EPA Regional Programs


Sep. 15, 2005
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)
Signed on August 10, 2005 SAFETEA-LU authorizes the Federal surface transportation programs for highways, highway safety, and transit for the 5-yr period 2005-2009.
SAFETEA-LU includes the following:

·         A new environmental review process for highways, transit, and multimodal projects which applies to new projects advanced with environmental impact statements and can be applied, if DOT elects, to projects advanced with other environmental documents, thereby streamlining the environmental review process.

·         Projects are prohibited on publicly owned parks, recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, or historic sites unless there is no feasible and prudent alternative and all possible mitigation is used.

·         A pilot program for non-motorized transportation and Safe Routes to School.

·         Significant new environmental requirements for the Statewide and Metropolitan Planning process.

·         Modifications intended to provide greater flexibility in transportation planning and air quality conformity, without reducing protection for air quality.

·         A total of $370 million is provided through 2009 to continue the program to develop and maintain trails for recreational purposes that include pedestrian, equestrian, bicycling and non-motorized snow activities as well as off-road motorized vehicle activities.

·         The conduct of an Wildlife Vehicle Collision Reduction Study of methods to reduce collisions between motor vehicles and wildlife, and report to Congress within 2 years on causes, impacts, and solutions. A manual of best practices is due 1 year after report to Congress. The Secretary is required to develop a training course for transportation professionals.


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Last Updated: June 20, 2007