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HHS General Administration Manual Part 30 Environmental Protection

(as of February 25, 2000)

SUBJECT: Executive Order 12856, Federal Compliance with Right-To-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements

30-80-00-- Background
30-80-05-- Applicability
30-80-10-- Responsibilities
30-80-15-- Definitions
30-80-20-- Pollution Prevention Strategy
30-80-30-- Toxic Chemical Reduction Goals
30-80-40-- Pollution Prevention Plan
30-80-50-- Acquisition and Procurement Plans and Goals
30-80-60-- EPCRA and Pollution Prevention Act Responsibilities
30-80-70-- Compliance
30-80-80-- Public Availability of Information
30-80-90-- Funding and Resources

30-80-00 -- Background

The objective of Executive Order 12856, August 3, 1993 (58 FR 41981), is to foster the Federal government as a good neighbor to local communities by becoming a leader in providing information to the public concerning toxic and hazardous chemicals and extremely hazardous substances at Federal facilities, and in planning for and preventing harm to the public through the planned or unplanned releases of chemicals. The Order also encourages the Federal government to be a leader in the field of pollution prevention through the management of its facilities, its acquisition practices, and in supporting the development of innovative pollution prevention programs and technologies. Executive Order 12856 seeks to ensure that all Federal agencies conduct their facility management and acquisition activities so that, to the maximum extent practicable:

Last Revised: October 17, 2003


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