Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version
EAD Version 2002 Tag Library Changes and Errata
For First (2002) Printing Only
The following reflect final changes made by the EAD Working Group to the 2002
DTD and typographical errors in the first printing of the 2002 Tag Library.
Changes are marked in red.
p.7paragraph in the middle of the page should read:
Most attributes are optional and of the type called #IMPLIED. Two attributes
are flagged as #REQUIRED, that is, the level attribute
on <archdesc> and <archdescgrp>, and the COLS attribute on <:tgroup>,
and two are #FIXED.
p.16definition for repositorycode should read:
A unique code in <unitid> indicating the repository responsible
for intellectual control of the materials being described. The code should
be taken from ISO/DIS 15511 Information and documentation
International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations
(ISIL), as specified in the <eadheader> REPOSITORYENCODING attribute.
p.88Custodial History should show:
May contain:
acqinfo, address, blockquote, chronlist, custodhist,
head, list, note, p, table
May occur within:
archdesc, archdescgrp, c, c01, c02, c03, c04, c05, c06, c07, c08, c09, c10,
c11, c12, custodhist, descgrp
p.109Description of Subordinate Components should show:
type #IMPLIED, analyticover, combined, in-depth,
p.175Material Specific Details should show:
The <materialspec> element is comparable
to MARC fields 254, 255, and 256.
p.179Note should read:
The placement of a <note> is dependent on the design of the document
and the purpose of the <note>. A <note> may appear at the end of
the text as endnotes, at the foot of a section as footnotes or
embedded within the text.