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USGS Activity Physical Data: W-1-69-SC

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Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
145822 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG "MPL Deep Tow Up-Down 4, Oct 9-10 in large envelope Equatow 4"  
145823 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG "MPL Deep Tow P-System 3, Oct 9-10 in large envelope Equatow 3"  
145824 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG "MPL Deep Tow Left SLS 1-2, Oct 9-10 in large envelope Equatow 1-2"  
145825 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG "MPL Deep Tow Up-Down 5, Oct 9-10 in large envelope Equatow 5-6"  
145826 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG "MPL Deep Tow X-P 6, Oct 9-10 in large envelope Equatow 5-6"  
145827 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG "MPL Deep Tow EDO 7, Oct 9-10 in large envelope Equatow 7"  
145828 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG Letter Normark to Spiess 4 Sept 1969 in manila folder  
145829 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG Fig. 1 map of study area in manila folder  
145830 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG Cruise report 19 Sept 1969 in manila folder  
145831 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG List of scientific party in manila folder  
145832 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG Operations log copy in manila folder  
145833 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG EDO data in manila folder  
145834 1087 Area B column 18 row 03 F N Spiess CMG Track chart overlay map in manila folder Washington 1969 Equatow cruise
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments

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