The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
August 10, 2008

President and Mrs. Bush Attend Church Services in Beijing
Beijing Kuanjie Protestant Christian Church
Beijing, People's Republic of China

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     Fact sheet In Focus: Trip to Asia 2008

9:07 A.M. (Local)

THE PRESIDENT: You know, I've just -- Laura and I just had the great joy and privilege of worshiping here in Beijing, China. You know, it just goes to show that God is universal, and God is love, and no state, man or woman should fear the influence of loving religion.

And I want to thank the pastor for his hospitality. And I want to thank this beautiful choir for singing Amazing Grace and Edelweiss. It was a touching moment. It's been a joy to worship here. Again, I want to thank you, sir, and God bless you. God bless you.

Standing with the Kuanjie Summer Vacation School Choir and Pastor Meng Maoru, President George W. Bush delivers a statement outside Beijing Kuanjie Protestant Christian Church in Beijing Sunday, Aug. 10, 2008. Said the President, "Laura and I just had the great joy and privilege of worshiping here in Beijing, China. You know, it just goes to show that God is universal, and God is love, and no state, man or woman should fear the influence of loving religion." White House photo by Chris Greenberg END 9:08 A.M. (Local)

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