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J. Skelly Wright

A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress

Prepared by Connie L. Cartledge
Revised by Connie L. Cartledge with the assistance of Michael W. Giese
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress

Washington, D.C.


Contact information:

Finding aid encoded by Library of Congress
Manuscript Division, 2003

2004-07-09 converted from EAD 1.0 to EAD 2002

Table of Contents

Collection Summary

Selected Search Terms




Administrative Information


Processing History:

Copyright Status:

Preferred Citation:

Biographical Note

Scope and Content Note

Organization of the Papers

Description of Series

Container List

General Correspondence, 1947-1987, n.d.

United States District Court File, 1933-1963, n.d.

General Correspondence, 1949-1962, n.d.
Case File, 1948-1962, n.d.
Opinions, 1949-1963
Office Files, 1933-1962, n.d.

United States Court of Appeals File, 1959-1987, n.d.

Case File, 1962-1987
Opinions, 1962-1986
Office Files, 1959-1987, n.d.

Speeches and Writings File, 1956-1987, n.d.

Miscellany, 1935-1981, n.d.

Collection Summary

Title: Papers of J. Skelly Wright
Span Dates: 1933-1987
Bulk Dates: (bulk 1948-1986)
ID No.: MSS58982
Creator: Wright, J. Skelly, 1911-1988
Extent: 81,200 items; 232 containers; 116 linear feet
Repository: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Abstract: Attorney, judge, and educator. Personal and professional correspondence, case files, opinions, memoranda, reports, speeches and writings, financial papers, teaching material, clippings, printed matter, and photographs relating primarily to J. Skelly Wright's legal and judicial career.
Language: Collection material in English

Selected Search Terms

The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the Library's online catalog. They are grouped by name of person or organization, by subject or location, and by occupation and listed alphabetically therein.

Wright, J. Skelly
Ainsworth, Robert Andrew, 1910-1981
Bass, Jack
Black, Hugo LaFayette, 1886-1971
Borah, Wayne G., 1891-1966
Breazeale, H. Payne (Hopkins Payne), b. 1886
Brown, John Robert, 1909-
Bush, Earl Benjamin--Trials, litigation, etc.
Cameron, Benjamin Franklin, 1890-1964
Coles, Robert
Christenberry, Herbert William, 1897-1975
Davis, Kenneth Culp
Deutsch, Eberhard P. (Eberhard Paul), 1897-1980
Estrich, Susan
Fortas, Abe
Foster, G. W. (George William), 1919-
Frank, John Paul, 1917-
Friendly, Fred W.
Hansen, Carl F.--Trials, litigation, etc.
Hinckley, John W.
Hobson, Julius W.--Trials, litigation, etc.
Hutcheson, Joseph C. (Joseph Chappell), 1879-1973
Lumbard, J. Edward (Joseph Edward), 1901-
Mize, Sidney C. (Sidney Carr), 1888-1965
Mortimer, Lee, 1904-1963
Murphy, Thomas F. (Thomas Francis), 1905-
Read, Frank T., 1938-
Reagan, Ronald--Assassination attempt, 1981
Rostow, Eugene V. (Eugene Victor), 1913-
Slovenko, Ralph
Sobeloff, Simon Ernest, 1894-1973
Loyola University (New Orleans, La.). School of Law --Faculty
Orleans Parish School Board--Trials, litigation, etc.
United States. Court of Appeals (District of Columbia Circuit)
United States. District Court (Louisiana : Eastern District)
United States. Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals

Administrative agencies
Civil rights
Courts--Washington (D.C.)
Criminal law
Judges--Washington (D.C.)
Law--Study and teaching--Louisiana
School integration--Louisiana
School integration--Washington (D.C.)
Watergate Affair, 1972-1974


Administrative Information


The papers of J. Skelly Wright, attorney, judge, and educator, were deposited in the Library of Congress by Wright in 1979 and converted to a gift in 1987. An addition was received in 1988.

Processing History:

The papers of J. Skelly Wright were arranged and described in 1990. The finding aid was revised in 2003.

Copyright Status:

Copyright in the unpublished writings of J. Skelly Wright in these papers and in other collections of papers in the custody of the Library of Congress has been dedicated to the public.

Preferred Citation:

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container number, J. Skelly Wright Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Biographical Note

Date Event
1911, Jan. 14 Born, New Orleans, La.
1931 Ph.B., Loyola University, New Orleans, La.
1934 LL.B., Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
1936-1937 Lecturer, English history, Loyola University, New Orleans, La.
1937-1942 Assistant United States attorney, New Orleans, La.
1945 Married Helen Mitchell Patton
1945-1946 Assistant United States attorney, New Orleans, La.
1948-1949 United States attorney, Eastern District, Louisiana
1949-1962 Judge, United States District Court, Eastern District, Louisiana
1950-1962 Faculty, Loyola University School of Law, New Orleans, La.
1961 LL.D., Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
1962-1987 Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit; chief judge, 1978-1981
1981-1987 Judge, Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals of the United States; chief judge, 1982-1987
1988, Aug. 6 Died, Bethesda, Md.

Scope and Content Note

The papers of James Skelly Wright (1911-1988) span the years 1933-1987, with the bulk of the papers dating from 1948 to 1986. The papers document Wright's career as a judge on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, 1949-1962, and the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, 1962-1987. The papers consist of five series: General Correspondence, United States District Court File, United States Court of Appeals File, Speeches and Writings File, and Miscellany.

The General Correspondence series includes incoming and outgoing correspondence relating to Wright's professional and personal interests. Much of the correspondence from 1962 through 1987 is from members of the legal profession and relates to professional matters.

The United States District Court File is divided into four subseries: General Correspondence, Case File, Opinions, and Office Files. The chronological files in the General Correspondence subseries contain incoming and outgoing correspondence pertaining mainly to district court matters. The latter part of this subseries, segregation correspondence, consists of letters to Wright about his civil rights decisions from 1956 through 1962. These letters reflect the deep emotional anguish felt by not only the people of Louisiana, but individuals throughout the United States.

The Case File subseries, arranged chronologically by date of last court action, constitutes the bulk of the district court series and consists primarily of papers relating to cases that came before Wright as a judge in the Eastern District of Louisiana. Also included, however, are case files documenting Wright's service as a visiting judge for other circuits, mainly the Southern District Court of New York, and a few cases about which Wright made no decisions but were of interest to him. Both the Case File and the Opinions subseries reflect the wide range of cases that came before the Eastern District Court during Wright's thirteen-year tenure. Two areas in which Wright was considered particularly adept were maritime law and civil rights. The latter brought him into national prominence with his decision in 1960 on Bush v. Orleans Parish School Board. His enforcement of the law mandated by the 1954 Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education led to the desegregation of the public schools in New Orleans, an arduous process that earned him the wrath and hatred of many in the local white community. The case sheets preceding the case files provide a summary of many of Wright's cases from 1949 through 1954. Papers in the Opinions subseries consist of opinions written by Wright and a few opinions written by others. Most of Wright's opinions are typescripts, although those of later years also include final printed versions. The opinions, arranged chronologically by year, are preceded by an alphabetical index, which for most of the cases identifies when they were decided. Opinions also appear in the Case File and Office File subseries.

Papers in the Office Files subseries include correspondence, memoranda, opinions, notes, charges to juries, and reports documenting Wright's administrative activities and his involvement in judicial conferences and local law institutes.

The United States Court of Appeals File constitutes over half of the collection. This series documents Wright's twenty-five years of service as a judge on the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals and his six years on the Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals. Papers in this series are divided into the following subseries: Case File, Opinions, and Office Files.

The Case File subseries includes correspondence and memoranda (chiefly between the judges, the court clerk, and lawyers), briefs, opinions, orders, writs, petitions, vote sheets, notes, background information, clippings, and printed matter. Cases are arranged chronologically by court term beginning in September of each year and therein alphabetically by case. There are, however, exceptions to this order such as opinions and other documents generated after the court term ended in June. This material is usually filed in the previous court term, i.e., an opinion written in August 1979 would be filed in the September term of 1978. Case sheets, organized chronologically by calendar year as Wright's staff arranged them, precede the cases and provide a detailed summary of Wright's caseload. The majority of his files pertain to criminal cases and cases involving federal regulatory agencies. Although known for being a champion of civil liberties in criminal justice cases and a proponent of equal justice for the poor, Wright had the most impact in the area of civil rights. His decision in Hobson v. Hansen curbed discriminatory policies in the District of Columbia school system. In that case Wright sought to end de facto segregation in the public schools by ordering that education resources be equalized throughout Washington, D.C. Other interesting cases relate to the presidency of the United States, including the Watergate burglary and coverup during the Nixon administration and John Hinckley's arrest for the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

Papers in the Opinions subseries include published opinions written by Wright and also lists indicating authorship of opinions and case assignments for the District of Columbia Circuit Court. The opinions are arranged chronologically by year, and located in the first folder of each year is an index identifying the names and subjects of cases heard by Wright.

The Office Files subseries relates to Wright's administrative duties and professional activities during his tenure on the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals and the Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals of the United States. The files reflect Wright's activities in such areas as judicial conferences and councils, investiture ceremonies, and moot court.

The Speeches and Writings File documents Wright's busy schedule as a speaker and writer. Appearing primarily before law classes and legal conferences, Wright's speech files consist chiefly of typescripts and background information, although many of his speeches contain handwritten notations. The majority of the correspondence relates to scheduling matters for speaking engagements. The writings contain book reviews and articles written primarily for legal journals.

The final series in the papers, Miscellany, includes correspondence, memoranda, financial papers, teaching materials, photographs, clippings, and printed matter. The majority of the series focuses on Wright's law classes as a professor at Loyola University in New Orleans, 1951-1961, and his early career as a notary public, 1936-1942.

Among the most significant and frequent of Wright's correspondents are Robert Andrew Ainsworth, Jack Bass, Hugo LaFayette Black, Wayne G. Borah, H. Payne Breazeale, John Robert Brown, Ben Franklin Cameron, Robert Coles, Herbert William Christenberry, Kenneth Culp Davis, Eberhard P. Deutsch, Susan Estrich, Abe Fortas, G. W. Foster (1919- ), John Paul Frank, Fred W. Friendly, Joseph C. Hutcheson (1879-1973), J. Edward Lumbard, Sidney C. Mize, Lee Mortimer, Thomas F. Murphy, Frank T. Read, Eugene V. Rostow, Ralph Slovenko, and Simon Ernest Sobeloff.

Organization of the Papers

The collection is arranged in five series:

Description of Series

Container Series
BOX 1-9

General Correspondence, 1947-1987, n.d.

Correspondence with friends, acquaintances, family, colleagues, and the general public, including attachments and enclosures such as clippings and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or name of person or institution and chronologically therein.
BOX 9-71

United States District Court File, 1933-1963, n.d.

BOX 9-14 General Correspondence, 1949-1962, n.d.
Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments and enclosures, between Wright and judges, lawyers, and the general public relating to his judicial duties.
Arranged chronologically with correspondence relating to segregation matters filed at the end.
BOX 14-60 Case File, 1948-1962, n.d.
Correspondence, memoranda, briefs, opinions, notes, case sheets, clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged chronologically by calendar year and therein alphabetically, although case sheets for the years 1949-1954 are filed as a group at the beginning of the subseries.
BOX 60-62 Opinions, 1949-1963
Opinions, written primarily by Wright, consisting chiefly of typescripts, although files of later years also include final printed copies. Opinions written by Wright and others on segregation cases are filed separately.
Arranged chronologically by calendar year. An alphabetical index precedes the opinions.
BOX 62-71 Office Files, 1933-1962, n.d.
Correspondence, memoranda, opinions, speeches, charges to juries, background information, notes, reports, clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 71-210

United States Court of Appeals File, 1959-1987, n.d.

BOX 71-167 Case File, 1962-1987
Correspondence, memoranda, briefs, opinions, orders, writs, petitions, vote sheets, background information, notes, case sheets, clippings and printed matter pertaining to Wright's duties as a judge on the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals and the Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals.
Arranged chronologically by court term, although alphabetically arranged case sheets precede the cases.
BOX 167-186 Opinions, 1962-1986
Opinions by Wright, including lists indicating Wright's case assignments, and opinions of the full court.
Arranged chronologically by year, although lists of opinions by both Wright and the appeals court precede Wright's opinions.
BOX 186-210 Office Files, 1959-1987, n.d.
Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, meeting agendas, reports, notes, personnel files, background information, clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 210-230

Speeches and Writings File, 1956-1987, n.d.

Correspondence, speeches, articles, book reviews, notes, research material, lists, clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 230-232

Miscellany, 1935-1981, n.d.

Correspondence, memoranda, financial papers, teaching materials, photographs, clippings and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material.

Container List

Container Contents
BOX 1-9

General Correspondence, 1947-1987, n.d.

Correspondence with friends, acquaintances, family, colleagues, and the general public, including attachments and enclosures such as clippings and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or name of person or institution and chronologically therein.
BOX 1 “Ac-Ce” miscellaneous, 1947-1985
(11 folders)
BOX 2 “Ch-Com” miscellaneous, 1950-1986
(3 folders)
Congratulatory, 1978-1981
(3 folders)
“Con-Ea” miscellaneous, 1950-1987
(7 folders)
BOX 3 Eccentrics, 1964-1987
(7 folders)
“Ed-El” miscellaneous, 1951-1968
BOX 4 “En-Han” miscellaneous, 1950-1987
(11 folders)
BOX 5 “Har-La” miscellaneous, 1949-1987
(10 folders)
BOX 6 “Leb-Lou” miscellaneous, 1951-1984
(3 folders)
Loyola University, New Orleans, La., 1955-1962
“Lu-Moo” miscellaneous, 1950-1986
(6 folders)
Mortimer, Lee, 1954-1960
“Mor-Mun” miscellaneous, 1952-1982
Murphy, Thomas F., 1951-1985
BOX 7 “Mur-Se” miscellaneous, 1949-1986
(12 folders)
Segregation, 1963-1969
BOX 8 “Sh-Sla” miscellaneous, 1951-1982
(2 folders)
Slovenko, Ralph, 1962-1983
“Sm-Tr” miscellaneous, 1949-1985
(7 folders)
Tulane University, New Orleans, La., 1953-1962
(2 folders)
BOX 9 “Tur-Z” miscellaneous, 1951-1987
(8 folders)
Unidentified, 1963-1977, n.d.
BOX 9-71

United States District Court File, 1933-1963, n.d.

BOX 9-14 General Correspondence, 1949-1962, n.d.
Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments and enclosures, between Wright and judges, lawyers, and the general public relating to his judicial duties.
Arranged chronologically with correspondence relating to segregation matters filed at the end.
BOX 9 1949-1955
(3 folders)
BOX 10 1955-1961, n.d.
(10 folders)
BOX 11 Segregation correspondence
Favorable, 1956-1962
(11 folders)
BOX 12 Unfavorable
1956, Jan.-1960, Nov.
(10 folders)
BOX 13 1960, Nov.-1962, Apr.
(10 folders)
BOX 14 1962, Apr.-Aug.
(2 folders)
BOX 14-60 Case File, 1948-1962, n.d.
Correspondence, memoranda, briefs, opinions, notes, case sheets, clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged chronologically by calendar year and therein alphabetically, although case sheets for the years 1949-1954 are filed as a group at the beginning of the subseries.
BOX 14 Case sheets, 1949-1954
(3 folders)
Koistinen v. American Export Lines
In re SS Stella Lykes
In re Woods
Crescent Towing & Salvage Co. v. Barge MV117
Netherlands Gov't v. Bisso
Rebstock-Simmons v. American Cent. Ins. Co.
Savin v. American Motorists Ins. Co.
Aucoin v. Houston Fire and Casualty Co.
Belanger v. Great Am. Indem. Co.
Bernstein v. Texas Co.
Bollotte v. Southern Pac. Co.
In re Bouboulis
Calvert Distillers Corp. v. Schwegmann Bros.
(2 folders)
Chamberlin v. Palmer
(1 folder)
BOX 15 (1 folder)
City of Orange v. Fidelity and Deposit Co.
Collins v. Allied Chem. & Dye Corp.
Crist v. Public Belt R.R. Comm'n
Danziger v. United States
Dean v. Thomas
Dominguez v. American Casualty Co.
Drake, Thompson & Co. v. Columbia Casualty Co.
Fanguy v. Hooper Constr. Co.
Gilkison v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Gillies v. Coyle Lines
Goebel v. Railway Express Agency
Goldstein v. Newark Fire Ins. Co.
Hagood v. Consolidated Cos., 1950
Hickman v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Illinois Cent. R.R. v. City of New Orleans
(2 folders)
Jones v. Lumbermen's Mut. Casualty Co.
June Dairy Prods. v. Calhoun
Kieff v. Texas Co.
Kline v. Esso Standard Oil Co.
In re Louie
Louisiana S. Ry. v. Armour & Co.
Loyola Univ. v. Sun Underwriters Ins. Corp.
(1 folder)
BOX 16 (2 folders)
Lyons v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Madigan v. Greyhound Corp.
Massett v. Motor Vessel Explorer
McCartney v. Brown Land & Royalty Co.
In re McQuillan
Mitchell v. Ocean Accident and Guar. Corp.
In re SS Myken
In re Nacol
New England Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Merritt
Rectangle Ranch Co. v. Board of Comm'rs
Reider v. Thompson
Rheuark v. Hooper
Romero v. Humble Oil & Ref. Co.
(2 folders)
Sutherland Specialty Co. v. Louisiana Power & Light Co.
(2 folders)
Tennessee Gas Transmission Co. v. Lewis
Tide Water Associated Oil Co. v. Tug My Girl II
Tynes v. Williams Lumber Co.
United States v. Burton
United States v. Reeder
Vaccaro v. Occidental Life Ins. Co.
White v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
BOX 17 Wilson v. Board of Supervisors
Woods v. Robinson
Woods v. Tompkins
Andignac v. Brady See also Container 28, same heading
Aucoin v. Illinois Cent. R.R.
Barnes v. New Orleans Pub. Belt R.R.
Barthelemy v. Luckenbach-Gulf S.S. Co.
Caldarola v. United States
Capella v. Zurich Gen. Accident and Liab. Ins. Co.
Catalano v. United States
Columbia Casualty Co. v. Henderson
Compania Maritima Samso Limitada v. Moran Towing
Cotter v. Lamothe
Coyle Lines v. Cities Serv. Ref. Corp.
Coyle Lines v. United States See also Container 23, same heading
Crockett v. Hortman
(4 folders)
Cruz v. Simonsen & Astrup
Cushing v. Texas & Pac. R.R.
BOX 18 Dennis v. Shell Oil Co.
Edmundsen v. Gilcrease Oil Co.
Ferris v. Texas Pacific-Missouri Pac. Terminal R.R.
Flynn v. United States
In re Gallo
Gillean v. St. Paul Mercury Indem. Co.
Goulette v. Standard Dredging Corp.
Grosch v. Item Co. See also Container 33, same heading
In re Grosz & Grosz
Gulf Oil Corp. v. United States
Housing Auth. v. Lamy
Huff v. Louisville & Nash. R.R.
Indian Ridge Canning Co. v. Trawler Captain Nick
Johnston-Warren Lines v. United States
(2 folders)
Louisiana v. George
Luke, Inc. v. Slats-O-Wood Awning Co.
Lyle Cashion Co. v. McKendrick
McKneely v. Waldorf Mfg. Corp.
McWilliams Dredging Co. v. Tanker ship C. B. Watson
Merritt v. New England Mut. Life Ins. Co.
Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Anderson
Miller v. United States Fidelity and Guar. Corp.
In re Nugent
Paciera v. Underwriters
Plaisance v. Southern Shell Fish Co.
Powell v. Toye Bros. Yellow Cab Co.
Pure Oil Co. v. Geotechnical Corp.
(2 folders)
Rosenbaum v. Walters
In re Sansone
Scott v. Mooney
Sherwood Ref. Co. v. District 50, United Mine Workers
Sintes v. Travelers Indem. Co.
BOX 19 Smith v. United States
Southern Acceptance Co. v. American Motorists Ins. Co.
Spillman v. Southern States Iron & Roofing Co.
Stall and McDermott v. Tug Southern Cross
Stern v. Continental Casualty Co.
Thrasher v. Drake
Travelers Indem. Co. v. Mayeux
Tresler Oil Co. v. Tug Marie Louise
United States v. Chapman
United States v. Gold
United States v. Nine acres of land, St. Mary's Parish
United States v. Rieger
United States v. Robinson
United States v. Ward
Voltaggio v. Babin
Ward v. New Orleans Pub. Belt R.R.
Womack v. Aetna Casualty and Sur. Co.
Algiers Iron Works and Dry Docks Co. v. SS Fritz Schliewen
American Sugar Ref. Co. v. Illinois Cent. R.R.
(2 folders)
Applebaum v. Paramount Pictures
Appleton v. Ansardi
In re Banks
Bengert v. Algiers Pub. Serv. Co.
Black v. Texas & Pac. R.R.
Boyd v. R. P. Farnsworth & Co.
Burros Bag Co. v. Gulf Shipside Corp.
Burton v. United States
Butler v. Employers Mut.
C. Jim Stewart & Stevenson Servs. v. Tug Protector
Calmes v. Tug Bessemer
BOX 20 Cities Serv. Oil Co. v. SS Champoeg
(2 folders)
Crutchfield v. Hyer Towing Co.
Dalhart v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Department of Highways v. Coyle Lines
In re Doerr
Durkin v. United States
Esso Standard Oil Co. v. Smith
Fagundes Sucena v. Mississippi Shipping Co.
Farmer v. Massachusetts Power Co.
Fidelity-Phenix Fire Ins. Co. v. Flota Mercante del Estado
Freeport Sulphur Co. v. Aetna Life Ins. Co.
(2 folders)
Galveon v. Employers Mut. Liab.
Gangloff v. American Sur. Co.
Garon v. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.
George v. Easterly
Godchaux v. United States
Green v. United States
BOX 21 Herrin Transp. Co. v. United States
(2 folders)
Hutchinson v. Richardson
Jackson v. Cathcart Allied Storage Co.
Jefferson Lake Sulphur Co. v. Walet
Koslusky v. United States
Kugler v. Philadelphia Fire and Marine Ins. Co.
Lapuyade v. Pacific Employers Ins. Co.
La Teare Co. v. Naquin
Lotz Towing Co. v. Donnaud
Macaluso v. Great Am. Indem. Co.
McBride v. Home Ins. Co.
Morgan v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.
Nunez v. Richardson
Olivieri v. Isthmian S.S. Co.
O'Neal Elec. Co. v. Air Conditioning Eng'rs
Packnette v. Lodato
Page v. United States
Pittman v. Surdich
Poplovitsch v. Grosch
Pure Oil Co. v. Tug Fred B. Zigler
Ritter v. St. Paul-Mercury Indem. Co.
BOX 22 Shell Oil Co. v. SS Pinta
Shultz v. Hunt
Skyline Drive-In Theater v. Paramount Pictures
Sosna v. Motor vessel Safco I
Standard Oil Co. v. United States See also Container 28, same heading
(3 folders)
Sugar Field Oil Co. v. Louisiana
United States v. Bird
United States v. Harris
United States v. One 1950 Mercury sport sedan
United States v. One thousand acres of land, Plaquemines Parish
Upper Miss. Towing Corp. v. Gulf Coast Towing Co.
Westley v. Iberville Parish School
Williams v. Hartford Accident & Indem. Co.
Yates v. De Soto Hotel Co.
Zagouris v. Ahrens
Adams v. Home Indem. Co.
Archie v. Shell Oil Co.
Bisso v. Inland Waterways Corp. See also Container 33, same heading
(2 folders)
Bolen v. States Marine Corp.
BOX 23 Boudoin v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
(2 folders)
Brandt v. Employers Mut. Ins. Co.
Brien v. Aetna Casualty & Sur. Co.
Charia v. Hemisphere Int'l Corp.
Colvin v. Claunch
Compania de Navegacion Cristobal, S.A. v. Tug Lisa R
(2 folders)
Coyle Lines v. United States See also Container 17, same heading
(3 folders)
DePascal v. Whiteman
Durkin v. C. W. Vollmer & Co.
Dyer v. Fidelity-Phenix Fire Ins. Co.
(1 folder)
BOX 24 (1 folder)
Eli Lilly and Co. v. Schwegmann Bros. Giant Super Mkts. See also Container 33, same heading
(2 folders)
Fabre v. Employers Mut. Liab. Ins. Co.
Farina v. United States
Giamalva v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Glens Falls Indem. Co. v. Henderson
In re Gustave
Hendry Corp. v. Aircraft Rescue Vessels
Holahan v. Misuraca
Jackson v. American Fire and Casualty Co.
Jefferson Island Salt Co. v. Local 28, Int'l Chem. Workers Union
Johnson v. Esso Standard Oil Co.
Krause v. New Orleans Terminal Co.
Lewis sisters
(3 folders)
BOX 25 Louisiana Sav. Bank & Trust Co. v. Globe Indem. Co.
Marcades v. New Orleans Terminal Co.
Marcello v. Ahrens
Mathis v. Landry
Maulet v. Southern R.R.
Mayronne Drilling Mud, Chem. & Eng'g Serv. v. Jordan
McManus v. Harrison
Murry v. Toye Bros. Airport Serv.
Nichols v. Allstate Ins. Co.
North Atl. & Gulf S.S. Co. v. New Orleans Stevedoring Co.
Rogers v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Sanchez v. Globe Indem.
In re Shapiro
T. A. Gaskin Lumber Co. v. Airline Lumber Co.
Tucker v. United States Fidelity and Guar. Co.
Tureaud v. Board of Supervisors
United States v. Cohen
United States v. Delgado
Vanderwyde v. Denno
W. Horace Williams Co. v. Wakulla
Weil v. Donnelly
Appolonio v. Baxter
In re bankruptcy
BOX 26 Barbier v. Farmers Ins. Exch.
Billeandeau v. Temple Assocs., Inc.
Blake v. Travelers Indem. Co.
Byrd v. Napoleon Ave. Ferry Co.
Celanese Corp. v. John Clark Indus.
Columbia Casualty Co. v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Compania De Maderas De Caibarien, S.A. v. The Queenston Heights
(2 folders)
Davis v. MS Tennessee
Davis v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Estevez v. Ahrens
Ewin v. Donnelly
General Am. Transp. Corp. v. Tug Patricia Chotin
Gowin v. Buras
Gulf Mobile and Ohio R.R. v. Louisiana Pub. Serv. Comm'n
Gulf Ref. Co. oil fire
(2 folders)
Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. v. Schwegmann Bros. Giant Super Mkts.
BOX 27 Holahan v. Thomas
Hughey v. SS Ionian Explorer
J. S. Gissel & Co. v. Dixie Carriers, Inc.
John I. Hay Co. v. Towboat Allen B. Wood
Johnson v. Fidelity Mut. Ins. Co.
Joseph v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co.
Knight v. United States
Lambert Assocs. Co. v. Kapelow
Lamon v. Standard Oil Co.
Louisiana & Ark. R.R. v. Johnson
Louisiana Land and Exploration Co. v. Wisner Estates
Louisiana Pub. Serv. Comm'n v. United States
(2 folders)
In re McNab
In re Melanol libel
Mississippi Pub. Serv. Comm'n v. United States
Mitchell v. Boisseau
Mitchell v. Myrtle Grove Packing Co.
Mixon v. United States
National Labor Relations Bd. v. Warren Co.
Pictorial Films v. Stevens Pictures
BOX 28 Renfrow v. New Orleans Tex. and Mex. Ry.
In re Motor tanker Ringfjell
Scanlan v. Boudreaux
Sikes v. Williams Lumber Co.
Standard Oil Co. v. United States See also Container 22, same heading
Tardiff v. Bank Line
United Fruit Co. v. Tug M. D. Whiteman
United States v. Brant
United States v. Courson
United States v. Haber
United States v. Jackson
United States v. Leiter Minerals
(2 folders)
United States v. One 1949 Oldsmobile sedan
United States v. One 1951 Chevrolet Tudor
United States v. One thousand acres, Michoud Indus. Facilities
United States v. Quartello
United States v. Smith
United States v. Ver Bryck
United States v. Wedlow
United States ex rel. Abed v. Ahrens
Weil v. United States
West Virginia Oil & Gas Co. v. George E. Breece Lumber Co.
Williams v. Conforto
Wise v. United States
Zacarias v. Rhode Island Ins. Co.
American Fidelity & Casualty Co. v. Drexler
Anderson v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Andignac v. Brady See also Container 17, same heading
Beckanstan v. United States
Bernard v. Employers Liab. Assurance Corp.
Brock v. United States
Brown v. Louisville and Nash. R.R.
Brown-Forman Distillers Corp. v. R. Theriot Liquor Stores, Inc.
Burden v. United States
Carter v. United States
BOX 29 Chemical Barge Lines v. Koch-Ellis Marine Contractors
Columbus Lumber Co. v. LeMieux Bros.
(2 folders)
Daum v. Orange Crush Bottling Co.
Davis v. Mississippi Shipping Co.
Dickerson v. Illinois Cent. R.R.
Douglas v. Sea Ins. Co.
Draughen v. New Orleans and North E. R.R.
In re Ethridge
Fidelity and Deposit Co. v. Theard See also Container 41, same heading
Gillespie v. W. A. Ransom Lumber Co.
Harper v. Rhea
(2 folders)
Harrell v. United States
Helton v. United States
Hickman v. United States
In re Hobbs
International Molders & Foundry Workers Union, Local 294 v. Western Foundry Co.
Jacks v. New York Life Ins. Co.
Jefferson Lake Sulphur Co. v. Lambert
Johnson v. Pierson
Jones v. Coal Operators Casualty Co.
Kent v. Shell Oil Co. See also Container 41, same heading
BOX 30 Landry v. Inland Waterway Corp.
Landry v. Petroleum Bell Helicopter Serv., Inc.
Maloney v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Martin v. Young
Maryland Gas Co. v. Kador
McBride v. United States
Merchant v. Montgomery Ward and Co.
Miller v. United States
Mills v. Texas Compensation Ins. Co.
Mitchell v. C. W. Vollmer & Co.
Olan Mills, Inc. v. Enterprise Publishing Co.
Orsak v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Otis, McAllister & Co. v. United Fruit Co.
Overby v. USF&G Co.
Payne v. Traders and Gen. Ins. Co.
In re Pellegrin
Police Jury v. Louisiana Power and Light Co.
Poole v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co. See also Container 51, same heading
Porter v. New Orleans & Northeastern R.R.
Pure Oil Co. v. Tug F. B. Walker
Pure Oil Co. v. Geotechnical Corp.
Pure Oil Co. v. Jack Neilson, Inc.
Ragas v. Giordano
Rauch v. Gulf Ref. Co.
Seabolt v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Seismograph Serv. Corp. v. Offshore Raydist
(2 folders)
BOX 31 (7 folders)
BOX 32 (1 folder)
Sherwood Ref. Co. v. Whiteman
Smith v. United States
Steel Mfg. Co. & Industrias De Alambres De Hierro Y De Acero v. SS Union Pioneer
Straw v. United States
Sullivan v. United States
Texas and New Orleans R.R. v. Patton-Tully Transp. Co.
United Distillers of Am. v. TS Ionian Pioneer
(2 folders)
United States v. Brewster
United States v. Burns
United States v. Kight
United States v. Nabers
United States v. Terito
United States v. White
United States v. Williams
United States v. Wilson
United States ex rel. Toth v. Quarles
Varisco v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.
Vloutis v. United States
BOX 33 Ward v. Mississippi Shipping Co.
Williams v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Alabama bus case
Ambler v. Indiana Lumbermen's Mut. Ins. Co.
Angel v. Louisiana State Bd. of Educ.
Araguel v. Houck
Ard v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Bank for Sav. v. Bradley
Barrios v. Canadian Indem. Co.
Barrios v. Giordano
Bartholomew v. Home Indem. Co.
Bass v. Hartford Accident & Indem. Co.
Bergeron v. Sigler
Big State Barging Co. v. Calmes
Bisso v. Inland Waterways Corp. See also Container 22, same heading
Board of Levee Comm'rs v. Richardson & Bass
Bourgeois v. Bankers Fire & Marine Ins. Co.
In re Boutte
Bufkin v. Zurich Ins. Co.
Butler v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Cavitt v. Travelers Indem. Co.
Chauvin v. Employers Liab. Assurance Corp.
Collins v. Cities Serv. Oil Co.
Commonwealth v. Beaulieu
Conrad v. Citizens Casualty Co.
Cooney v. Louisville & Nash. R.R.
Corona v. Fidelity and Casualty Co.
Cotton exchange case
Cousins v. Ball
Cucullu v. Lumberman's Mut. Casualty Co.
Daigle v. Louisiana Power & Light Co.
Dambrino v. Mississippi Shipping Co.
Davis v. East Baton Rouge Parish School Bd. See also Container 49, same heading
Debwar, Inc. v. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
In re Delta Tank Mfg. Co.
Dinet v. Taliancich
Dr. C. H. Tichenor Antiseptic Co. v. Schwegmann Bros. Giant Super Mkts.
Edwards v. Stewart
Edwins v. B-W Acceptance Co.
Eli Lilly and Co. v. Schwegmann Bros. Giant Super Mkts. See also Container 24, same heading
Evans v. Continental Casualty Co.
Gillis v. Durbin Bond & Co.
Grantham v. Isthmian S.S. Co.
Grosch v. Item Co. See also Container 18, same heading
SS Gulf Farmer v. Gulf & S. Am. S.S. Co.
H. J. Baker & Bros. v. SS Schauenburg
Hartwell v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.
Hunter v. New Amsterdam Casualty Co.
Hunter v. Phillips Petroleum Co.
Indian Towing Co. v. Motor vessel Suwannee
(1 folder)
BOX 34 (1 folder)
Jahncke Serv. v. General Truck Drivers, Local 270
Jarrell v. General Motors Corp.
Jones v. Bisso
Jones v. Utah Home Fire Ins. Co.
Karno v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.
Kinsella v. Kruger
Koenann v. United States
LeBus v. General Truck Drivers, Local 270
(2 folders)
LeBus v. Local 406, International Union of Operating Eng'rs
(2 folders)
Ledet v. New Orleans Pub. Belt R.R. Comm'n
Levatino v. Pan Am. Casualty Co.
Louisiana Bank & Trust Co. v. Globe Indem. Co.
Lykes Bros. S.S. Co. v. Tug A. W. Whiteman
Manufacturers Casualty Ins. Co. v. Martin-Lebreton Ins. Agency
Marchal v. General Geophysical Co.
Marshall v. Maginnis
Michigan Mut. Liab. Co. v. Calmes Eng'g Co.
Mississippi Valley Barge Line Co. v. T. L. James & Co.
(1 folder)
BOX 35 (1 folder)
Mistrich v. Trawler Presscillia
Montanaro v. Dover S.S. Co.
Morris v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Moss v. Audubon Ins. Co.
Mumme v. Grain Dealers Mut. Ins. Co.
National Labor Relations Bd. v. Item Co.
Olin Indus., Inc. v. Schwegmann Bros. Giant Super Mkts.
Osborn v. Swope
Owens v. Thompson
Pitre v. Manufacturers Casualty Ins. Co.
Port Barre Indus. v. Cooperatives of Louisiana
Proctor v. Alexander
Prudential Ins. Co. v. Williams
Pruitt v. Terrebonne
Rineay v. Employers Group Ins. Co.
Rojas v. Robin
Royes v. Texas and New Orleans R.R.
Savoie v. Texas Co.
Segregato v. American Auto. Ins. Co.
Sen v. United States Immigration and Naturalization Serv.
Shelton v. United States
Shields v. Illinois Cent. R.R.
Sougeron v. Kuebel
Starkey v. Manufacturers Casualty Ins. Co.
Stevens v. Employers Mut. Liab. Ins. Co.
T. Smith & Son v. SS Etrusco
In re MS Tennessee
Texas Co. v. Gianfala
United States v. Angelet
United States v. Guillot
United States v. Hatch
United States v. Louisiana E. R.R. Corp.
United States v. Morrison
United States v. Residence, 18 Pamela St., Arabi, La.
United States v. Segura
United States v. Wegner
Walsh v. Board of Comm'rs
Watkins v. Texas and Pac. Ry.
Weber v. Henderson
BOX 36 Widgler v. United States
Adams v. Loffland Bros. Co.
American Sur. Co. v. Weber
Appelbaum v. Seafood Distribs. Corp.
Boone v. Employers Mut. Liab. Ins. Co.
Brantley v. California Co.
Brectel v. United States Casualty Co.
Brewer v. Aetna Casualty and Sur. Co.
In re Briggs
Buras v. Timolat See also Container 49, same heading
Campbell v. Southwestern Fire and Casualty Co.
Capehorn S.S. Co. v. Texas Co.
(2 folders)
Carsley v. Gulf Oil Co.
In re Century Metalcraft
Chiropractor cases
City of Thibodaux v. Louisiana Power & Light Co.
Cobb v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Collette v. Employers Casualty Co.
Cortez v. Sabine
Dickey v. Employers Liab. Assurance Corp.
Doize v. United States Fidelity & Guar. Co.
Dominguez v. United States
Dufrene v. Aetna Casualty & Sur. Co.
Dupre v. Hartford Accident & Indem. Co.
In re Edwards
Evans v. Atlantic Ref. Co.
Falls Indus. v. Consolidated Chem. Indus. See also Container 53, same heading
(2 folders)
Fedrowisch v. Mississippi Shipping Co.
Foto v. Layton
Garrick v. Blakney
Geiger v. Globe Indem. Co.
Graham v. Traders & Gen. Ins. Co.
Griswald v. American Sur. Co.
Guilbeau v. Louisiana Land and Exploration Co.
BOX 37 Gumpert v. United States
Hall v. Continental Drilling Co.
Hannahan v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co.
Hughes v. Greyhound Corp.
Industrial Marine Serv. v. American Barge Line Co.
Jacob v. Donnelly
Kelly v. United States
King v. Ocean Accident and Guar. Corp.
Kirst v. Aetna Casualty and Sur. Co.
Kuhnell v. United States Fidelity & Guar. Co.
LeBus v. Sefarers Int'l Union
Lee v. Schulte & Bruns
LeJune v. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corp.
Marcus v. Mississippi Shipping Co.
In re Massey
Migliore v. New Amsterdam Casualty Co.
Milton v. Fidelity Mut. Ins. Co.
Mizell v. American Explorers Ins. Co.
Moore v. United Fruit Co.
Morgan v. Merritt
Morton Salt Co. v. Wattigny
Mosley v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
New York Life Ins. Co. v. DeMetz
Newman v. Hartford Accident and Indem. Co.
Noto v. State Farm Mut. Ins. Co.
Page v. Grain Dealers Mut. Ins. Co.
Park Place Ass'n v. New Orleans City Park Improvement Ass'n
Pinion v. Mississippi Shipping Co.
Pitre v. Tidelands Exploration Co.
Pontheuiex v. Illinois Cent. R.R.
Quickie Sales Co. v. D. H. Holmes Co.
Rabalais v. United States Fidelity and Guar. Co.
Raunio v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Reed v. Federal Barge Lines
Richmond v. Tug Connie C. Cenac
Rio Palmea Compania Naviera, S.A. v. Barge FBL 264 See also Container 47, same heading
Rodriquez v. Massachusetts Bonding & Ins. Co.
Scott v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Shields v. American Motorists Ins. Co.
Sneed v. Alcoa
Sougeron v. Travelers
Taylor v. B. F. Goodrich Co.
Texas Co. v. Insco Trader
Thurber Corp. v. Fairchild Motor Corp.
(1 folder)
BOX 38 (1 folder)
Toye v. United States
Trautman v. Coci
United States v. Amador
United States v. Azcona
United States v. Brown
United States v. Kaplan
United States v. Massicot
United States v. New Orleans Ins. Exch.
(4 folders)
BOX 39 (3 folders)
United States v. Rolland
United States v. Tyree
Unks v. Travelers Ins. Corp.
Vinet v. Weiner
Vodopija v. Tennessee Gas Transmission Co.
Waterford Oil Co. v. Prentice
Wendt v. Folsom
Whitfield v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Wilkinson v. American Mut. Liab. Ins. Co.
Wolfe v. Tug SS Bratt
In re Ace Freight Lines
Ajax Fence Works v. Armenent Deppe, S.A.
Albanese v. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corp.
Barnes v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co.
Barron v. Coci
Bennett v. Avondale Marine Ways
Berlin v. Cahn
Bernard v. Western Casualty & Sur. Co.
Birmingham Fire Ins. Co. v. Grizzaffi Dredging Co.
Boone v. Edmondson Towing Co.
Brack v. Carlo Landi & Co.
Breland v. Phoenix Ins. Co.
Brizzard v. Pure Oil Co.
Brooks v. New Amsterdam
Brown v. Illinois Cent. R.R.
Bruce v. Debuse Barras Co.
Brunet v. Phoenix Ins. Co.
Butler v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Butler v. Celotex Corp.
California Co. v. SS Aenos
Carver v. Edwards Transp. Co.
Casanova v. Louisiana Power & Light Co.
Chouest v. Employers Mut.
Cobb v. Wagner
Collins v. Louisiana State Bd. of Educ.
Courtney v. Traders & Gen. Ins. Co.
Cross v. New Amsterdam Casualty Co.
Danos v. Tug Henry Louis
BOX 40 Deepwater Exploration Co. v. Andrew Weir Ins. Co.
(2 folders)
Delaune v. Hibernia Nat'l Bank
Delta Theaters v. Paramount Pictures
(3 folders)
Deroche v. Williams
DiCarlo v. Pacanins
Dill v. Plaquemine Towing Co.
Dixie Mach. Welding & Metal Works v. United States
(2 folders)
BOX 41 Drabik v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Dubrey v. T.S.C. Motor Freight Lines & Continental Casualty Co.
Duet v. Louisiana Power & Light Co.
Dufrene v. Tug Diversity
Dukes v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Durr v. Usry
Edwins v. United States Fidelity & Guar. Co.
Employers Liab. Assurance Corp. v. Bank Bldg. & Equip. Corp.
Falkins v. SS Else Hugo Stinnes
Fidelity and Deposit Co. v. Theard See also Container 29, same heading
First Nat'l Bank v. Oil Screw Kingfish
Fishman v. Travelers Indem. Co.
Flowers v. American Sur. Co.
Frentz v. United States
Galmiche v. Petrolane Gas Co.
Gaspar v. Pure Oil Co.
George H. McFadden & Bros. v. MS Sunoak
Globe Indem. Co. v. Employers Liab. Assurance Corp.
Gonzalez v. National Sur. Co.
Guardian Life Ins. Co. v. Guardian Nat. Life Ins. Co. See also Container 50, same heading
Harrell v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Harrington v. Globe Indem. Co.
Harris v. Traders and Gen. Ins. Co.
Hilty v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Holaway v. Traders & Gen. Ins. Co.
Hoshman v. Esso Standard Oil Co.
Independent Circulation Union v. Item Co.
Jefferson and Plaquemines Drainage Dist. v. United States
Jones v. O'Hara See also Container 55, same heading
Joseph v. Poley
Kelly v. Aetna Casualty and Sur. Co.
Kent v. Shell Oil Co. See also Container 29, same heading
Labat v. Sigler
Land O'Lakes Creameries v. Louisiana State Bd. of Health
La Rocca v. Pan Am. Fire and Casualty Co.
LaRose v. Capital Builders Supply
BOX 42 Lennox v. National Lead Co.
Louisville and Nash. R.R. v. Equitable Equip. Co.
In re Louisiana Gas Serv. Co.
Lovel v. Board of Comm'rs
Lusk v. Guarisco
Lykes Bros. S.S. Co. v. Union Carbide & Carbon Corp.
(2 folders)
Manship v. United States
Martens v. Barrett
Mascair v. Liberty Mut.
Matherne v. Continental Casualty Co.
Mayronne Mud & Chem. Corp. v. T-W Drilling Co.
McCommon v. Roberts
McKean v. W. Horace Williams Co.
McKinney v. American Employers Ins. Co.
Meraux v. United States
Morton's Auction Exch. v. New Orleans & Northeastern R.R.
Murry v. Ingersoll-Rand Co.
Naquin v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Newalk v. United States
Nile, Inc. v. Warner Bros. Pictures Distrib. Corp.
Noah v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co.
Normand v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Odio v. New Amsterdam Casualty Co.
O'Mera v. Austral Oil Exploration Co.
Ory v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Palmisano v. United States
Patin v. Southwestern Fire and Casualty Co.
Perez v. Marine Transp. Lines
Pitre v. Gulf Ref. Co.
Pitre v. Peerless Ins. Co.
Pitts v. Lefwich Co.
BOX 43 Pugh v. Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mut. Ins. Co.
Pumilla v. Shell Chem. Corp.
Randall v. Travelers Indem. Co.
Regal v. Employers Casualty Co.
Remetich v. American Motorists Ins. Co.
Rittenberg v. United States
Rochon v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co.
Rodrigue v. Employers Mut. Liab. Ins. Co.
Rodriguez v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Rogers v. Hartford Mut. Ins. Co.
Rose v. Bloomfield S.S. Co.
Rotolo v. Texas & New Orleans R.R.
Ruckstuhl & Fick, Inc. v. Western Casualty and Sur. Co.
Rudesill v. Illinois Cent. R.R.
St. Mary Sewing Mach. Center v. A. C. Weber & Co.
Salyer v. California Co.
Serpas v. W. Horace Williams Co.
Southern Ry. Co. v. United States
(2 folders)
Stern v. United States
(2 folders)
Stern v. Woolner
Storm v. American Motorists Ins. Co.
Strahan v. Greyhound Corp.
Streiffer v. Seafarers Sea Chest Corp.
Texas and New Orleans R.R. v. City of New Orleans See also Container 51, same heading
BOX 44 Texas Co. v. Williams
Theriot v. Mercer
Thomas v. W. Horace Williams Co.
Toomey v. SS Asteris
Tuteur & Co. v. SS Ittersum
United States v. Broker
United States v. Conrad
United States v. Marchand
United States v. Miller
United States v. One thousand acres of land, Plaquemines Parish
(3 folders)
United States v. Paternostro
United States ex rel. Goins v. Sigler
Wiggins v. Humble Oil & Ref. Co.
Woods v. United Van Lines
Yuratich v. American Employers Ins. Co.
Adams v. Coal Operators Casualty Co.
In re Menhaden vessel Algarvio
Atlantic & Gulf Stevedores v. Donovan
Aucoin v. Graybar Elect. Co.
Baham v. Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Ins. Co.
Bargone v. Wainwright
Barthe v. Omnium S.S. Co.
Berenson v. Fidelity Mut. Ins. Co.
Bloomfield S.S. Co. v. Sabine Pilots Assoc.
Borden Co. v. McCrory
BOX 45 Bourne, Inc. v. Romero
Bouvier v. Travelers Indem. Co.
Brothers v. North Atl. Marine Co.
Brown v. St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co.
Burkhardt v. New Amsterdam Casualty Co.
Burris v. Noble Drilling Corp.
Bush v. Bernuth Lembcke Co.
Carlisle v. American Auto. Ins. Co.
Casbon v. Stockard S.S. Corp.
Chiapetta v. Peerless Ins. Co.
Clark v. Westinghouse Elect. Corp.
Collins v. Gulf Ref. Co.
Compania Anonima Venezolana De Navegacion v. Mandry
Continental Grain Co. v. Federal Barge Lines
Conyer v. Continental Casualty Co.
Cook & Co. v. Gulf Shipside Storage Corp.
Crawford v. Poller
Cronin v. General Ins. Co. of America
Daniel v. United States
Davis v. American Sur. Co.
Davis v. J. Ray McDermott Co.
Dillon v. Lloyd's of London
Dupre v. United Serv. Co.
Evans v. North River Ins. Co.
Failing v. Lumber Mut.
Fleury v. Motor vessel Fawn
Foster v. Employers Liab. Assurance Corp.
In re Fourroux
Gardner v. Fairchild
General Elec. Co. v. Lamar
Glass v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Guidry v. Todd Johnson Shipyard
Guillory v. Drilling Tools
Gulf Wave Towing Co. v. Mitchell
Guyton v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co.
Harper v. L. E. Farley, Inc.
Harrington v. GMAC
Heim v. Underwood Corp.
Hero Lands Co. v. Donely
Hilbun v. Brown & Root
Holahan v. Elamco Corp.
Hughes v. Deckard
Irby v. Employers Liab. Assurance Corp.
J. A. Folger & Co. v. United Fruit Co.
James v. United States Casualty Co.
Jeandron v. American Auto. Ins. Co.
Jerrie Ice Co. v. Col-Flake Corp.
(1 folder)
BOX 46 (1 folder)
Jesse v. Frissard
John Deere Co. v. Mississippi Shipping Co.
Kahook v. Johnson
Kinchen v. Southwestern Fire & Casualty Co.
Koch-Ellis Marine Contractors v. SS Capetan Dimitris
LaGrange v. Employers Liab. Assurance Corp.
Ledbetter v. Employers Mut. Assurance Corp.
Leehans v. American Employers Ins. Co.
Lewis v. Folkes
Lewis Lumber Co. v. Raziano
Little v. Texas Co.
Littleton v. Shell Oil Co.
Lo Cicero v. Columbia Casualty Co.
Local 130, International Bhd. of Elec. Workers v. Mississippi Valley Elec. Co.
Louisiana v. Bannister
Louisville & Nash. R.R. v. Indian Towing Co.
L'Urbaine et la Seine v. Rodriguez
MacGeachie v. Globe Indem. Co.
Madureira v. Bloomfield S.S. Co.
Manufacturers Record Publishing Co. v. Lauer
(2 folders)
Martin-LeBreton Ins. Agency v. Manufacturers Casualty Ins. Co.
Mattern v. Newark Ins. Co.
McKendrick v. O'Mears
Mercer v. Theriot
Miller v. Joseph Jurisich Marine Serv. Inc.
In re Barge Mister K
Moody v. Dixilyn Drilling Corp.
Morris v. Security Ins. Co.
Murray Co. v. Continental Gin Co.
Navegacion Castro Riva, S.A. v. MS Nordholm
BOX 47 Nicosia v. Boh Bros. Constr. Co.
Norton v. London Guar. and Accident Co.
In re Oil Transp. Co.
(2 folders)
Oldham v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Pan Am. Petroleum Corp. v. O'Meara
Parrish v. Reuben H. Donnelly Corp.
Payne v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.
Pelican Creamery v. United States
Penguin Frozen Foods v. Gateway, Inc.
Pepper v. American Casualty Co.
Perez v. SS Omnium Trader
Pizzolato v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.
Policare v. United States
Raleigh v. Bryant
Raymond Concrete Pile Co. v. Crescent Towing & Salvage Co.
Rio Palmea Compania Naviera, S. A. v. Barge FBL 264 See also Container 37, same heading
Rivers v. Travelers Indem. Co.
Ruhe v. North German Lloyd Line
(2 folders)
Savoy v. Sam Carline, Inc.
Schwabach & Co. v. Gulf Shipside Storage Co.
(2 folders)
Schwarz v. United States
BOX 48 Service Stages v. Greyhound Corp.
In re Sharp
South La. Chapter v. Local Union 130, Int'l Bhd. of Elec. Workers
Stassi v. Federal Ins. Co.
Superior Oil Co. v. Roland
Swift v. Hartford Accident and Indem. Co.
T. L. James & Co. v. Mississippi Valley Barge Line Co.
Tate v. Fidelity-Phenix Fire and Casualty Co.
Thibodeaux v. J. Ray McDermott & Co.
Travelers Ins. Co. v. Baker
Travelers Ins. Co. v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.
Trigg v. Gracey-Hellums Corp.
United States v. Fertitta
United States v. Feuer
United States v. Klimm
United States v. Mesko
United States v. Oliveri
United States v. Peter
United States v. Ranson
United States v. 747.2 acres of land, W. Baton Rouge Parish
United States v. Young
Varnado v. Flemming
Wabash R.R. v. Towboat Irene Chotin
Ward v. Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries
White v. Hartford Accident and Indem. Co.
Wilson v. Sampson Bros.
Yarborough v. New Orleans Pub. Serv.
Adams v. Kelly Drilling Co.
Airport Parking v. New Orleans Aviation Bd.
Amerlux Steel Prods. Corp. v. N. V. Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaartmaatschappij
Atlantic & Gulf Stevedores v. SS West Princess
Avant v. Oil Transp. Co.
BOX 49 Avondale Marine Ways v. Tug Crescent Cities
Baltimore Contractors v. Carpenters' Dist. Council
Barattini v. Fidelity and Casualty Co.
Baton Rouge Transp. Co. v. Hutton
Bell v. Martin
Boudreaux v. W. A. Ransom Lumber Co.
Boudreaux v. W. Horace Williams Co.
Bowman v. Kerr-McGee Oil Indus.
Breaux v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Brown v. Cia Compania Maritima Del Nervion
Buras v. Timolat See also Container 36, same heading
California Transp. Corp. v. Tug Accentor
Cunningham v. Securities Inv. Co.
Dairy cases
Daniels v. States Marine Corp.
Davis v. East Baton Rouge Parish School Bd. See also Container 33, same heading
Detroit Football Co. v. Robinson
(2 folders)
Drake v. Iowa Mut. Ins. Co.
Evans v. Evans
Ferran v. Illinois Cent. R.R.
First Nat. Bank and Trust Co. v. Towboat Seneca
BOX 50 Gaubert v. Public Belt Comm'n for New Orleans
George Engine Co. v. OS Hutton No. 3
Glassman v. Ken Miller, Inc.
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. v. Moran Towing & Transp. Co.
Griffin v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Griggs v. Lane Butane Co.
Guardian Life Ins. Co. v. Guardian Nat. Life Ins. Co. See also Container 41, same heading
Gunzburg v. Frellsen
Gust v. Employers Liab. Assurance Corp.
Hamilton v. Delta Air Lines
Hayden v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Hayes v. Food Town Ethical Pharmacies
Hilaire v. Texas & New Orleans R.R.
Hinson v. Michigan Mut. Liab. Co.
International Milling Co. v. United Fruit Co.
J. Ray McDermott & Co. v. Department of Highways
Johnson v. United States
Jones v. United States
Jupiter v. United States
Landry v. American Tidelands, Inc.
Landry v. New Amsterdam Casualty Co.
LeBeouf Bros. Towing Co. v. Higman Towing Co.
LeBus v. International Union of Operating Eng'rs, Local 406
Lilly v. Corley Produce Co.
Liquid Carbonic Corp. v. Flota Mercante Grancolombian, S.A.
Louisiana News Co. v. Dayries
(2 folders)
BOX 51 (1 folder)
Luke v. Veazey
Lussan v. Grain Dealers Mut. Ins. Co.
Manues v. Ships and Power
Marine Equip. v. Martin
Mechanical Equip. Co. v. Oil screw Marie & Joan
Mervis v. United States
Miles v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co.
Mississippi Valley Barge Line Co. v. Derrick Barge John McGrath
Mitchell v. Dominique's Stockyards
Mitchell v. O'Meara-Sterling
Morgan v. Aetna Casualty & Sur. Co.
Morgan v. American Sur. Co.
Motichek v. Maryland Casualty
New Amsterdam Casualty Co. v. Harrington
In re Palmer
Pan Am. Fire & Casualty Co. v. Revere
Petroleum Eng'g & Tool Co. v. O'Meara Bros.
Piowaty Fruit Co. v. Alcoa S.S. Co.
Police Jury v. United States
Poole v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co. See also Container 30, same heading
Reese v. Hartford Accident & Indem. Co.
Robertson v. Banana Handlers Int'l Longshoremen's Ass'n, Local 1800
Ropner Shipping Co. v. Freeport Sulphur Co.
St. Tammany Dairy Prods. v. National Dairy Prods. Corp.
Schnauder v. Peerless
Schram v. Lumbermen's Mut. Casualty Co.
Seals v. States Marine Lines
Seismograph Serv. Corp. v. Offshore Raydist
Silverman v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Smith v. Louisiana Power & Light Co.
Stuart v. Williams
T. Smith & Son v. Williams
Texas and New Orleans R.R. v. City of New Orleans See also Container 43, same heading
(2 folders)
BOX 52 Travelers Indem. Co. v. Bergeron
Trueman v. United States
Tryniecki v. Aetna Casualty & Sur. Co.
United States v. Byrnes
United States v. Kimmel
United States v. Manusco
United States v. Marcone
United States v. McClung
United States v. Shipman
United States v. 2175 acres of land, Pointe Coupee and W. Feliciana Parishes
United States v. Welch
United States v. Williamson
United States v. Wolf
United States ex rel. Smith v. Walker
Von Kurnatowski v. Dun and Bradstreet
Wells v. Marsolan
Wiggins v. Baton Rouge Coal & Towing Co.
Wilson v. Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Co.
Wilson v. Wilson
Zippo Mfg. Co. v. Manners Jewelers
Aiple v. SS Evgenia G
Alcoa S.S. Co. v. Charles Ferran & Co.
Aldrich v. Usry
Aldridge v. Railroad Retirement Bd.
Alexander v. Kaiun
Bankhead v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Barge Transp. Co. v. Weiner
In re Barnett's, Inc.
Bell v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co.
Berghoefer v. Johnson
Blitzstein v. Ford Motor Co.
Braniff v. Jackson Ave.-Gretna Ferry
Broussard v. MS Anvers
Brown v. Duncan
Butler v. Rounsaville
In re Campbell
Carver Progressive Club v. Miriani
In re Coffey
BOX 53 Cox v. Roberts
Cutrer v. Humble Oil & Ref. Co. See also Container 58, same heading
(2 folders)
Drewery v. Shell Oil Co.
Dubuque Packing Co. v. City of New Orleans
Edgerly v. Ribicoff
England v. Louisiana State Bd. of Medical Examiners
Esso Export Corp. v. SS Pacific Conqueror
Esso Standard Oil Co. v. Welsh
Falls Indus. v. Consolidated Chem. Indus. See also Container 36, same heading
Field v. Greyhound Corp.
Fraering Brokerage Co. v. United States
In re Freeport Sulphur Co.
Frellsen v. Johannessen
Galioto v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Gilbert Pac. v. Donovan
Gilbreath v. Motor vessel Three Rivers, Inc.
Great Atl. and Pac. Tea Co. v. Jones
Gross v. Hartline
Guess v. Read
H & K Corp. v. Farnsworth & Chambers Co.
Hall v. St. Helena Parish School Bd.
(2 folders)
BOX 54 (4 folders)
Hampton v. Illinois Cent. R.R.
Henry v. Easley
Hill v. George Engine Co.
Holmes v. Carrinhas
Hook v. New Amsterdam Casualty Co.
Hornsby v. Dobard
Hougland v. Motor vessel Carport
In re Howard
Howell v. Baton Rouge Coal & Towing Co.
Hyche v. United States
Illinois Cent. R.R. v. Gulf, Mobile & Ohio R.R.
J. Ray McDermott & Co. v. Motor vessel Iberia
BOX 55 Jacobs v. Southern Bell Tel. Co.
James v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Jewell v. Grain Dealers Mut. Ins. Co.
Jones v. O'Hara See also Container 41, same heading
Juncker v. T. L. James & Co.
Kelley v. Consolidated Underwriters
Kennedy v. Central Gulf S.S. Corp.
Labiche v. Certain Ins. Cos.
Lamb v. American Fidelity & Casualty Co.
Landry v. Bankers Fire and Marine Ins. Co.
In re Lawrence
LeBus v. Building and Constr. Trades Council
LeBus v. Local 60, United Ass'n of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Indus.
Lipari v. Sam Carline
Lockmon v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Loffland Bros. Co. v. Tidewater Marine Serv.
Lott v. United States
Loupe v. Ideal Mut. Ins. Co.
Manning v. Maryland Casualty Co.
In re Marino
Marydale Prods. Co. v. United Packinghouse Workers
Mattiesen v. Northwestern Mut. Ins. Co.
McIlhenny Co. v. B. F. Trappey's Sons
McKenna v. Wallis
(3 folders)
BOX 56 (1 folder)
Michaels v. Louisiana
Mitchell v. Capitol Tomato Co.
Moore v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Moses v. Central La. Elec. Co.
Mott v. Wofford Folse, Inc.
Mud Supply Co. v. Deogracias
Myles v. Quinn Menhaden Fisheries
Neale v. United States Casualty Co.
Newman v. St. Tammany Drainage Dist. No. 2
Odum v. Penn Mut. Life Ins. Co.
Pearce v. Pure-Vac Dairy Prods.
Peed v. Tug Jessie J.
Peerless Ins. Co. v. Schnauder
Pigeon Hole Parking v. Pigeon Hole Parking
Pilie v. Insurance Co. of N. America
Pincomb v. Town & Country Materials
Popich v. McDermott
Raines v. United States Fidelity and Guar. Co.
Richland Dev. Co. v. Staples
Rolland v. Commissioner
Rosser v. Denver-Albuquerque Motor Transp.
Ruthoske v. Mazzi
Schwabe v. Motor vessel Birney R
Silver v. Agricultural Ins. Co.
Sims v. Ins. Co.
Smith v. International Longshoremen's Ass'n, Local 1419
Southern Couriers v. Transcontinental S. Lines
Texas Co. v. Grizzaffi Dredging Co.
Thomson Mach. Co. v. Larose
(1 folder)
BOX 57 (1 folder)
Uddo & Taormina Co. v. Levant Line
United States v. Adams
United States v. Astore
United States v. Massiah
United States v. Pesano
United States v. Thorne
United States v. Trinity Universal Ins. Co.
Van Zandt v. United States
Wall v. Mitchell
Wendt v. Mississippi Shipping Co.
Williams v. Donovan
Williams v. Milwhite Sales Co.
Williams v. Towboat Ben McCool
Wills v. Great Atl. & Pac. Tea Co.
Bush v. Orleans Parish School Bd.
(3 folders)
BOX 58 Christian v. United States
Cutrer v. Humble Oil & Ref. Co. See also Container 53, same heading
(3 folders)
In re Cutting
Guillory v. Administrators of Tulane Univ.
Leavell v. Alton Ochsner Medical Found.
Meyers v. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co.
Reliance Ins. Co. v. Orleans Parish School Bd.
(3 folders)
United States v. Leiter Minerals
BOX 59 Undated
American Bonding Co. v. Perry
American Sugar Ref. Co. v. Henderson
Anselmi v. Offshore Boat Rental Serv.
Ballard v. United States Casualty Co.
Barris v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Cos.
Bearman v. New Orleans Pub. Belt R.R.
Blades v. Fidelity Mut. Ins. Co.
Bolden v. Brazile
Bond v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co.
Boudreaux v. Mississippi Shipping Co.
Broggi v. Henderson
Cornwell v. Lindsey
Cummings v. Travelers Indem. Co.
Davis v. Sedgebeer
Denham v. Russell Co.
Gatewood v. Mississippi Shipping Co.
Geophysical Serv. v. Gorman
Hollis v. Page
Holt v. Travelers Indem. Co.
Holstream v. S. H. Kress & Co.
Judson v. Illinois Cent. R.R.
Kelly v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co.
Lombardo v. Fidelity Mut. Ins. Co.
Louisiana & Ark. Ry. v. Rauch
McGowan v. St. Paul Mercury Indem. Co.
Michael v. Fidelity Mut. Ins. Co.
New Orleans Great N. Ry. Co. v. Cooper
Norris v. Maryland Casualty Co.
O'Shields v. North River Ins. Co.
Pacific Fire Ins. Co. v. Blood
In re Pan Am. S. Corp.
Pittman v. Continental S. Lines
Preston v. Leto
Rogers v. Kerr-McGee Oil Indus.
Rosenthal v. Scribbles Co.
Schultz v. Texas Co.
Sinters v. Travelers Indem. Co.
Steele v. New Orleans Pub. Belt R.R.
Taylor v. Great Amer. Indem. Co.
In re Thompson
Tiller v. Atlantic Coast Line R.R.
United States v. Braun
United States v. Chapman
United States v. Jones
United States v. Moia
United States v. Poretto
Vail v. Emmco Ins. Co.
Vorenkamp v. Traders & Gen. Ins. Co.
Walsdorf v. Warner
Williams v. Illinois Cent. R.R.
Willis v. Low
Wilson v. Thompson
BOX 60 Miscellany, 1955-1957, n.d.
BOX 60-62 Opinions, 1949-1963
Opinions, written primarily by Wright, consisting chiefly of typescripts, although files of later years also include final printed copies. Opinions written by Wright and others on segregation cases are filed separately.
Arranged chronologically by calendar year. An alphabetical index precedes the opinions.
BOX 60 Index, 1949-1961
(8 folders)
BOX 61 1955-1962
(8 folders)
BOX 62 1959-1962
(2 folders)
Segregation, 1957-1963
BOX 62-71 Office Files, 1933-1962, n.d.
Correspondence, memoranda, opinions, speeches, charges to juries, background information, notes, reports, clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 62 Administrative Office of the United States Courts, statistical reports, 1950-1960
(2 folders)
Admiralty rules, 1951
Boggs Narcotic Act Committee, 1951-1954
Charges to the jury
Accident, 1953-1962, n.d.
(3 folders)
General, n.d.
(1 folder)
BOX 63 (1 folder)
Condemnation cases, 1941-1955, n.d.
(2 folders)
Conspiracy-income tax evasion, 1933-1939, n.d.
(2 folders)
1935, 1957
(2 folders)
BOX 64 (2 folders)
Harrison Narcotic Act-Marijuana Tax Act, n.d.
Grand jury, 1949, 1958, n.d.
Seaman cases and Jones Act cases, 1962, n.d.
(2 folders)
Clerk's office, administrative office reports, 1952-1959
(3 folders)
Designations to other districts, 1951-1954
BOX 65 Habeas corpus, 1953-1954
Judgeship, Eastern District, 1951-1954
Judicial Conference
Fifth circuit
Committee on Pre-Trial Procedure, 1941-1957
(7 folders)
BOX 66 1952-1957
(9 folders)
BOX 67 1959-1960
(4 folders)
United States
Committee meetings, Galveston, Tex.
(5 folders)
BOX 68 1959
(3 folders)
Jurisdiction, probationers transfer, 1952, n.d.
Jury panels, selected samples, 1950-1959
(2 folders)
Legal memoranda, 1944, 1951, n.d.
Louisiana State Law Institute
(2 folders)
BOX 69 1956-1957
(6 folders)
BOX 70 1958
Pending cases reports, 1941-1952
(13 folders)
Personnel, 1950-1954
BOX 71 Time study, 1954-1956
(2 folders)
BOX 71-210

United States Court of Appeals File, 1959-1987, n.d.

BOX 71-167 Case File, 1962-1987
Correspondence, memoranda, briefs, opinions, orders, writs, petitions, vote sheets, background information, notes, case sheets, clippings and printed matter pertaining to Wright's duties as a judge on the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals and the Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals.
Arranged chronologically by court term, although alphabetically arranged case sheets precede the cases.
BOX 71 Case sheets, 1962-1987
(6 folders)
BOX 72 Cl-Ha
(8 folders)
BOX 73 He-Mc
(9 folders)
BOX 74 Me-Se
(9 folders)
BOX 75 Sh-Z
(8 folders)
1962 September term
Dew v. Hallaby
BOX 76 Killough v. United States
(3 folders)
1963 September term
In re Application, President of Georgetown Univ.
(4 folders)
BOX 77 (1 folder)
1964 September term
Lefton v. City of Hattiesburg
1965 September term
Williams v. Walker-Thomas Furniture Co.
1966 September term
Harris v. United States
(3 folders)
1967 September term
Edwards v. Habib
BOX 78 Gaston County v. United States
Watts v. United States
1968 September term
Bassinger v. United States
Harrison v. United States
(2 folders)
1969 September term
Baker v. United States
Williams v. United States See also Container 79, United States v. Williams
(2 folders)
BOX 79 1970 September term
Calvert Cliffs' Coordinating Comm. v. United States Atomic Energy Comm'n
(2 folders)
United States v. Washington Post Co.
1971 September term
Capital Broadcasting Co. v. Mitchell
Mayers v. Ridley
(2 folders)
Rodriguez v. Seamens
United States v. Williams See also Container 78, Williams v. United States
1972 September term
Business Executives' Move for Vietnam Peace v. Federal Communications Comm'n
(1 folder)
BOX 80 (1 folder)
Brandywine-Main Line Radio v. Federal Communications Comm'n
International Bhd. of Elec. Workers, Local 134 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
(3 folders)
United States v. Bland
United States v. Moore
(2 folders)
BOX 81 United States v. Robinson
(5 folders)
1973 September term
Baker v. Sard
Haldeman v. Sirica
Nixon v. Sirica
(1 folder)
BOX 82 (2 folders)
Senate Select Comm. v. Nixon
Students Challenging Regulatory Agency Procedures v. United States
(2 folders)
1974 September term
Eastern Ky. Welfare Rights Org. v. Shultz
National Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Palmer v. Hart
(3 folders)
United States v. Barker
BOX 83 United States v. Chapin
United States v. DeDiego
United States v. Hunt
United States v. Liddy
Wilderness Soc'y v. Morton
(3 folders)
1975 September term
Aleut Corp. v. Alaska Fed'n of Natives
AMOCO Oil Co. v. Environmental Protection Agency
Avrech v. Secretary of the Navy
Buckley v. Valeo
(2 folders)
BOX 84 Chisholm v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Day v. Mathews
Ethyl Corp. v. Environmental Protection Agency
(3 folders)
United States v. Abney
United States v. Ecker
United States v. Reinecke
1976 September term
Aluminum Co. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Animal Welfare Inst. v. Kreps
Black Broadcasting Coalition v. Federal Communications Comm'n
BOX 85 City of Los Angeles v. Coleman
Clark v. Valeo
(2 folders)
Committee for Humane Legislation v. Kreps
Enterprise Ass'n of Steam, Local 638 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Forrestal Village v. Graham
Foster v. Boorstin
Fund for Animals v. Kreps
Gray v. Greyhound Lines
Grueninger Int'l Travel v. Air Transp. Ass'n
Gunnell Constr. Co. v. District of Columbia
Hackley v. Roudebush
(2 folders)
BOX 86 (1 folder)
Home Box Office v. Federal Communications Comm'n
(3 folders)
National Org. for the Reform of Marijuana Laws v. Drug Enforcement Admin.
National Tank Truck Carriers v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
New York Stock Exch. v. Bloom
Northwest Airlines v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
BOX 87 Parker v. Califano
Phillippi v. Central Intelligence Agency
REA Express v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Silentman v. Federal Power Comm'n
Stewart v. Ford Motor Co.
United States v. Ford
(2 folders)
United States v. General Motors Corp.
United States v. Haldeman
(2 folders)
BOX 88 United States v. Johnson
United States v. Mardian
United States v. Morgan
United Transp. Union, Local 1699 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Weissman v. Central Intelligence Agency
1977 September term
Allegheny Airlines v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
Allen v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Alliance for Labor v. General Servs. Admin.
American Pac. Int'l v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
American Train Dispatchers Ass'n v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Arizona Elec. Power Coop. v. Federal Power Comm'n
Arkansas La. Gas Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
ASARCO v. Environmental Protection Agency
Attorney Gen. v. Trinidad & Tobago Indus. Dev. Corp.
Baker v. Central Intelligence Agency
Barry v. District of Columbia Bd. of Elections and Ethics
Bilingual Bicultural Coalition on Mass Media v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Boroughs of Chambersburg and Mont Alto v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Braniff Airways v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
Bristol Myers Co. v. Federal Trade Comm'n
California v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
Center for Auto Safety v. Cox
Committee to Protect the First Amendment Rights of Employees of the Dep't of Agric. v. Bergland
Consumers Union of United States v. Heimann
Cooperative Servs. v. United States Dep't of Hous. and Urban Dev.
BOX 89 Council of Forest Indus. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Curtis v. Califano
Davis v. United States
Delta Air Lines v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs v. Boughman
Durbin Paper Stock Co. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
General Serv. Employees Union, Local 73 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Ginsburg, Feldman & Bress v. Federal Energy Admin.
Halkin v. Helms
Higgins v. Marshall
Hobson v. Hansen
(7 folders)
BOX 90 1967-1972
(4 folders)
Compliance reports
(3 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX 91 (7 folders)
BOX 92 (4 folders)
Leckie and Patterson elementary schools
(1 folder)
BOX 93 (3 folders)
Kerr-McGee Chem. Corp. v. Andrus
Koniag, Inc. v. Andrus
Leneweaver v. Washington Metro. Area Transit Auth.
Marks v. Central Intelligence Agency
MCI Telecommunications Corp. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
(2 folders)
BOX 94 Merit Motors v. Chrysler Corp.
National Ass'n of Demolition Contractors v. Costle
National Auto. Dealers Ass'n v. Board of Governors National Passenger Traffic Ass'n v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
North Cent. Airlines v. Continental Oil Co.
Office of Communication v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Oppenheim v. Campbell
Ray v. Proxmire
Reporters Comm. for Freedom of the Press v. American Tel. & Tel Co.
(2 folders)
Reuss v. Balles
Ricks v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Rieser v. District of Columbia
Ryan v. Federal Deposit Ins. Corp.
Schmalzried v. Jordan
Seabold World Airlines v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
Socialist Workers 1974 Nat. Campaign Comm. v. Jennings
Sweatt v. United States Navy
Texas E. Transmission Corp. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Thunderbird Motor Freight Lines v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
United States v. Bailey
United States v. Benlizar
United States v. Boney
United States v. DaCosta
United States v. General Motors Corp.
BOX 95 United States v. Hall
United States v. J. W. Bateson Co.
United States v. James
United States v. Johnson
United States v. Kearns
United States v. Kenny
United States v. Randall
United States v. Scios
United States v. Sheppard
United States v. Singley
United States v. Societe Anonyme Francaise M. Bril and Co.
United States ex rel. Potomac Iron Works v. Piracci Constr. Co.
United States ex rel. Westinghouse Elec. Corp. v. CSH Contractors
Vander Molen v. Stetson
Warner-Lambert Co. v. Federal Trade Comm'n
Washington Metro. Area Transit Comm'n v. Holiday Tours
Washington Mobilization Comm. v. Cullinane
Williams v. United States Parole Comm'n
Womack v. Harris
In re Zweibon
1978 September term
Airports Serv. Lines v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Alladin Lampshade Corp. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
American Broadcasting Cos. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
American Fed'n of Community Credit Unions v. United Planning Org.
American Fed'n of Labor v. Kahn
(2 folders)
BOX 96 American Sec. Council Educ. Found. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
American Tel. & Tel. Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Amolsch & Madden v. Federal Trade Comm'n
ARCO Auto Carriers v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Associated Third Class Mail Users v. United States Postal Serv.
Barchard v. National Transp. Bd.
Berlin Democratic Club v. Brown
Board of Trade Clearing Corp. v. Commodity Futures Trading Comm'n
Bozzone v. Bailar
Brown v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
Brown v. Morris Cafritz Memorial Hosp.
C & H Transp. Co. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Canadian Javelin Ltd. v. Securities and Exch. Comm'n
Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio Ry. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Castagna v. Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Central Transp. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. v. Hartford Fire Ins. Co.
Cilento v. Drug Enforcement Admin.
Cities of Altus, Frederick, Cordell, and Mannford v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Coe v. Califano
Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Community Serv. Broadcasting of Mid-America v. Federal Communications Comm'n
(1 folder)
BOX 97 (1 folder)
Copeland v. Martinez
Costello Publishing Co. v. Rotelle
Cox v. United States Dep't of Justice
Credit and Commerce Am. Inv. v. Board of Governors
Datz v. Davis
Davis v. C & P Tel. Co.
Deca, Inc. v. Taylor
Dickinson Broadcasting Corp. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency v. Eleven Parcels of Land
Electrical Equip. Co. v. Security Nat'l Bank
In re Eppright
Essex Chem. Corp. v. Administrator, Envtl. Protection Agency
Exxon Corp. v. Federal Trade Comm'n
Federal Employees for Non-Smokers Rights v. United States
Fletcher v. United States
Ford Motor Co. v. Envionmental Protection Agency
Ft. Pierce Utils. Auth. v. United States
Founding Church of Scientology v. Bell
Gaunce v. Coleman
Goland v. Central Intelligence Agency
Greyhound Corp. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Greyhound Lines v. United States
Grimes v. George Hyman Constr. Co.
In re Halkin
Halperin v. Kissinger
(2 folders)
BOX 98 Hawaiian Tel. Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Hayes v. National Transp. Safety Bd.
In re Henson
Hirsch v. United States
Horry County v. United States
Interstate R.R. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Investment Annuity v. Blumenthal
Irons and Sears v. Dann
Jacksonville Port Auth. v. Adams
Jordan v. United States Dep't of Justice See also Container 134, same heading
Kendrick v. Califano
Klinestiver v. Drug Enforcement Admin.
Klipsch Hauling Co. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Lapeyre v. Dann
Las Vegas Valley Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Lax v. Drug Enforcement Admin.
Libby Welding Co. v. United States
Local 777, Democratic Union Org. Committ. v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Louisville & Nash. R.R. v. Sullivan
Luck v. Jackson
Marshall v. District of Columbia Gov't
Matlovich v. Secretary of the Air Force
BOX 99 Matsui v. Dann
McClelland v. Andrus
Misko v. United States
Morrison v. Stetson
Motor and Equip. Mfrs. Ass'n v. Environmental Protection Agency
Munitions Carriers Conference v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Nasem v. Brown
National Ass'n of Postal Supervisors v. United States Postal Serv.
National Ass'n of Recycling Indus. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
National Treasury Employees Union v. Campbell
National Treasury Employees Union v. United States Dep't of the Treasury
New York Shipping Ass'n v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
Pacific Legal Found. v. Department of Transp.
Pacific Maritime Ass'n v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
Phillips v. District of Columbia
Pikes Peak Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Pollak v. Blumenthal
Psychiatric Inst. of Washington, D.C. v. Group Hospitalization
Public Sys. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
R. A. Weaver & Assocs. v. Asphalt Constr.
BOX 100 Ray v. Turner
(2 folders)
Reed v. United States
Reporters Committ. for Freedom of Press v. Sampson
Retail Store Employees Union, Local 1001 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Seatrain Int'l v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
Service Employees Int'l Union, Local 250 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Smith v. Nixon
Sperry Rubber & Plastic Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Stewart v. District of Columbia
Taylor v. Excavation Constr., Inc.
Thurston Motor Lines, Inc. v. United States
Town of Norwood v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Trailer Marine Transp. Co. v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
United States v. Barnes
United States v. Cogdell
United States v. Decoster
United States v. Ferguson
United States v. Fields
BOX 101 United States v. Green
United States v. Henry
United States v. Hester
United States v. Lewis
United States v. Mobley
United States v. Mooney
United States v. Morgan
United States v. Roberts
United States v. Starr
United States v. Stewart
United States v. Ware
Virginia Appalachian Lumber Corp. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Wagner v. Pro
Ward v. Postal Rate Comm'n
In re Washington Ass'n for Television and Children
White v. United States Civil Ser. Comm'n
Wise Oil Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Zweibon v. Mitchell
(2 folders)
1979 September term
Air Delivery Serv. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Akinyemi v. National R.R. Passenger Corp.
Alkana v. District of Columbia
Allan v. Securities and Exch. Comm'n
American Motors Corp. v. Environmental Protection Agency
American Trucking Ass'ns v. United States
Amusement and Music Operators Ass'n v. Copyright Royalty Tribunal
Armacida v. Stetson
BOX 102 Ashton v. Bell
Association of Am. R.Rs. v. Adams
Attoh v. Immigration and Naturalization Serv.
Baltimore Mobile Tel. Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Baun v. Civiletti
Bethlehem Steel Corp. v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
Brick v. Andrus
Brown v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Butler v. Alexander
Butler v. Pearson
Cartwright v. Hyatt Corp.
Caudle v. Potomac Elec. Power Co.
Center for Auto Safety v. Claybrook
Chamber of Commerce of United States v. United States Dep't of Energy
Chocolate Mfrs. Ass'n v. Federal Trade Comm'n
(3 folders)
Chrysler Corp. v. United States Envtl. Protection Agency
(2 folders)
BOX 103 (1 folder)
City of Oglesby v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Clark v. Snow
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Committee to Preserve Am. Color TV v. Miller
Community Coalition for Media Change v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Consumers Union of United States v. Consumer Prod. Safety Comm'n
Copeland v. Marshall
Crouse Cartage Co. v. United States
Dart Indus. v. Banner
Davis v. Califano
Dilley v. Alexander
Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs v. National Van Lines
Dixon v. Boyle
Earth Resources Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Employers Mut. Liab. Ins. Co. v. Lumbermen's Mut. Casualty Co.
European Trade Specialists v. United States
Exxon Corp. v. Federal Trade Comm'n
Farkas v. United States
Ford Bros. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
BOX 104 Ford Motor Co. v. Environmental Protection Agency
Freightways Express v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Geller v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Gelman v. Federal Election Comm'n
German v. International Union of Operating Eng'rs, Local 77
Goldwater v. Carter
(4 folders)
In re Grand jury investigation
In re Grand jury proceeding, Nicholas Katsouros
Green v. Department of Commerce
BOX 105 Greyhound Corp. v. United States
Hadigian v. Board of Governors of the Fed. Reserve Sys.
Halperin v. Department of State
Hanes Corp. v. Millard
Harborlite Corp. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Havens Steel Co. v. Marshall
Household Goods Forwarders Ass'n of Am. v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
Hozie v. Rykhus
Independent Gasoline Marketers Council v. Duncan
International Transp. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
International Union, United Auto Workers v. Marshall
Investors Research Corp. v. Securities and Exch. Comm'n
Jackalone v. Andrus
Joseph v. Bond
Kassatly v. OGEM B.V.
KEMO-TV v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Ladson v. Board of Educ. of the District of Columbia
Lanham v. Meredith
Lazur v. United Mine Workers
Lead Indus. Ass'n v. Environmental Protection Agency
(3 folders)
BOX 106 (2 folders)
Lechman v. Securities and Exch. Comm'n
Liquid Transporters v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Lutze v. District of Columbia
Machen v. United States Army
Markham v. Colonial Mortgage Serv. Co.
Marshall v. United States Postal Serv.
Martin v. Harris
Martin Marietta Corp. v. Federal Trade Comm'n
Mason v. Claytor
Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Meredith
Mid-Nebraska Bancshares v. Board of Governors, Federal Reserve Sys.
Miller v. Harris
Morton v. Providence Hosp.
NAACP v. Civiletti
(2 folders)
Narenji v. Civiletti
National Ass'n of Broadcasters v. Federal Communications Comm'n
National Ass'n of Farmworker Orgs. v. Marshall
National Distrib. Co. v. United States Treasury Dep't
(1 folder)
BOX 107 (2 folders)
National Elec. Contractors Ass'n Pension Benefit Trust Fund v. Henkels and McCoy
National Labor Relations Bd. v. Maywood Plant of Grede Plastics
National Motor Freight Traffic Ass'n v. United States
National Small Shipments Traffic Conference v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
(2 folders)
Physicians Nat'l House Staff Ass'n v. Fanning
(3 folders)
Reitz v. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Schuler v. United States Dep't of State
(1 folder)
BOX 108 (1 folder)
Sea-Land Serv. v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
Stebbins v. Armstrong
Suggs Transp. Serv. v. Washington Metro. Area Transit Comm'n
Sunflower Elec. Coop. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Tama Meat Packing Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Taylor v. Kurtz
Todd Shipyards Corp. v. Dep't of Navy
Truck Transp., Inc. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Turner v. Alexander
United States v. Adell
United States v. Aetna Casualty and Sur. Co.
United States v. Blue
United States v. Conlon
United States v. Exxon Corp.
(2 folders)
United States v. Fearwell
United States v. Ford
United States v. Frye
United States v. Gross
United States v. Henry
United States v. Huger
United States v. Lancaster
United States v. Shelton
United States v. Williams
United States v. Wood
BOX 109 United States Lines v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
(2 folders)
Vue-Metrics, Inc. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Walter M. Ballard Co. v. Supreme Equip. & Sys. Corp.
Washington Metro. Area Transit Auth. v. Control Data Corp.
Weisberg v. Central Intelligence Agency
Williams v. United States
Winpisinger v. Watson
1980 September term
A & B Freight Lines v. Federal Trade Comm'n
Adelman v. Harris
Aeronautical Radio v. Federal Communications Comm'n
(2 folders)
Agrico Chem. Co. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Alameda Marina Village Assocs. v. United States Dep't of Commerce
American Guidance Found. v. United States
American Medical Int'l v. Secretary of Health, Educ. and Welfare
In re Appliciation of United States Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
Aug v. National R.R. Passenger Corp.
Barksdale v. Washington Terminal Co.
Brandon v. Eckard
BOX 110 Bronson v. Harris
Brown v. Turner
Bundy v. Jackson
(4 folders)
Camarata v. International Bhd. of Teamsters
Carson v. United States Dep't of Justice
Cayman Turtle Farm, Ltd. v. Andrus
Center for Auto Safety v. Bowers
Church of Scientology of Calif. v. Foley
Church of Scientology of Calif. v. Gray
Church of Scientology of Calif. v. Smith
Coastal States Gas Corp. v. Environmental Protection Agency
Cockrum v. Harris
Compania Minera De Cananea, S.A. v. Dep't of Energy Economic Regulatory Admin.
Cook Paint & Varnish Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.
BOX 111 Cooper v. McKinney
Corley v. United States Dep't of Justice
Council of the S. Mountains v. Marshall
Crisafi v. Holland
Csaky v. Hornblower & Weeks-Hemphill, Noyes
Del Norte County v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
Dellums v. Powell
(2 folders)
Douglas v. Landrieu
Eikenberry v. Callahan
Environmental Defense Fund v. Costle
Evono v. Smith
Ferri v. Carlson
Foley v. Reagan
Fox and Co. v. Duncan
General Motors Corp. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Giesey v. Devine
Good Luck Nursing Home v. Harris
Governors of the United States Postal Serv. v. United States Postal Rate Comm'n
Gray Panthers v. Administrator, Health Care Fin. Admin.
(2 folders)
BOX 112 (1 folder)
In re Green
Greyhound Lines v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Group Travel Assocs. v. Furey
Haldeman v. Solomon
Hamilton v. Ford Motor Co.
Harbourt Air Freight Serv. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Haring v. Miller
Hatch v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Hilliard v. Miller
Ho v. Mark
Hubbard Broadcasting v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Hunt v. Bittman
Izaak Walton League v. Marsh
(3 folders)
J. F. Hoff Elec. Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Jackson v. Meredith
Jacobs v. Hartford Ins. Group
Johnson v. Lewis
Kearse v. Regan
Laffey v. Northwest Airlines See also Container 151, same heading
BOX 113 Las Cruces TV Cable v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
(3 folders)
Lipsig v. National Student Mktg. Corp.
Lobin v. Early-Massman
Malko v. United States Postal Serv.
Mariner Water Renaturalizer v. Aqua Purification Sys.
Marshall v. Cornett & Weaver
Mazaleski v. Schweiker
Melong v. Micronesian Claims Comm'n
Mervin v. Federal Trade Comm'n
Miller v. Civiletti
Mitchell v. Secretary of the Army
Nader v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
Nakshian v. Lehman
(2 folders)
National Ass'n of Broadcasters v. Copyright Royalty Tribunal
National Soft Drink Ass'n v. Block
National Solid Wastes Management Ass'n v. United States Envtl. Protection Agency
BOX 114 National Wildlife Fed'n v. Costle
(2 folders)
Neighbors Opposed to Irritating Sound Emissions v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
Northwest Airlines v. Transport Workers Union
Oklahoma Aerotronics v. United States
Old Ben Coal Co. v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Comm'n
Papago Tribal Util. Auth. v. Federal Regulatory Comm'n
Pepino Broadcasters v. Federal Communications Comm'n
In re Permanent Surface Mining Regulation Litig.
Pipeline Local Union 38 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Potomac Elec. Power Co. v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
Puerto Rico Maritime Shipping Auth. v. United States
R. A. Weaver & Assocs. v. Haas & Haynie Corp.
Randall v. George Washington Univ.
Ray v. National Archives and Records Serv.
Reporters Comm. for Freedom of the Press v. Vance
BOX 115 Rhone-Poulenc, Inc. v. Food and Drug Admin.
Riker Laboratories, Inc. v. Gist-Brocades N.V.
Rogal v. American Univ.
Saffron v. Wilson
Sea-Land Serv. v. Alaska R.R.
In re Search warrant, July 4, 1977
Sears, Roebuck & Co. v. Attorney Gen.
Securities and Exch. Comm'n v. Dresser Indus.
(2 folders)
Segal v. Office of Personnel Management
Shepherd v. Merit Sys. Protection Bd.
Simons v. Bellinger
Simpson v. Vance
Sims v. Central Intelligence Agency
(2 folders)
Smith v. Secretary of the Navy
BOX 116 Soft Drink Workers Union, Local 812 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
(2 folders)
Tele-Media Corp. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Thermo King Corp. v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Timken Co. v. United States Customs Serv.
Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Corp. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Turner v. Cowan
United Ass'n of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Indus., Local 48 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
United Cement Lime & Gypsum Workers Int'l Union v. National Labor Relations Bd.
United Furniture Workers v. National Labor Relations Bd.
United Parcel Serv. v. Federal Highway Admin.
United States v. Barnes
United States v. Boney
United States v. Brinson
United States v. Brizendine
United States v. Brown
United States v. Carney
United States v. Coats
United States v. Dortch
United States v. Edwards
United States v. Federal Communications Comm'n
(1 folder)
BOX 117 (2 folders)
United States v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
United States v. Frady
United States v. Gibson
United States v. Jackson
United States v. Jenkins
United States v. Leek
United States v. Livingston
United States v. Malik
United States v. M'Biye
United States v. McClure
United States v. Perry
United States v. Simmons
United Steelworkers v. Marshall
(3 folders)
BOX 118 (7 folders)
BOX 119 (1 folder)
Vander Pauwert v. Dep't of Treasury
Virgin Islands v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
Weinberger v. United States
West Gulf Maritime Ass'n v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
Williams v. Secretary of Navy
WNCN Listeners Guild v. Federal Communications Comm'n Yacovone v. Bolger
1981 September term
Abraham v. Graphic Arts Int'l Union
Advanced Elecs. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Air Line Pilots Ass'n v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
American Ass'n of Founds. for Medical Care v. Federal Trade Comm'n
American Bus Ass'n v. United States
American Inst. for Shippers' Ass'ns v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
American Sec. Bank v. John Y. Harrison Realty
American Train Dispatchers Ass'n v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Arthur Anderson & Co. v. Internal Revenue Serv.
Association of Inv. Brokers v. Securities and Exch. Comm'n
Atwood v. United States Postal Serv.
Baltimore & Ohio R.R. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Baumgardner Oil Co. v. Hadley
Blake v. Schweiker
Blanco Pi v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Brown v. United States
Burlington N. v. United States
BOX 120 Carter v. International Business Machs. Corp
Cavendes v. Board of Governors, Federal Reserve Sys.
Century Air Freight v. Civil Aeronautic Bd.
Christian Voice of Cent. Ohio v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Cities Serv. Co. v. Department of Energy
(2 folders)
Citizens Against UFO Secrecy v. National Sec. Agency
City of Cleveland v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
City of Sault Ste. Marie v. Watt
Colebank v. Commissioner
Commissioners Court v. Garcia
Common Cause v. Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n
(4 folders)
BOX 121 Council of N. Atl. Shipping Ass'ns v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
(2 folders)
Crooker v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Curtis, Inc. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Dahlsten Truck Line v. United States
D'Angelo v. United States
Defenders of Wildlife v. Watt
Demby v. Schwieker
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Comm. v. Federal Election Comm'n
(2 folders)
Department of Defense v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
(1 folder)
BOX 122 (1 folder)
Devine v. Goodstein
DMR Sec. v. Securities and Exch. Comm'n
Electricities v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Etta v. Seaboard Enters.
Fillie v. Immigration and Naturalization Serv.
Financial Gen. Bankshares v. Metzger
Flannery v. President of Georgetown College
Florida Farmworkers Council v. Donovan
Fore v. Hall
General Motors Corp. v. Gorsuch
Gilson v. Ireland
Goble v. Marsh
Gomez v. Turner
Gordon v. National Youth Work Alliance
BOX 123 Government Employees Hosp. Ass'n v. Devine
Greyhound Corp. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Greyhound Lines v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Grolier, Inc. v. Federal Trade Comm'n
Ground Saucer Watch v. Central Intelligence Agency
Harper v. McDonald
Helton v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Hintze v. American Sec. Bank
Hoffa v. Fitzsimmons
Holy Spirit Ass'n v. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Illinois Cities v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Imperial Van Lines v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
International Ass'n of Machinists v. Federal Election Comm'n
International Longshoremen's Ass'n v. National Labor Relations Bd.
(2 folders)
BOX 124 (1 folder)
International Union of Elec. Workers v. National Labor Relations Bd.
(2 folders)
Jacobs v. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Jones v. Donovan
Kemp v. Weinberger
Labadie Coal Co. v. Black
Logue & Patterson v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Los Angeles Women's Coalition for Better Broadcasting v. Federal Communications Comm'n
(2 folders)
Loughlin v. Lehman
Lowey v. Watt
McAuley Park Citizens Ass'n v. United States Postal Serv.
McGill's Taxi and Bus Lines v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
McGraw-Hill Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
BOX 125 McLaughlin v. Cheshire
Minnis v. Brinkerhoff
Mobilfone v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Monier Roof Tiles v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Morten v. Evening Star Broadcasting Co.
National Audubon Soc'y v. Watt
(2 folders)
National Council of Senior Citizens v. Schweiker
(3 folders)
National Resources Defense Council v. United States Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n
National Treasury Employees Union v. Devine
National Wildlife Fed'n v. Marsh
BOX 126 Pan Am. World Airways v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
(3 folders)
People Against Nuclear Energy v. United States Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n
(4 folders)
Perez v. Army & Air Force Exch.
Porter v. District of Columbia
Proctor v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.
(1 folder)
BOX 127 (1 folder)
Psychiatric Inst. v. Schweiker
Radio Gaithersburg v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Raicovich v. United States Postal Serv.
Ramirez v. Lehman
Ratner v. United States Postal Serv.
Recording Indus. Ass'n v. Copyright Royalty Tribunal
Robinson v. Shea
Rubin v. National Community Action Agency Executive Directors Ass'n
St. George's Univ. School of Medicine v. Bell
Schattner v. Girard, Inc.
Scranton Broadcasters v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Seafarers Int'l Union v. National Labor Relations Bd.
In re Sealed case
(4 folders)
BOX 128 Securities and Exch. Comm'n v. Fundpack, Inc.
Securities Investor Protection Corp. v. Georgeson & Co.
Shepherd v. Merit Sys. Protection Bd.
Shewmaker v. Minchew
Shirey v. Campbell
(2 folders)
Smith v. Mossinghoff
Southall v. United States
Staples v. Haig
Stewart v. Smith
(2 folders)
Taxation with Representation v. Regan
Texaco v. United States Dep't of Energy
Tranowski v. United States Secret Serv.
Tuck v. Pan Am. Health Org.
Turgeon v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
BOX 129 Tzaneff v. Klutznick
United Kingdom/United States Gulf Westbound Rate Agreement v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
United States v. Bailey
(3 folders)
United States v. Barksdale
United States v. Bealle
United States v. Butler
United States v. Carver
United States v. Cooper
United States v. Hinckley
(2 folders)
BOX 130 (1 folder)
United States v. Jones
United States v. Ross
United States v. Russell
United States v. Trucking Management
United States v. Uzzle
United States v. Young
United States Lines v. Baldridge
Vezina v. Civiletti
Weisberg v. General Servs. Admin.
Western Coal Traffic League v. United States
Williams v. Vision Care Serv.
Zerilli v. Smith
1982 September term
Abramson v. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Adams v. Bell
(2 folders)
BOX 131 (2 folders)
Ahmed v. Environmental Protection Agency
American Fed'n of Gov't Employees v. Donovan
American Fed'n of Gov't Employees v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
American Fed'n of Gov't Employees, Local 2736 v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
American Jewish Congress v. United States Dep't of the Treasury
Astron Forwarding Co. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Baez v. United States Dep't of Justice
Black Panther Party v. Smith
(2 folders)
Bridges v. Just
Brodsky v. Volunteers of America
Buchanan v. American Petroleum Inst.
BOX 132 Burlington N. R.R. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Certain Mun. Elec. Sys. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Consumers Union of United States v. Federal Trade Comm'n
Council of and for the Blind v. Regan
Crowley v. Haig
Dana Corp. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Dawn Mining Co. v. Watt
Deaton, Inc. v. United States
Delinski v. Brandt Airflex Corp.
De Medina v. Reinhardt
Dependable Ins. Co. v. Carlton's Mechanical Contractors
Dirks v. Securities and Exch. Comm'n
(2 folders)
BOX 133 Doe v. Harris
Doe v. Secretary of the Air Force
Eidsness v. United States
Evans v. Schweiker
Faith Center, Inc. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Fruit Growers Express Co. v. Brotherhood Ry. Carmen
Garner v. Boorstin
General Accounting Office v. General Accounting Office Personnel Appeals Bd.
Glassman v. Schultz
Global Van Lines v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Gottfried v. Federal Communications Comm'n
(4 folders)
Gull Airborne Instruments v. Weinberger
Heacock v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
BOX 134 Hodge v. Evans Fin. Corp.
Howe v. Martin-Trigona
Humane Soc'y v. Watt
International Longshoremen's Ass'n v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Jackson v. Taylor
Jordan v. United States Dep't of Justice See also Container 98, same heading
Kalaris v. Donovan
(3 folders)
Kaplan v. Hess
Keene Corp. v. Pennsylvania Mfrs. Ass'n Ins. Co.
Keval v. Schweiker
Kimble v. Ball-Healy-Granite
Laxalt v. Kimmitt
Lewis v. Sawyer
Library of Congress v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
Mahaffey v. Bechtel Assocs. Professional Corp.
BOX 135 Massachusetts Port Auth. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
McGehee v. Central Intelligence Agency
Miller v. Staats
Miller v. United States
Minority Employees at NASA v. Frosch
Mississippi v. Smith
Moffer v. Watt
Moffett v. United States
Moore McCormack Lines v. Dole
Munsey v. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Comm'n
Nalls v. Rolls-Royce, Ltd.
National Ass'n of Recycling Indus. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
National Black Media Coalition v. Federal Communications Comm'n
National Cable Television Ass'n v. Copyright Royalty Tribunal
National Fed'n of Fed. Employees v. Devine
(2 folders)
National Football League Players Ass'n v. National Football League
BOX 136 National Labor Relations Bd. v. Cauthone
National Labor Relations Bd. v. District 1, Pac. Coast Dist.
National Treasury Employees Union v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
Novak v. Merit Sys. Protection Bd.
Office of Communication v. Federal Communications Comm'n
(2 folders)
Office of Personnel Management v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
Paisley v. Central Intelligence Agency
(2 folders)
Patermaster v. Inter-Am. Found.
Planned Parenthood Fed'n of America v. Heckler
(1 folder)
BOX 137 (1 folder)
Powell v. Nigro
Rainbolt v. Johnson
Schaffer v. Orr
Sierra Club v. Peterson
Singer v. Shannon & Luchs Co.
Smith v. Optimum Sys.
Steinberg v. International Criminal Police Org.
Stoller v. Marsh
United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 400 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
United States v. Baker
United States v. Federal Maritime Comm'n
United States v. Hinton
United States v. Holmes
United States v. Johnson
BOX 138 United States v. Juren
United States v. Lewis
(2 folders)
United States v. Lipscomb
(2 folders)
United States v. Mangieri
United States v. Medley
United States v. Payton
United States v. Reese
United States v. Robinson
United States v. Sandoval
United States v. Smith
United States v. Taylor
United States v. Warner
United States Dep't of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Serv. v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
United States-Southwest Africa/Namibia Trade and Cultural Council v. United States
Vauls v. Veterans Admin.
W-3 Defense Group v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
BOX 139 Washington v. Commissioner
Webster v. District of Columbia
Weedon v. Watt
Williams v. Barry
Williams v. Gerstenfeld
York v. Merit Sys. Protection Bd.
1983 September term
Air New Zealand Ltd. v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
Albright v. United States
Allen v. Central Intelligence Agency
Alston v. Bowins
Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union v. National Labor Relations Bd. See also Container 158, same heading
American Sec. Bank v. Thompson
Andrade v. Lauer
(3 folders)
Anglin v. J & G Assocs.
BOX 140 Autolog Corp. v. Regan
Automotive Parts Rebuilders Ass'n v. Environmental Protection Agency
(2 folders)
Banzhaf v. Smith
Bartel v. Federal Aviation Admin.
Bellotti v. United States Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n
Black Citizens for a Fair Media v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Boyer v. Commissioner
Bray v. Howard Univ.
Byrnes v. Hart
Center for Science v. Regan
BOX 141 Chrysler Credit Corp. v. Capitol Hill Dodge
Cinciarelli v. Reagan
City of Ukiah v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Commodity Futures Trading Comm'n v. Nahas
Community for Creative Non-Violence v. Watt
Cosmopolitan Broadcasting Corp. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Curran v. Office of Personnel Management
Democratic Nat'l Comm. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Donovan v. Carolina Stalite Co.
Donovan v. Stafford Constr. Co.
Ehm v. National R.R. Passenger Corp.
Electrolert Corp. v. Barry
Ensign Bickford Co. v. Occupational Safety and Health Review Comm'n
Ettlinger Broadcasting Corp. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Exxon Pipeline Co. v. United States
(2 folders)
Federal Labor Relations Auth. v. United States Dep't of the Air Force
General Motors Corp. v. Ruckelshaus
BOX 142 General Teamsters Local Union 174 v. National LaborRelations Bd.
Gulf Coast Communications v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Hannibal v. Government Employees Ins. Co.
Harmon v. Baltimore & Ohio R.R.
I.A.M. Nat'l Pension Fund v. Vernon Motor Parts and Serv. Co.
Impro Prods. v. Block
International Bhd. of Teamsters v. United States
International Ladies Garment Workers Union v. Donovan
Investment Co. Inst. v. Federal Deposit Ins. Corp.
Jones v. Public Defender Serv.
League of Women Voters Educ. Fund v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Lewis v. Act of Congress, March 15, 1976
Local 900, Int'l Union of Elec., Radio, & Mach. Workers v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Lykins v. United States Dep't of Justice
M & S Bldg. Supplies v. Keiler
Marine Tel. Operators Ass'n v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Massachusetts v. United States
McBride v. Merrell Dow and Pharmaceuticals See also Container 165, same heading
McCauley v. Thygerson
McKinney v. Whitfield
McNeair v. Georgetown Univ. Hosp.
Metrocare v. Washington Metro. Area Transit Auth.
Moore v. Shultz
BOX 143 Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass'n v. Environmental Protection Agency
Mulkey v. Credit Bureau, Inc.
Multi-State Communications v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Murray v. Buchanan
National Classification Comm. v. United States
National Conservative Political Action Comm. v. Kennedy
National Right to Work Comm. v. Federal Election Comm'n
Northern Colo. Water Conservancy Dist. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
(2 folders)
Pfizer, Inc. v. Heckler
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc. v. Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n
Port Norris Express Co. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Public Citizen Health Research Group v. Commissioner, Food and Drug Admin.
Rancocas Valley Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Randall v. Comfort Control, Inc.
Real Estate Partners v. Savage
BOX 144 Safir v. Dole
(3 folders)
Sales v. United States Dep't of Justice
Scurek v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Segar v. Smith
(3 folders)
Service Employees Int'l Union, Local 84 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Sholly v. United States Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n
(1 folder)
BOX 145 (1 folder)
Sierra Club v. Environmental Protection Agency
(2 folders)
Silverman v. Barry
Smith v. ARA Servs.
Southern Pac. Transp. Co. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
(3 folders)
Speciality Equip. Mkt. Ass'n v. Ruckelshaus
Stebbins v. National R.R. Passenger Corp.
Stewart v. Bepko
BOX 146 Tavoulareas v. Comnas
Threadgill v. Black
Tift v. Inter-American Dev. Bank
Trailways v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
United States v. Bunting
United States v. Byers
(3 folders)
United States v. Cohen
United States v. El Bey
United States v. Lemire
United States v. McKoy
United States v. Moss
United States v. Newman
United States v. Riley
United States ex rel. Eastern Found. Co. v. Blake Constr. Co.
In re Upjohn Co.
Vanguard Interstate Tours v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
BOX 147 Villa View Community Hosp. v. Heckler
Walker v. Gordon H. Ball, Inc.
Washington Star Co. v. International Typographical Union Negotiated Pension Plan
WCCO Radio v. Federal Communications Comm'n
West Mich. Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
West Virginia Ass'n of Community Health Centers v. Heckler
White v. Office of Personnel Management
White v. United States Dep't of the Army
Williams v. United States
Williams v. Washington Metro. Transit Auth.
Wilson v. United States
Wright v. Regan
Yellow Taxi Co. v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Young v. Booth
1984 September term
Action for Children's Television v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Aikens v. United States Postal Serv. Bd. of Governors
Alabama Elec. Coop. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Alexander v. Raytheon Co.
Arizona Pub. Serv. Co. v. United States
(1 folder)
BOX 148 (1 folder)
Association of Civilian Technicians v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
Balair, Ltd. v. United States
Bell v. Johns Manville Sales Corp.
Blyther v. District of Columbia
Bond Hosps. v. Heckler
Brown v. United States
(2 folders)
California Pub. Broadcasting Forum v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Center for Auto Safety v. Peck
(2 folders)
Central & S. Motor Freight Tariff Ass'n v. United States
Chaney v. Heckler
(1 folder)
BOX 149 (2 folders)
City of New York Mun. Broadcasting Sys. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
City of Winnfield v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Coal Exporters Ass'n v. United States
(2 folders)
Cowin v. Bresler
Cox v. Broadnax
Cross-Sound Ferry Servs. v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Crum v. General Adjustment Bureau
Cuddy v. Carmen
(2 folders)
Das v. Williams
Deane v. Thomson McKinnon Sec.
Detroit News v. National Labor Relations Bd.
BOX 150 District Properties Assocs. v. District of Columbia
Doe v. United States Dep't of Justice
Donovan v. A. A. Beiro Constr. Co.
Dorn's Transp. v. IAM Nat'l Pension Fund
Dove v. Coupe
Downey v. Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.
Dronenburg v. Zech
Edgewood Management Corp. v. United States
Equal Employment Opportunity Comm'n v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n v. Triton Oil & Gas Co.
Fields v. Washington Metro. Area Transit Auth.
Foundation of Economic Trends v. Heckler
(2 folders)
Gordon v. National Aeronautics and Space Admin.
Green Country Mobilephone v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Gulve v. Meese
Hamlin v. Deegan
Harland v. Corcoran Gallery of Art
Holley v. Federal Emergency Management Agency
Holmes v. Columbia Hosp. for Women
Hudgins v. Internal Revenue Serv.
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union v. Donovan
International Union, United Auto Workers v. Donovan
BOX 151 Jackson v. Washington Metro. Area Transit Auth.
Johnson v. Prudential Ins. Co. of Am.
Jones v. United States Dep't of the Treasury
Kansas Gas & Elec. Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Knable v. Wilson
Krodel v. Young
Laffey v. Northwest Airlines See also Container 112, same heading
(2 folders)
Las Misiones De Bejar Television Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Local 501, Int'l Bhd. of Elec. Workers v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Mallick v. International Bhd. of Elec. Workers
Manning v. Friedland
Mark Keshishian & Sons v. Cefaratti
Massachusetts Union of Pub. Hous. Tenants v. Pierce
Maupoint v. Lockheed Aircraft Corp.
McKinney v. Dole
BOX 152 Metzger, Shadyac & Schwartz v. United States
Mitchell v. Baldridge
Montanna v. Clark
Moore v. National Ass'n of Sec. Dealers
(2 folders)
Morris v. Donovan
Morris-Knudsen Co. v. Department of the Army
NAACP Legal Defense and Educ. Fund v. Devine
National Fed'n of Fed. Employees, Local 1669 v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
National Juvenile Law Center v. Regnery
(2 folders)
National Labor Relations Bd. v. Blevins Popcorn Co.
(1 folder)
BOX 153 (7 folders)
BOX 154 (1 folder)
National Mobile Radio Ass'n v. Federal Communications Comm'n
New Haven Radio v. Federal Communications Comm'n
NRM Corp. v. Hercules, Inc.
Ollman v. Evans
Peterzell v. Department of State
Phoenix Hydro Corp. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Pope v. Railroad Retirement Bd.
Radiofone, Inc. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Railroad Comm'n v. United States
RCA Global Communications v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Ricks v. Local 6, Washington Teachers' Union
Ripskis v. Department of Hous. and Urban Dev.
Rodgers v. Giant Food
Rushforth v. Council of Economic Advisers
St. Mary of Nazareth Hosp. Center v. Heckler
(1 folder)
BOX 155 (1 folder)
Senkow v. United States Dep't of Energy
Service Employees Int'l Union, Local 322 v. Children's Hosp. Nat'l Medical Center
Sherman v. Ambassador Ins. Co.
Simmons v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Soo Line R.R. v. United States
Southern Christian Leadership Conference v. Helms
State Sav. and Loan Ass'n. v. Federal Home Loan Bank
Sydnor v. Social Sec. Admin.
Tel-Communications of Key West v. United States
Texas Gas Transmission Corp. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
(3 folders)
BOX 156 Thomas v. Safeway Stores
Trakas v. Quality Brands
Transamerican S.S. Corp. v. Somali Democratic Republic
Unification Church v. Immigration and Naturalization Serv.
United Bhd. of Carpenters v. United States Dep't of Labor
United Food and Commercial Workers Int'l Union, Local 152 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
United States v. Bullock
United States v. Ducher
United States v. Jenrette
United States v. Matthews
United States v. Mount
United States v. Rosario
United States v. Singleton
(3 folders)
United States v. Smith
United States v. Thomas
United States v. Tilghman
BOX 157 United States Indus. v. Blake Constr. Co.
Vance v. Heckler
Ventura Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
V.I.P. Tours v. Washington Metro. Area Transit Comm'n
Warman v. Strawberry
Warren v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Western Virgina Television Co. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Williams v. E. F. Hutton & Co.
1985 September term
Abex Corp. v. Maryland Casualty Co.
Abourezk v. Reagan
Action on Smoking and Health v. Civil Aeronautics Bd.
(4 folders)
BOX 158 (3 folders)
Aliceville Hydro Assocs. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Allen v. Heckler
Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union v. National Labor Relations Bd. See also Container 139, same heading
American Fed'n of Gov't Employees v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
In re American President Lines
Answering Serv. v. Egan
Arizona Elec. Power Coop. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Arrow Air v. Dole
Ashby Enterprises v. Weitzman, Dym & Assocs.
Association of Maximum Serv. Telecasters v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Baker v. Commissioner
Bennett v. United States
Better Gov't Ass'n v. Department of State
Bio-Medical Applications v. Heckler
Block v. Meese
Borge v. Boys and Girls Clubs
Brandon v. Marsh
BOX 159 Burwell v. National Transp. Safety Bd.
California v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Caudle v. Pan Am. World Airways
Celcom Communications Corp. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Center for Nuclear Responsibility v. United States Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n
Ciba-Geigy Corp. v. United States Envtl. Protection Agency
Cities of Campbell and Thayer v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
City of Cleveland v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Concerned Citizens of Roanoke v. Federal Communication Comm'n
Congressional Research Employees Ass'n v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
Conset Corp. v. Community Servs. Admin.
Corley v. Meese
Council of American-Flag Ship Operators v. United States
Dameron v. Washington Magazine
Davis v. Pierce
Davis v. United States Dep't of Labor
D.C. Transit Sys. v. United States
Duvall v. Postmaster Gen.
Finalco, Inc. v. FFP Assocs.
Freeman v. B & B Assocs.
Galloway v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Haftlang v. Immigration and Naturalization Serv.
BOX 160 Hartman v. C. W. Travel, Inc.
High Sierra Broadcasting v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Hilton Washington Corp. v. District of Columbia
Holland v. Marriot Corp.
Household Goods Carriers Bureau v. United States Dep't of Defense
Iftikhar v. Boorstin
Illinois v. Federal Aviation Admin.
Illinois Commerce Comm'n v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
(2 folders)
Jersey Cent. Power & Light Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Jurgins v. Clegg
Keechi v. United States
Kennecott Corp. v. Environmental Protection Agency
Khabiri v. American Farm Bureau Ins.
King v. Palmer
Larouche v. Webster
Levin v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Lyman v. Spain
Martin-Trigona v. United States
Massachusetts Fair Share v. Law Enforcement Assistance Admin.
Merkley v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Mid-America Cellular Sys. v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Morris v. Washington Metro. Area Transit Auth.
National Labor Relations Bd. v. Washington Star Co.
National Treasury Employees Union v. Egger
Neal v. District of Columbia
BOX 161 Niagara Frontier Tariff Bureau v. United States
Northern Natural Gas Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
Nutrition Headquarters v. United States Postal Serv.
Office of Communication v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Panhandle E. Pipe Line Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
(3 folders)
Pearce v. United States
Poindexter v. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Popham, Haik, Schnobrich, Kaufman & Doty, Ltd. v. Price
Public Citizen Health Research Group v. Tyson
Quincy Cable TV v. Federal Communications Comm'n
(1 folder)
BOX 162 (3 folders)
Ramirez de Arellano v. Weinberger
(2 folders)
Road Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No. 699 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Russell v. Thomas
Salzer v. Federal Communications Comm'n
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace v. United States Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n
Schering Corp. v. Heckler
Securities Indus. Ass'n v. Comptroller of the Currency
Semyan v. Perpetual Corp.
Shipley v. Merit Sys. Protection Bd.
Singer v. Shannon & Luchs Co.
Singh v. Bowsher
BOX 163 Stafford v. Woodward & Lothrop
Stanton v. District of Columbia Court of Appeals
Steele v. Federal Communications Comm'n
Stewart v. National Shopmen Pension Fund
Tavoulareas v. Washington Post Co.
(2 folders)
Teamsters Local Union No. 175 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Tibbs v. Washington Metro. Area Transit Auth.
Trailways Lines v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
United States v. Burgess
United States v. Colbert Refrigeration
United States v. Debango
United States v. Foster
United States v. Grace
United States v. Hernandez
United States v. Lawrence
United States v. Sutton
United States v. Western Elec. Co.
United States Postal Serv. v. National Ass'n of Letter Carriers
BOX 164 Vymetalki v. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Ward v. Steorts
Washington Hosp. Center v. Bowen
Washington Post v. Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild, Local 35
Webster v. Sun Co.
White v. United States
Whitlock v. Donovan
Wiggins v. District of Columbia Gov't
Williams v. Heckler
Zeizel v. Pierce
1986 September term
American Fed'n of Gov't Employees, Local 2303 v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
American Fed'n of Gov't Employees, Local 2484 v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
Birch v. United States Postal Serv.
Boulez v. Commissioner
Brotherhood of Locomotive Eng'rs v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Center for Science in the Pub. Interest v. Department of the Treasury
Cutler v. Hayes
Emerson v. Department of Justice
GAF Corp. v. United States
Greenberg v. Food and Drug Admin.
(2 folders)
BOX 165 Grochal v. Aeration Processes
Hall v. C & P Tel. Co.
Haynesworth v. Miller
Hill v. United States Air Force
Holyoke Water Power Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
International Ass'n of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers, Local 111 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
International Chem. Workers Union, Local 540 v. National Labor Relations Bd.
International Union, United Auto., Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers v. Donovan
Local 1395, Int'l Bhd. of Elec. Workers v. National Labor Relations Bd.
Marlowe v. Argentine Naval Comm'n
Martin-Trigona v. Acton Corp.
Martino v. United States Dep't of Agric.
McBride v. Merrell Dow and Pharmaceuticals See also Container 142, same heading
National Republican Congressional Comm. v. Legi-Tech Corp.
National Resources Defense Council v. Environmental Protection Agency
(2 folders)
BOX 166 (2 folders)
New York v. Thomas
In re Nofziger
In re North
North Germany Area Council Overseas Educ. Ass'n v. Federal Labor Relations Auth.
Poulin v. Heckler
Public Citizen Health Research Group v. Occupational Safety and Health Admin.
(2 folders)
Skinner v. Aetna Life & Casualty
Spagnola v. Mathis
(2 folders)
Tavoulareas v. Piro
(1 folder)
BOX 167 (1 folder)
Union Oil Co. v. Environmental Protection Agency
United States v. Hubbard
United States v. Williams
Vinson v. Taylor
Water Transp. Ass'n v. Interstate Commerce Comm'n
Wolfe v. Department of Health and Human Servs.
1987 September term
City of Tucson v. Commissioner
King v. United States Dep't of Justice
Nichols v. Board of Trustees of the Asbestos Workers' Local 24 Pension Plan
BOX 167-186 Opinions, 1962-1986
Opinions by Wright, including lists indicating Wright's case assignments, and opinions of the full court.
Arranged chronologically by year, although lists of opinions by both Wright and the appeals court precede Wright's opinions.
Lists of Wright's assigned opinions
(2 folders)
BOX 168 1965-1982
(7 folders)
Lists of appeals court opinions
BOX 169 1967-1971
(9 folders)
BOX 170 1972-1977
(10 folders)
BOX 171 1978-1984
(8 folders)
BOX 172 1985-1986
(2 folders)
Drafts and final copies
(5 folders)
BOX 173 1964-1965, Aug.
(7 folders)
BOX 174 1965, Sept.-1968, June
(8 folders)
BOX 175 1968, July-1969
(8 folders)
BOX 176 1970-1971
(7 folders)
BOX 177 1972-1973, Jan.
(7 folders)
BOX 178 1973, Feb.-1974, Nov.
(7 folders)
BOX 179 1975-1976, Aug.
(7 folders)
BOX 180 1976, Oct.-1977
(7 folders)
BOX 181 1978-1979, July
(7 folders)
BOX 182 1979, Aug.-1980, Nov.
(6 folders)
BOX 183 1981-1982, May
(7 folders)
BOX 184 1982, May-1984, Feb.
(7 folders)
BOX 185 1984, Mar.-1985, Apr.
(6 folders)
BOX 186 1985, May-Dec.
(3 folders)
BOX 186-210 Office Files, 1959-1987, n.d.
Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, meeting agendas, reports, notes, personnel files, background information, clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 186 Chief judge, administrative, 1983-1984
(3 folders)
Chief judges, conference
(2 folders)
BOX 187 1980
Criminal Justice Act, attorney compensation, 1976-1983
(2 folders)
Investiture ceremonies, 1979-1983
Judicial Conference
District of Columbia Circuit
(5 folders)
BOX 188 1981-1984
(2 folders)
Standing Committee on Pro Se and Pro Bono matters, 1977-1979
United States
Committee on Court Administration, 1979
Committee on Intercircuit Assignments, 1976-1978
General, 1980-1984
Meeting agenda
(2 folders)
BOX 189 1979
(4 folders)
(4 folders)
BOX 190 Mar.-Sept.
(7 folders)
BOX 191 Sept.
(2 folders)
Judicial Council of the District of Columbia Circuit
Advisory Committee on Procedures, 1976-1979
(4 folders)
BOX 192 May-Nov.
(10 folders)
BOX 193 Dec.
(7 folders)
BOX 194 Sept.-Dec.
(3 folders)
(8 folders)
BOX 195 Sept.-Dec.
(4 folders)
(6 folders)
BOX 196 Sept.-Dec.
(5 folders)
(6 folders)
BOX 197 June-Dec.
(6 folders)
(6 folders)
BOX 198 Sept.-Dec.
(2 folders)
(10 folders)
BOX 199 1987
(3 folders)
Judicial misconduct or disability charges, 1979-1982
Judicial Tenure Act, 1978-1979
Law clerks, n.d.
Moot court
(5 folders)
BOX 200 1978-1983
(7 folders)
Bird, James R., 1976-1983
Catlett, Steven T., 1985
Cerf, Christopher D., 1984-1985
Claiborne, Louis F., 1960-1987
(1 folder)
BOX 201 (1 folder)
Coogan, Peter W., 1968-1970
Cotton, Richard, 1968-1980
Diskant, Gregory L., 1973-1975
Ellison, Keith P., 1975-1985
Estrich, Susan, 1976-1987
Fallon, Richard H., 1979-1984
Feldman, James A., 1983-1985
Fisher, Raymond C., 1965-1987
Fram, Robert D., 1984-1986
Friedman, Paul R., 1969-1982
(4 folders)
BOX 202 1979-1986
(8 folders)
Glenn, Albert S., 1977-1981
Glover, Stephen I., 1979-1984
Grey, Thomas C., 1967-1975
Hamilton, Kevin J., 1984-1986
(2 folders)
BOX 203 Harper, Michael L., 1972-1984
Herfort, John A., 1971-1979
Hessler, Curtis A., 1972-1979
James, Roland N., 1962-1972
Kalis, Peter J., 1977-1981
Kamiat, Walter A., 1982-1985
Katz, Allen M., 1972-1985
Katzen, Sally, 1966-1983
Kennedy, Randall L., 1981-1983
Lee, Carol F., 1980-1986
Levine, Martin L., 1963-1982
(2 folders)
Lowinger, Frederick C., 1979-1981
Martin, David A., 1974-1983
Martzell, John R., 1963-1979
McConnell, Michael W., 1978-1986
Mercurio, James P., 1963-1979
Nager, Glen D., 1981-1983
BOX 204 Ogunlesi, Adebayo O., 1978-1984
Parker, Richard D., 1969-1979
Peters, F. Whitten, 1976-1979
Powers, Peter G., 1969-1979
Radd, Victoria L., 1981-1983
Reiman, Andre M., 1976-1977
Rosen, Jeffrey J., 1977-1986
Scallon, Hugh J., 1961-1979
Scallon, Martha, 1959-1986
Schallert, Edwin G., 1980-1984
Schapiro, John H., 1980-1985
Schwartz, Gary T., 1965-1987
(3 folders)
Seidman, Louis M., 1971-1986
Simon, Barry S., 1973-1979
Sloan, Clifford M., 1983-1987
BOX 205 Sofaer, Abraham D., 1965-1987
Steiker, Carol S., 1985-1987
Stewart, David O., 1978-1986
Stone, Geoffrey R., 1971-1987
Strand, Palma Joy, 1983-1987
Taylor, Allan B., 1974-1981
Verrilli, Donald B., 1982-1987
Wald, Martin, 1984-1988
Walsh, John F., 1985-1987
Wasserstrom, Silas J., 1966-1980
Weisberg, Robert, 1978-1983
Weller, Francis G., 1979
Zwerling, Matthew, 1967-1979
Supreme Court action on District of Columbia Circuit cases
(2 folders)
BOX 206 1982-1984
(2 folders)
Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals of the United States
1981-1983, Apr.
(7 folders)
BOX 207 1983, May-1984
(9 folders)
BOX 208 1985-1987
(11 folders)
BOX 209 United States Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit, 1971-1984
(6 folders)
United States Department of Justice, Office for Improvement in the Administration of Justice, 1977
United States District Court for the District of Columbia
(2 folders)
BOX 210 1980-1986
United States Senate, Judiciary Committee, 1979-1980
Visiting judges, 1978-1981
(2 folders)
BOX 210-230

Speeches and Writings File, 1956-1987, n.d.

Correspondence, speeches, articles, book reviews, notes, research material, lists, clippings, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 210 Lists, n.d.
(6 folders)
BOX 211 1968-1973
(10 folders)
BOX 212 1974-1978
(8 folders)
BOX 213 1978-1981
(4 folders)
(7 folders)
BOX 214 1963-1965, Jan.
(14 folders)
BOX 215 1965, Feb.-Sept.
(13 folders)
BOX 216 1965, Sept.-1967, Feb.
(13 folders)
BOX 217 1967, Feb.-Dec.
(10 folders)
BOX 218 1967, Dec.-1971, Mar.
(16 folders)
BOX 219 1971, May-1973, Aug.
(12 folders)
BOX 220 1974, May-1976, June
(11 folders)
BOX 221 1978, Jan.-Feb.
(7 folders)
BOX 222 1978, Feb.-1979, Oct.
(8 folders)
BOX 223 1979, Oct.-1980, Nov.
(9 folders)
BOX 224 1981
(7 folders)
BOX 225 1982, Jan.
(8 folders)
BOX 226 1982, July-1983, Oct.
(8 folders)
BOX 227 1984-1985
(9 folders)
BOX 228 1986, n.d.
(6 folders)
By Wright
(5 folders)
BOX 229 1965-1971
(13 folders)
BOX 230 1972-1987, n.d.
(7 folders)
By others about Wright, 1980, 1986
(3 folders)
BOX 230-232

Miscellany, 1935-1981, n.d.

Correspondence, memoranda, financial papers, teaching materials, photographs, clippings and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material.
BOX 230 Black, Hugo LaFayette, 1935-1971, n.d.
(3 folders)
BOX 231 Undated
Colorado Building Associates, 1968
Loyola University, New Orleans, La.
Exams, selected samples
(7 folders)
BOX 232 1960-1961
General, 1952-1961, n.d.
Notary file, 1936-1942
(5 folders)
Photographs, 1939-1981, n.d.
(4 folders)
Printed matter, 1952-1960, n.d.
(2 folders)
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