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Daschle and Democrats to Get a Dose of Pharma's Medicine

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Former Sen. Tom Daschle had an easy time today before the Senate panel that's considering his nomination as Secretary of Health and Human Services, but he's likely to encounter far stiffer opposition to the Obama administration's plans when the job of reforming health care is officially his. The Washington Post used CRP data today to analyze the pharmaceutical industry's strategy--including its shift of campaign contributions to Democrats--in preparing for what could be a bruising fight.... (Continue)

2009: The Year of Open Data

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If you're the kind of person who enjoys an illuminating data mash-up, 2009 is going to be a great year, because we'll be opening up CRP's vast databases to the world. ... (Continue)

Power Players: Cantor Whips up Support from Finance Sector

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A rising star among House Republicans from day one, Cantor will now replace Rep. Roy Blunt of Missouri as House minority whip. In this position, Cantor is charged with corralling support among his colleagues for the Republican leadership's proposals. Capital Eye kicks its Power Players series off with a profile of Cantor's fundraising, industry support and personal investments. ... (Continue)

House Pushes for Disclosure of Donors to Presidential Libraries

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Here at CRP, we've taken out a big black marker, ready to happily check off our wish list one of our frequent suggestions for improving transparency of the federal government. The House of Representatives passed a bill today that would require foundations sponsoring presidential libraries to reveal their donors, a measure we have been advocating for years.... (Continue)

Obama Supporters Give President-Elect Holiday Gift

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It seems some campaign contributors have found an antidote to their post-election withdrawal, turning now to funding President-elect Barack Obama's transition efforts. According to new data released this week by Obama-Biden, the transition team picked up nearly 54,000 new donors from Nov. 15 until Dec. 15.... (Continue)

Congressional Freshmen Bring New Industry Ties

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The 111th Congress started its first session today and the newbies will likely be the most overwhelmed. They will quickly learn what the veterans know so well: the donors and industries that helped you win your seat often expect payback. On OpenSecrets.org we've provided a full list of the freshmen with links to their money profiles.... (Continue)

Richardson Not Alone in Collecting Money from Embattled Contributor

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Putting aside whatever involvement New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson had in an alleged "pay-to-play" scheme in his home state, his future as U.S. commerce secretary is now a casualty of an ongoing federal investigation into a company that has funded the former presidential candidate's state-level political committees. While no other incoming federal lawmaker or Cabinet member is said to be under investigation, others have certainly seen their campaign efforts propped up by the embattled company. Capital Eye lists those recipients here. ... (Continue)
Why, when all but a few tight races have been determined, are candidates still asking for money? Campaign debt. Despite the astronomical sums of money citizens contributed this election cycle, many candidates ended their bids for office in the red. In fact, 665 out of 2,339 candidates in the 2008 election cycle ended their campaigns in a deficit, or 28 percent. The nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics found that '08 candidates have a combined debt of $144 million. However, of that figure, $125 million is self-financed debt, or money that aspiring lawmakers owe to themselves.... (Continue)

Unions Funded Labor Nominee's Work as Congresswoman

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Labor unions, gearing up for a fierce fight on Capitol Hill next year, will find a fervent ally in Barack Obama's pick for Labor Secretary, Rep. Hilda Solis (D-Calif.), who has relied heavily on financial support from unions during her time in the House of Representatives. In total Solis has collected $888,050 from the labor sector since 1999, more than twice what she collected from her next most generous sector.... (Continue)

Bill Clinton's Foundation Discloses Diverse List of Donors

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At the Center for Responsive Politics, we've asked former presidents for years to disclose the names of donors to their presidential libraries, which can accept unlimited contributions from anyone. It appears that all it takes to spur an ex-president to action is the appointment of his spouse to be Secretary of State. The William J. Clinton Foundation, which funds the former president's library in addition to his other charitable initiatives, today disclosed all donors back to 1997. Here are our observations and a list of the donors who gave at least $500,001.... (Continue)




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