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Choice Provisions in No Child Left Behind

National Title I Directors' Conference
February 2003

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Text (slide 26):

Sample School Timeline (Chart)

Year 1 Baseline Data Corrective Action
Year 2 Fail to make AYP  
Year 3 Fail to make AYP  
Year 4 1st year of school improvement Technical assistance; Public school choice
Year 5 2nd year of school improvement Technical assistance; Public school choice; supplemental educational services

Chart Description:

This chart shows a sample timeline for a school identified for improvement to implement corrective actions because it failed to meet AYP. The chart has three columns: column 1 represents a 5 year timeline, column 2 represents the status of the school in meeting AYP for each of 5 years; and column 3 represents the corrective action taken if a school does not meet AYP.