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Charles Evans Hughes

A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress

Prepared by Thomas Thalken and Audrey Walker
Revised and expanded by Karen Linn Femia

Manuscript Division, Library of Congress

Washington, D.C.


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Finding aid encoded by Library of Congress Manuscript Division, 2005

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Table of Contents

Collection Summary

Selected Search Terms




Administrative Information


Processing History:


Copyright Status:


Preferred Citation:

Biographical Note

Scope and Content Note

Organization of the Papers

Description of Series

Container List

Family Papers, 1854-1907

Correspondence, 1876-1950, n.d.

Family Correspondence, 1876-1945
General Correspondence, 1884-1950, n.d.
Secretary of State, 1921-1925
Supreme Court, 1930-1941

Subject File, 1905-1947

Speeches and Writings File, 1905-1940, n.d.

Biographical File, 1906-1951

Miscellany, 1836-1945, n.d.

Addition, 1916

Oversize, 1908-1933

Collection Summary

Title: Papers of Charles Evans Hughes
Span Dates: 1836-1950
Bulk Dates: (bulk 1905-1940)
ID No.: MSS26708
Creator: Hughes, Charles Evans, 1862-1948
Extent: 61,000 items; 233 containers plus 2 oversize; 86 linear feet; 150 microfilm reels
Language: Collection material in English
Repository: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Abstract: Governor of New York, secretary of state, and chief justice of the United States. Family papers, correspondence, speeches and biographical writings, subject files, notes, scrapbooks, clippings, and other printed and miscellaneous matter relating principally to Hughes's political and judicial career and his service on various international bodies and commissions.

Selected Search Terms

The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the Library's online catalog. They are grouped by name of person or organization, by subject or location, and by occupation and listed alphabetically therein.

Hughes, Charles Evans, 1862-1948
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947--Correspondence
Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933--Correspondence
Dawes, Charles Gates, 1865-1951--Correspondence
Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965--Correspondence
Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923--Correspondence
Harvey, George Brinton McClellan, 1864-1928--Correspondence
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964--Correspondence
Houghton, Alanson Bigelow, 1863-1941--Correspondence
Hughes, David Charles, 1832-1909.
Jillson, William E.--Correspondence
Jusserand, J. J. (Jean Jules), 1855-1932--Correspondence
Kellogg, Frank B. (Frank Billings), 1856-1937--Correspondence
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924--Correspondence
MacMurray, John Van Antwerp, 1881-1960--Correspondence
Moore, John Bassett, 1860-1947--Correspondence
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945--Correspondence
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1887-1944--Correspondence
Root, Elihu, 1845-1937--Correspondence
Slemp, C. Bascom (Campbell Bascom), 1870-1943--Correspondence
Stone, Harlan Fiske, 1872-1946--Correspondence
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930--Correspondence
Van Devanter, Willis, 1859-1941--Correspondence
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924--Correspondence
Hughes family
United States. Dept. of State.
United States. Supreme Court.
International Court of Justice
Permanent Court of Arbitration
Conference on the Limitation of Armament (1921-1922 : Washington, D.C.)
International American Conference
Beerits, Henry C. Papers of Henry C. Beerits
Hughes, David Charles, 1832-1909. Papers of David Charles Hughes
Pusey, Merlo John, 1902- Papers of Merlo John Pusey

Arbitration, International
Presidents--United States--Election--1916
Prohibition--United States
Smuggling--United States
Tacna-Arica question
World War, 1914-1918--Reparations
Japan--Emigration and immigration
Latin America--Foreign relations--United States
New York (State)--Politics and government--1865-1950
United States--Emigration and immigration
United States--Foreign relations--20th century
United States--Foreign relations--Latin America
United States--Politics and government--20th century

Cabinet officers
Governors--New York (State)

Administrative Information


The papers of Charles Evans Hughes, governor of New York, secretary of state, and chief justice of the United States, were received by the Library of Congress as deposits in 1934 and 1952 and converted to gift in 1952 by Hughes's daughter-in-law, Marjory Stuart Hughes. The papers have been augmented by additional gifts and deposits from his daughter, Catherine H. Waddell, his biographer, Merlo J. Pusey, and others between 1951 and 2002.

Processing History:

The Hughes Papers were processed in 1952 and reprocessed for microfilming in 1985. The addition was processed and the register revised in 2002.


Photographs have been transferred to the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library where they are identified as part of these papers.

Copyright Status:

Copyright in the unpublished writings of Charles Evans Hughes in these papers and in other collections of papers in the custody of the Library of Congress has been dedicated to the public.


A microfilm edition of these papers is available on 150 reels. Consult a reference librarian in the Manuscript Division concerning availability for purchase or interlibrary loan.

Preferred Citation:

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container number, Charles Evans Hughes Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Biographical Note

Date Event
1862, Apr. 11 Born, Glens Falls, N.Y.
1881 A.B., Brown University, Providence, R.I.
1884 A.M., Brown University, Providence, R.I.
LL.B., Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
Admitted to New York bar
1884-1906 Practiced law, New York, N.Y.
1888 Married Antoinette Carter
1891-1895 Professor of law and special lecturer, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
1893-1900 Special lecturer, New York Law School, New York, N.Y.
1905-1906 Counsel to Stevens Gas Commission and Armstrong Insurance Commission, New York state legislature
1906 Special assistant to United States attorney general in coal investigation
1907-1910 Governor of New York
1910-1916 Associate justice, United States Supreme Court
1916 Nominated for president of the United States by the Republican Party
1917-1930 Member, Hughes, Rounds, Schurman & Dwight, New York, N.Y.
1921-1925 Secretary of state
1928 Chairman, United States delegation to the Sixth International Conference of American States, Havana, Cuba
1928-1929 Member, United States delegation to the International Conference on Arbitration and Conciliation, Washington, D.C.
1928-1930 Judge, Permanent Court of International Justice
1930-1941 Chief justice of the United States
1930-1933 President, Guatemala-Honduras Special Boundary Tribunal
1948, Aug. 27 Died, Osterville, Mass.

Scope and Content Note

The papers of Charles Evans Hughes (1862-1948) span the years 1836 to 1950 with the bulk of the collection concentrated between the years 1905 and 1940. The papers focus chiefly on Hughes's public service and consist of the following series: Family Papers, Correspondence, Subject File, Speeches and Writings File, Biographical File, Miscellany, and Oversize. The Correspondence series is organized in subseries of family correspondence, general correspondence, secretary of state files, and Supreme Court correspondence. The Addition contains a campaign song book from Hughes' 1916 presidential bid.

The earliest items in the collection relate to Hughes's father, David Charles Hughes. Located in the Family Papers, these items include letters of introduction by ministers and members of Wesleyan Methodist societies which Hughes brought with him when he immigrated to the United States from Great Britain in October 1855; documents attesting to his service as a minister of the New York Conference, New Windsor Circuit, Newburgh District; a letter acknowledging his voluntary withdrawal from Wesleyan University while in good standing; and several papers reflecting his affiliation with Baptist churches, including at Glens Falls, New York, where he was ordained as a Baptist minister. Other items include his certificate of naturalization in 1864 and a letter written by him in 1907 to the Sons of the American Revolution presenting genealogical documentation entitling Charles Evans Hughes to become a member of that organization.

Papers relating to Charles Evans Hughes begin in 1876 with the family correspondence subseries. Early correspondence in this portion consists of letters exchanged between Hughes and his parents while he was a student at Madison (now Colgate) and Brown universities. The letters concern Hughes's studies, health and personal habits, recreational activities, and finances. In a letter of 27 February 1880, he justified having earned money to purchase a pair of skates by writing an essay for a fellow student. Later correspondence in the subseries includes messages and poems by Hughes and his wife, Antoinette, at Christmas and on birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Letters exchanged between Hughes and his son, Charles Evans, Jr., and his son-in-law, Chauncey L. Waddell, relate to personal financial matters and a few legal questions, mainly dating from the years Hughes was secretary of state.

The general correspondence subseries includes a relatively small group of letters that Hughes retained because of their sentimental or biographical importance. The letters were originally included in files organized by subject categories in 1933-1934 by Henry C. Beerits but later reorganized as a general correspondence grouping by the Manuscript Division in 1952 when the collection was first prepared for reader use. Individual and small groups of letters acquired by the Library of Congress between 1934 and 1952 were incorporated into this subseries. The subseries covers the years 1884 to 1950 and contains a few letters relating to all phases of Hughes's career. Major subjects include the New York gubernatorial campaign and election of 1906; Hughes's terms as governor; his appointment to the United States Supreme Court in 1910; the presidential campaign of 1916; international issues confronting the United States while Hughes was secretary of state, such as the armaments race, reparations, Allied war debts, Japanese immigration, and smuggling of intoxicating liquors; relations with Latin America, particularly the arbitration of boundary disputes and Pan American conferences; and his appointment as chief justice. Included as well are memoranda of telephone conversations with senators William H. King and Burton K. Wheeler on 19 March 1937 conveying Hughes's decision not to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee considering the Judiciary Reform bill of 1937 and his subsequent letter of 21 March to Wheeler describing the dockets of the Court and giving a comparative statement of the disposition of cases for the preceding six terms.

Although the subseries of secretary of state correspondence contains references to national and international problems during Hughes's years in office, additional material on these topics is also in the Subject File series and to a lesser extent in the general correspondence subseries as well. The subseries of Supreme Court correspondence reflects his public role as chief justice. Many letters are from citizens complaining of injustices they feel only Hughes, the Supreme Court, or an official acting at Hughes's direction, can rectify; others expressed rancor at Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal programs or indicated religious concerns, especially about Roman Catholics. Many of the letters were written by inmates of prisons and mental institutions. Other letters are from admirers who manifest their esteem for Hughes in letters supporting his decisions and those of the Court, by sending birthday greetings and unsolicited printed material, by invitations, and by requests for appointments, autographs, and photographs. Correspondence concerning controversial cases heard by the Supreme Court is in the Subject File series.

The Subject File encompasses all aspects of Hughes's public career. Most of the files were established by Beerits in 1933-1934 when he organized all of Hughes's papers except the secretary of state and Supreme Court correspondence files. When the letters were reorganized in 1952, a list of letters transferred was appended to each subject folder. These lists have been retained as cross references in the present arrangement of the collection. The Subject File series includes reports, notes, and clippings relating to Hughes's service as counsel or chairman of local and national investigatory commissions or boards from the gas and insurance investigations of 1905-1906 in New York to his appointment by Woodrow Wilson as special assistant to the attorney general in an investigation into the breakdown of aircraft production in 1918. The series also includes files from Hughes's two terms as governor of New York, material from his term as secretary of state; papers pertaining to his participation in state and national political campaigns, documents chronicling his role in international arbitrations, and a smaller number of files from his tenure as chief justice of the Supreme Court.

The most extensive of the secretary of state material in the Subject File pertains to the Conference on the Limitation of Armaments in Washington, D.C., 1921-1922, more commonly known as the Washington Conference. It includes draft resolutions, memoranda exchanged between members of the American delegation and with the State Department, annotated drafts of the four treaties concluded at the conference, press releases, and printed copies of finished documents. Other papers from this period included memoranda of interviews with members of the diplomatic corps. These memoranda, arranged alphabetically by country, summarize the interviews Hughes had with representatives of foreign countries from 1921 to 1924. There are notes in several of the folders indicating interviews for which memoranda were not received with the collection.

Files related to Hughes's interest in international adjudication contain documents, notes, reports, and memoranda concerning his election to the Permanent Court of International Justice, his participation in the Sixth International Conference of American States held at Havana and the International Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration held at Washington, D.C., the settlement of the dispute between Peru and Chile over the provinces of Tacna and Arica, and the resolution of a boundary dispute between Guatemala and Honduras.

Papers representing Hughes's years on the Supreme Court include proof sheets of the last pages of opinions rendered by the Court circulated among the justices for their comments. Hughes saved these sheets because he believed the comments of the justices on the reverse of the pages manifested the "friendly and generous feeling of my brethren who are no longer here to speak for themselves" and "show the strength of the support for the opinions I wrote in certain difficult cases." The remainder of the Supreme Court subject files consists of miscellaneous items and correspondence from the public concerning issues before the court.

The Biographical File provides a chronology of events in Hughes's life. It consists of "Autobiographical Notes" which Hughes wrote between November 1941 and the end of 1945, memoranda of Henry C. Beerits, drafts and galley proofs of Merlo J. Pusey's Charles Evans Hughes, and miscellaneous documents. The "Autobiographical Notes" focus on Hughes's public life and trace the events and personal reflection which culminated in his private and public decisions. They were edited by David Joseph Danelski and Joseph S. Tulchin and published by the Harvard University Press in 1973. The Beerits memoranda were prepared in the fall of 1933 and spring of 1934 by Henry C. Beerits, who was employed by Hughes to review and organize his papers. Beerits arranged the papers into subject categories suitable for a chronological overview of Hughes's life. He then prepared memoranda with bibliographical references covering the major topics which Hughes reviewed as time permitted. The Beerits memoranda previously dispersed throughout the Subject File series have been assembled as a unit in the Biographical File. The Pusey biography, published in 1951 with the approval of the Hughes family, was based on information in Hughes's papers and from interviews with Hughes.

The Speeches and Writings File covers the years 1905-1940. According to a statement in his "Autobiographical Notes," Hughes hired stenographers at his personal expense to record speeches as they were delivered "in order to avoid the publication of inaccurate or purely sensational scraps based on the hurried notes of a reporter." This practice is evident in the collection of speeches made during the presidential campaign of 1916 for which there is a fairly complete record beginning with a wire of 10 June 1916 and speech of 31 July to the Republican National Convention accepting the nomination and ending with the closing speech of his campaign at Madison Square Garden, 4 November 1916. Speeches made in 1908 are located in the Miscellany series in a scrapbook relating to his term as governor of New York. The only manuscript of Hughes's writings in this collection is a draft of the booklet Foreign Relations, which he wrote for the Republican National Committee for the presidential campaign of 1924.

Scrapbooks in the Miscellany span the years 1905-1930. Thirty-four of them contain clippings representing coverage mainly by New York newspapers of the gas and insurance investigations in the early part of the century. Three scrapbooks are devoted to Hughes's terms as governor of New York, and one contains copies of his letters to the state legislature and speeches and extracts from speeches made in April and May 1908. The remaining scrapbooks relate to his term as secretary of state and to his appointment as chief justice.

Correspondents in the Hughes Papers include Nicholas Murray Butler, Calvin Coolidge, Charles G. Dawes, Felix Frankfurter, Warren G. Harding, George Harvey, Herbert Hoover, Alanson B. Houghton, William E. Jillson, J.J. Jusserand, Frank B. Kellogg, Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924), John V. A. MacMurray, John Bassett Moore, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt (1887-1944), Elihu Root, C. Bascom Slemp, Harlan F. Stone, William Howard Taft (1857-1930), Willis Van Devanter, and Woodrow Wilson.

Organization of the Papers

The collection is arranged in eight series:

Description of Series

Container Series

Family Papers, 1854-1907

Letters received, copy of one letter sent, and miscellaneous documents belonging to David Charles Hughes.
Arranged chronologically.
*Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 19,201
BOX 1-146
REEL 1-115

Correspondence, 1876-1950, n.d.

BOX 1-2
REEL 1-2
Family Correspondence, 1876-1945
Letters and messages of family members. Includes photocopies of letters held by Colgate and Brown universities.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 2-9
REEL 2-6
General Correspondence, 1884-1950, n.d.
Letters received with enclosures and attachments and a few copies of letters sent. Includes photocopies of letters held by Cornell University.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 10-70
REEL 6-56
Secretary of State, 1921-1925
Letters, memoranda, telegrams, and postcards received with enclosures and attachments, carbon copies of letters sent, and a few returned copies of letters sent.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent and therein chronologically. Includes miscellaneous correspondence at the end of the subseries. Arranged alphabetically by type of material or subject and chronologically within.
BOX 71-146
REEL 57-115
Supreme Court, 1930-1941
Letters, telegrams, and postcards received with enclosures and attachments and carbon copies of letters sent.
Arranged chronologically by year and alphabetically therein by name of correspondent. Includes miscellaneous correspondence arranged by type of correspondence and chronologically by year.
BOX 147-174
REEL 115-136

Subject File, 1905-1947

Correspondence, memoranda, notes, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 175-180
REEL 136-139

Speeches and Writings File, 1905-1940, n.d.

Drafts and typewritten, printed, and near-print copies of speeches.
Arranged chronologically. Also a manuscript of Hughes's booklet, Foreign Relations.
BOX 181-186
REEL 139-142

Biographical File, 1906-1951

Autobiographical and biographical writings and notes,typewritten draft and galley proofs of a biography by Merlo J. Pusey, memoranda, and clippings.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 187-232
REEL 142-149

Miscellany, 1836-1945, n.d.

Awards, certificates, extraneous manuscripts, near-print and printed matter, and scrapbooks. The scrapbooks are available only on microfilm.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 233
not filmed

Addition, 1916

Presidential campaign song book.
REEL 150

Oversize, 1908-1933

A photograph, certificates, genealogical charts, and other oversize.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.

Container List

Container Contents

Family Papers, 1854-1907

Letters received, copy of one letter sent, and miscellaneous documents belonging to David Charles Hughes.
Arranged chronologically.
*Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 19,201
Hughes, David C., 1854-1907
BOX 1-146
REEL 1-115

Correspondence, 1876-1950, n.d.

BOX 1-2
REEL 1-2
Family Correspondence, 1876-1945
Letters and messages of family members. Includes photocopies of letters held by Colgate and Brown universities.
Arranged chronologically.
(6 folders)
(4 folders)
1925, 1937
Birthday, Christmas, and wedding anniversary messages exchanged between Charles Evans Hughes and Antoinette Carter Hughes, 1915-1945
BOX 2-9
REEL 2-6
General Correspondence, 1884-1950, n.d.
Letters received with enclosures and attachments and a few copies of letters sent. Includes photocopies of letters held by Cornell University.
Arranged chronologically.
1884-1908, Sept.
(8 folders)
REEL 2-3
1908, Oct.-1910
(8 folders)
(10 folders)
REEL 3-4
1919-1923, Feb.
(8 folders)
1923, Mar.-1927
(8 folders)
REEL 4-5
(7 folders)
(9 folders)
REEL 5-6
1938-1950, n.d.
(7 folders)
BOX 10-70
REEL 6-56
Secretary of State, 1921-1925
Letters, memoranda, telegrams, and postcards received with enclosures and attachments, carbon copies of letters sent, and a few returned copies of letters sent.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent and therein chronologically. Includes miscellaneous correspondence at the end of the subseries. Arranged alphabetically by type of material or subject and chronologically within.
BOX 10
REEL 6-7
"Ab-And" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 11
"Ang-Ay" miscellaneous
(5 folders)
Abbott, Ernest H.
Abernathy, William S.
Academy of Political Science
Ackerman, Carl W.
Adams, John T.
Alexander, Hugh Lucien
Alexander, Magnus W.
Allen, Frederick H.
Allen, Henry T.
BOX 12
American Bar Association
(2 folders)
American Bible Society
American Law Institute
American Legion
American Red Cross
American Society of International Law
Anderson, Chandler P.
Anderson, Henry W.
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish
Associated Press
"Bac-Barn" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 13
REEL 8-9
"Barr-Bi" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 14
REEL 9-10
"Bl-Brou" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX 15
REEL 10-11
"Brow-By" miscellaneous
(5 folders)
Baer, Carlyle S.
Balderston, John L.
Baldwin, Elbert F. and Mary W.
Barrett, John
Bassett, Edward M.
BOX 16
REEL 11-12
Bean, George F.
Beatty, Albert R.
Beck, James M.
Bedford, A. C.
Bedford, E. T.
Beitler, Harold B.
Bell, Edward Price
Bernheimer, Charles L.
Bird, Charles Sumner
Bird, Remsen D.
Bishop, George R.
Bliss, Robert Woods
Bloomer, Millard J.
Bloomfield, Meyer
Borchard, Edwin M.
Boy Scouts of America
Brauer, William Wallace
Breed, William C.
Brinton, Jasper Y.
Bristol, Mark L.
Brooks Brothers
Broomfield, Marie (Mrs. Charles H.)
Brown, J. Calvin
BOX 17
REEL 12-13
Brown, Roscoe C. E.
Brown, Walter P.
Brown University, Providence, R.I.
Buffington, Joseph
Burton, Ernest D.
Burton, M. L.
Burton, Theodore E.
Bush, Irving T.
Butler, Joseph
Butler, Nicholas Murray
"Cab-Cap miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 18
REEL 13-14
"Cara-Clark" miscellaneous
(11 folders)
BOX 19
REEL 14-15
"Clarke-Cox" miscellaneous
(11 folders)
BOX 20
"Cra-Cy" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Calder, William M.
Call, Arthur D.
Canadian Bar Association
Capper, Arthur
Cardozo, Benjamin
Carter, Colin S.
Carter, Walter F.
Carter, William
Chadbourne, William M.
Chance, Merritt O.
Chapple, Joe Mitchell
Chicago, University of, Chicago, Ill.
(2 folders)
BOX 21
Child, Richard Washburne
Christian, George B.
Christy, Howard Chandler
Clark, Edward T.
Clearwater, Alphonso T.
Coar, John T.
Cohen, Julius Henry
Colby, Everett
Colcord, Samuel
Colgate, James C.
Collett, John Kyte
Collier, William M.
Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
Conboy, Martin
Contessa, Vito
Coolidge, Archibald Cary
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooke, Robert Grier
Cooper, William Knowles
Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
BOX 22
REEL 16-17
Coudert, Frederic R.
Council on Foreign Relations
Crane, Charles R.
Cravath, Paul D.
Crawford, William H.
Crossett, Frederick M.
Crowell (Thomas Y.) Co.
Crozier, Alfred Owen
Culbertson, William S.
Cunliffe-Owen, Frederick
Current History
Curtis, Charles
"Dab-Day" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 23
REEL 17-18
"Dea-Dy" miscellaneous
(9 folders)
BOX 24
REEL 18-19
Daugherty, Harry M.
Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society of
Davenport, Frederick M.
Davis, James J.
Davis, John W.
Dawes, Charles G.
Dearing, Fred M.
Delano, Frederic A.
Denby, Edwin
Dixon, Frederick
Downing, Augustus S.
Dreier, Katherine S.
Duggan, Stephen P.
Dulles, John Foster
Dyer, George C.
Dykman, William N.
BOX 25
REEL 19-20
"E" miscellaneous
(8 folders)
BOX 26
REEL 20-21
Earle, George H.
Easley, Ralph M.
Edmonds, Richard H.
Einstein, Lewis
Ellis, William T.
"Fab-Fit" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX 27
REEL 21-22
"Fl-Fy" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX 28
Farquhar, A. B.
Faucett, Nathan S.
Faunce, W. H. P.
Finch, Edward R.
Finley, John H.
Fiske, Haley
Fletcher, Austin B.
Fletcher, Henry P.
Folks, Homer
Foreign Policy Association
Forster, Henry A.
Forster, Rudolph
Frelinghuysen, J. S.
Fuller, Robert H.
BOX 29
REEL 22-23
"Gab-Good" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 30
REEL 23-24
"Gool-Gw" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
Gans, Isaac
Garfield, Harry A.
Garfield, James R.
BOX 31
REEL 24-25
Geddes, Auckland
Gilmore, George W.
Glynn, Martin H.
Gordon, J. Bennett
Green, Theodore Francis
Grew, Joseph C.
Griffiths, William R.
Grosvenor, Gilbert
Guthrie, William D.
Gwynne, Charles T.
"Haa-Harm" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 32
REEL 25-26
"Harn-Hill" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX 33
REEL 26-27
"Hin-Hum" miscellaneous
(8 folders)
BOX 34
"Hun-Hy" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Hagedorn, Hermann
Hagner, Randall H.
Hahn, Rosina
Haight, Charles D.
Hamilton, J. W.
Hammond, John Hays
Harding, Florence K.
Harding, Warren G.
Harding Memorial Association
Harris & Ewing
Harris, Ray E.
Harrison, Leland
Hartman, Gustave
Harvey, George
Hays, Will H.
BOX 35
REEL 27-28
Heinz, Howard
Helms, Birch
Herrick, Myron T.
Hill, David J.
Hilles, Charles D.
Hiscock, Frank H.
Holt, Winifred See Container 45, Mather, Winifred Holt
Hoover, Herbert
Hoster, William
Hotchkiss, William H.
Houghton, Alanson B.
Houston, Herbert S.
Howard, Clarence H.
Howell, J. Morton
Hubbard, Allen S.
BOX 36
REEL 28-29
"I" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Inman, Samuel G.
"J" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 37
REEL 29-30
Jillson, William E.
Johnson, Lehman
Johnson, Robert Underwood
Jones, H. Lester
Jordan, David Starr
Joy, Henry B.
Judson, Harry Pratt
Jusserand, J. J.
"Ka-Kin" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 38
REEL 30-31
"Kip-Ky" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Keen, W. W.
Kellen, William V.
Kellogg, Frank B.
(2 folders)
Kemp, W. Thomas
Kennan, Chester T.
BOX 39
REEL 31-32
Kent, Fred I.
Ketcham, James C.
King, William L. Mackenzie
Kohlsaat, H. H.
"LaB-Lev" miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 40
REEL 32-33
"Lew-Ly" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
Lamont, Thomas W.
Lasker, Albert D.
Leon, Maurice
Lewis, Merton E.
Lewis, William D.
Lewisohn, Adolph
BOX 41
Lindsay, Samuel McCune
Lockwood, George B.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924)
"Maca-Macy" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX 42
"Mad-Mey" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX 43
REEL 34-35
"Mia-Mort" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 44
"Mos-My" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
McClure, S. S.
McConnell, Grace E.
McCormick, Medill
MacCracken, Henry Noble
McDonald, James
McDowell, William F.
McElroy, John
Macmillan Co.
McMorran, C. W.
Mainwaring, William D.
Mallet-Prevost, Severn
Manufacturers Record
Marburg, Theodore
BOX 45
REEL 35-36
Marcosson, Isaac F.
Marriotte, James C.
Marsh, Harry W.
Martin, James S.
Martin, Warren F.
Mather, Winifred Holt
Maxey, George W.
Mellon, Andrew W.
Meloney, Marie M.
Merchants' Association of New York
Meyer, Agnes and Eugene
Michigan, University of, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Miles, Basil
Miley, Annie C.
Millard, C. N.
Miller, Nathan L.
Minnigerode, C. Powell
Minor, Anne Rogers
Moon, Eva Perry
Moore, Alexander P.
Moore, Frederick
Moore, J. B.
Moore, John Bassett
Moot, Adelbert
Morgan, John Pierpont
Morgan, Ruth
Muzzey, David S.
BOX 46
REEL 36-37
"Nas-Ni" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 47
REEL 37-38
"Nob-Ny" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
National Republican
Newberger, David M.
New, Harry S.
Newton, Walter H.
Nielsen, Fred K.
"O" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 48
REEL 38-39
O'Brian, John Lord
Ochs Oakes, George W.
Ogden, Rollo
Ordway, Samuel H.
Osborn, Henry Fairfield
Owen, Georgiana H.
"Pa-Pew" miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 49
REEL 39-40
"Pf-Py" miscellaneous
(8 folders)
Pam, Max
Pan American Society
BOX 50
Pan American Union
(6 folders)
BOX 51
REEL 40-41
(2 folders)
Parker, Alton B.
Parker, Edwin B.
Passmore, Lincoln K.
Patchin, Ira H.
Pavichich, Ante Tresich
Payne, George Henry
Payne, John B.
Peabody, George Foster
Peabody, Henry W.
Pearson, Raymond A.
Peck, Ferdinand W.
Pepper, Charles M.
Pepper, George Wharton
Peter, Agnes
Pezet, Federico Alfonso
Phi Beta Kappa
Phillips, William
Pinchot, Gifford
Plimpton, George A.
Porter, Stephen G.
BOX 52
REEL 41-42
Price, Charles W.
Pritchett, Henry S.
Probert, L. C.
Putnam, Herbert
"Q" miscellaneous
"Ra-Rog" miscellaneous
(8 folders)
BOX 53
REEL 42-43
"Rol-Ry" miscellaneous
(5 folders)
Rathom, John R.
Rau, Seymour L.
Redmond, C. F.
Republican National Committee
Ricci, V. Rolandi
BOX 54
Rice, C. A.
Rice, Calvin W.
Riddick, Carl W.
Ridgway, Erman J.
Riehle, Frederick A.
Rockefeller, John D. (1874-1960)
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore (1887-1944)
Roosevelt Memorial Association
Root, Elihu
Rose, Heloise Durant
Rose, Henry W.
Rounds, Arthur C.
Rowe, L. S. See also Containers 50-51, Pan American Union
(3 folders)
BOX 55
"Sa-Se" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 56
REEL 44-45
"Sh-Sm" miscellaneous
(8 folders)
BOX 57
REEL 45-46
"Sn-St" miscellaneous
(9 folders)
BOX 58
REEL 46-47
"Su-Sy" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
St. Regis Hotel
Saner, R. E. L.
Sanders, Everett
Savage, Francis M.
Sawyer, Charles E.
Schaffer, Joseph
Schurman, George W.
Scott, James Brown
Severance, Cordenio A.
Shaw, Albert
Sheffield, James R.
Sheppard, Carl D.
Sherrill, Charles H.
Sherrill, Clarence O.
BOX 59
REEL 47-48
Slemp, C. Bascom
Smith, Fred B.
Smith, Irwin
Spencer, Selden P.
Steinbrink, Meier
Stepanek, Bedrich
Stewart, John A.
Stimson, Henry A.
Stinson, J. Whitla
(2 folders)
Stoddard, Lothrop
Stone, Harlan F.
Straus, Philip G.
Strawn, Silas H.
Strong, Benjamin
Sulgrave Institution
Sullivan, Mark
BOX 60
REEL 48-49
"Ta-To" miscellaneous
(8 folders)
BOX 61
REEL 49-50
"Tr-Ty" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Taft, Henry W.
Taft, William H. (1857-1930)
Ten Eyck, Andrew
Thomas Y. Crowell See Container 22, Crowell
Tilson, John Q.
Tokaji, Bela
Tokugawa, Iyesato
Torrey, George B.
Torriente, Cosem de la
Trotta, Guiseppe
"U" miscellaneous
Underwood, Oscar W.
Underwood & Underwood
Union League Club, New York, N.Y.
University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. See Container 20, Chicago, University of
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. See Container 45, Michigan, University of
Upton, Harriet Taylor
Urueta, Carlos Adolfo
BOX 62
REEL 50-51
"V" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Vanderbilt, Cornelius (1898-1874)
Varela, Jacobo
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Voorhees, Oscar M.
"Wad-War" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 63
REEL 51-52
"Was-Willi" miscellaneous
(8 folders)
BOX 64
"Willo-Wy" miscellaneous
(5 folders)
Wadhams, Frederick E.
Wadhams, William H.
Wadsworth, Eliot
Wadsworth, James Wolcott (1877-1952)
Wainwright, J. M.
Wait, Wesley
Wakefield, Charles
Walker, Guy M.
Walker, J. Bernard
BOX 65
Wallace, Henry C.
Warfield, S. Davies
Warren, Charles B.
Watson, E. O.
Watson, James E.
Watts, John R.
Weeks, John W.
Weitzel, George T.
Weller, Charles Frederick
Weller, Ovington E.
Wells, Sumner
Welsh, Francis Ralston
West, Andrew F.
West, James E.
White, Henry
Whitehouse, Sheldon
Whitman, Russell R.
Wickersham, George W. (1858-1936)
Wilbur, Curtis D.
Wile, Frederic W.
Wiley, Louis
BOX 66
REEL 53-54
Wilfley, L. R.
Willcox, William R.
Willis, Frank B.
Willson, Augustus E.
Wilson, George G.
Winslow, Samuel E.
Wood, Hervey
Work, Hubert
Wright, J. Butler
Wunder, Clinton
"X-Y" miscellaneous
Yanes, Francisco J.
Young, A. M.
Young, S. Edward
"Z" miscellany
Zeballos, E. S.
BOX 67
REEL 54-55
Miscellaneous correspondence
Invitations and replies, 1921-1925
(5 folders)
Letters commenting on Hughes's speech of 4 Mar. 1939, 1939
(2 folders)
BOX 68
REEL 55-56
Letters re Hughes's retirement
(3 folders)
Requests for appointments, 1924-1925
(2 folders)
Requests for autographs
1921-1924, June
(3 folders)
BOX 69
1924, July-1925
(2 folders)
Requests for contributions, 1924
Requests for copies of speeches, 1921-1924
Requests for photographs, 1921-1925
(4 folders)
Requests for recommendations
BOX 70
Subjects (miscellaneous)
Bok International Award
Campaign of 1924
Clark v. Rock Island
Harding, Warren G., memorial address
Immigration Act of 1924
Monroe Doctrine
Permanent Court of International Justice
Republican Party
BOX 71-146
REEL 57-115
Supreme Court, 1930-1941
Letters, telegrams, and postcards received with enclosures and attachments and carbon copies of letters sent.
Arranged chronologically by year and alphabetically therein by name of correspondent. Includes miscellaneous correspondence arranged by type of correspondence and chronologically by year.
BOX 71
(8 folders)
BOX 72
REEL 57-58
(11 folders)
BOX 73
REEL 58-59
(9 folders)
BOX 74
(8 folders)
BOX 75
REEL 59-60
(9 folders)
BOX 76
REEL 60-61
(4 folders)
(5 folders)
BOX 77
REEL 61-62
(6 folders)
BOX 78
(8 folders)
BOX 79
REEL 62-63
(6 folders)
BOX 80
REEL 63-64
(9 folders)
BOX 81
(7 folders)
BOX 82
(10 folders)
BOX 83
REEL 65-66
(9 folders)
BOX 84
REEL 66-67
(11 folders)
BOX 85
(8 folders)
BOX 86
REEL 67-68
(8 folders)
BOX 87
REEL 68-69
(7 folders)
BOX 88
(5 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX 89
(6 folders)
BOX 90
REEL 70-71
(7 folders)
BOX 91
REEL 71-72
(7 folders)
BOX 92
(6 folders)
BOX 93
(4 folders)
(4 folders)
BOX 94
REEL 73-74
(6 folders)
BOX 95
REEL 74-75
(6 folders)
BOX 96
REEL 75-76
(6 folders)
BOX 97
(7 folders)
BOX 98
REEL 76-77
(6 folders)
BOX 99
REEL 77-78
(6 folders)
BOX 100
REEL 78-79
(7 folders)
BOX 101
REEL 79-80
(8 folders)
BOX 102
(5 folders)
BOX 103
(6 folders)
BOX 104
REEL 81-82
(6 folders)
BOX 105
(7 folders)
BOX 106
(8 folders)
BOX 107
REEL 83-84
(8 folders)
BOX 108
REEL 84-85
(7 folders)
BOX 109
REEL 85-86
Sq-Z and unidentified
(10 folders)
BOX 110
REEL 86-87
(5 folders)
BOX 111
REEL 87-88
(5 folders)
BOX 112
REEL 88-89
(5 folders)
BOX 113
(5 folders)
BOX 114
(6 folders)
BOX 115
REEL 90-91
(5 folders)
BOX 116
REEL 91-92
(5 folders)
BOX 117
REEL 92-93
W-Z and unidentified
(4 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX 118
REEL 93-94
(6 folders)
BOX 119
(7 folders)
BOX 120
REEL 94-95
(6 folders)
BOX 121
REEL 95-96
(8 folders)
BOX 122
(7 folders)
BOX 123
(5 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX 124
REEL 97-98
(7 folders)
BOX 125
REEL 98-99
(6 folders)
BOX 126
REEL 99-100
(9 folders)
BOX 127
REEL 100
(7 folders)
BOX 128
REEL 101
(9 folders)
BOX 129
REEL 101-102
(5 folders)
BOX 130
REEL 102-103
(7 folders)
BOX 131
REEL 103-104
(7 folders)
BOX 132
REEL 104
(7 folders)
BOX 133
REEL 104-105
(6 folders)
BOX 134
REEL 105-106
(8 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX 135
REEL 106-107
(11 folders)
BOX 136
REEL 107
(10 folders)
BOX 137
REEL 107-108
Miscellaneous correspondence
Birthday greetings
1930, 1936-1937
(5 folders)
BOX 138
REEL 108-109
(6 folders)
BOX 139
REEL 109-110
Books and pamphlets
(7 folders)
BOX 140
REEL 110-111
(6 folders)
BOX 141
REEL 111
(2 folders)
Invitations accepted, 1930-1933
(2 folders)
Invitations declined
(2 folders)
BOX 142
REEL 111-112
(6 folders)
BOX 143
REEL 112
(6 folders)
BOX 144
REEL 112-113
(7 folders)
BOX 145
REEL 113-114
(4 folders)
Requests for photographs
(3 folders)
BOX 146
REEL 114-115
(2 folders)
(7 folders)
BOX 147-174
REEL 115-136

Subject File, 1905-1947

Correspondence, memoranda, notes, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 147
REEL 115-116
Aircraft inquiry, 1918
American Bar Association trip, London, England,
(2 folders)
Campaign of 1906, gubernatorial
Campaign of 1916, presidential
"Ammunition" carried by Hughes in campaign
California episode
Campaign literature
Campaign trips
Comments on campaign speeches
Comments on conduct of campaign
Election reports
BOX 148
REEL 116
"Hiram Johnson and the Hughes Campaign in California," by Francis V. Keesling
"The Hotel Virginia Incident," by Francis V. Keesling
Roosevelt and the Progressives
Shorey episode
Subject files eliminated when letters were transferred to general correspondence series in 1952
Commission on Second-Class Mail Matter Report, 1912
Draft Appeals Board of New York City, 1917-1918
Election of 1908, presidential
Gas and insurance investigations, 1905-1906
(2 folders)
BOX 149
REEL 116-7
Governor of New York
Comments on Hughes's administration by Robert H. Fuller, Hughes's secretary, 1907-1910
Comments on Hughes's speeches
Conservation and state parks
Direct Nominations bill
Federal Income Tax Amendment, 1910
Investigation of speculation in securities and commodities
President William Howard Taft's visit to Albany, N.Y., May 19, 1910
Public Service Commission, 1907-1908
Racetrack Gambling bill, 1908
Robert H. Fuller Collection of Newspaper Clippings on the Hughes Administration, 1906-1910, held by the New York Public Library, New York, N.Y.
Removal from office of Otto Kelsey, superintendent of insurance
Renomination and reelection
Yearbooks of officials appointed to state offices
(2 folders)
BOX 150
REEL 117-118
(2 folders)
Guatemala-Honduras boundary arbitration, 1932-1933 See also Oversize
International Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration, Washington, D.C., 1928-1929
Analyses of previous treaties, commissions of inquiry, and constitutions relating to arbitration
BOX 151
REEL 118
Committee on Arbitration
Drafts and final treaty
Pan American Conference, Committee on Public International Law, Havana, Cuba, 1928
New York State Reorganization Commission Report, 1926
BOX 152
REEL 118-9
Pan American Conference, Havana, Cuba, 1928
1) Committee on Pan American Union
(2 folders)
2) Committee on Public International Law
Frontier police
Hughes's notes
I) Fundamental bases of international law
II) States: existence--equality--recognition
III) Status of aliens
IV) Treaties
VII) -
VIII) Diplomatic officials and consuls
IX) Maritime neutrality
X) Asylum
XI) Obligations of states in event of civil war
BOX 153
REEL 119-120
XII) Pacific settlement of international disputes
(2 folders)
Remarks by Hughes
3) Committee on Private International Law
4) Communications Committee
5) Committee on Intellectual Cooperation
6) Committee on Economic Problems
7) Committee on Social Problems
Committee on Initiatives (Directing Committee)
Final report
General information
Hughes's notes on plenary sessions
BOX 154
REEL 120
Official correspondence to the American delegation
Remarks by Hughes
Reports by Pan American Union
Permanent Court of International Justice
Secretary of state
Allied war debts
Appointment as secretary of state
Appointment books
BOX 155
REEL 120-121
(2 folders)
Foreign service, reorganization of Germany
Commercial treaty
Reparations, "The Dawes Plan"
Harding, Warren G., death of and memorials
Immigration Act of 1924
Inman, Samuel G., refutation of his article on U.S. imperalism
Intoxicating liquors, treaties to prevent smuggling of
League of Nations
BOX 156
REEL 121
Memoranda of interviews with members of the diplomatic corps
(19 folders)
BOX 157
REEL 122
France-Great Britain
(8 folders)
BOX 158
REEL 122
(7 folders)
BOX 158
not filmed
(9 folders)
BOX 159
REEL 123
(16 folders)
Memoranda of interviews with others
Mandates controversy
Newberry, Truman H.
BOX 160
REEL 123-124
Oil scandals, Albert B. Fall
Resignation of Hughes
Brazil, 1922
Europe, 1924
Turkey, 1923
Washington Conference
American Advisory Committee
American delegation
Memoranda from delegates and State Department officials
Memoranda to and from John V. A. MacMurray
Report of the proceedings of the conference
Calling of conference
Press releases
Reports on attempts to limit armaments prior to 1921
BOX 161
REEL 124-125
China See also Container 163, Nine Power Treaties
Arms embargo
Customs treaty
Eastern railway
Japanese troops
Leased territories and spheres of influence claimed by foreign powers
Postal service
Sino-Japanese treaties and negotiations
Comments about conference
(2 folders)
Committee on Pacific and Far Eastern Questions
Credentials and lists of delegates
Four Power Treaty
BOX 162
REEL 125
Lansing-Ishii agreement
Minutes of final session, 6 Feb. 1922, incomplete
Naval Armaments Limitation Treaty
(2 folders)
Interpretation of aircraft tonnage problem, 1925
Memoranda of conversations and interviews
Navy Department data
Reports of the General Board
(2 folders)
BOX 163
REEL 125-126
Nine Power Treaties See also Container 161, China
Papers given to State Department, 8 Mar. 1934, by Hughes
Press releases
Russia, Japan, and the Siberian controversy
Shantung controversy
Subcommittee reports
Treaty relating to use of submarines and noxious gases, drafts
BOX 164
REEL 126-127
Printed matter
Evaluations of conference
Memoranda for the American delegation
(3 vols.)
Far East and the Pacific
(4 vols.)
(7 vols.)
Report of the General Board, U.S. Navy Department
BOX 165
REEL 127-128
Warfare and armaments
(2 folders)
Messages to Congress from the president of the United States, Warren G. Harding
Report of the conference, 1922
BOX 166
REEL 128-129
Reports of the delegations to the conference published by participating countries
(3 folders)
Treaties and resolutions
(2 folders)
Sixth International Conference of American States, Havana, Cuba, 1928 See Containers 152-154, Pan American Conference
BOX 167
REEL 129-130
Supreme Court
Appointment of Hughes as associate justice, 1910
Controversial cases or issues
Agricultural Adjustment Act, 1936
(2 folders)
Angelo Herndon case, 1935
Gold clause cases
1935, Jan.-Feb.
(4 folders)
BOX 168
REEL 130-131
1935, Mar.-Dec.
Judiciary reform bill
Feb. 1-14
(4 folders)
BOX 169
REEL 131-132
Feb. 15-28
(5 folders)
BOX 170
REEL 132-133
Mar. 1-13
(5 folders)
BOX 171
REEL 133-134
Mar. 14-31
(5 folders)
BOX 172
REEL 134
Apr.-Dec., n.d.
(6 folders)
BOX 173
REEL 134-135
National Recovery Act, 1935, n.d.
(4 folders)
Scottsboro case
Sit-down strikes, 1939
Thomas Mooney case, 1938
Wagner Act, 1937
BOX 174
REEL 135-136
Luncheon, annual arrangements, 1932-1938
Miscellany, 1929-1947
Proof sheets of opinions
Associate justice
Chief justice
Tacna-Arica controversy
(2 folders)
United Nations, preliminary planning for an international organization
BOX 175-180
REEL 136-139

Speeches and Writings File, 1905-1940, n.d.

Drafts and typewritten, printed, and near-print copies of speeches.
Arranged chronologically. Also a manuscript of Hughes's booklet, Foreign Relations.
BOX 175
REEL 136-137
Speech file
1905-1916, Aug.
(14 folders)
BOX 176
REEL 137
Sept. 1-26
(11 folders)
BOX 177
REEL 137
Sept. 27-Oct. 18
(18 folders)
BOX 178
REEL 137-138
Oct. 19-Nov. 3
(10 folders)
BOX 179
REEL 138
1916, Nov. 4-1924, Oct. 27
(9 folders)
BOX 180
REEL 139
1924, Oct. 28-1940, n.d.
(9 folders)
Extracts from messages, addresses, and opinions of Hughes, 1906-1927
Writings, Foreign Relations, 1924
BOX 181-186
REEL 139-142

Biographical File, 1906-1951

Autobiographical and biographical writings and notes,typewritten draft and galley proofs of a biography by Merlo J. Pusey, memoranda, and clippings.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 181
REEL 139-40
"Autobiographical Notes"
(24 folders)
BOX 182
REEL 140
Beerits, Henry C., memoranda on the life of Hughes
Ancestry and early life
Gas and insurance investigations
Entry into politics and election as governor
First term as governor
Renomination and reelection as governor
Second term as governor
Presidential campaign of 1916
Activities during the years 1916-1921
Calling the Washington Conference
Four Power Treaty
Treaty for the Limitation of Naval Armament
Article 19 of the Naval Treaty: fortifications in the Pacific
Far Eastern questions
Mandates controversy
Separate peace with Germany, the League of Nations, and the Permanent Court of International Justice
Dawes Plan
Funding the Allied war debts
Commercial treaty with Germany
BOX 183
REEL 140-141
Relations with Soviet Russia
Relations with Turkey
Relations with Mexico
Brazilian trip of 1922
Latin-American intervention and the Monroe Doctrine
Latin-American boundary disputes
“The Fall Oil Scandals”
Treaties to prevent the smuggling of intoxicating liquors into the U.S.
Japan and the Immigration Act of 1924
European trip of 1924
Latin-American conferences
Activities during the years 1925-1930
Charles Evans Hughes, by Merlo J. Pusey
Chapters 1-15
(3 folders)
BOX 184
REEL 141
Chapters 16-50
(7 folders)
BOX 185
REEL 141-142
Chapters 51-73
(5 folders)
Index and appendix
BOX 186
REEL 142
Galley proofs
(5 folders)[not microfilmed]
Recollections of classmates
Views on duty of a lawyer
BOX 187-232
REEL 142-149

Miscellany, 1836-1945, n.d.

Awards, certificates, extraneous manuscripts, near-print and printed matter, and scrapbooks. The scrapbooks are available only on microfilm.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 187
REEL 142
Awards, certificates, letters of appointment, honors, and tributes See also Oversize
Copies of letters by Roger B. Taney, 1836, Mar. 23 and 1864, May 8
(2 folders)
Printed matter
Articles about Hughes
BOX 188
REEL 142-143
Articles containing references to Hughes
Clippings, newspapers
(7 folders)
BOX 189
REEL 143-144
1924, European trip
(6 folders)
(2 folders)
1928, Pan American Conference, Havana, Cuba
BOX 190
REEL 144
1930, appointment as chief justice
(2 folders)
1930-1945, n.d
(2 folders)
Material relating to the judicial system
(2 folders)
BOX 191
REEL 144-145
(3 folders)
U.S. Department of State publications
*Only the covers were microfilmed
(2 folders)
BOX 192 Monthly Political Report, nos. 1-23, 1923-1925
BOX 193-200
REEL 145-146
**Available only on microfilm
New York gas and electric lighting investigations, 1904, Dec.-1905, Apr.
BOX 201-226
REEL 146-149
Insurance investigations, 1905, Apr.-1906, Jan.
BOX 227-229
REEL 149
Governor of New York, including campaign of 1908
BOX 230-231
REEL 149
Secretary of state, including scrapbook prepared by William E. Jillson
BOX 232
REEL 149
Appointment as chief justice of the United States
BOX 233
not filmed

Addition, 1916

Presidential campaign song book.
BOX 233 Presidential campaign song book, 1916
REEL 150

Oversize, 1908-1933

A photograph, certificates, genealogical charts, and other oversize.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
REEL 150
Subject File
Guatemala-Honduras boundary arbitration
Diario de Centro America, 1933, Jan. 24-25, Mar. 27-28, Apr. 21-22*
*Available only on microfilm
REEL 150
Awards, certificates, letters of appointment, honors, and tributes (Container 187)
Photogravure of Conference on Conservation of Natural Resources held at the White House, with explanatory key, 1908
Letters appointing Hughes to the commission representing the United States at the Conference on the Limitation of Armament, Washington, D.C., 1921
Certificate of appointment as a member of the World War Foreign Debt Commission, 1922
Certificate of appointment as chairman of the commission on the part of the United States to meet with a commission appointed by Panama to conduct negotiations for an arrangement to replace the Taft Agreement, 1924
Genealogical charts of the descendants of Samuel Blair
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