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Thomas G. Corcoran

A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress

Prepared by Paul D. Ledvina with the assistance of Paul
Colton, Sherralyn McCoy, and Brian McGuire 

Revised and expanded by Connie L. Cartledge with the
assistance of John R. Monagle


Manuscript Division, Library of Congress 

Washington, D.C.


Contact information:

Finding aid encoded by Library of Congress

 Manuscript Division, 2003

Collection Summary

Title:		Papers of Thomas G. Corcoran 

Span Dates:	1792-1982 (bulk 1965-1980) 

ID No.:		MSS61440

Creator:		 Corcoran, Thomas G., 1900-1981 

Size:			 175,175 items;  638 containers plus 23 restricted
plus 1 classified;  245.6 linear feet 

Repository: 	 Manuscript Division, Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C. 

Abstract:		Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, writings,
notes, reports, briefs, opinions, testimony, family
papers, business records, newspaper clippings, printed
material, and other papers documenting Corcoran's private
legal practice and his government service during the
first two presidential terms of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The collection includes material pertaining to his service
in the New Deal era as a legislative draftsman, litigator,
employment bureau director, and speech writer, as well
as his role in administrative programs.

Selected Search Terms

The following terms have been used to index the description
of this collection in the Library's online catalog.
They are grouped by name of person or organization,
by subject or location, and by occupation and listed
alphabetically therein.


Corcoran, Thomas G.

Baruch, Bernard M. (Bernard Mannes), 1870-1965--Correspondence

Biddle, Francis, 1886-1968--Correspondence

Black, Hugo LaFayette, 1886-1971--Correspondence

Burling, Edward B. 1870-1966--Correspondence

Chennault, Anna

Chennault, Anna--Correspondence

Chennault, Claire Lee, 1893-1958

Cohen, Benjamin V.

Cohen, Benjamin V.--Correspondence

Connally, John Bowden, 1917- 

Connally, John Bowden, 1917- --Correspondence

Denman, William, 1872-1959--Correspondence

Douglas, William O. (William Orville), 1898- --Correspondence

Dupuy, Paul, Mme. 

Eicher, Edward C.--Correspondence

Farley, James Aloysius, 1888---Correspondence

Frank, Jerome, 1889-1957--Correspondence

Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965--Correspondence

George, Walter F. (Walter Franklin), 1878-1957

Halbach, Ernest K.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1841-1935

Hopkins, Harry Lloyd, 1890-1946--Correspondence

Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911-1978--Correspondence.

Ickes, Harold L. (Harold LeClair), 1874-1952--Correspondence.

Kennedy, Joseph P. (Joseph Patrick), 1888-1969--Correspondence.

Jackson, Robert Houghwout, 1892-1954--Correspondence

Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973

Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973--Correspondence.

Landis, James McCauley, 1899-1964--Correspondence

Murphy, Frank, 1890-1949--Correspondence

Norris, George W. (George William), 1861-1944

O'Connor, John J., Jr. 

Pepper, Claude, 1900- --Correspondence

Rayburn, Sam, 1882-1961--Correspondence

Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945

Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945--Correspondence

Rosenman, Samuel Irving, 1896-1973--Correspondence

Rowe, James H. (James Henry), 1909-1984--Correspondence

Smith, Walter Bedell, 1895-1961--Correspondence

Symington, Stuart, 1901- --Correspondence

Corcoran family

United States. Securities and Exchange Commission

United States. Supreme Court--History

14th Air Force Association (U.S.)

14th Air Force Association (U.S.). Flying Tigers

American International Underwriters

American Law Institute

Brown University

China Defense Supplies

Corcoran, Youngman and Rowe

Cotton, Franklin, Wright and Gordon

District of Columbia Bar

Harvard University

Sterling Drug

Tennessee Gas Transmission Company

United Fruit Company


Mines and mineral resources

New Deal, 1933-1939

Political campaigns

Practice of law

Taxation--United States


United States--Economic conditions--1918-1945

United States--Foreign relations--1933-1945

United States--History--1933-1945

United States--Politics and government--1933-1945

United States--Social conditions--1933-1945



Administrative Information

Provenance: The papers of Thomas G. Corcoran, lawyer,
administrator in the Treasury Department and Reconstruction
Finance Corporation, special assistant to the president,
and former law secretary to Justice Oliver W. Holmes,
were deposited in the Library of Congress by Thomas
G. Corcoran, Jr., in 1983, and one item was transferred
from the Library's Copyright Office to the Manuscript
Division that same year. The deposit was converted to
a gift to the Library by the Corcoran Fund in 1984.
An addition was given by Robert Sweeney in 1997. A description
of the Corcoran Papers appears in Library of Congress
Acquisitions: Manuscript Division, 1984, pp. 25-28.

Processing History:  The papers of Thomas G. Corcoran
were arranged and described in 1985. Additional material
received in 1997 was processed as an addition in 1999.

Transfers:  Items have been transferred from the Manuscript
Division to other custodial divisions of the Library.
Maps have been transferred to the Library's Geography
and Map Division. Motion picture films and sound recordings
have been transferred to the Library's Motion Picture,
Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division. The majority
of the photographs received with the collection have
been transferred to the Prints and Photographs Division.
An illustrated leaf from a nineteenth century Persian
book has been transferred to the African and Middle
Eastern Division. Books have been transferred to the
Library's general collection and seven issues of Upton
Sinclair's EPIC News have been transferred to the Rare
Book and Special Collections Division. All of the items
transferred are identified as part of these papers.

Copyright Status:  Copyright in the unpublished writings
of Thomas G. Corcoran in these papers and in other collections
of papers in the custody of the Library of Congress
has been dedicated to the public, except these rights
were reserved until the year 2009.

Restrictions:  Restrictions apply governing the use,
photoduplication, or publication of items in this collection.
Consult a reference librarian in the Manuscript Division
for information concerning these restrictions.

Security Classified Documents:  Government regulations
control the use of security classified items in this
collection. Manuscript Division staff can furnish information
concerning access to and use of classified material.

Preferred Citation:  Researchers wishing to cite this
collection should include the following information:
Container number, Thomas G. Corcoran, Manuscript Division,
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Biographical Note

1900, Dec. 29			

Born, Pawtucket, R.I.


A.B. and A.M., Brown University, Providence, R.I.


LL.B., Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass.


S.J.D., Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass.


Secretary, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Supreme Court justice


Associate, law firm of Cotton and Franklin, New York,

1932, 1934-1940			

Counsel, Reconstruction Finance Corp.


Assistant to the secretary of the treasury


Special assistant to the attorney general of the United


Married Margaret Josephine Dowd


Counsel, China Defense Supplies


Lawyer, Corcoran, Youngman and Rowe


Trustee, Brown University, Providence, R.I.

1981, Dec. 7			

Died, Washington, D.C.

Scope and Content Note

The papers of Thomas Gardiner Corcoran (1900-1981) span
the years 1792-1982, with the majority of the papers
concentrated in the period 1965-1980. The collection
documents Corcoran's government service during the first
and second presidential terms of Franklin D. Roosevelt
and his private legal practice. Corcoran's knowledge
of law and government and his contacts within the legislative
and executive branch earned him a reputation as a consummate
Washington insider, influencing legislation and politics
on the national level during the New Deal period and
well beyond. The papers consist of nine series: Family
Papers, General Correspondence, Subject File, New Deal
Era, Civil Aviation File, Legal File, Miscellany, Special
Restricted File, and Addition.

The Family Papers, 1823-1982, include correspondence,
financial and legal papers, academic and class files,
and other items relating to travel and leisure activities
organized in three subseries: Subject File, Financial
File, and Miscellany. Correspondence in the Subject
File highlights the family's interest in one another's
activities. Corcoran's letters to his brothers and parents
include comments about Washington personalities and
public events as well as family news. The Financial
File contains papers relating to Corcoran's charitable
contributions, investments, and trust funds, and income
tax returns. The bulk of the Miscellany subseries concerns
the family's real estate and its travel and leisure

The General Correspondence series, 1927-1982, reflects
the vast number of individuals in government and private
industry with whom Corcoran corresponded. The correspondence
chronicles Corcoran's personal activities and his interest
in politics, domestic issues, and foreign affairs. Letters
from friends and acquaintances include an occasional
request for either personal or legal advice concerning
a problem. This series also contains related material
such as photographs, newspaper clippings, and printed
matter. Among the frequent correspondents in the series
are Bernard M. Baruch, Francis Biddle, Hugo Lafayette
Black, Edward B. Burling (1870-1966), Anna C. Chennault,
Benjamin V. Cohen, John Bowden Connally, William O.
Douglas, Edward C. Eicher, James Aloysius Farley, Hubert
H. Humphrey, Harold L. Ickes, Lyndon B. Johnson, James
McCauley Landis, Claude Pepper, Sam Rayburn, Franklin
D. Roosevelt, Samuel Irving Rosenman, Jame H. Rowe,
Walter Bedell Smith, and Stuart Symington.

The Subject File, 1915-1982, illustrates Corcoran's
affiliation with organizations and educational institutions
such as the American Law Institute, Brown University,
District of Columbia Bar, and Harvard University and
documents his appearances testifying before congressional
committees. Other subjects include China, politics,
taxation, the Fourteenth Air Force Association and the
Flying Tigers, and minerals and mining. This series
also contains extensive files pertaining to Anna Chennault,
Claire Lee Chennault, John Bowden Connally, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, and Lyndon B. Johnson.

The New Deal Era series, 1887-1940, documents Corcoran's
many contributions as legislative draftsman, litigator,
employment bureau director, and speech writer and his
instrumental role in administrative programs. The series
is divided into four subseries: General Correspondence,
Speeches and Writings File, Subject File, and Miscellany.

The General Correspondence subseries, containing incoming
and outgoing letters, reflects the optimism, perseverance,
and camaraderie of political reformers who felt their
movement was succeeding. This subseries includes many
notes from Roosevelt to Corcoran in which the president
asked Corcoran to report on an issue or to investigate
a particular problem. Among the frequent correspondents
in the subseries are Hugo Lafayette Black, Benjamin
V. Cohen, William Denman, William O. Douglas, Edward
C. Eicher, Jerome Frank, Felix Frankfurter, Harry Lloyd
Hopkins, Harold L. Ickes, Robert Houghwout Jackson,
Lyndon B. Johnson, Joseph P. Kennedy, James McCauley
Landis, Frank Murphy, Claude Pepper, Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Samuel Irving Rosenman, and James H. Rowe.

The Speeches and Writings File documents Corcoran's
activities as a speech writer for Roosevelt and other
New Deal officials. Corcoran also frequently reviewed
the speech drafts of others in the administration to
insure they were consistent with administration policies.
This subseries contains extensive reference material
and reports that Corcoran used to write speeches.

The largest of the New Deal subseries, the Subject File,
contains material pertaining to New Deal legislation
such as the Public Utility Holding Company Act, the
Fair Labor Standards Act, and the Securities and Exchange
Act. This subseries conveys the dynamics of the legislative
process and chronicles the role of Benjamin V. Cohen
and others who helped shape these new statutes. The
evolution of the Securities and Exchange Commission
is well documented, including files about early litigation
such as the Electric Bond and Share suit. Also represented
in the subseries is Corcoran's increasing involvement
in campaigns and political strategy. Included in the
campaign files are materials on fund-raising activities
for the reelection of George Norris, correspondence
about the effort to purge Walter George and John J.
O'Connor, and information about Democratic Party publicity
efforts. The "Personnel file" in the Miscellany subseries
reveals not only the number of people with whom Corcoran
was acquainted, but also the number of people who sought
his help in obtaining work. The files demonstrate his
understanding of how inconspicuous positions could have
a major impact on the functioning of government.

The Civil Aviation File, 1941-1969, and the Legal File,
1932-1981, include correspondence, memoranda, briefs,
opinions, congressional testimony, and business records.
These two series document Corcoran's legal practice
and business interests after he left government service.
Clients prominently featured are China Defense Supplies,
American International Underwriters, Madame Paul DuPuy,
Ernest K. Halbach, Sterling Drug, Tennessee Gas Transmission
Company, and United Fruit Co.

The bulk of the Miscellany series, 1792-1982, consists
of papers concerning Corcoran's unpublished autobiography,
"Rendezvous with Democracy," and office files. The office
files include a chronological correspondence file from
1965 through 1970, calendars and schedules, résumés
and recommendations, and telephone messages. Also included
in this series is material from Corcoran's law firm,
Cotton and Franklin.

The Addition, 1932-1975, consists mainly of correspondence
and memoranda concerning New Deal legislation. The bulk
of the correspondence is between Corcoran and Felix
Frankfurter. Subjects represented in the Addition are
the reorganization of the Supreme Court in 1937 and
the staffing of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Organization of the Papers

The collection is arranged in 10 series:

	 Family Papers, 1823-1982, n.d.

	 General Correspondence, 1927-1982

	 Subject File, 1915-1982, n.d.

	 New Deal Era, 1887-1940, n.d.

	 Civil Aviation File, 1941-1969

	 Legal File, 1932-1981, n.d.

	 Miscellany, 1792-1982, n.d.

	 Addition, 1932-1975, n.d.

	 Special Restricted File, 1931-1981

	 Classified, 1942-1969

Container List

Box 1-45 

Family Papers, 1823-1982,  n.d.

Box 1-26 

Subject File, 1823-1982,  n.d.

Letters sent and received by family members, letters
of condolence, biographical information, financial records,
academic reports, and other material. 

Arranged alphabetically by name of family member and
therein by subject or type of material.

Box 1 

Armstrong, Samuel, 1929-1956

Corcoran, Christopher P. (son)

Academic matters, reports, etc. 

(4 folders)

Correspondence, 1956-1981


Writings and drawings

Box 2 

Corcoran, David C. (nephew), 1952-1981

Corcoran, David Merle (brother)

Awards, certificates, etc., 1917-1921

Class notes, 1921-1925



(4 folders)

Box 3 


(2 folders)

Sterling Drug tribute, 1973

Tax files, 1952-1963

(4 folders)

Box 4 

(2 folders)

Wills and testaments, 1955-1963 

(2 folders)

Box 5 

Corcoran, David Michael (son)

Academic matters, reports, etc.

(6 folders)

Box 6 

(1 folder)

Correspondence, 1944-1982 

(4 folders)



Box 7 

Corcoran, Howard Francis (brother)

Correspondence, 1926-1980 

(6 folders)

Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., essays

(1 folder)

Box 8 

(1 folder)

Corcoran, Howard Francis Benjamin Lowell (son)

Academic matters, reports, etc. 

(4 folders)

Box 9 

Correspondence, 1953-1980 

(3 folders)

Writings and drawings

Corcoran, Jennifer J. (niece), 1967-1981

Corcoran, Jonathan H. (nephew), 1955-1981

Corcoran, Josephine (niece), 1950-1980

Corcoran, Margaret Dowd (wife)


Condolences on her death, 1957


(2 folders)

Box 10 


(4 folders)



(2 folders)

Box 11 


Estate matters, 1957-1965 

(2 folders)

Corcoran, Margaret Josephine (daughter)

Academic matters, reports, etc.

(4 folders)

Box 12 

(3 folders)

Certificates, awards, programs


Condolences on her death, 1970


(2 folders)

Box 13 


(6 folders)

Box 14 


(6 folders)

Box 15 


(2 folders)

Congratulations on birth, 1941 

(2 folders)



(4 folders)

Box 16 


Debut, 1958

Passports, etc.


Writings, drawings etc.

(2 folders)

Box 17 

(2 folders)

Corcoran, Mary Cecily (daughter)

Academic matters, reports, etc.

(4 folders)

Box 18 

(2 folders)

Correspondence, 1948-1975

Debut, 1964

Box 19 

Programs, awards, certificates

Writings, drawings, etc.

Corcoran, Mary Josephine O'Keefe (mother), correspondence,

(3 folders)

Corcoran, Thomas Armstrong (nephew)



Box 20 


(3 folders)

Newspaper and periodical clippings

Corcoran, Thomas G. (1900-1981), condolences on the
death of, 1981

(2 folders)

Box 21 

(4 folders)

Corcoran, Thomas G. (1942- ) (son)

Academic matters, reports, etc.

(3 folders)

Box 22 

(4 folders)

Certificates, awards, programs etc.


Congratulations on birth, 1942



Box 23 


(4 folders)



Corcoran, Thomas Patrick (father)

Biographical material

Clippings miscellany

Box 24 


Condolences on death, 1959 

(3 folders)



(4 folders)

Box 25 

1947-1959, n.d. 

(3 folders)

Financial matters

Miscellany, 1889-1981

Real estate

Dowd Family, 1940-1980

Foulkes Family, 1945-1978

Box 26 

Hill, Richard R. (son-in-law), 1967-1977

Keefe Family, 1937-1964

Kihn, Harry (father-in-law of Mary Cecily Corcoran),

O'Keefe, Constance, 1936-1939, 1975

O'Keefe, D. Garfield, 1929-1965

O'Keefe, Frank, 1939-1975

O'Keefe, J. Howard, 1932-1967

O'Keefe family miscellany, 1937-1950

Woltman, Ethel (mother-in-law of David Michael Corcoran)

Correspondence, 1951-1965

Financial and legal matters

Unidentified, 1823-1959

Box 27-40 

Financial File, 1929-1981

Correspondence, account books, statements, and other

Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material
and therein chronologically.

Box 27 



(12 folders)

Box 28 


(7 folders)

Box 29 


(4 folders)

Box 30 


(6 folders)

Box 31 

Income tax returns



(9 folders)

Box 32 


(8 folders)

Box 33 


(7 folders)

Gift tax, 1942-1957

Estate tax returns, Margaret D. Corcoran, 1957-1959

Box 34 


(5 folders)


(4 folders)

Box 35 

(3 folders)

Personal expenses


(2 folders)

Box 36 


(2 folders)

Trust fund custody accounts, 1948-1970

(4 folders)

Box 37 

(5 folders)

Box 38 

(6 folders)

Box 39 

(8 folders)

Box 40 

(9 folders)

Box 41-45 

Miscellany, 1935-1980

Passports, wills and testaments, medical records, real
estate papers, and material concerning travel and leisure

Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material.

Box 41 

Absentee voting file

Domestic help

Films and home movies

Medical records, 1935-1967

Musical instruments 

(2 folders)


Real estate

(3 folders)

Box 42 

(6 folders)


(1 folder)

Box 43 

(2 folders)

Selective service, 1942-1944

Social lists, gifts sent and received, 1951-1980

(6 folders)

Box 44 

(9 folders)

Travel, vacations, children's summer camps

(6 folders)

Box 45 

(9 folders)

Wills and last testaments, 1944, 1951 

(2 folders)

Box 46-89 

General Correspondence, 1927-1982

Letters sent and received, memoranda, miscellaneous
attachments, and enclosures. 

Arranged in two chronological groups, 1927-1931 and
1941-1982, and therein alphabetically by name of correspondent.
Restricted folders, designated by asterisks, have been
moved to a Special Restricted File series.

Box 46 


"A-S" miscellaneous 

(4 folders)

 *Simpson, Kemper, 1931

"T-Z" miscellaneous


Acheson, Dean, 1949-1969

Adjemoff, Moses, 1947-1958

Allen, Robert S., 1941-1980

Allen, William M., 1943-1977

Alsop, Stewart, 1948-1974

Arnold, H. A., 1947-1957

Arnold, Thurman, 1941-1969

Avildsen, Clarence, 1942-1964

Box 47 

"A" miscellaneous 

(5 folders)

Baker, Robert C., 1950-1968

Barker, Robert B., 1946-1961

Barton, William J., 1954-1967

Box 48 

Baruch, Bernard M., 1942-1961

 *Becker, Samuel, 1942-1981

Behan, Annetta, 1953-1977

Bell, J. Raymond, 1958-1981

Bergen, John J., 1966-1980

 *Berger, Robert I., 1942-1964

Bickel, Karl A., 1941-1951

Biddle, Francis, 1941-1968

 *Bishop, Max W., 1964-1972

Black, Elizabeth, 1957-1981

Black, Hugo LaFayette, 1945-1970

Boggs, Thomas Hale, 1954-1964

Boyd, Fred C. C., 1942-1950

Box 49 

Braden, Spruille, 1948-1976

 *Bradley, Murray, 1952-1966

Brannen, Barry, 1973-1974

Breeding, James Floyd, 1957-1970

Brennan, James J., 1947-1962

 *Brennan, Lawrence E., 1957-1964

Bridges, Styles, 1947-1959

Brown, George R., 1946-1981

Brown, Peter C., 1957-1978

Browne, Alan K., 1963-1971

Bullitt, John C., 1962-1981

Burling, Betty Jones, 1961-1978

Burling, Edward B. (1870-1966), 1941-1962

Burling, Edward B. (1908- ), 1942-1981

Burns, John J., 1945-1957

 *Burridge, A. Lewis, 1961-1980

Box 50 

"B" miscellaneous

(6 folders)

Box 51 

(7 folders)

Box 52 

Cabot, Thomas D., 1948-1981

Cahill, John T., 1941-1964

Campbell, William J., 1941-1980

Carey, Hugh L., 1973-1981

Carpenter, Charles W., 1941-1966

Carter, John F., 1942-1948, 1964

 *Chennault, Anna, 1957-1981

Chennault, Claire Lee, 1948-1956

Clark, David Worth, 1941-1955

Clark, Edwin N., 1945-1961

Clark, Henry W., 1962-1970

Box 53 

 *Clayton, Peter H., 1956-1968

Cline, Ray S., 1966-1979

Cohen, Benjamin V., 1941-1979

Cohn, Haskell, 1969-1981

Coleman, Sylvan G., 1965-1979

Connally, John Bowden, 1951-1981

Cooper, Merian C., 1958-1972

 *Corcoran, Patrick H., 1961-1971

Correa, Mathias F., 1942-1947, 1963

 *Cragg, Alliston, 1941-1957 

(2 folders)

Box 54 

Crowley, Leo T., 1943-1972

Cuneo, Ernest L., 1941-1981

Cutter, Richard Ammi, 1946-1981

"C" miscellaneous

(4 folders)

Box 55 

(6 folders)

Box 56 

 *Dalton, Jess N., 1945-1950

Dana, Newton T., 1942-1950

Desvernine, Raoul E., 1960-1961

 *Diesel, John P., 1975-1981

 *Dimechkie, Nadim, 1961-1975

Dirksen, Everett M., 1948-1969

Dodge, Joseph B., 1948-1956

Doetsch, James F., 1947-1965

Donovan, William J., 1951-1959

Douglas, William O., 1942-1978

Doyle, Michael F., 1941-1958

Dresser, Robert B., 1954-1967

Driscoll, Denis J., 1943-1954

"D" miscellaneous

(2 folders)

Box 57 

(5 folders)

Eaton, Frederick M., 1965-1981

Eberstadt, Ferdinand, 1941-1967

Edwards, Max N., 1958-1981

Eicher, Edward C., 1941-1943

Ervin, Sam J. (1896-1985), 1967-1981

Box 58 

"E" miscellaneous 

(3 folders)

 *Fanelli, Joseph A., 1942-1981

Fanning, John H., 1966-1981

Farley, James Aloysius, 1964-1976

Fitzpatrick, John F., 1941-1960

Flanders, Ralph E., 1946-1961

 *Fleming, John W., 1946-1965

Fly, James L., 1943-1948

 *Foley, Edward H. (1905-1982), 1942-1978

Foley, Francis R., 1945-1980

Box 59 

Folsom, Frank M., 1944-1959

Fong, Hiram L., 1974-1976

Forrestal, James, 1941-1952

Fowler, Henry H., 1948-1978

Frank, Jerome, 1941-1957

Freeman, Nelson W., 1952-1981

Freeman, Orville L., 1949-1962

Friedman, William J., 1956-1967

"F" miscellaneous

(5 folders)

Box 60 

(1 folder)

 *Galvez, Roberto B., 1962-1964

Gerard, James W., 1945-1951

Goff, Howard M., 1941-1972

Gonella, John, 1965-1979

Gordon, Thurlow M., 1942-1971

Grace, J. Peter, 1965-1978

 *Gray, Robert K., 1968-1980

 *Green, John H., 1942-1943

Green, Theodore F., 1947-1963

Griswold, Erwin N., 1950-1979

Griswold, Merrill, 1949-1951

Box 61 

Gruening, Ernest, 1949-1974

Guthrie, Charles Stuart, 1942-1978

"G" miscellaneous 

(7 folders)

Box 62 

Hand, Learned, 1948-1951

Harrington, Julian F., 1952-1962

Harris, Jane, 1956-1975

Hays, Brooks, 1958-1959

 *Hayward, John T., 1968

Head, Murdock, 1971-1981

Herbert, F. Edward, 1973-1975

 *Hedden, Mabel, 1977-1978

Hedden, Stuart, 1941-1977 

(2 folders)

Helliwell, Paul L. E., 1949-1978

 *Henderson, John B., 1956-1971

 *Hickman, Leon E., 1951-1975

Hidalgo, Edward, 1946-1979

Box 63 

Hill, Lister, 1944-1976

Hill, Robert C., 1954-1978

Hinckley, Robert H., 1941-1978

Hobson, Arthur T., 1943-1964

 *Howard, Richard Peyton, 1958-1981

Hoyt, Palmer, 1948-1970

Humphrey, Hubert H., 1950-1977

Hurley, George, 1943-1951

Hutchinson, Walter R., 1947-1952

 *Hyde, Anthony, 1941-1978

Box 64 

"H" miscellaneous

(9 folders)

Box 65 

(3 folders)

Ickes, Harold L., 1941-1949

Ickes, Jane, 1947-1970

"I" miscellaneous

Janeway, Eliot, 1946-1979

 *Jasper, Claude, 1958-1980

Box 66 

Jenkins, Walter, 1952-1979

 *Johnson, Lady Bird, 1955-1981 

(2 folders)

Johnson, Lyndon B., 1941-1973 

(3 folders)

Johnston, Means, 1968-1976

Box 67 

"J" miscellaneous 

(5 folders)

Kades, Charles L., 1945-1954

 *Kane, John S., 1957-1974

Keating, Thomas F., 1947-1959

Keech, Richmond B., 1955-1981

Keenan, Joseph D., 1961-1976

Keeney, Barnaby C., 1959-1980

Kefauver, Estes, 1950-1963

Kelly, Edward J., 1941-1949

Box 68 

 *Kelsey, Irving J., 1959-1966

Kennedy, Joseph P., 1944-1959

Killion, George, 1945-1980

 *King, David S., 1961-1970

Kingsley, Francis G., 1944-1981

Kirbo, Charles, 1969-1978

Kirkpatrick, Lyman B., 1956-1980

Kittrell, William H., 1943-1963

Knight, Frances G., 1955-1977

Kostelanetz, Boris, 1950-1980

"K" miscellaneous

(2 folders)

Box 69 

(4 folders)

Lafferty, A. W., 1941-1961 

(2 folders)

LaGuardia, Fiorello, 1941-1947

 *Laine, Linda N., 1968-1977

 *Laird, Melvin R., 1969-1981

Box 70 

Landis, James McCauley, 1941-1965

 *Landreth, Edward S., 1947-1977

 *Lane, John D., 1952-1980

Langer, William L., 1953-1959

Lavery, Emmet, 1944-1976

Lee, Duncan, 1952-1972

Lee, Josh, 1943-1956

Lemann, Monte, 1948-1959

Lockett, Edward, 1945-1961

Long, Gillis W., 1964-1981

Louchheim, Walter C., 1948-1952

Love, Spencer, 1944-1962

Luckman, Charles, 1946-1948

"L" miscellaneous

(2 folders)

Box 71 

(6 folders)

McClintock, John C., 1947-1974

 *McConnaughey, Marianne, 1966-1981

McCormack, John W., 1941-1980 

(2 folders)

Box 72 

McCormick, Maryland, 1963-1979

McGrath, J. Howard, 1945-1958

McKee, Fred C., 1949-1956

McKinney, Coryell, 1955-1973

 *McLendon, Gay N., 1969-1981

McNulty, George A., 1941-1964

Mahon, William J., 1941-1958

Mandell, Joseph L., 1941-1957

 *Mara, Nicholas V., 1956-1977

Maverick, Maury, 1941-1950

Meiklejohn, Alexander, 1959-1965

Mellett, Lowell, 1947-1960

Mermey, Maurice, 1941-1964

 *Milliken, Roger, 1944-1980

Mitchell, Stephen A., 1944-1960

Mogelever, Jacob H., 1942-1967

Box 73 

Monro, C. Bedell, 1944-1955

Monroe, J. Blanc, 1941-1943

Monroe, Jules Raburn, 1941-1961

 *Monroe, Malcolm L., 1941-1971

 *Monroe, Rose, 1962-1974

Monroney, A. S. ("Mike"), 1952-1968

Montgomery, Joseph W., 1944-1972

Moody, A. E. Blair (1902-1954), 1951-1952

Moore, Edward R., 1942

 *Moran, Richard P., 1945-1969

Morey, Albert A., 1955-1971

Morrissey, Daniel H., 1950-1954

Morse, Wayne, 1948-1974

Murchison, Charles H., 1941-1980

Muskie, Edmund S., 1967-1980

"M" miscellaneous

(2 folders)

Box 74 

(8 folders)

Box 75 

(3 folders)

Neuberger, Richard, 1941-1960

Newhard, Chapin S., 1953-1969

Noble, Edward J., 1941-1954

Noe, James A., 1956-1976

Norton, Vernon C., 1945-1950

 *Nottebohm, Carlos H., 1953-1980

 *Nugent, Luci Baines Johnson, 1966-1981

"N" miscellaneous 

(3 folders)

Box 76 

O'Brian, John Lord, 1948-1973

Olds, Leland, 1951-1960

Orr, Douglas M., 1956-1971

"O" miscellaneous 

(3 folders)

Palmer, Dwight R. G., 1941-1955

 *Palmer, Margaret F., 1962-1967

Panuch, J. Anthony, 1943-1968

Parlin, Charles C., 1945-1976

Parrott, Forrest, 1944-1945

Patman, Wright, 1945-1974

Patterson, Richard C. (1886-1966), 1941-1949

Paull, John R., 1942-1951

Box 77 

Payer, Harry F., 1941-1948

Pearson, Drew, 1944-1969

 *Pell, Claiborne, 1959-1980

Pepper, Claude, 1941-1981 

(2 folders)

Perkins, Fred B., 1959-1969

Perkins, Milo R., 1944-1975

 *Perry, Robert X., 1954-1980

 *Peterson, Raymond N., 1945-1979

Pfeiffer, Edward J., 1976-1979

Pierson, Warren, 1947-1978

Place, Edward R., 1959-1978

Plimpton, Francis T. P., 1947-1976

Pound, Roscoe, 1950-1964

Poynter, Nelson P., 1941-1973

Box 78 

Prichard, Edward F., 1941-1980

Pulling, Albert S., 1941-1974 

(2 folders)

 *Pulling, Barton S., 1949-1980 

(6 folders)

"P" miscellaneous 

(6 folders)

"Q" miscellaneous

Box 79 

Rafferty, James F., 1953-1973

Ragland, James F., 1949-1956

Rather, Mary, 1960-1980

Rauh, Joseph L., 1941-1971

Rayburn, Sam, 1941-1961

Reed, Stanley F., 1941-1980

Reid, Ross, 1974-1981

 *Reik, Richard, 1941

Reilley, Ewing W., 1945-1968

Reilley, Gerard D., 1945-1978

 *Rhodes, John J., 1974-1976

 *Robb, Charles, 1965-1981

Robbins, J. Stanton, 1941-1969 

(2 folders)

Box 80 

Robey, Ralph, 1962-1966

Rogers, Edward S., 1942-1944

Rogge, O. John, 1942-1974

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1941

Rose, H. Chapman, 1941-1980

Rosenbaum, Lewis N., 1941-1949

Rosenman, Samuel Irving, 1945-1959

 *Rowe, James H. (1909-1984), 1942-1981

Rublee, George, 1945-1957

"R" miscellaneous

(3 folders)

Box 81 

(6 folders)

Sachs, Arthur, 1941

Salyers, Robert K., 1973-1977

Samson, Henry T., 1947-1950

Sargent, Porter, 1941-1951

Box 82 

Scattergood, Ezra F., 1941

 *Schlesinger, Arthur Meier (1917- ), 1954-1979

Schofield, Lemuel B., 1941-1948

Schwartz, Charles K., 1941-1959

Selznick, David O., 1963-1965

Semmes, John E., 1941-1959

 *Shaughnessy, Frances, 1959-1966

Shaughnessy, Michael Q., 1942-1957

 *Shen, James C. H., 1974-1976

Sherrard, Glenwood J., 1947-1953

Shupert, William H., 1942-1969

Smathers, William H., 1945-1946

Smith, Walter Bedell, 1955-1961

Sonnenberg, Benjamin, 1941-1978

Soong, T. V., 1946-1971

Spellman, Francis J., 1942-1946

 *Stephens, E. A., 1942-1947

Box 83 

 *Stephenson, William A. F., 1941-1980

 *Stone, Roger T., 1947-1974

Stout, F. Sturgis, 1948

 *Straight, Michael, 1942-1976

 *Strauss, Robert S., 1970-1981

Studer, Carl J., 1955-1966

Sullivan, Gael E., 1943-1952

Sullivan, Joseph T. P., 1941-1977

Sutherland, Arthur E., 1958-1972

Sweeney, Mary F., 1963-1973

Symington, Stuart, 1945-1976

Symonds, Gardiner, 1953-1971

"S" miscellaneous 

(2 folders)

Box 84 

(9 folders)

Box 85 

(3 folders)

Taillon, William L., 1947-1966

Taylor, Henry J., 1966-1970

Thomas, Francis D., 1945-1954

Throop, Allen E., 1941-1981 

(2 folders)

Tobey, Charles W., 1951-1953

 *Tribble, George E., 1946-1956

Trouyet, Carlos, 1963-1968

Tully, Grace, 1941-1981

Box 86 

 *Turnbull, Walter E., 1948-1967

Tweedy, Gordon B., 1945-1972

"T" miscellaneous 

(4 folders)

"U" miscellaneous

Vanderbilt, Cornelius (1898- ), 1941-1967

Vinson, Frederic M., 1943-1954

Vournas, George C., 1941

"V" miscellaneous

Box 87 

 *Walsh, Richard L., 1942-1975

Ward, Charles A., 1941-1960 

(2 folders)

 *Welch, Edith E., 1958-1965

Whalen, Thomas E., 1956-1960

Wheeler, Burton K., 1946-1962

Willauer, Whiting, 1943-1962

Willoughby, Earle S., 1953-1963

Wirtz, Alvin J., 1944-1951

Wood, Franklin S., 1941-1974

 *Wood, John R., 1960-1967

Woodring, Harry H., 1944-1949

Woodward, Donald B., 1943-1959

Wright, Charles M., 1948-1972

"W" miscellaneous

(2 folders)

Box 88 

(6 folders)

"X" miscellaneous

Yeager, William B., 1941-1954

Yeh, George C. K., 1954-1976

Box 89 

Youngman, William S., 1941-1981

"Y" miscellaneous

Zeller, Vern G., 1944-1969

Zemurray, Samuel, 1941-1961

"Z" miscellaneous

Unidentified, fragments and stenographers' notes 

(3 folders)

Box 90-188 

Subject File, 1915-1982,  n.d.

Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, general reference
material, material related to Corcoran's activities
in organizations and educational institutions, and testimony
before congressional committees. 

Arranged alphabetically by name of person, organization,
or topic. Restricted folders, designated by asterisks,
have been moved to a Special Restricted File series.

Box 90 

 *Adams, Edward, 1955-1958

Affiliated Young Democrats, 1941-1968

Agriculture, 1958-1959

Alfalfa Club, Washington, D.C., 1961-1971

Alien Property Custodian, 1942-1944

American Bar Association, 1958-1978

American Irish Historical Society, 1971-1978

American Law Institute, 1965-1980

(2 folders)

Box 91 

(7 folders)

 *Anderson, Cyrus, 1970

Box 92 

Appalachian Mountain Club, 1920, 1934-1971 

(2 folders)

Avildsen, Clarence, 1948-1961

 *Baker, Robert G., 1964-1971

Box 93 

Banking, 1944, 1965-1966

Baruch, Bernard M., committee report, 1942

 *Berger, Robert, 1944

Bergman, Alfred, 1941-1942, 1964-1969 

(3 folders)

Biddle, Francis, 1945

Box 94 

Black, Hugo LaFayette, 1971-1972

 *Blandi, Joseph G., 1961

Bolivia, 1967-1972

(3 folders)

Box 95 

(2 folders)

Braden, Spruille, 1952-1955

Brennan, James L., 1951-1969

Broad Street Club, New York, N.Y., 1948-1965

Brown University, Providence, R.I., 1932-1981

(3 folders)

Box 96 

(11 folders)

Box 97 

(8 folders)

Box 98 

(6 folders)

Burning Tree Club, Bethesda, Md., 1952-1962

Campbell, William J., 1942-1975

(1 folder)

Box 99 

(2 folders)

Carey, William F., 1942

Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 1958-1978

Center for the Study of the Presidency, Montauk Symposium,
Montauk, N.Y., 1970-1972 

(2 folders)

Chadbourne, W. H., 1942

Box 100 

 *Chennault, Anna, 1955-1981

(6 folders)

Box 101 

(4 folders)

Box 102 

(5 folders)

Box 103 

(6 folders)

Box 104 

 *Chennault, Claire Lee, 1952-1981

(5 folders)

Box 105 

(6 folders)

Box 106 

(9 folders)

Box 107 

(6 folders)

Box 108 

(2 folders)

China, 1941-1981


(4 folders)

Box 109 

(7 folders)

Box 110 

(8 folders)

Box 111 

(5 folders)

Box 112 

(5 folders)

Box 113 

(3 folders)

Box 114 

Newspaper clippings, 1942-1950

(8 folders)

Box 115 

(4 folders)

Box 116 

(4 folders)

Box 117 

(3 folders)

Box 118 

(4 folders)

Box 119 

(2 folders)

Chinese Refugee Relief, 1962-1965 

(2 folders)

Box 120 

Citizens Committee for Victory, 1942

City Tavern Association, Washington, D.C., 1963-1978

Civil Aeronautics Board, 1945, 1968

Clark, Thomas C.

Anaconda matter

House resolution 1203, 1943

Cohen, Benjamin V.

General, 1943-1980

Frank, Jerome, Ben Cohen, rough draft, 1945

 *Colson, Charles, 1975

Columbia Country Club, Chevy Chase, Md., 1956-1979

Committee for a Free Asia, 1951

Committee of One Million (includes Council Against Communist
Aggression), 1956-1970 

(2 folders)

Box 121 

Community War Fund, 1943

Connally, John Bowden, 1971-1978

(3 folders)

Box 122 

(3 folders)

Cooper, Merian C., 1965-1972

(1 folder)

Box 123 

(1 folder)

 *Corcoran, Patrick H., 1971-1973

Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C., 1953-1979 

(2 folders)

 *Cronin, Donald J., 1973-1979

Crowley, Leo, 1956

Cuneo, Ernest L., 1971-1975

 *Cussen, Joseph J., 1961-1965

Box 124 

Davies, Ralph K., 1948

Democratic National Committee, 1963-1967

Department of State, senior seminars in foreign policy,

Dies, Martin, 1941-1942

Disney, Wesley, 1943

District of Columbia Bar

General, 1942-1967

Membership reciprocity with other states (non-comity),

Supreme Court, Hyman G. Rickover controversy, 1979-1980

(5 folders)

Dodd, Thomas J., 1961-1967

(1 folder)

Box 125 

(1 folder)

Dostert, Leon, 1961-1964

Douglas, William O., 1941-1980

(2 folders)

Box 126 

 *Dowdy, John, 1970

Durfee, James R., 1960

Eastland, James O., 1974-1978

Economic Defense Board, 1943-1944

Education, government insured loans, 1958-1960 

(3 folders)

Box 127 

Edwards, Max, 1980

Electric Home and Farm Authority, 1942

Europe on Wheels, 1930-1940

(7 folders)

Box 128 

(2 folders)

 *Evans, John K.

Free foreign trade zone, 1967-1969

General, 1965-1967

Fairfield-Maxwell, Ltd., 1971-1972

Fanning, John H., 1967-1971

Box 129 

Federal Communications Commission, WMCA investigations,

(4 folders)

Box 130 

(1 folder)

Federal Power Commission, 1961

Federal Trade Commission, 1954

 *Fleming, John W., 1962-1971

Flying Tigers See Containers 131-133, Fourteenth Air
Force Association

Box 131 

 *Foley, Edward H. (1905-1982), 1960-1961

 *Foley, Lester W., 1955-1956

Food machinery, 1954-1958

Foreign direct investment, 1968

Foreign investment, 1959

Foreign trade, 1943-1950

Foreign trade zones, 1969

Forrestal, James, 1954-1955

Foulkes, George, 1960-1969

Fourteenth Air Force Association, 1941-1982

(1 folder)

Box 132 

(7 folders)

Box 133 

(2 folders)

Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, 1964

Georgetown Club, Washington, D.C., 1965-1977

Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1969-1980

Giannini, A. P., 1940-1941

Box 134 

Green, Theodore F., 1955-1966 

Grunewald, Henry W., 1937-1962

Guam, 1967-1969 

(2 folders)

Guthrie, Charles S., 1940-1944 

(2 folders)

Box 135 

 *Hall, Harry, 1951-1965

Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

Frankfurter, Felix, work for, 1926

General, 1932-1982

(7 folders)

Box 136 

(10 folders)

Box 137 

(6 folders)

Box 138 

(1 folder)

Harvard Law School Joint Committee on Employment, 1925-1933

(4 folders)

Box 139 

(4 folders)

Box 140 

(2 folders)

Heller, John H., 1957

Helliwell, Paul E., 1944-1963

(1 folder)

Box 141 

(2 folders)

 *Higgins, Edward, 1961

Hill, Lister, 1942-1968 

(2 folders)

Box 142 

Hill, Robert C., 1955-1972

(5 folders)

Box 143 

(4 folders)

Box 144 

 *Hoagland, Lee, 1962

Hobson, A. T., 1949

Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1841-1935), 1915-1981

(6 folders)

Box 145 

(4 folders)

Box 146 

(1 folder)

Housing, 1950-1961

Humphrey, Hubert H., 1948-1970

Ickes, Harold L., 1948-1955 

(2 folders)

Internal Revenue Service, admission to practice, 1960

International Club of Washington, Washington, D.C.,

Box 147 

International Conference of American States, Bogota
economic proposals, 1946-1948 

(4 folders)

Iran, 1965, 1980

Box 148 

Janeway, Eliot, 1941-1971 

(3 folders)

Japan, 1952

 *Jasper, Claude, 1972

Javits, Jacob K., 1948-1956

Jenkins, Walter, 1964-1968

Box 149 

Johnson, Lyndon B., 1945-1981



(3 folders)

Box 150 

(2 folders)

Inaugural ceremonies 

(2 folders)

Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Austin, Tex.

Newspaper clippings 

(2 folders)

Box 151 


(2 folders)


(2 folders)

 *Johnson, Thomas F., 1969-1971

Jones, Jesse H., 1941-1951

Jonkel, Jon M., 1958-1959

Box 152 

 *Kane, John S., 1959-1971

Keenan, Joseph B., 1953

Keeney, Barnaby C., 1962-1970

Kefauver, Estes, 1961-1962

 *Kelsey, Irving, 1959-1960

Kennedy, John F.

Campaign for president, New York, N.Y., 1960, Sept.

Inaugural, 1961

 *Kiehn, Arnold M., 1944-1946

Killion, George, 1950-1954

Box 153 

 *Kim, Dong Jo, 1967-1968

Kingsley, F. G., 1948-1966

Kirkpatrick, Lyman B., 1960-1968

 *Koubek, Vlastimil, 1965-1966

 *Kwan, Chun K., 1966

La Follette, Robert M., n.d.

LaGuardia, Fiorello H., 1941

Landis, James McCauley

Administrative law notes, 1925

Box 154 

General, 1959-1965

Landon School, Bethesda, Md., 1953-1981

(3 folders)

Box 155 

(1 folder)

Leahy, William E., 1956

Lee, Duncan, 1951-1954

Lend-lease operations, 1942

 *Linker, James F., 1965-1966 

Linseed oil, Argentina, 1949-1950

 *Littell, Norman, Littell/Biddle controversy, 1942-1945

Little Red House, 3238 R Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.,

McClintock, John C., 1945-1946

McMahon, Brien, 1950-1952

Box 156 

Madiera School, Greenway, Va., 1965-1981

Maloney, William J. A., 1941-1942

Metropolitan Club, New York, N.Y., 1966-1976

Metropolitan Club, Washington, D.C., 1956-1981 

(2 folders)

 *Milliken, Roger, 1964-1965

Box 157 

Minerals and mining

Chilean nitrate, 1949-1952

Gold Coast, 1954-1957

Gold mining legislation, 1966-1969

International mining rights, 1933-1967

Legislation, 1966-1968

Mercury, 1945-1948

Quebec Iron Project, 1943

Uranium, 1954-1955

 *Nathanson, James E., 1956-1961

National Capital U.S.O., Inc., 1965

National Defense Migration, Tolan Committee, 1942

National Defense Program, Senate defense contract investigations,

(1 folder)

Box 158 

(2 folders)

National Democratic Club, Washington, D.C., 1956-1977

Naval carriers

General, 1977-1980

Hyman G. Rickover (ship), 1977-1979

Naval Justice School, Newport, R.I., 1968

Naval War College, Newport, R.I., 1972-1974

Neuberger, Richard L., 1957-1960

New Deal dinner, Washington, D.C., 1977

(1 folder)

Box 159 

(1 folder)

New York Athletic Club, New York, N.Y., 1962-1975

Noe, James A., 1962-1971

Pan American Society of the United States, 1973

Panama Bank, 1951

Panama Canal treaties, 1977-1978

Panama housing, 1962-1965

(2 folders)

Box 160 

(2 folders)

 *Park, Tongsun, 1977-1978

Pawtucket Country Club, Pawtucket, R.I.,1958-1969

Pawtucket High School, Pawtucket, R. I., 1918-1969 

(2 folders)

Pepper, Claude, 1942-1981 

(2 folders)

Box 161 

 *Perry, Robert X., 1957-1965

Phi Beta Kappa Associates, 1941-1980

Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.H., 1964-1980

Piscatorial and Inside Straight Society, 1966-1973

Point Judith Country Club, Narragansett, R.I., 1959-1965

Politics, 1941-1981

(3 folders)

Box 162 

(6 folders)

Box 163 

(6 folders)

Box 164 

(6 folders)

Box 165 

(6 folders)

Pollution, air and water, 1970-1971

Potomac Polo Club, Potomac, Md., 1971-1979

Box 166 

Poynter, Nelson, 1954-1970

Presidential six-year term, testimony before Senate
Judiciary Subcommittee, 1971

Prettyman, E. Barrett, 1959

Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., 1965-1981

Puerto Rico

Labor, 1949

Railroads, 1949

Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass., 1964-1969

Rafferty, James F., 1955-1959

Railroad Reorganization Bill S249, n.d.

Box 167 

Rayburn, Sam, 1943-1979 

(2 folders)

Reconstruction Finance Corp. (RFC), 1941-1951

Roddan, Edward L., 1959-1960 

(3 folders)

Box 168 

 *Roelen, Hedwig, 1938-1941

Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Eleanor, 1941-1979

 *Rowe, James H. (1909-1984), 1965-1979

St. Lawrence Seaway, 1941-1942

Saxon, James J., 1965-1966

 *Schlesinger, Arthur Meier (1917- ), 1957-1965 

(3 folders)

Box 169 

Securities and Exchange Commission, 1943-1948

Sheil, Bernard J., 1941-1969

Short, Hal E., 1963-1964

 *Sietz, Reynolds C., 1964-1965

 *Sims, Cecil, 1957

Sky Club, 1971-1972

Smith, Lawrence M. C., 1946-1949

Smith, Walter Bedell, 1955

Smith, William L., 1949

Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, 1957-1981

(3 folders)

Box 170 

Sonnett, John F., 1963-1967

Soong, T. V., 1943-1971 

(2 folders)

Southeast Asia Transportation and Communication Conference,

Sovereign immunity, 1952-1963

(2 folders)

Box 171 

(4 folders)

Spingarn, Stephen J., 1963-1968

Box 172 

Stanton Robbins and Co., 1944, 1965-1968

Stevenson, Adlai E. (1900-1965), 1951-1965

Subterranean storage, 1963-1967

Sullivan, Gael E., 1954-1956


General correspondence, 1974-1975

(4 folders)

Box 173 

(8 folders)

Box 174 

Printed matter

(4 folders)

Box 175 

(2 folders)

Revenue bill



(1 folder)

Box 176 

(3 folders)

Box 177 

(7 folders)

Box 178 

(6 folders)

Box 179 

(2 folders)

Box 180 

(5 folders)

Box 181 

(1 folder)


(3 folders)

Box 182 

(3 folders)

Ruml tax plan, 1943 

(2 folders)

Box 183 

Testimony by Corcoran, 1974

(10 folders)

Box 184 

(9 folders)

Box 185 

(2 folders)

Textile industry

General, 1965-1968

Unemployment due to import quotas, 1947-1949 

(2 folders)

Throop, Allen E., 1969-1979

 *Treumann, Walter, 1955-1956

Trinidad lawyers, 1970

Box 186 

University Club, Washington, D.C., 1956-1975

University of Plano, Plano, Tex., 1968-1969

Vietnam venture, 1957

White House, 1966-1969 

(2 folders)

White House Fellows, 1968-1979

Wiley, John C., 1956-1959

Willauer, Whiting, 1953-1966

 *Wood, John R., 1954-1967

 *Yinkey, Arden, 1962-1963

Box 187 

 *Youngman, William S., 1941-1980

(5 folders)

Box 188 

(2 folders)

Zemurray, Samuel, 1949-1961 

(2 folders)

Box 189-294 

New Deal Era, 1887-1940,  n.d.

Box 189-216 

General Correspondence, 1932-1940

Letters sent and received, memoranda, and miscellaneous
attachments and enclosures. 

Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent and
therein chronologically.

Box 189 

Acheson, Dean G., 1933-1938

Adams, Isaac M., 1936-1938

Allen, Jay, 1939

Allen, Robert S., 1938-1940

Alley, Rayford W., 1935-1938

Alsop, Joseph W. (1910-1989), 1938

Arnold, Thurman, 1936-1939

Avildsen, Clarence, 1936-1940

"A" miscellaneous

Barker, Roland, 1933-1934

Barkley, Alben W., 1937

Becker, Samuel, 1932-1939

Berger, Robert I., 1937-1940

Bickel, Karl A., 1939-1940

Box 190 

Biddle, Francis, 1937-1940

Black, Hugo LaFayette, 1937-1939

Boettiger, John and Anna, 1939-1940

Bone, Homer T., 1935-1938

Bovet, Eric D., 1933-1937

Brandeis, Louis D., 1935-1938

Brant, Irving, 1937-1938

Bunn, Charles, 1934-1936

Burke, Edmund, 1932-1940

Burling, Edward B. (1870-1966), 1932-1939

Burling, Edward B. (1908- ), 1940

Burns, John J., 1934-1937

"B" miscellaneous

(2 folders)

Box 191 

(3 folders)

Cahill, John T., 1932-1940

Callahan, Patrick H., 1939-1940

Campbell, William J., 1937-1940

Box 192 

Carpenter, Mary W., 1933-1939

Carroll, Raymond G., 1936-1940

Carson, John, 1936-1939

Carter, John Franklin, 1934-1940

Cavers, David F., 1932-1935

Chandler, Walter, 1937-1939

Chase, Stuart, 1937-1940

Citron, William M., 1937-1940

Clark, Charles E., 1937-1940

Clay, Cassius M., 1934-1940

Cobb, David, 1936-1937

Coffee, John M., 1938-1940

Box 193 

Cohen, Benjamin V., 1933-1940

Corcoran, Margaret D., 1936-1940

Cotton, Joseph P., Jr., 1936-1939

Coyle, David C., 1936-1938

Cragg, Alliston, 1937-1940 

(2 folders)

Craven, Leslie, 1935-1938

Creel, George, 1935-1940

Cummings, Homer, 1936-1938

Box 194 

Cuneo, Ernest L., 1937-1940

Curran, Frederic, 1934-1939

Cutter, R. Ammi, 1934-1940

"C" miscellaneous 

(4 folders)

Box 195 

Davenport, Russell W., 1938-1940

Davidson, Maurice P., 1938-1940

Davies, Joseph E., 1939-1940

Davis, J. Lionberger, 1936-1940

De Rochemont, Louis, 1936-1940

Delaney, James A., 1936-1938

Delano, Frederick A., 1936-1939

Deming, Harold S., 1932-1934

Denman, William, 1937-1939 

(2 folders)

Devaney, John P., 1937-1940

Box 196 

Douglas, William O., 1936-1940

Driscoll, Denis J., 1935-1940

Dubinsky, David, 1938-1940

DuBrul, Stephen M., 1935-1937

"D" miscellaneous 

(3 folders)

Early, Stephen T., 1935-1939

Eberstadt, F., 1937-1939

Eicher, Edward C.


Box 197 


Ernst, Morris L., 1934-1940

"E" miscellaneous 

(2 folders)

Filene, Lincoln, 1935-1939

Fly, James L., 1934-1940

Flynn, John T., 1934-1940

Foley, Edward H. (1905-1982), 1932-1939

Foreman, Clark, 1937-1939

Forrestal, James, 1939-1940

Frank, Jerome


Box 198 


Frankfurter, Felix, 1932-1940 

(4 folders)

Franklin, Mitchell, 1937-1939

Fraser, Hugh R., 1937-1940

Freund, Paul A., 1933-1940

Fulle, Milton, 1932-1935

"F" miscellaneous

(1 folder)

Box 199 

(2 folders)

Gamble, Harry P., 1937-1938

Granik, Theodore, 1938-1939

Guthrie, Charles S., 1934-1940

"G" miscellaneous

(2 folders)

Box 200 

(1 folder)

Hardy, Lamar, 1935-1939

Hedden, Stuart, 1934-1937

Hellganz, W. R., 1939-1940

Henderson, Leon, 1936-1939

High, Stanley, 1936-1937

Hirschmann, Ira A., 1934-1939

Hopkins, Harry Lloyd, 1936-1940

"H" miscellaneous

(4 folders)

Box 201 

(2 folders)

Ickes, Harold L., 1935-1940

Ingersoll, Ralph M., 1939-1940

Isseks, Samuel S., 1937-1940

"I" miscellaneous

Jackson, Robert Houghwout, 1937-1940

Jameson, John D., 1938-1940

Jedel, Celeste, 1933-1936

Box 202 

Johnson, Hugh S., 1933-1939

Johnson, Louis A., 1937-1940

Johnson, Lyndon B., 1937-1940

Johnson, Robert W., 1937-1940

Jones, I. T., 1938-1940

"J" miscellaneous 

(2 folders)

Kaufman, Edmund I., 1938-1939

Kaufman, Joseph W., 1938-1940

Kennan, Joseph B., 1935-1940

Kennedy Joseph P., 1934-1940

Kizer, Benjamin H., 1937-1939

"K" miscellaneous

(1 folder)

Box 203 

(2 folders)

Lafferty, Abraham W., 1937-1940

Lamport, Arthur M., 1936

Landis, James McCauley, 1933-1940

Laski, Harold J., 1935-1939

Lee, Joshua B., 1939-1940

LeHand, Marguerite A., 1935-1940

Leonard, George B., 1936-1939

Lerner, Max, 1936-1940

Lloyd, David D., 1935-1936

Lloyd-Smith, Wilton, 1933-1935

Box 204 

Lorentz, Pare, 1937-1938

Lowenthal, Max, 1933-1938

"L" miscellaneous 

(3 folders)

McAdoo, William G., 1937-1940

McClintock, E. I., 1933-1940

McIntryre, Marvin H., 1936-1939

Box 205 

MacLeish, Archibald, 1933-1940

Maloney, Francis T., 1934-1940

Maverick, Maury, 1936-1940

Milton, George F., 1938-1939

Mogelever, Jacob H., 1937-1939

Moley, Raymond, 1933-1936

Monahan, Robert, 1938-1940

Monroe, J. Blanc, 1932-1937

Monroe, J. Rayburn, 1933-1939

Montague, Gilbert H., 1937-1940

Moody, A. E. Blair (1902-1954), 1936-1939

Moran, Edward C. (1894-1967), 1935-1939

Box 206 

Morris, Dave H., 1934-1940

Murchison, Charles H., 1938-1940

Murphy, Frank, 1936-1940

"M" miscellaneous

(4 folders)

Box 207 

(4 folders)

Nebolsine, George, 1934-1937

Neuberger, Richard L., 1938-1940

Nicely, James M., 1932, 1938-1939

Box 208 

Norton, Clement A., 1935-1940

Norton, Vernon C., 1933-1940

"N" miscellaneous

"O" miscellaneous

Patterson, Richard C. (1886-1966), 1938-1940

Paul, Randolph E., 1937-1939

Payer, Harry F., 1934-1938

Peacock, Samuel C., 1937-1939

Pecora, Ferdinand, 1934-1936

Pepper, Claude, 1937-1940 

(2 folders)

Box 209 

Peyton, Robert L., 1933-1940 

(2 folders)

Poletti, Charles, 1933-1940

Poynter, Nelson P., 1939-1940

Pulling, Albert Van S., 1939-1940

"P" miscellaneous

(3 folders)

Box 210 

(2 folders)

Quay, Richard, 1932-1934

"Q" miscellaneous

Rayburn, Sam, 1934-1936

Reed, Stanley F., 1932-1939

Reilley, Ewing W., 1933-1938

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1937

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1935-1940 

(4 folders)

Roosevelt, James, 1937-1940

Rose, H. Chapman, 1932-1938

Box 211 

Rosenman, Samuel Irving, 1932-1940

Rowe, James H. (1909-1984), 1935-1940

"R" miscellaneous 

(6 folders)

Box 212 

Sargent, Porter, 1938-1940

Scattergood, E. F., 1937-1940

Schwartz, Charles P., 1937-1940

Semmes, John E., 1935-1940

Shaughnessy, Frank C., 1934-1940

Sheil, Bernard J., 1938-1939

Shupert, William H., 1935-1939

Smith, Blackwell, 1932-1940

Smith, Thomas V., 1937-1940

Spellman, Francis J., 1937-1940

Stark, W. R., 1937-1940

Stern, J. David, 1938-1940

Stone, Isidore F., 1936-1938

Box 213 

Swim, H. Dudley, 1932-1940

"S" miscellaneous

(6 folders)

Box 214 

(4 folders)

Throop, Allen E., 1932-1940

"T" miscellaneous 

(3 folders)

"U" miscellaneous

Box 215 

Vanderbilt, Cornelius (1898- ), 1940

Verbinnen, Henri E., 1940

"V" miscellaneous

Watkins, Elton, 1938-1940

Watson, Frank, 1933-1936

Wheat, Carl I., 1936-1939

Wheeler, Burton K., 1935-1938

Willen, Joseph, 1938-1940

Wood, Franklin S., 1934-1939

Woodward, Donald B., 1934-1938

"W" miscellaneous

(1 folder)

Box 216 

(4 folders)

"Y" miscellaneous

Zemurray, Samuel, 1938-1940

"Z" miscellaneous

Unidentified and fragments 

(2 folders)

Unidentified stenographers' notebooks

Box 217-238 

Speeches and Writings File, 1932-1940,  n.d.

Correspondence, memoranda, speeches and writings by
Corcoran and others, notes, reports, newspaper clippings,
and printed matter. 

Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein
alphabetically by name of person.

Box 217 


"A" miscellaneous, 1936-1938 

Includes speeches by Dean G. Acheson, Winthrop W. Aldrich,
Adolphus Andrews, and Henry F. Ashurst

Barkley, Alben W., 1935-1940

Beard, Charles, 1934-1937

Berle, Adolph A., 1938

Black, Hugo LaFayette, 1935-1937

Bone, Homer T., 1935

Borah, William E., 1935-1937

Burke, Edmund, Jr., 1937

Byrnes, James F., 1936-1939

Byrns, Joseph W., 1933-1939

"B" miscellaneous, 1935-1939 

Includes speeches by Jacob Baker, William B. Bankhead,
Bernard M. Baruch, Elmer Benson, George L. Berry, Fred
Brown, Edward Burke, and Harry F. Byrd (1887-1965)

Clarke, John H., 1937

Cudahy, John, 1936

Cummings, Homer, 1936-1938 

(2 folders)

Box 218 

"C" miscellaneous, 1935-1940, n.d. 

Includes speeches by Robert H. Cabell, John Cahill,
Wilburn Cartwright, Samuel H. Church, Bennett C. Clark,
John M. Coffee, Walton E. Cole, William P. Connery,
and Charles H. Coughlin

Dickinson, John, 1933-1935

Douglas, William O., 1938

"D" miscellaneous, 1936-1940

 Includes speeches by Josephus Daniels, Russell W. Davenport,
Maurice P. Davidson, Joseph E. Davies, Jerome Davis,
Marshall E. Dimock, Lewis W. Douglas, and E. S. Draper

Eccles, Mariner S., 1935-1940

Eicher, Edward C., 1935-1938

"E" miscellaneous, 1935-1938 

Includes speeches by Charles R. Eckert, Charles Edison,
and Mark Eisner

Farley, James Aloysius, 1932-1940

Frank, Jerome, 1938-1940

Box 219 

Freer, Robert E., 1936-1939 

(2 folders)

"F" miscellaneous, 1935-1940 

Includes speeches by John H. Fahey, Charles Fahy, James
H. Fay, Garland S. Ferguson, James L. Fly, Edward H.
Foley, Felix Frankfurter, and Andrew F. Freuehauf

Girdler, Tom M., 1934

"G" miscellaneous, 1936-1940 

Includes speeches by Walter F. George, Thurlow M. Gordon,
Theodore F. Green, William Green, John Greenslade, and
Joseph F. Guffey

Hancock, Frank, 1937

Hoover, Herbert, 1937-1938

Hoover, J. Edgar, 1939

"H" miscellaneous, 1935-1940 

Includes speeches by Pat Harrison, Edward J. Heffron,
Knute Hill, Lister Hill, Robert H. Hinckley, and Cordell

Box 220 

Ickes, Harold L., 1934-1940 

(5 folders)

Jackson, Robert Houghwout, 1937-1940

(1 folder)

Box 221 

(6 folders)

Box 222 

Johnson, Hugh S., 1937-1938

Jones, Jesse H., 1934-1940 

(2 folders)

"J" miscellaneous, 1936-1940, n.d. 

Includes speeches by Robert W. Johnson, Sam Jones, and
Agustin P. Justo

Keenan, Joseph B., 1937-1938 

(3 folders)

Kennedy, Joseph P., 1936-1938

Box 223 

"K" miscellaneous, 1935-1940 

Includes speeches by Edward J. Kelly, Frank Knox, John
Knox, and Herman P. Koppleman

La Follette, Robert M., 1936-1938

Landis, James McCauley, 1936-1937

Landon, Alfred M., 1936-1940

"L" miscellaneous, 1932-1940 

Includes speeches by Arthur M. Lamport, Herbert H. Lehman,
William Lemke, David J. Lewis, James H. Lewis, Walter
Lippmann, William A. Lockwood, and Huey P. Long

Maverick, Maury, 1937-1940

Minton, Sherman, 1937-1940

Morris, David, 1940

Mundelein, George, 1935-1939

Murphy, Frank, 1938-1940

"M" miscellaneous, 1933-1940 

Includes speeches by Francis T. Maloney, Charles H.
March, George O. May, William G. McAdoo, John W. McCormack,
Stewart McDonald, R. A. McGowan, Paul V. McNutt, Raymond
Moley, Donald E. Montgomery, James D. Mooney, Edward
C. Moran, and Henry Morgenthau (1891-1967)

Box 224 

"N" miscellaneous, 1936-1940 

Includes speeches by Edward J. Noble, George W. Norris,
and Gerald P. Nye

"O" miscellaneous, 1936-1939, n.d 

Includes speeches by John Lord O'Brian, Caroline O'Day,
Henry J. Oettinger, E. L. Oliver, and Samuel H. Ordway

Pepper, Claude, 1939-1940

"P" miscellaneous, 1933-1940 

Includes speeches by Wright Patman, Richard C. Patterson
(1886-1966), Harry F. Payer, Samuel Pettengill, Pope
Pius XI, and William S. Pye

Reed, Stanley, 1936-1938

Robinson, Joseph T., 1935-1937

Box 225 

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Index to speeches, 1933-1940

1932, Sept. 23-1936, June 27 

(8 folders)

Box 226 

1936, July-1937, Mar. 2 

(6 folders)

Box 227 

1937, Mar. 4-1937, Sept. 17 

(5 folders)

Box 228 

1937, Sept. 17-1938, Mar. 

(7 folders)

Box 229 

1938, Apr.-1940, May 26 

(8 folders)

Unidentified, fragments, unused speeches

Box 230 

White House speech material file

Correspondence miscellany, 1936-1940 

(3 folders)

Subject file


(2 folders)

Box 231 



Business and monopoly

Campaign, 1940

Conservation and flood control

Corporate profits

Finance and banking

Foreign relations

New Deal issues

Box 232 

Power and utilities

Prices and income

Public works


Supreme Court



Wages and hours

Box 233 

Works Progress Administration and relief

Notes, memoranda and reports

Newspaper clippings 

(2 folders)

Printed matter

Box 234 

Roosevelt, James, 1936-1938 

(2 folders)

"R" miscellaneous, 1934-1940, n.d. 

Includes speeches by John E. Rankin, Sam Rayburn, Joseph
M. Reeves, Robert R. Reynolds, Daniel C. Roper, Beardsley
Ruml, and John A. Ryan

Studebaker, John W., 1938

"S" miscellaneous, 1936-1940 

(2 folders)

Includes speeches by Jerry Sadler, Cesar Saerchinger,
David Sarnoff, Lewis B. Schwellenbach, Lawrence H. Seltzer,
John F. Shafroth, Fulton J. Sheen, Bernard J. Sheil,
William I. Sirovich, Alfred E. Smith, Tom K. Smith,
Thomas V. Smith, J. Buell Snyder, William H. Standley,
Edward R. Stettinius (1900-1949), Nathan Straus, and
Martin L. Sweeney

"T" miscellaneous, 1936-1939 

Includes speeches by John Taber, Elbert D. Thomas, Paul
H. Todd, and Max Truitt

Voorhis, H. Jerry, 1937

Wallace, Henry Agard, 1936-1940

Wheeler, Burton K., 1935-1939

Williams, Aubrey, 1936

Winant, John G., 1933-1937

Box 235 

Woodring, Harry H., 1937

"W" miscellaneous, 1935-1940 

Includes speeches by Robert F. Wagner, David I. Walsh,
Louis B. Wehle, Carl I. Wheat, Hugh White, and Alexander

Yager, Saul A., 1939-1940

Unidentified and fragments 

(2 folders)


Brant, Irving, Storm Over the Constitution (1936-1937)

Carter, John Franklin, La Guardia: A Biography (1937)

Box 236 

Coyle, David C., Why Pay Taxes? (1937) 

(2 folders)

Davenport, Russell W., untitled (1938)

Delaney, James A., "I'm for Roosevelt" (1936)

Delano, Frederic A., "Memorandum on the Constitution"

Downey, Sheridan, Pensions or Penury? (1939)

Flexner, Bernard, The Fight on the Securities Act (1934)

(2 folders)

Box 237 

Gamble, Harry P., untitled (1937)

Hippelheuser, Richard, R.F.C. (1940)

Jackson, Robert Houghwout, article on Afred M. Landon
and the Kansas Supreme Court

Karig, Walter, Asia's Good Neighbor (1937)

Lerner, Max, It Is Later Than You Think (1938)

MacLeish, Archibald, The New Deal (1937)

Simpson, Kemper, untitled

Box 238 

Stone, Isidore F., It's a Wise Founding Father (1936-1937)

Unidentified and fragments 

(3 folders)

Box 239-274 

Subject File, 1887-1940,  n.d.

Correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, background
material, newspaper clippings, and printed matter. 

Arranged alphabetically by name of person or organization
or by topic.

Box 239 

Agriculture Department, 1933-1940

American Institute of Public Opinion

Correspondence, 1936-1940

Newsletters, 1937-1938 

(4 folders)

Box 240 

American Telephone and Telegraph Co., 1938

Antitrust legislation

Correspondence and notes, 1936-1939, n.d. 

(2 folders)

Research material, 1890-1938

(3 folders)

Box 241 

(3 folders)

Banking, currency, and the Federal Reserve Board, 1913-1937,

(2 folders)

Bankruptcy, 1937-1938, n.d.

Box 242 

Bonneville Dam Project, 1936-1940 

(4 folders)

Boulder Dam Project, 1937-1940 

(2 folders)

Box 243 

Brewster-Corcoran (utility holding co.) controversy,

(2 folders)

Campaign file, 1934-1940

Affiliated Young Democrats, 1938-1940

Bobbs-Merrill Campaign Literature Project, 1936-1937

(5 folders)


Congratulatory, 1940

Box 244 

General, 1934-1940 

(6 folders)

Box 245 

Democratic National Committee, 1935-1940

Dewey, Thomas E., 1940

Fay, James H., 1937-1940

Finance, 1940-1941

George, Walter F., 1937-1938

Ickes, Harold L., 1940

Issues of the third term, 1937-1940

La Follette, Robert M., 1913

Lehman, Herbert H., 1938

Marsh, Charles S., 1939

Box 246 

Miscellany, 1939-1940 

(3 folders)

Motion Picture Democratic Committee, 1938-1940

Box 247 

National Committee of Independent Voters, 1940

Newspaper clippings, 1934-1938

Norris, George W., 1936-1940

O'Connor, John J., 1938-1939

Progressive National Committee, 1936

 The Roosevelt Record, 1936 

(2 folders)

Tydings, Millard E., 1937-1938

Willkie, Wendell L., 1938-1940

Box 248 

Central Statistical Board, 1936-1938

Civil Aeronautics Act, 1938

Civil Aeronautics Authority, 1938-1940

Civil Liberties Committee, n.d.

Civil Service Commission, 1935-1940 

(2 folders)

Commerce Department

Committee on Unfair Trade Practices, 1935-1937

General, 1933-1939

Congressional investigations committees, 1936-1937

Box 249 


Cooperative Committee, 1937-1938

Electric Home and Farm Authority, 1935-1938 

(5 folders)

Farm tenancy, 1934-1939

Box 250 

Federal Communications Commission, 1936-1940 

(4 folders)

Federal Coordinator of Transportation, 1933-1936

Federal Emergency Relief Administration, 1934-1935

Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Home Owners' Loan Corp.,

Federal Housing Administration, 1935-1939

Box 251 

Federal Power Commission, 1938-1939

Federal Sanitary Authority, 1935

Federal Trade Commission, 1935-1938 

(3 folders)

Flood Control, 1937-1938

Box 252 

Food and Drug Administration

General, 1935-1939 

(2 folders)

Research files, 1906, 1926-1940 

(2 folders)

Foreign trade, 1935-1940 

(3 folders)

Box 253 

 Fortune, 1938-1939

Government Contracts Bill, 1936

Hatch Act, 1939


Building costs, 1934-1935

General, 1933-1939 

(2 folders)

Research files, 1894-1904, 1936 

(2 folders)

Box 254 

Industrial Finance Act, 1938

International affairs, 1937-1941, n.d.

Justice Department, 1937


Child labor, 1936-1937

Department of Labor, 1936-1939

Employers' liability, 1898-1919

(3 folders)

Box 255 

(1 folder)

Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938

Clippings and statements, 1935-1940

Correspondence, 1933-1938

Early drafts, 1937 

(2 folders)

Memoranda and reports, 1937-1938 

(2 folders)

Box 256 

General, 1933-1940 

(2 folders)

Labor's Non-Partisan League, 1936-1938

Minimum wage, 1937

National Labor Relations Board, 1937-1940

Box 257 

Unemployment insurance, 1934-1938

Lobbying activities, 1936

Maritime Commission, 1936-1938

National Defense, 1939-1940

National Home Library Foundation

"An American Fireside" broadcasts, 1935

General, 1936-1937

National Industrial Recovery Act, 1933

National Lawyers' Guild, 1937

National Resources Board, 1935

Negro matters, 1936-1939

Box 258 

Neutrality, 1939-1940

Parcels Post, 1938 and research files 

(3 folders)

Public Utility Holding Co. Act, 1935-1937

Analysis of Title I

Early drafts


Box 259 


American States Public Service Co. 

(2 folders)

Electric Bond and Share Co. 

(5 folders)

Box 260 


Printed bills

Research files


New York franchise tax

New York Public Service Commission 

(3 folders)

Box 261 

Senate report

Public utilities, state and local, 1932-1940

Public Works Administration, 1935-1939

Railroads, research file

Adamson Act, 1916 

(3 folders)

Interstate Commerce Act, 1887

Legislation, 1887-1903, 1910-1914, n.d.

(1 folder)

Box 262 

(1 folder)

Rate Act, 1906 

(5 folders)

Box 263 

Reconstruction Finance Corp.

California Toll Bridge Authority, 1936

General, 1932-1940 

(6 folders)

Box 264 

Puerto Rico Corp., 1934

Railroads, 1935-1940 

(3 folders)

Research file 

(2 folders)

Virgin Islands Corp., 1934-1935

Box 265 

Whaley-Eaton Service, 1935-1938

Rural Electrification Administration

General, 1935-1940 

(2 folders)

Ramsay, M. L., Pyramids of Power, 1936-1938 

(2 folders)

Box 266 

Securities Act, 1933

Securities Exchange Act, 1934


(2 folders)


Memoranda and clippings 

(2 folders)


Box 267 

Printed drafts

Statements to congressional committee

Securities and Exchange Commission

General, 1934-1940 

(3 folders)

Box 268 


Securities and Exchange Commission v. Electric Bond
and Share Co., 1935-1937, n.d. 

(2 folders)

Miscellany, 1934-1938, n.d.

Small businesses, 1938-1939 

(2 folders)

Social security, 1934-1939

Box 269 

Supreme Court, 1932-1940

Bill drafts


(6 folders)

Chicago Committee for the President's Court Plan

Box 270 

"How Liberal Is Justice Hughes?" by Irving Brant 

(2 folders)


(3 folders)

Propaganda against court plan

Research file re retirement of federal judges

Box 271 

Statements, speeches and articles re Court Plan

(6 folders)

Box 272 

(6 folders)

Box 273 


Tennessee Valley Authority

General, 1933-1938 

(3 folders)

Removal of Arthur E. Morgan, 1938

Treasury Department, 1932-1938

Walter-Logan Bill, 1940

Box 274 

Works Progress Administration, 1933-1939

Box 274-294 

Miscellany, 1932-1940

Correspondence, memoranda, notes, cards and invitations,
an appointment book, lists, telephone logs, messages,
bills, travel itineraries and vouchers, newspaper clippings,
and printed matter. 

Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein
chronologically, except for a personnel file which is
arranged alphabetically by name of person.

Box 274 

Appointment book, 5-8 July 1938

Book purchase and reading lists, 1934-1936

Cards, invitations, and congratulations

Cards and invitations, 1932-1940 

(3 folders)

Get-well messages, 1939 

(3 folders)

Box 275 

Marriage, 1940 

(5 folders)

Box 276 



(2 folders)

1933-1934, National Recovery Act 

(3 folders)


1934, "Brain Trust" Britten/Wirt investigation

Box 277 


(2 folders)


(3 folders)

Box 278 


(5 folders)

Box 279 

(2 folders)


(3 folders)

Box 280 

(5 folders)

Box 281 

(1 folder)


(4 folders)

Box 282 

(5 folders)


Box 283 

Articles by

Dutcher, Rodney, 1934-1938

Franklin, Jay, "We the People" 1937-1938 

(3 folders)

Pearson, Drew, and R. Allen, "Washington Merry-Go-Round"



(1 folder)

Box 284 

(3 folders)

 New York Daily News

Editorial page, 1936

"Presidential Battle Page," 1936

Box 285 

 New York Times, 1934-1940 

(3 folders)

 Philadelphia Record, 1937-1938

 Washington Post, articles by the "Unofficial Observer,"


(2 folders)

Box 286 

Law firm announcements, 1932-1940 

(2 folders)

Mailing lists and telephone numbers 

(2 folders)

Notes and memoranda 

(3 folders)

Box 287 

Personnel file, 1932-1940

"A" miscellaneous

Barker, James P., Jr.

Bunn, Charles

"B" miscellaneous 

(4 folders)

"C" miscellaneous

(2 folders)

Box 288 

(2 folders)

"D-E" miscellaneous 

(3 folders)

Funkhouser, S. King

"F" miscellaneous 

(2 folders)

Box 289 

"G-L" miscellaneous 

(9 folders)

Box 290 

"M-Q" miscellaneous 

(7 folders)

"R" miscellaneous

(1 folder)

Box 291 

(1 folder)

"S-W" miscellaneous 

(8 folders)

Box 292 

"Y-Z" miscellaneous

Unidentified, notes and fragments

(3 folders)

Box 293 

(4 folders)

Box 294 

Printed matter, 1932-1940 

(2 folders)

Telephone logs, messages and bills, 1933-1938

Travel itineraries and vouchers, 1934-1940

Box 295-445 

Civil Aviation File, 1941-1969

Correspondence, notes, memoranda, articles of incorporation,
supply orders, inventories, and other business records
for China Defense Supplies and other corporations with
which Corcoran was involved. 

Arranged alphabetically by name of person or corporation.

Box 295 

Airtronic Surveys, 1954-1958

(7 folders)

Box 296 

(6 folders)

Box 297 

(6 folders)

Box 298 

(5 folders)

Box 299 

Aviation Parts and Equipment Co. (APECO), 1951-1968

(24 folders)

Box 300 

(16 folders)

Box 301 

(7 folders)

Box 302 

Brennan, James J., 1942-1958

(12 folders)

Box 303 

(16 folders)

Box 304 

(7 folders)

Box 305 

(15 folders)

Box 306 

(16 folders)

Box 307 

(7 folders)

Box 308 

(5 folders)

Box 309 

Chennault Air Transport, S. A. (CATSA), 1949-1958, and
Civil Air Transport (CATI), 1946-1958

(4 folders)

Box 310 

(9 folders)

Box 311 

(9 folders)

Box 312 

(6 folders)

Box 313 

(9 folders)

Box 314 

(3 folders)

Box 315 

(15 folders)

Box 316 

(17 folders)

Box 317 

(15 folders)

Box 318 

(8 folders)

Box 319 

(13 folders)

Box 320 

(13 folders)

Box 321 

(12 folders)

Box 322 

(13 folders)

Box 323 

(7 folders)

Box 324 

(4 folders)

Box 325 

(7 folders)

Box 326 

(9 folders)

Box 327 

(24 folders)

Box 328 

(20 folders)

Box 329 

(16 folders)

Box 330 

(20 folders)

Box 331 

(3 folders)

Box 332 

(7 folders)

Box 333 

(5 folders)

Box 334 

(16 folders)

Box 335 

(10 folders)

Box 336 

(11 folders)

Box 337 

(15 folders)

Box 338 

(7 folders)

Box 339 

(7 folders)

Box 340 

(3 folders)

Box 341 

(6 folders)

Box 342 

(13 folders)

Box 343 

(11 folders)

Box 344 

(8 folders)

Box 345 

(5 folders)

Box 346 

(9 folders)

Box 347 

(9 folders)

Box 348 

(12 folders)

Box 349 

(12 folders)

Box 350 

(11 folders)

Box 351 

(9 folders)

Box 352 

(11 folders)

Box 353 

(19 folders)

Box 354 

(12 folders)

Box 355 

(13 folders)

Box 356 

(15 folders)

Box 357 

(9 folders)

Box 358 

(7 folders)

Box 359 

(10 folders)

Box 360 

(11 folders)

Box 361 

(6 folders)

Box 362 

(6 folders)

Box 363 

(9 folders)

Box 364 

(17 folders)

Box 365 

(22 folders)

Box 366 

(4 folders)

Box 367 

(9 folders)

Box 368 

(10 folders)

Box 369 

(6 folders)

Box 370 

(24 folders)

Box 371 

(17 folders)

Box 372 

(14 folders)

Box 373 

(8 folders)

Box 374 

(2 folders)

Box 375 

(3 folders)

Box 376 

(15 folders)

Box 377 

(15 folders)

Box 378 

(20 folders)

Box 379 

(19 folders)

Box 380 

(4 folders)

Box 381 

(12 folders)

Box 382 

(24 folders)

Box 383 

(15 folders)

Box 384 

(19 folders)

Box 385 

(32 folders)

Box 386 

(12 folders)

Box 387 

(12 folders)

Box 388 

(20 folders)

Box 389 

(13 folders)

Box 390 

(6 folders)

Box 391 

(7 folders)

Box 392 

(6 folders)

Box 393 

(4 folders)

Box 394 

(5 folders)

Box 395 

(13 folders)

Box 396 

(13 folders)

Box 397 

(12 folders)

Box 398 

(2 folders)

Box 399 

(4 folders)

Box 400 

(2 folders)

Box 401 

(3 folders)

Box 402 

(2 folders)

Box 403 

(3 folders)

Box 404 

(2 folders)

Box 405 

(7 folders)

Box 406 

(11 folders)

Box 407 

(3 folders)

Box 408 

(10 folders)

Box 409 

(14 folders)

Box 410 

(11 folders)

Box 411 

(17 folders)

Box 412 

Chennault, Claire Lee, 1945-1963

(28 folders)

Box 413 

(22 folders)

Box 414 

(27 folders)

Box 415 

(21 folders)

Box 416 

(10 folders)

Box 417 

(6 folders)

Box 418 

(6 folders)

Box 419 

China Defense Supplies, 1941-1946 

(6 folders)

Box 420 

Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Co. (HAEC), 1954-1965

(4 folders)

Miscellany, 1942-1955

(8 folders)

Box 421 

(11 folders)

Box 422 

(19 folders)

Box 423 

(5 folders)

Box 424 

(8 folders)

Box 425 

(13 folders)

Box 426 

(10 folders)

Box 427 

(16 folders)

Box 428 

(25 folders)

Box 429 

(14 folders)

Box 430 

Rio Cathay, 1945-1952

(6 folders)

Box 431 

(6 folders)

Box 432 

(8 folders)

Box 433 

(8 folders)

Box 434 

(6 folders)

Box 435 

Willauer, Whiting, 1949-1969

(4 folders)

Box 436 

(10 folders)

Box 437 

(11 folders)

Box 438 

(4 folders)

Box 439 

(10 folders)

Box 440 

(6 folders)

Box 441 

(4 folders)

Box 442 

(2 folders)

Box 443 

Zebra Corp., 1954-1956

(9 folders)

Box 444 

(17 folders)

Box 445 

(17 folders)

Box 446-584 

Legal File, 1932-1981,  n.d.

Correspondence, notes, memoranda, briefs, opinions,
testimony before congressional committees, research
material, and printed matter. 

Arranged alphabetically by case name or client name.

Box 446 

Adams Express Co., 1950-1951

Aero Exploration Co., 1940-1941

Air Nevada, 1975-1976

Aireon Manufacturing, 1945

Alonso, Vincent A., 1965

ALSCO, Inc., 1968

Alsop, Joseph W., 1950

Aluminum Co. of America, 1958, 1968

American Broadcasting Co., 1945-1946

American Hotel Association, n.d.

Box 447 

American International Underwriters, 1955-1970

(21 folders)

Box 448 

(5 folders)

Box 449 

(6 folders)

Box 450 

(7 folders)

Box 451 

(6 folders)

American News Co., 1941

American Power and Light (Nebraska Power Co.), 1945

Box 452 

Anderson Sheet Metal, 1944

Anemostat Corp. of America, 1946

Appalachian Manganese Corp., 1941

Arabian American Airlines, 1950

Arnold, George, estate, 1944

Babin, Hilda, 1971

Becker, Samuel, 1973

Belize Airways, 1977

Biddle Associates, 1968

Blue Network, 1940-1949 

(2 folders)

Bowdoin, Emily, 1941

Brady, Lawrence, 1944

Box 453 

Brossa, Caterina, 1968-1969

Bruce, David K. E., 1975

Brune, Herbert M., 1932-1936

Burlington Mills, 1956

Caproni Associates, 1959-1960

CAVSA (Airline Mexico), 1946 

Central Airlines, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1944

Chang, Sieh Tsai, 1948-1955 

(3 folders)

Charles Abbott and Associates, 1954-1955

Chrysler, Walter P., 1942-1945

Box 454 

Coleman Brothers Corp., 1944

Colombia AID Housing Guaranty Project, 1968

Construction Aggregates Corp., 1944

Dairy Dream Farms, 1949-1950

Darlington Mfg. Co., 1973-1976

Dean Milk Co., 1949

Deval, Jacques, 1945-1946

Devaney, B., 1942-1944

Box 455 

Diamond Distributors, 1958-1968

(5 folders)

Box 456 

(6 folders)

Dirksen, Everett M., estate, 1969-1971

Box 457 

Dodd, Thomas J., 1966-1969

(5 folders)

Box 458 

(4 folders)

Box 459 

(5 folders)

Box 460 

Donaldson, Wyman C., 1952-1953

Downing v. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1951

(4 folders)

Duke Power Co., 1949

Box 461 

DuPuy, Madame Paul, 1945-1950

(11 folders)

Box 462 

(7 folders)

Box 463 

(3 folders)

Box 464 

(8 folders)

Box 465 

(6 folders)

Box 466 

(14 folders)

Box 467 

(3 folders)

Box 468 

(8 folders)

Box 469 

(7 folders)

Box 470 

(10 folders)

Box 471 

(6 folders)

Box 472 

East Peoria Elevator Co., 1963-1964

Empire Ordnance Corp., including Corcoran testimony
re National Defense Program investigation, 1941 

(2 folders)

Everson v. Board of Education, 1945

Box 473 

Factor, John, 1945-1947 

(2 folders)

Fairmac, 1967-1968

(2 folders)

Box 474 

(1 folder)

Fanelli, Joseph A., 1969-1977

Forrestal, James, 1944

Foulkes, George F., 1947-1972

Foundation Co., 1946

(1 folder)

Box 475 

(2 folders)

Freeport Sulphur Co., 1969

Freight Forwarders, 1964-1967 

(2 folders)

Box 476 

Gellman, Allen, 1948

General Cable, 1941-1954

(1 folder)

Box 477 

(5 folders)

Box 478 

General Industrial and Trading Co., 1953

General Time Corp., Talley Industries, 1968-1969

Georgetown Club v. Tiernan, 1978

Gill, William, 1975-1976

Golden Age Mines, 1969

Gontard, Gert von, 1945-1951

Grier (John C.) and Co., 1941

Gruening, Ernest, 1959-1967

Box 479 

H. A. Brassert and Co., 1951

Halbach, Ernest K., 1948-1966

(4 folders)

Box 480 

(8 folders)

Box 481 

(3 folders)

Box 482 

(4 folders)

Box 483 

(3 folders)

Box 484 

(5 folders)

Box 485 

(6 folders)

Box 486 

(7 folders)

Box 487 

(7 folders)

Box 488 

(4 folders)

Box 489 

(7 folders)

Box 490 

(5 folders)

Box 491 

(4 folders)

Box 492 

(4 folders)

Box 493 

(5 folders)

Box 494 

Hansgirg, Fritz, 1941

Havenstrite, Russell E., 1941

Hawn, R. H., 1944

Helliwell, Paul E., 1951

Helping Hand Foundation, 1974-1975

Henderson, Charles E., 1951

Hopps, Stewart B., 1942-1946

Hunt, Bunker, 1973

Huo, Chien J., 1971-1972

Hyde, Anthony, 1965

Box 495 

Ickes, Harold L., estate, 1952-1956 

(2 folders)

International Utilities, 1942 

(2 folders)

James, Inc., 1945

Jupiter Corp., 1965

Box 496 

Kades, Charles and Dorothy, estate, 1941-1949 

(2 folders)

Kaiser, Henry J., 1941 

(8 folders)

Keenan, Joseph D., 1966

Kollsman, Luli, 1946-1947

Box 497 

La Follette, Lee, 1956-1957

Lamond, James and Anna, 1946

Lear, Inc., 1968

(1 folder)

Box 498 

(4 folders)

Box 499 

(1 folder)

Lee, You How, 1952-1953

Lever Brothers, 1945-1946

Lewis College, Chicago, Ill., 1947-1948

Box 500 

Louisville Gas and Electric Co., 1943-1945 

(4 folders)

Box 501 

McKean, Whitehead and Wilson, 1977

Manin, Adrienne, 1944

Marquette Airlines, 1941

Marsh and McLennan, 1942-1965

Maryland Casualty, 1945-1947 

(3 folders)

Box 502 

Massachusetts Council for Public Schools, 1950-1952

Massachusetts Steamship Lines, 1946-1947

Merton, William, 1951

Micronesia Metal and Equipment Co., 1956

Middlewest Corp., 1941-1942

Milliken, Minot K., 1970

Minera Fernandez, S. A., 1956

Mississippi River Fuel Corp., 1949

Moller, A. P., 1941

Moody's Investment Service, 1946-1957

Box 503 

Morrison-Knudsen Co., 1945-1970 

(4 folders)

Murchison, Charles, 1956-1960

Muzak Corp., 1950-1951

Box 504 

Nahmias, M. E.

Nathan, Carl, 1946

National Portland Cement Co., 1941-1942

New England Petroleum Corp., 1965-1966

New England Steel Project, 1950

Nickel Co. of Alaska, 1942-1944

North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), 1965

North American Manufacturers, 1942

North Eastern Gas Transmission Co., 1950-1951 

(2 folders)

Northern Metal, 1947-1949

Northern States Power Co., 1945

Box 505 

Nottebohm Hermanos (Frederick Nottebohm), 1949-1960

(9 folders)

Box 506 

(6 folders)

Box 507 

(7 folders)

Box 508 

Olmstead, Ralph W. (H. K. Ferguson Co.), 1959-1965

Oriole Chemical Carriers, 1968-1970 

(2 folders)

Orris, June, 1951

Owens-Illinois Glass Co., 1945-1946

Pacific Industries Development Corp., 1951-1965

Box 509 

Pacific War Emergency Pipelines, 1946

Pan American Airways, 1950-1972

(3 folders)

Box 510 

(6 folders)

Box 511 

Pang-Tsu Mow, 1951-1954

Panhandle Carbon Co., 1944-1945

Parrish, Mrs. Leonard, 1954

Patterson, Robert, 1952

Payer, Harry F., 1942

Pei, Tsuyee, 1951

Pennsylvania-Central Airlines, 1942-1949

(2 folders)

Box 512 

(3 folders)

Pettus, Daisy, 1942-1956

Box 513 

Philadelphia Co., 1941 

(2 folders)

Pommer Trust, 1953-1954, 1970 

(2 folders)

Price, F. D., 1947-1948

Prichard, Edward F., 1946-1951

Rador Associates, 1961-1964

Raycrest Mills, 1945-1946

(2 folders)

Box 514 

(5 folders)

Ray-O-Vac Co., 1944-1957 

(2 folders)

Reading Clothing Mfg. Co., 1949

Reeves Ely Laboratories, 1946

Reynolds, Doreen, 1965

Rice-Weiner, 1945-1946

Box 515 

Riedel-de Haen, Inc., 1943

Ritz-Carlton Restaurant and Hotel Co. of Atlantic City,

Robinson Foundation, 1945-1946

Rust, H. L., 1941

Sabalo Transportation Co., 1961-1962

Sacred Heart International Foundation Fund, 1950

Sarlie, Jacques, 1957

(4 folders)

Box 516 

(7 folders)

Box 517 

Schluter, Frederic, 1954-1956 

(4 folders)

Schwartz, Charles K., 1941-1944

Searle, Marion, 1963

Selenium Corp. of America, 1955-1956

Box 518 

Shields and Co., 1942

Silber, Dorothy Wong, 1979-1980

Slater, H. Nelson, 1961

Smith, A. J., 1952

Smith, R. V., 1964-1965

Sobhani, Fanaollah, 1965-1967

Songwriters' Protective Association, 1957-1958

Spencer, James, 1944

Standard Gas and Electric Corp., 1947

(1 folder)

Box 519 

(7 folders)

Box 520 

(3 folders)

Box 521 

Sterling Drug, 1941-1978

(9 folders)

Box 522 

(8 folders)

Box 523 

(7 folders)

Box 524 

(1 folder)

Box 525 

(9 folders)

Box 526 

(5 folders)

Box 527 

(9 folders)

Box 528 

(6 folders)

Box 529 

(7 folders)

Box 530 

(6 folders)

Box 531 

(4 folders)

Box 532 

(3 folders)

Box 533 

(4 folders)

Box 534 

Su, James, 1967

Syracuse Civic Television Association, 1961

Tame, Annie, 1963

Taylor, L. K., 1950-1951 

(2 folders)

Tennessee Gas Transmission Co., includes Northeastern
Gas Co. v. Federal Power Commission, 1950-1972

(2 folders)

Box 535 

(7 folders)

Box 536 

(7 folders)

Box 537 

(9 folders)

Box 538 

(5 folders)

Box 539 

(6 folders)

Box 540 

(4 folders)

Box 541 

(5 folders)

Box 542 

(5 folders)

Box 543 

(5 folders)

Box 544 

(3 folders)

Box 545 

(5 folders)

Box 546 

(5 folders)

Box 547 

(5 folders)

Box 548 

(9 folders)

Box 549 

(4 folders)

Box 550 

(6 folders)

Box 551 

(1 folder)

Box 552 

(2 folders)

Box 553 

(9 folders)

Box 554 

(8 folders)

Box 555 

(3 folders)

Box 556 

Texas Gas Co., 1947-1954

(5 folders)

Box 557 

(6 folders)

Box 558 

(4 folders)

Box 559 

(4 folders)

Box 560 

(1 folder)

Thailand, 1954-1960 

(2 folders)

Thomas, Francis, 1945

Thriftsurance Plan Corp., 1950-1951

Todd Shipyards, 1941-1950

(2 folders)

Box 561 

(1 folder)

Tokalon, 1951-1952

Trackless Tank Corp., 1942-1948 

(2 folders)

Tradeways, Inc., 1948-1949

Box 562 

Trans World Airlines, 1962-1965

(2 folders)

Box 563 

(5 folders)

Box 564 

(2 folders)

Trevor, Keith, 1947

Triangle Conduit and Cable Co., 1965-1970 

(2 folders)

Tsiang, Hilda, 1965

Box 565 

U-Drivit Auto Rental, 1946-1949

Union News Co., 1944-1945

United Fruit Co., 1946-1950

(8 folders)

Box 566 

(8 folders)

Box 567 

(6 folders)

Box 568 

(7 folders)

Box 569 

(4 folders)

Box 570 

(4 folders)

Box 571 

(6 folders)

Box 572 

(8 folders)

Box 573 

(4 folders)

Box 574 

Universal Metal Products, 1946-1947

Venture Securities Fund, 1956-1966

(8 folders)

Box 575 

(5 folders)

Box 576 

(11 folders)

Box 577 

Vernay Corp., 1950-1953

Vesta Underwear Co., 1943

Vimalert Co., 1941-1942 

(2 folders)

Von Clemm, Werner, 1970-1981

(2 folders)

Box 578 

(4 folders)

Box 579 

(1 folder)

Wales, Leonard, 1957-1961

Walsh, John, 1951-1954

Wang, S. C., 1952-1953

Wanveer Shop, 1951-1954

Warner Construction Co., 1943-1953

(2 folders)

Box 580 

(5 folders)

Waterville Valley Co., 1965-1966

Wehner, Silvia, 1965

Weidlein, William D., 1945-1946

Box 581 

Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., 1958-1959 

(4 folders)

Box 582 

Wesleyan University Press, 1950-1951 

(4 folders)

Wilde, Virginia, 1968

Willauer, Whiting, 1958-1967

(1 folder)

Box 583 

(2 folders)

Wilton Carpets, 1967

Wimmer, Fred W., 1948-1954

Wise, Richard, 1949

Woodward and Dickerson, Inc., 1955-1956

Yuan, G. T., 1951-1952

Box 584 

Miscellany, 1941-1980 

(3 folders)

Box 585-637 

Miscellany, 1792-1982,  n.d.

Correspondence, notes, memoranda, business and membership
cards, clippings, printed matter, autobiographical material,
interviews, files related to Corcoran's association
with the law firm of Cotton and Franklin (1929-1932),
speeches and writings by Corcoran and others, general
office files, including calendars and schedules, mail
logs, telephone message logs, a chronological correspondence
file, and personnel files. 

Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material.

Box 585 

Awards, certificates, photographs and programs, etc.,

(2 folders)

Bleecker, Leonard, account ledger, 1792-1793

Box 586 

Book file, "Rendezvous with Democracy," autobiography

*Copyright deposit, 1982

* Available for research but cannot be photocopied.

Box 587 

Correspondence, 1974-1981 

(2 folders)

Rough drafts, research material, etc.

(4 folders)

Box 588 

(9 folders)

Box 589 

Book file, "Rendezvous with Democracy," autobiography

Rough drafts, research material, etc.

(7 folders)

Box 590 

(4 folders)

Box 591 

(4 folders)

Box 592 

(6 folders)

Box 593 

(9 folders)

Box 594 

(11 folders)

Box 595 

(5 folders)

Box 596 

(6 folders)

Box 597 

(6 folders)

Box 598 

(1 folder)

Box 599 

Cards, membership and business

Cotton and Franklin files, 1929-1932

(4 folders)

Box 600 

(8 folders)

Box 601 

(4 folders)

Box 602 

(4 folders)

Interviews and oral history projects

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N.Y., 1979

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Austin, Tex., 1969

Miscellaneous, 1962-1981

Box 603 

Law lecture notes, Felix Frankfurter

Oxford University, Oxford, England, lectures, 1935-1938

(5 folders)

Box 604 

(3 folders)

Public utilities and contracts lectures, ca. 1925 

(2 folders)

Box 605 

Lists, memoranda, and notes, ca. 1940-1981

(7 folders)

Box 606 

(3 folders)

Newspaper clippings



(3 folders)

Box 607 


(10 folders)

Box 608 


(10 folders)

Box 609 

1970-1981, n.d 

(3 folders)


Anderson, Jack, 1969

Corcoran, Thomas G.

1920s to 1941 

(3 folders)

Box 610 


(6 folders)

Courts versus crime, 1969

Cuba, Fidel Castro, 1956-1959

Box 611 

Devaluation, 1949

Drugs, 1970

Drunk drivers, 1970

Federal Power Commission, 1960

Foreign affairs, 1947-1950

Kennedy, Edward Moore, 1969-1970

Monopoly, 1949

Pearson, Drew

1965, Mar.-1966, June 

(2 folders)

Box 612 

1966, July-1969, Aug. 

(5 folders)

Shuman Plan, 1950

Tennessee Gas Transmission Co., 1965

Box 613 

Office files

Calendars and schedules

Desk calendars


(8 folders)

Box 614 


(6 folders)

Box 615 



(4 folders)

Box 616 


(4 folders)

Box 617 


(5 folders)

Box 618 


(5 folders)

Box 619 

Chronological correspondence file



(3 folders)

Box 620 



(6 folders)

Box 621 


(7 folders)

Box 622 

Law partnership matters, 1941-1967 

(4 folders)

Mail log (incoming and publications), 1972-1974 

(4 folders)

Résumés, recommendations, and personnel matters, 1941-1981

"A" miscellaneous

Bowman family

Box 623 

"B-C" miscellaneous 

(6 folders)

Box 624 

"D-He" miscellaneous 

(7 folders)

Box 625 

"Hi-L" miscellaneous 

(6 folders)

Box 626 

"M-Re" miscellaneous 

(7 folders)

Box 627 

"Rh-Z" miscellaneous 

(7 folders)

Box 628 

Telephone messages


(4 folders)

Box 629 


(3 folders)

Box 630 


(3 folders)

Box 631 


(3 folders)

Box 632 


(5 folders)

Box 633 


(5 folders)

Box 634 


(6 folders)



Box 635 



(2 folders)

Printed matter, 1943-1971 

(4 folders)

Box 636 

Speeches and writings

Speech reference material


By Corcoran, ca. 1945-1980 

(3 folders)

By others, 1946-1973

Box 637 

Writings by others

Brant, Irving, The Antitrust Laws, draft, n.d.

Carter, Jay Franklin, 1940 and After, draft, n.d. 

(3 folders)

Kern, John Worth, "Thomas Gardiner Corcoran and the
New Deal, 1932-1940," senior thesis, 1980

Reilly, Peter P., An Introduction to the Role of the
Roman Curia in World Organization, draft, 1946

Williams, Frank, The Truth about RFC, 1952

Box 638 

Addition, 1932-1975,  n.d.

Correspondence, family papers, notes, telephone bills,
newspaper clippings, and printed matter. 

Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein
chronologically according to the arrangement of the
main portion of the papers.

Box 638 

Family papers

Subject file

Corcoran, Thomas Patrick (father), 1935

Foulkes family, 1973

Subject file

Frankfurter, Felix, 1934-1935, 1975, n.d.

New Deal era

General correspondence

Frankfurter, Felix, 1932-1936, n.d. 

(7 folders)

Miscellaneous, 1933-1937, n.d.

Rosenman, Samuel Irving and family, 1936-1937, n.d.

Subject file

Securities and Exchange Commission, 1934, n.d.

Supreme Court, 1937


Notes, n.d.

Personnel file

"N" miscellaneous, 1934

"O" miscellaneous, 1934-1936, n.d.

Telephone bills, n.d.

Box R1-R23 

Special Restricted File, 1931-1981

Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, and reference

Organized and described according to the series, containers,
and folders from which the items were removed.

Box R 1 

General Correspondence


Simpson, Kemper, 1931 (Container 46)


Becker, Samuel, 1942-1981 (Container 48)

Berger, Robert I., 1942-1964 (Container 48)

Bishop, Max W., 1964-1972 (Container 48)

Bradley, Murray, 1952-1966 (Container 49)

Brennan, Lawrence E., 1957-1964 (Container 49)

Burridge, A. Lewis, 1961-1980 (Container 49)

Box R 2 

Chennault, Anna, 1957-1981 (Container 52)

Clayton, Peter H., 1956-1968 (Container 53)

Corcoran, Patrick H., 1961-1971 (Container 53)

Cragg, Alliston, 1941-1957 (Container 53)

(2 folders)

Box R 3 

Dalton, Jess N., 1945-1950 (Container 56)

Diesel, John P., 1975-1981 (Container 56)

Dimechkie, Nadim, 1961-1975 (Container 56)

Fanelli, Joseph A., 1942-1981 (Container 58)

Fleming, John W., 1946-1965 (Container 58)

Foley, Edward H. (1905-1982), 1942-1978 (Container 58)

Galvez, Roberto B., 1962-1964 (Container 60)

Box R 4 

Gray, Robert K., 1968-1980 (Container 60)

Green, John H., 1942-1943 (Container 60)

Hayward, John T., 1968 (Container 62)

Hedden, Mabel, 1977-1978 (Container 62)

Henderson, John B., 1956-1971 (Container 62)

Hickman, Leon E., 1951-1975 (Container 62)

Howard, Richard Peyton, 1958-1981 (Container 63)

Hyde, Anthony, 1941-1978 (Container 63)

Jasper, Claude, 1958-1980 (Container 65)

Box R 5 

Johnson, Lady Bird, 1955-1981 (Container 66)

(2 folders)

Kane, John S., 1957-1974 (Container 67)

Kelsey, Irving J., 1959-1966 (Container 68)

King, David S., 1961-1970 (Container 68)

Laine, Linda N., 1968-1977 (Container 69)

Laird, Melvin R., 1969-1981 (Container 69)

Landreth, Edward S., 1947-1977 (Container 70)

Lane, John D., 1952-1980 (Container 70)

Box R 6 

McConnaughey, Marianne, 1966-1981 (Container 71)

McLendon, Gay N., 1969-1981 (Container 72)

Mara, Nicholas V., 1956-1977 (Container 72)

Milliken, Roger, 1944-1980 (Container 72)

Monroe, Malcolm L., 1941-1971 (Container 73)

Monroe, Rose, 1962-1974 (Container 73)

Moran, Richard P., 1945-1969 (Container 73)

Nottebohm, Carlos H., 1953-1980 (Container 75)

Nugent, Luci Baines Johnson, 1966-1981 (Container 75)

Palmer, Margaret F., 1962-1967 (Container 76)

Pell, Claiborne, 1959-1980 (Container 77)

Box R 7 

Perry, Robert X., 1954-1980 (Container 77)

Peterson, Raymond N., 1945-1979 (Container 77)

Pulling, Barton S., 1949-1980 (Container 78)

Reik, Richard, 1941 (Container 79)

Rhodes, John J., 1974-1976 (Container 79)

Robb, Charles, 1965-1981 (Container 79)

Box R 8 

Rowe, James H. (1909-1984), 1942-1981 (Container 80)

Schlesinger, Arthur Meier (1917- ), 1954-1979 (Container

Shaughnessy, Frances, 1959-1966 (Container 82)

Shen, James C. H., 1974-1976 (Container 82)

Stephens, E. A., 1942-1947 (Container 82)

Stephenson, William A. F., 1941-1980 (Container 83)

Stone, Roger T., 1947-1974 (Container 83)

Straight, Michael, 1942-1976 (Container 83)

Strauss, Robert S., 1970-1981 (Container 83)

Box R 9 

Tribble, George E., 1946-1956 (Container 85)

Turnbull, Walter E., 1948-1967 (Container 86)

Walsh, Richard L., 1942-1975 (Container 87)

Welch, Edith E., 1958-1965 (Container 87)

Wood, John R., 1960-1967 (Container 87)

Box R 10 

Subject File

Adams, Edward, 1955-1958 (Container 90)

Anderson, Cyrus, 1970 (Container 91)

Baker, Robert G., 1964-1971 (Container 92)

Berger, Robert, 1944 (Container 93)

Blandi, Joseph G., 1961 (Container 94)

Box R 11-R 14 

Chennault, Anna , 1955-1981 (Containers 100-108)

(49 folders)

Box R 15 

Colson, Charles, 1975 (Container 120)

Box R 16 

Corcoran, Patrick H., 1971-1973 (Container 123)

Cronin, Donald J., 1973-1979 (Container 123)

Cussen, Joseph J., 1961-1965 (Container 123)

Dowdy, John, 1970 (Container 126)

Evans, John K. (Container 128)

Free foreign trade zone, 1967-1969

General, 1965-1967

Fleming, John W., 1962-1971 (Container 130)

Box R 17 

Foley, Edward H. (1905-1982), 1960-1961 (Container 131)

Foley, Lester W., 1955-1956 (Container 131)

Box R 18 

Hall, Harry, 1951-1965 (Container 135)

Higgins, Edward, 1961 (Container 141)

Hoagland, Lee, 1962 (Container 144)

Jasper, Claude, 1972 (Container 148)

Johnson, Thomas F., 1969-1971 (Container 151)

Box R 19 

Kane, John S., 1959-1971 (Container 152)

Kelsey, Irving, 1959-1960 (Container 152)

Kiehn, Arnold M., 1944-1946 (Container 152)

Kim, Dong Jo, 1967-1968 (Container 153)

Koubek, Vlastimil, 1965-1966 (Container 153)

Kwan, Chun K., 1966 (Container 153)

Linker, James F., 1965-1966 (Container 155)

Littell, Norman, Littell/Biddle controversy, 1942-1945
(Container 155)

Milliken, Roger, 1964-1965 (Container 156)

Box R 20 

Nathanson, James E., 1956-1961 (Container 157)

Park, Tongsun, 1977-1978 (Container 160)

Perry, Robert X., 1957-1965 (Container 161)

Roelen, Hedwig, 1938-1941 (Container 168)

Rowe, James H. (1909-1984), 1965-1979 (Container 168)

Box R 21 

Schlesinger, Arthur Meier (1917- ), 1957-1965 (Container

(3 folders)

Sietz, Reynolds C., 1964-1965 (Container 169)

Sims, Cecil, 1957 (Container 169)

Treumann, Walter, 1955-1956 (Container 185)

Wood, John R., 1954-1967 (Container 186)

Yinkey, Arden, 1962-1963 (Container 186)

Box R 22-R 23 

Youngman, William S., 1941-1980 (Containers 187-188)

(7 folders)

Box CL1 

Classified, 1942-1969

Correspondence, memoranda, and dispatches. 

Organized and described according to the series, containers,
and folders from which the items were removed.

Box CL 1 

Family correspondence

Subject File

Corcoran, Thomas G. (1942- ) (son)


General, 1969 (Container 23)

General Correspondence 


"H" miscellaneous, 1944 (Container 65)

Subject File


General, 1942 (Container 108)

Willauer, Whiting, 1960 (Container 186)

Civil Aviation Files

Chennault, Claire Lee, 1949-1951 (Container 418)

Legal File

Willauer, Whiting, 1958-1960 (Container 582)

September 10, 2003 
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