Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version
EAD Attributes: General Attributes
ABBR -- An abbreviation for a word or phrase that is expressed in an
expanded form in the text; used for searching and indexing purposes. Available
only in the <expan> element.
ACTUATE -- see Linking Attributes
ALIGN -- see Tabular Display Attributes
ALTHEAD -- An alternative short form of the heading element <head> that
might be used, for example, to create a running header.
ALTRENDER -- The content of the element should be displayed or printed
differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences
of the element. See also RENDER.
ARCROLE -- see Linking Attributes
AUDIENCE -- An attribute that helps control whether the information
contained in the element should be available to all viewers or only to repository
staff. Available for all elements except line break <lb>. The audience
attribute can be set to "external" in <archdesc> to allow access to all
the information about the materials being described in the finding aid, but
specific elements within <archdesc> can be set to "internal" to reserve
that information for repository access only. This feature is intended to assist
application software in restricting access to particular information by explicitly
coding data that is potentially sensitive or may otherwise have a limited audience.
Special software capability may be needed, however, to prevent the export of
an element marked "internal" when a whole finding aid is displayed in a networked
environment. Values are:
- external (default value)
- internal
AUTHFILENUMBER -- A number that identifies the authority file record
for an access term drawn from that authority file. If this attribute is used,
the SOURCE attribute should also be used to identify the authority file.
CALENDAR -- System of reckoning time, such as the Gregorian calendar
or Julian calendar. The value "gregorian" is the default. Available in <date> and <unitdate>.
CERTAINTY -- The level of confidence for the information given in a <date> or <unitdate> element.
For example:
<date certainty="approximate">1920</date>
CHAR -- see Tabular Display Attributes
CHAROFF -- see Tabular Display Attributes
COLNAME -- see Tabular Display Attributes
COLNUM -- see Tabular Display Attributes
COLS -- see Tabular Display Attributes
COLSEP -- see Tabular Display Attributes
COLWIDTH -- see Tabular Display Attributes
CONTINUATION -- For ordered lists, i.e., those with a TYPE attribute
of "ordered," and optionally with a NUMERATION attribute, the CONTINUATION
attribute specifies whether the list numeration is to continue with the numeration
of the preceding list or start over. If this attribute is not present, starting
over is implied. Values are:
COUNTRYCODE -- A unique code for the country in which the materials
being described are held. Codes are to be taken from ISO 3166-1 Codes for
the Representation of Names of Countries, column A2. Available in <eadid> and <unitid>.
COUNTRYENCODING -- The authoritative source or rules for values supplied
in the COUNTRYCODE attribute in <eadid> and <unitid>. Available
only in <eadheader>, the COUNTRYENCODING attribute should be set to "iso3166-1."
DATECHAR -- Term characterizing the nature of dates, such as dates
of creation, accumulation, or modification. Available only in <unitdate>.
DATEENCODING -- The authoritative source or rules for values provided
in the NORMAL attribute in <date> and <unitdate>. The DATEENCODING
attribute should be set to "iso8601."
ENCODINGANALOG -- A field or element in another descriptive encoding
system to which an EAD element or attribute is comparable. Mapping elements
from one system to another may help build a single user interface that can
index comparable information in bibliographic records and finding aids. The
mapping designations may also help a repository harvest selected data from
a finding aid to build a basic catalog record. When possible, subfields as
well as fields should be specified, e.g., subfields within MARC fields. If
the RELATEDENCODING attribute in <ead>, <eadheader>, or <archdesc> is
not used to identify the encoding system from which fields are specified in
the ENCODINGANALOG attribute, then include the system designation in ENCODINGANALOG.
<corpname encodinganalog="MARC 110">Waters Studio</corpname>
<archdesc relatedencoding="MARC">
<persname encodinganalog="100$a$q$d$e" source="lcnaf">
Waters, E. C. (Elizabeth Cat), 1870-1944, photographer
ENTITYREF -- see Linking Attributes
ERA -- Period during which years are numbered and dates reckoned, such
as A.D. or C.E. The value "ce" is the default.
EXPAN -- The full form of an abbreviation or acronym in an element's
text; used for indexing and searching purposes. Available only in the <abbr> element.
FINDAIDSTATUS -- The extent to which the encoded finding aid is a finished
document. Available only in the <eadheader> element.
FRAME -- see Tabular Display Attributes
FROM -- see Linking Attributes
HREF -- see Linking Attributes
ID -- see Linking Attributes
IDENTIFIER -- A machine-readable unique identifier. Available in <eadid> and <unitid>.
LABEL -- A display label for an element can be supplied using this
attribute when a meaningful label cannot be derived by the style sheet from
the element name or when a heading element <head> is not available. This
attribute is available in all <did> subelements.
LANGCODE -- The three-lettter code for the language in which an abstract
is written <abstract>, for the language of the finding aid and the language
of the materials <language>. The codes should be taken from ISO639-2b,
as specified in the LANGENCODING attribute in <eadheader>.
langencoding -- Language encoding for EAD instances subscribes to ISO 639-2b Codes
for the Representation of Names of Languages, so the LANGENCODING attribute
value in <eadheader> should be "iso639-2b." The codes themselves are
specified in the LANGCODE attribute in <abstract> or <language>,
as appropriate.
LEVEL -- The hierarchical level of the materials being described by
the element. This attribute is available in <archdesc>, where the highest
level of material represented in the finding aid must be declared (e.g., collection,
fonds, record group), and in <c> and <c01-12> (e.g., subgroup,
series, file). If none of the values in the semi-closed list are appropriate,
the value "otherlevel" may be chosen and the term specified in the OTHERLEVEL
attribute. Values are:
- collection
- fonds
- class
- recordgrp
- series
- subfonds
- subgrp
- subseries
- file
- item
- otherlevel
LINKTYPE -- see Linking Attributes
MAINAGENCYCODE -- A code in <eadid> compliant with ISO/DIS 15511 Information
and Documentation International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related
Organizations (ISIL). Values should be supplied without the country code,
which should be placed instead in the COUNTRYCODE attribute.
MARK -- For lists with a TYPE attribute value "marked," the MARK attribute
may be used to provide a character(s) or character entity(ies) to mark each
list entry. For example, a bulleted list:
<list type="marked" mark="•">
MOREROWS -- see Tabular Display Attributes
NAMEEND -- see Tabular Display Attributes
NAMEST -- see Tabular Display Attributes
NORMAL -- A consistent form, usually from a controlled vocabulary list,
of the content of the following elements can be provided to facilitate retrieval: <corpname>, <famname>, <function>, <genreform>, <geogname>, <name>, <occupation>, <persname>, <subject>,
and <title>. In <date> and <unitdate>, the NORMAL attribute
follows ISO 8601 Representation of Dates and Times, as specified in
the DATEENCODING attribute in <eadheader>.
NUMERATION -- For lists with a TYPE attribute of "ordered," the NUMERATION
attribute specifies the type of numeration. Values are:
- arabic
- upperalpha
- loweralpha
- upperroman
- lowerroman
OTHERLEVEL -- The hierarchical level of the materials described in <archdesc>, <c>, <c01-12>,
and <archdescgrp> can be specified when the semi-closed list in the LEVEL
attribute (e.g., collection, fonds, series, etc.) does not contain an appropriate
term. Set LEVEL to "otherlevel" and then supply the preferred term in the OTHERLEVEL
OTHERTYPE -- The TYPE attribute in <dsc> has a semi-closed list,
of which one of the values is "othertype." If the format of the <dsc> is
not one of the types in the semi-closed list, one can be specified in the OTHERTYPE
PARENT -- see Linking Attributes
PGWIDE -- see Tabular Display Attributes
PLACEMENT -- The location of the information in the <runner> element
is displayed in print (foot or head) or as a digital watermark (background).
Values are:
PUBLICID -- A formal public identifier (FPI) in <eadid> that
includes the owner name and an object name. Defined in ISO/IEC 9070:1991, the
FPI is intended to be universally unique, with each owner name being unique,
and each object name unique within the name domain controlled by the owner.
RELATEDENCODING -- A descriptive encoding system, such as MARC, ISAD(G),
or Dublin Core, to which certain EAD elements can be mapped using the ENCODINGANALOG
attribute. RELATEDENCODING is available in <ead>, <eadheader>,
and <archdesc>; the <eadheader> elements might be mapped to Dublin
Core elements while the body of the finding aid (<archdesc>) might instead
be mapped to MARC or ISAD(G).
RENDER -- The formatting of the content of an element is controlled
for display and print purposes. Available in <emph>, <title>, and <titleproper>.
See also ALTRENDER. Values are:
- altrender
- bold
- doublequote
- bolddoublequote
- bolditalic
- boldsinglequote
- boldsmcaps
- boldunderline
- italic
- nonproport
- singlequote
- smcaps
- sub
- super
- underline
REPOSITORYCODE -- A unique code in <unitid> indicating the repository
responsible for intellectual control of the materials being described. The
code should be taken from ISO/DIS 15511 Information and documentation--International
Standard Indentifier for Libraries and Related Oranizations (ISIL), as
specified in the <eadheader> REPOSITORYENCODING attribute.
REPOSITORYENCODING -- The authoritative source or rules for values
supplied in the MAINAGENCYCODE attribute in <eadid> and the REPOSITORYCODE
attribute in <unitid>. Available only in <eadheader>, the REPOSITORYENCODING
attribute should be set to "iso15511."
ROLE -- A contextual role or relationship for the person, family, corporate
body, or geographic location within <persname>, <famname>, <corpname>, <geogname>,
and <name>, elements. In linking elements such as <ptr>, information
that explains to application software the part that a remote resource plays
in a link.
ROWSEP -- see Tabular Display Attributes
RULES -- Name of the descriptive rules or conventions that govern the
formulation of the content of the element.
SCRIPTCODE -- The three-letter code for the writing script used with
a given language. The code should be taken from ISO 15924 Code for the Representation
of Names of Scripts. Available in <language>.
SCRIPTENCODING -- The authoritative source or rules for values supplied
in the SCRIPTCODE attribute in <language>. Available only in <eadheader>,
the SCRIPTENCODING attribute should be set to "iso15924."
SHOW -- see Linking Attributes
SOURCE -- The source of the controlled vocabulary term contained in
the element. Available in subelements of <controlaccess>, i.e., <corpname>, <famname>, <function>, <genreform>, <geogname>, <name>, <occupation>, <persname>, <physdesc>, <subject>,
and <title>.
TARGET -- see Linking Attributes
TITLE -- see Linking Attributes
TO -- see Linking Attributes
TPATTERN -- see Tabular Display Attributes
TYPE -- The TYPE attribute is available for a number of elements; its
characteristics vary depending on the element to which it applies. Some instances
of TYPE have closed lists (e.g., <unitdate>), others have semi-closed
lists (e.g., <dsc>), and most permit character data (CDATA) (e.g., <accessrestrict> and <physloc>).
The semi-closed list in <dsc> contains a value of "othertype," which
allows the specification of an appropriate value in the OTHERTYPE attribute.
See individual element descriptions for specific uses for this attribute.
UNIT -- Any unit of measurement may be expressed in <dimensions>, <extent>,
and <physfacet>.
URL -- An absolute (http://www.loc.gov/ead/ms99999.xml) or relative
(ms99999.xml) Uniform Resource Locator. Available only in <eadid>.
URN -- A Uniform Resource Name intended to serve as a persistent, location-independent,
resource identifier.
VALIGN -- see Tabular Display Attributes
XMLNS -- XML Namespace declaration for the EAD standard, which should
be set to "urn:isbn:1-931666-00-8." Available only in <ead> and <eadgrp>,
but must be manually activated.
XPOINTER -- see Linking Attributes