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Federal Offset Program

Federal Offset Program

Release 05-02 - Minor: September 23, 2005
Release Specifications

June 23, 2005


PART 1.0

PART 2.0

PART 3.0

PART 4.0

PART 5.0



Federal Offset System (FOS) processing is being modified to provide states with the ability to view addresses for an obligor that are stored for that state.

1.1 Summary of Changes

A new screen will provide states with the ability to view addresses that are stored by OCSE for obligors that have been certified by that state. The screen will be accessed by selecting Option 7 on the Federal Offset Processing Menu.

1.2 Background

The FOS stores addresses for an obligor that were sent by the submitting state on an Add transaction or Address Change transaction. The source of these addresses is identified as 'State'. Additionally, when an offset occurs, the address that is associated with that offset is stored on the system. The source of this address is identified as 'Other'. When an obligor does not have an address on file for the submitting state, the FOS attempts to obtain an address. Obtained addresses have 'Other' as their source.

States have not had the capability to view obligor addresses that are stored on the FOS.

1.3 Description of Changes

For each obligor, the screen will display the obligor's SSN, Case Type, State, Case ID, Name, and Local Code information.

For each occurrence of an address for an obligor, the screen will display:

  • source of the address
  • obligor address
  • date that the address was added by OCSE
  • date that the address was sent to the Financial Management Service (FMS) to be associated with the obligor's TANF and/or Non-TANF case at FMS.

1.4 Impact on States

There is no impact on states.

1.5 Screen Layout

The following is the online screen that is used to inquire about an obligor's addresses.

Figure 1-1: Address Query Entry Screen

Figure 1-1:  Address Query Entry Screen

The state user enters the SSN of the obligor on the SSN Request line. The State Request line is pre-filled with the state's two-character abbreviation. If the obligor does not have an address on file for the requesting state, the message "THE REQUESTED ADDRESS RECORD IS NOT ON FILE" is returned. If the obligor has at least one address on file for the requesting state, the Address Query Display Screen, shown in Figure 1-2, is displayed.

Figure 1-2: Address Query Display Screen

Figure 1-2:  Address Query Display Screen

For a description of the fields that are shown in Figure 1-2, see Chart A-1, "Address Query Display Screen Fields" in Appendix A.

By selecting the Show-All Option (S) on the Address Query Display Screen, the user can view multiple addresses that are stored in the FOS, as shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3: Address Query Display Screen (Show-All Option)

Figure 1-3:  Address Query Display Screen (Show-All Option)

For a description of the fields that are shown in Figure 1-3 see Chart A-1, "Address Query Display Screen Fields" in Appendix A.

Refer to the Pre-Offset Notice Query Display Screen (Figure 2-2) for the specific address that was used on an OCSE-generated Pre-Offset Notice.

Table of Contents


FOS processing is being modified to provide states with the ability to view information for Pre-Offset Notices (PONs) that are printed by OCSE for an obligor.

2.1 Summary of Changes

A new screen will provide states with the ability to view their PON information for all notices that have been printed for an obligor since March 2002. The screen will be accessed by selecting Option 8 on the Federal Offset Processing Menu.

2.2 Background

The FOS stores certain case-specific information for PONs that OCSE sends to an obligor. The information was not previously available to state users.

2.3 Description of Changes

The screen will display:

  • Obligor Social Security Number
  • Case Type
  • Requesting State
  • PON Request Type
  • Obligor first and last name
  • Case ID
  • Pre-Offset Date
  • Pre-Offset Amount
  • Pre-Offset Address
  • Local Code

2.4 Impact on States

There is no impact on states.

2.5 Screen Layout

The following is the online screen that is used to inquire about an obligor's PONs.

Figure 2-1: Pre-Offset Notice Query Entry Screen

Figure 2-1:  Address Query Display Screen (Show-All Option)

The state user enters the SSN of the obligor on the SSN Request line. The State Request line is pre-filled with the state's two-character abbreviation. An optional year may be entered to limit the query to a specific year. If the obligor does not have a PON on file for the requesting state (and year, if provided), the message "NO NOTICE RECORDS FOUND ON FILE FOR REQUESTED SSN" is returned. If the obligor has at least one PON on file that is associated with the requesting state, the Pre-Offset Notice Query Display Screen (Figure 2-2) is displayed.

Figure 2-2: Pre-Offset Notice Query Display Screen

Figure 2-2:  Address Query Display Screen (Show-All Option)

For a description of the fields that are shown in Figure 2-2 see Chart B-1, "Pre-Offset Notice Display Screen Fields" in Appendix B.

Table of Contents


FOS processing is being modified for Multistate Financial Institution Data Match (MSFIDM) cases to provide states with a faster and simpler method to change the status of a case to or from MSFIDM-Only.

3.1 Summary of Changes

This modification will enable a state to change the status of a case in a single cycle in either direction between "standard" and MSFIDM-Only. A standard case is an active case that is eligible for at least one of these three remedies: Tax Offset, Administrative Offset or Passport Denial. An MSFIDM-Only case is an active case that is excluded from all three of these remedies, but is eligible for MSFIDM (exclusion indicators must be set to 'TAX', 'PAS' and 'ADM', or 'RET' and 'VEN' rather than 'ADM').

3.2 Background

Currently the FOS allows states to change a standard case to an MSFIDM-Only case by executing a two-step action (Delete transaction followed by an Add transaction in a subsequent update cycle). A state can also change an MSFIDM-Only case to a standard case by following the same two-step process.

3.3 Description of Changes

When a state has a standard case that they want to change to an MSFIDM-Only case, the state can submit an 'R' transaction for the case with only the 'TAX', 'PAS', and 'ADM' (or 'RET' and 'VEN') exclusion indicators. The case will remain active and will be changed to an MSFIDM-Only case. If the case is at FMS, it will be closed at FMS. If the obligor is at the Department of State (DoS), and the obligor has no other active cases from the state, the obligor will be deleted from DoS for the submitting state.

An MSFIDM-Only case with a PON date that is less than one year old can be changed to a standard case using the 'R' transaction. The 'R' transaction must replace the existing 'TAX', 'PAS', and 'ADM' (or 'RET' and 'VEN') exclusion indicators for the case with any other combination of exclusion indicators and/or spaces. The existing PON date will be retained. If the PON date on the original MSFIDM-Only case is spaces or is greater than one year, the 'R' transaction will be rejected and returned to the submitting state, and the case will remain as an active MSFIDM-Only case.

An MSFIDM-Only case with a PON date that is spaces or is greater than one year old can be changed to a standard case using the 'A' transaction. In this particular situation, the 'A' transaction does not have to be preceded by a 'D' transaction. The 'A' transaction must replace the existing 'TAX', 'PAS', and 'ADM' (or 'RET' and 'VEN') exclusion indicators for the case with any combination of exclusion indicators and/or spaces. If OCSE prints the PONs for the state, a new PON will be sent to the obligor. States may prefer this option instead of the 'R' transaction option when the PON date on the original MSFIDM-Only case is less than one year old and a new PON is desired.

If after the change from MSFIDM-Only to standard, the case is eligible for Tax or Administrative Offset, it will be sent to FMS when the state's due-process holding period is satisfied. If the case is no longer excluded from Passport Denial, and the obligor meets the Passport Denial eligibility requirements, the obligor will be sent to DoS 30 days from the PON date.

3.4 Impact on States

There is no impact on states.

Table of Contents


Federal Offset System processing is being modified to simplify the query process for states.

4.1 Summary of Changes

The Prior Year Query Screen option and the Current Year Query Screen option on the Federal Offset Processing Menu will be merged into a single Case Query Screen option. The implementation of a single query screen will simplify the process of retrieving case information for state users. The screen will be accessed by selecting Option 9 on the Federal Offset Processing Menu.

4.2 Background

The FOS retains detail history information for up to seven years. There are currently two query options: current year and prior year.

4.3 Description of Changes

Users will be able to view all available case information and detail history through one query screen. Additionally, users will be able to specify an individual year or range of years for the detail history data.

The current case information will be displayed, along with the detail history. The YTD Collection, Adjustment, and State Payment information, located on the case information screen, will only reflect the current processing year's activity, regardless of the year or range of years that are entered.

4.4 Impact on States

There is no impact on states.

4.5 Screen Layout

The following is the online entry screen that is used to inquire on case information and case history.

Figure 4-1: Case Query Entry Screen

Figure 4-1:  Case Query Entry Screen

The state user enters the SSN of the obligor in the Enter SSN field.

There are several formats for the From Year and To Year fields.

  • If the user wants to see detail data from the current year, they may leave the Year fields blank. Note: the current year query default is to show details that have been created within one year of the current date.
  • If the user wants to view detail data from a single calendar year, they must enter that year in the From Year field
  • .
  • If the user wants to view detail data from a range of years, they must enter the older year in the From Year field, and the more recent year in the To Year field.

The State field is pre-filled with the state's two-character abbreviation. The user may enter the case type if they want to limit the query to a specific case type. When the appropriate request data is entered, Part 1 of the Case Query Display Screen is presented. Part 1 of the Case Query Display Screen is identical to Part 1 of the existing Current Year Query Screen.

Figure 4-2: Part 1 of the Case Query Display Screen

Figure 4-2:  Part 1 of the Case Query Display Screen

If there are details to be viewed for the year(s) requested, Part 2 of the Case Query Display Screen (Figure 4-3) is presented. The format for Part 2 of the Case Query Display Screen is identical to Part 2 of the existing Current Year Query Screen, with the addition of the Process Years field next to the SSN.

Figure 4-3: Part 2 of the Case Query Display Screen

Figure 4-3:  Part 2 of the Case Query Display Screen

Table of Contents


FOS processing is being modified to provide states with the Treasury Offset Program (TOP) Trace Number as part of the collection record.

5.1 Summary of Changes

The TOP Trace Number will be included on the Collection and Adjustment records that are sent to the state.

5.2 Background

The FOS returns collection information to states on the Collection and Adjustment file. The TOP Trace Number is a unique identifier that is created at the Department of Treasury's Financial Management Service (FMS) and appears on the FMS Offset Notice when a Tax or Administrative Offset, or reversal, has occurred. The TOP Trace Number links offsets with any associated adjustments that may occur later. The TOP Trace Number is included on the Case Query Screen in the Trace column of collection and adjustment details displayed on Part 2 of the Case Query Display Screen.

5.3 Description of Changes

The TOP Trace Number will be added to the Collection and Adjustment record in positions 227-236. These positions were previously reserved as filler. See Chart C-1 for the complete Collection and Adjustment Record layout. Changes to the record layout are highlighted.

5.4 Impact on States

There is no impact on states. If a state wishes to use this additional data, the state must program to accept the new field.

Table of Contents



This appendix contains Chart A-1, which describes the field names and field descriptions for the Address Query Display Screen.

Chart A-1: Address Query Display Screen
Field Names Field Description
Page X of Y 'Y' represents the number of pages available to display for this case. 'X' is the individual page that is being viewed of the 'Y' pages.
Row A from B 'A' represents the number of the address being displayed. 'B' represents the number of addresses for the obligor that are associated with this state.
Date/Time Indicates the Date and Time the record was displayed.
Command At the command prompt, type 'N', 'P', or 'S' and press Enter to go to the next page in the record, previous page in the record, or directly to a page showing all addresses.

Press F3 to return to the Address Query Entry Screen.
Press F7to page backward in the sequence of addresses.
Press F8 to page forward in the sequence of addresses.
Soc Sec No Social Security Number of the obligor.
Case Type Type of Case:
N – Non-TANF
State Code State that certified the case. States can only view addresses that are associated with their own state.
Case ID ID given to this case by the state.
First Name First name of the obligor.
Last (Name) Last name of the obligor.
Local The name of the contact office.
Local Code County or local jurisdiction code.
Contact Address Line 1 of the contact office.
Phone State or local contact office telephone number.
Address Any additional address lines of the contact office, including the city, state, and zip code.
Source The source of the address. The values for this field are:
  • Other – obtained by the Federal Offset System
  • State – submitted by the certifying state
Address The obligor's address lines 1 and 2, and the obligor's city, state and zip code.
Create The date that the address was first added to the Federal Offset System.
TANF FMS The date that the address was updated at FMS for the TANF case.
NTANF FMS The date that the address was updated at FMS for the Non-TANF case.

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This appendix contains Chart B-1, which describes the field names and field descriptions for the Pre-Offset Notice Query Display Screen.

Chart B-1: Pre-Offset Notice Query Display Screen
Field Names Field Description
Page X of Y 'Y' represents the number of pages available to display for this case. 'X' is the individual page that is being viewed of the 'Y' pages.
Date/Time Indicates the Date and Time the record was displayed.
Command At the command prompt, type 'N' or 'P' and press Enter to go to the next page in the record or the previous page in the record.
Press F3 to return to the Pre-Offset Notice Query Entry Screen.
Soc Sec No Social Security Number of the obligor.
Case Type Type of Case:
N – Non-TANF
State Code State that certified the case. States can only view PONs that are associated with their own state.
PON Request The type of request which generated the PON. The values for this field are:
  • ALLPON – The state requests PONs for all of its cases.
  • Supplemental –The state requested a PON for an individual case.
  • NEW – The PON request was generated from an Add or Re-certify transaction.
First Name First name of the obligor.
Last (Name) Last name of the obligor.
Case ID ID that was given to this case by the state that is listed on the PON .
Pre-Offset Date Date that the PON was mailed.
Pre-Offset Amount Obligor's arrearage amount at the time the PON was generated.
Street Address line(s) where the PON was sent.
City/State Obligor city and state where the PON was sent.
Zip Obligor zip code
Local Code Obligor's county or local jurisdiction code at the time the PON was generated.

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This appendix contains Chart C-1, which describes the layout of the Collection and Adjustment record that is returned to the states by OCSE.

CHART C-1: Collection and Adjustment Record Layout
Field Name Location Length A/N Comments
Submitting State Code 1-2 2 A This field contains the state abbreviation that was sent to OCSE by the state and stored on the OCSE Case Master File.
Local Code 3-5 3 A/N This field contains the local code that was sent to OCSE by the state and stored on the OCSE Case Master File.
SSN 6-14 9 N This field contains the Social Security Number that was sent to OCSE by the state and stored on the OCSE Case Master File.
Case ID 15-29 15 A/N This field contains the case identification that was sent to OCSE by the state and stored on the OCSE Case Master File.
Obligor Last Name 30-49 20 A/N This field contains the obligor last name that was sent to OCSE by the state and stored on the OCSE Case Master File.
Obligor First Name 50-64 15 A/N This field contains the obligor first name that was sent to OCSE by the state and stored on the OCSE Case Master File.
Certified Arrearage Amount 65-75 11 N This field contains the arrearage amount that is stored on the OCSE Case Master File at the time of certification. The certified arrearage amount is a signed positive numeric amount with two decimal places assumed.
Collection Amount 76-86 11 N This field contains the amount of the offset that was sent to OCSE on the FMS Weekly Collection Record. The collection amount is a signed positive numeric amount with two decimal places assumed.
If the Collection Amount Field contains a value greater than zero, the adjustment amount is zeroes.
Adjustment Amount 87-97 11 N This field contains the amount of the adjustment that was sent to OCSE on the FMS Weekly Collection Record. The adjustment amount is a signed positive numeric amount with two decimal places assumed.
If the adjustment amount contains a value greater than zero, the collection amount is zeroes.
Adjustment Year 98-101 4 N This field contains the year the offset originated that was sent to OCSE on the FMS Weekly Collection Record. The adjustment year is in the CCYY format.

If the adjustment amount is greater than zero, this field contains a valid year.

If the collection amount is greater than zero this field is zeroes.
Offset Year 102-105 4 N This field contains the current processing year when the offset occurred, in the CCYY format.
Return Indicator 106 1 A This field contains the return indicator that was sent to OCSE on the FMS Weekly Collection Record. The return indicator identifies whether or not this is a joint return.

Y – joint return
N – not a joint return
Case Type Indicator 107 1 A This field contains the case type indicator that was sent to OCSE by the state and stored on the OCSE Case Master File.
Transfer State Code 108-109 2 A This field contains the transfer state code that was sent to OCSE by the state, and stored on the OCSE Case Master File.
Transfer Local Code 110-112 3 A/N This field contains the transfer local code that was sent to OCSE by the state, and stored on the OCSE Case Master File.
Payment Name 113-147 35 A/N If the collection amount is greater than zero, this field contains the name on the FMS Payment Record.

If the return indicator is equal to 'Y', this field may contain both obligor and/or non-obligor name(s).

If the adjustment amount is greater than zero, this field contains spaces.
Payment Street Address 148-182 35 A/N If the collection amount is greater than zero, this field contains the payment street address that was sent to OCSE on the FMS Weekly Collection Record.

If the adjustment amount is greater than zero, this field contains spaces.
Payment City and State 183-207 25 A/N If the collection amount is greater than zero, this field contains the payment city and state that was sent to OCSE on the FMS Payment Record.

If the adjustment amount is greater than zero, this field contains spaces.
Payment Zip Code 208-216 9 N If the collection amount is greater than zero, this field contains the payment Zip Code that was sent to OCSE on the FMS Payment Record.

If the adjustment amount is greater than zero, this field contains spaces.
Offset Type 217-219 3 A This field identifies the type of offset or adjustment that applied. Valid values are:

RET – Federal Retirement
SAL – Federal Salary (pre-set on all cases at FMS )
TAX – Tax Refund Offset
VEN – Vendor Payment/Miscellaneous
Fee Amount 220-224 5 N This field contains the service fee amount for an adjustment that was sent to OCSE on the FMS Weekly Collection Record. The fee amount is a signed positive numeric amount with two decimal places assumed.
If the collection amount contains a value greater than zero, the fee amount is zeroes.
Injured Spouse Indicator 225 1 A This field contains the injured spouse indicator that was sent to OCSE on the FMS Weekly Collection Record. The injured spouse indicator identifies if an injured spouse claim has been processed.

Y – processed injured spouse claim
N – no information is available, or no injured spouse claim has been filed.

This field is only populated for Non-TANF joint return offset records, i.e., position 106 is a 'Y' and position 107 is an 'N'.
If the record is for a TANF offset, Non-TANF single return offset or any adjustment record, the field contains a space.
Zero Balance Delete Indicator 226 1 A This field contains the zero balance delete indicator that was set by OCSE to show that an offset reduced the modified arrearage amount for a case to zero. The case is deleted at OCSE but not FMS.

Y – case deleted by the offset
N – all other records, including adjustments and offsets that did not reduce the modified arrearage amount to zeros
TOP Trace Number 227-236 10 A/N This field contains the trace number that is included on an FMS Offset Notice that is sent to an obligor for this offset or reversal.
Filler 237-240 4 A/N Space filled.

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Last modified: June 23, 2005