWorld.Net: Sri Lanka
    Current news stories and analysis on Sri Lanka contributed by One World partners.
  • Spotlight on Sri Lanka
    An Infoscope weekly newsclipping service with news from major newspapers worldwide, as well as from Sri Lanka. The web site also includes back issues available from July 1996 and a daily mailing list for Sri Lankan news and events via e-mail subscription.
  • Sri Lanka News Web
    Several links to Sri Lankan and international news outlets with news on Sri Lanka, including radio, TV, newspapers and wire services, as well as wire service news reports.
  • TamilNet
    Web site of current news reports, features and an archive of articles on issues concerning the Tamil people, with stories in English and Tamil.
  • Yahoo News: Full Coverage: Sri Lanka News
    Numerous links to news sources, stories from various wire services, reports in audio and video, and related web sites for Sri Lanka.

Selected Documents and Political Resources


Updated: February 25 2002

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