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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

addresses for IRG

Mar 3, 1990 DC-9004


Dear Colleague:

Enclosed is an Action Transmittal pertaining to the implementation of plans to automate the Office of Child Support Enforcement Interstate Referral Guide(referred to as IRG). The IRG, a directory of Federal, State, and local addresses for use in processing interstate child support cases, will offer a ready reference of current addresses. States will be able to update their addresses as they change, and these corrected addresses will be available monthly to all States.

Your assistance is needed in reviewing and updating the enclosed list of addresses for your State. The IRG will include addresses for your State offices as well as the addresses of local agencies responsible for case processing. The enclosed list was compiled from the addresses each State submitted to OCSE for use in the Federal Tax Refund Offset Program in processing year 1989.

Each State should determine that the correct agency addresses are listed, verify the accuracy of the addresses, confirm the three-digit FIPS code, and add a two-digit sublocal code if needed to distinguish subdivisions. For some States, the enclosed listing

contains only the State address. In this instance, it will be necessary for States to add appropriate local addrsses. Also, please note special procedures contained in the attached Action Transmittal for updating local FIPS codes.

To operate this system, OCSE will maintain a master file of addresses on its National Computer Center (NCC) mainframe. On a monthly basis, OCSE will process each State's updated information and update the master file. Each State will be responsible for updating its own addresses by following the procedures in the attached Action Transmittal.

To update any address information, each State will log on to NCC. Accessing NCC will be accomplished by using the same equipment and similar procedures now used for the Federal Tax Refund Offset Program and the Federal Parent Locator Service. As soon as you are ready to update your addresses, contact Wanda Campbell at (202) 252-5752 with the name of the office and person who will be responsible for updating the IRG. She will make arrangements for you to obtain an ID and password to gain access to NCC. The Central Registry may be the most appropriate unit for updating this task as it deems appropriate.

After the initial updates have been made, on a one time only basis, OCSE will provide the master file to all States. In order to make the automated Guide available to you as soon as possible,the initial updating of your State's addresses must be completed by April 27, 1990. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mrs. Campbell at (202) 252-5752 or Program Support Branch, Program Operations Division, OCSE, 370 L'Enfant Promenade, Washington, DC 20447. Thank you for your assistance with this important project.


Allie Page Matthews

Deputy Director


(1) Each State's list of addresses

(2) Action Transmittal

cc: Regional Representatives

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