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Federal Case Registry

Federal Case Registry

Release 07-01 - Minor: June 1, 2007
Release Specifications

March 1, 2007










1.1 Summary of Changes

The Federal Case Registry (FCR) is being enhanced to allow States the option to receive, through the proactive matching process, Title II, Title XVI and Prisoner Locate data from SVES (State Verification Exchange System) for persons in IV-D cases in which no family violence is indicated.

1.2 Background

As part of the Continuous Service Improvement (CSI) Locate Sources Initiative, the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) is researching ways of improving and expanding locate information provided by the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS). States have expressed an interest in receiving proactive matches from SVES, which is expected to help States learn more quickly about changes in benefits and eligibility for Social Security Administration (SSA) that affect child support case participants.

1.3 Description of Changes

A SVES State will have the option to receive Title II, Title XVI and Prisoner Locate Responses from the new SVES Proactive Match interface. When a Person Add or Person Change record is received by the FCR, the new interface will create a SVES Proactive Match Request for a person with a verified Social Security number (SSN) in a IV-D case with no family violence indicated, when the participant type is 'PF' (Putative Father) or 'NP' (Non-custodial Parent). The State will have the option to also receive SVES Proactive Matches for IV-D case participant types 'CP' (Custodial Party) and/or 'CH' (Child). 'CH' Participant Types will only be sent to SVES Title II for matching. All other participant types will be sent to SVES for Title II, Title XVI, and Prisoner matching.

The FCR will return only positive SVES Proactive Matches in SVES response record formats (Record Identifier 'FK') with address and benefit information. States will receive FCR SVES Title II (E05), Title XVI (E06), and/or Prisoner (E07) Locate Response Records.

The FCR will not return a negative locate response, FCR SVES Not Found Response (E10), in the SVES Proactive Match process.

Two new fields will be added to the SVES response records in filler areas: SVES Match Type and Participant Type. The SVES Match Type field will be added to position 3. It will contain a value of 'P' to indicate that the response is a result of a SVES Proactive Match Request or a value of 'L' when the response is the result of a SVES Locate Request. The Participant Type field will be added to positions 911-912. The Participant Type field will be present on SVES Proactive Matches. For Locate Requests, the Participant Type field will contain spaces.

A SVES State can continue to request a SVES Locate if the Locate Request Type is 'CS' (Child Support Request for IV-D purposes), and the Locate Source field contains 'ALL' or 'E01' (SSA) in the FCR Input Person/Locate Request Record. The SVES Proactive Match Request will be suppressed if a State requests a SVES Locate and the request is made in conjunction with an Add or Change Person transaction.

1.4 Impact on States

States that choose to participate in the SVES Proactive Matching must also elect to receive SVES Locates. They must also be able to receive and process the FCR SVES (Record Identifier 'FK') Title II (E05), Title XVI (E06), Prisoner (E07), and Not Found (E10) Locate Response Records.

SVES Proactive Matching uses the same response record layouts as SVES Locate (Record Identifier 'FK'). However, two new fields (SVES Match Type and Participant Type) have been added to the filler area to identify the response as a SVES Proactive Match, and to identify the participant.

To participate, States must complete the "FCR State Verification and Exchange System (SVES) Locate and Proactive Match Election Form". This form is divided into two sections:

  • SVES Locate Search Option, and
  • SVES Proactive Match Search Option.

The form is displayed in Figure 1-1 on the next page.

States that have not participated in the locate search option before must complete the entire form and indicate when they will be ready to receive SVES Locate Responses. States currently accepting SVES locate search records must complete the proactive match section of the form to participate in SVES Proactive Matching.

When a State is ready to begin accepting SVES Proactive Matches, the completed form must be sent to the FCR Options Coordinator, as indicated below. Proactive matching will take effect as soon as the form is entered into the FCR.

The completed form should be mailed to:

Joan O'Connor
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Child Support Enforcement
Federal Parent Locator Service, 4th floor
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
Washington, DC 20447

Forms may also be faxed to Joan O'Connor at 202-401-5553 or 202-401-5647.

Figure 1-1: FCR State Verification and Exchange System (SVES) Locate and Proactive Match Election Form

Figure 1-1: FCR State Verification and Exchange System (SVES) Locate and 
Proactive Match Election Form

1.5 Output Record Specification

Refer to Chart A-1, "FCR SVES Title II Locate Response Record", Chart A-2, "FCR SVES Title XVI Locate Response Record", Chart A-3, "FCR SVES Prisoner Locate Response Record", and Chart A-4, "FCR SVES Not Found Response Record", for the revised record layouts reflecting this change.

The material that is highlighted indicates the changes to the existing record layout.

Table of Contents


2.1 Summary of Changes

The FCR is being modified to provide States with the option to suppress negative (no record found) locate responses for Locate Response Type 'CS' (Child Support Request for IV-D purposes). The enhancement also provides a further option to override the suppression if a negative response is the last response of a group, so that a Locate Closed Indicator can be returned.

2.2 Background

In response to requests from States, this enhancement will reduce the number of negative locate responses being returned to States. This change will result in reduced State CPU processing time and worker alerts, thereby saving workers time, since they will not have to review old data.

2.3 Description of Changes

Filtering locate responses will apply only to Locate Request Type 'CS' (Child Support Request for IV-D purposes). All other Locate Request types, (AD – Adoption/Foster Care, CV – Custody and Visitation, LC – Locate Only, and PK – Parental Kidnapping), will not be suppressed.

A State must choose to suppress negative locate responses by completing the "Filter Negative Locate Responses Election Form", shown in Figure 2-1. When a State elects to suppress negative locate responses, the following locate responses will not be returned to the State:

  • FCR NDNH Locate/Proactive Match Response Record (Record Identifier 'FN') withFCR NDNH Locate/Proactive Match Response Record (Record Identifier 'FN') with
    • NDNH Match Type 'L' (NDNH Locate Request Response),
    • Locate Source Response Agency Code 'H01', and
    • Locate Response Code '10' (NDNH does not have the SSN on file, or the submitter of this CS-type Locate Request provided the only information on file for the SSN and has not requested its return).
  • FCR SVES Not Found Response Record (Record Identifier 'FK') with
    • Locate Source Response Agency Code 'E10', and
    • Locate Response Code '10' (The Locate source does not have the SSN on file).
  • FCR Locate Response Record (Record Identifier 'FF'):
    • Locate Response Code '10' (The Locate source does not have the SSN on file) for Locate Source Response Agency Codes: A01 (DoD), A02 (FBI), A03 (NSA), C01 (IRS non-1099), E01 (SSA), and F01 (DVA).
    • Locate Response Code '22' (No record of earning) for Locate Source Response Agency Code E01 (SSA).

The following Locate Response codes will still be returned to the submitter for all Locate Sources:

  • '06' (FCR case type change from IV-D to Non IV-D, person deleted from case or case closed), and
  • '39' (disclosure prohibited – person is associated with family violence)

The FCR will offer States an additional option to continue to receive a negative locate response record if it is the last locate response for a Locate Request. Under these circumstances, the State will receive the Locate Closed Indicator (position 353) on the last negative Locate Response.

2.4 Impact on States

To filter negative Locate Responses or to receive the Locate Closed Indicator, States must complete the "Filter Negative Locate Responses Election Form" shown in Figure 2-1.

States that use the Locate Closed Indicator field in processing responses should elect to continue receiving this field on a negative Locate Response. Otherwise, they will not receive the Locate Closed Indicator, thus impacting their response processing.

States must complete the form and choose one or both of the options presented. Filtering will take effect as soon as the form is entered into the FCR.

The completed form should be mailed to:

Joan O'Connor
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Child Support Enforcement
Federal Parent Locator Service, 4th floor
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
Washington, DC 20447

Forms may also be faxed to Joan O'Connor at 202-401-5553 or 202-401-5647.

Figure 2-1: Filter Negative Locate Responses Election Form

Figure 2-1: Filter Negative Locate Responses Election Form

2.5 Output Record Specification

There are no output record changes.

Table of Contents


3.1 Summary of Changes

The FCR-DMDC Match process is being modified to return information relating to the sponsor of the child if the sponsor is coded as 'Other' (that is, not 'CP', 'NCP' or 'PF').

3.2 Background

This change is being made to provide additional identifying information relating to the child's medical coverage sponsor when the sponsor has been identified as 'Other'. Without more meaningful information, the responses with a sponsor code of 'Other' are of limited value.

3.3 Description of Changes

When the FCR-DMDC Proactive Match Response Record (Record Identifier 'FW'), CH Medical Coverage Sponsor Code (position 137) contains a '4' (Other), a new field labeled CH Sponsor Relationship Code (position 521), will contain a code to describe the relationship of the child to the sponsor. Otherwise, the field contains spaces. The CH Sponsor Relationship Code values are:

  1. Child
  2. Foster Child
  3. Pre-Adoptive Child
  4. Ward
  5. Stepchild
  6. Self (an adult child who is in the military)
  7. Spouse (an adult child who is married to a military member)
  8. Other/Unknown

When the CH Sponsor Relationship Code (position 521) contains either a '1' (Child), '2' (Foster Child), '3' (Pre-Adoptive Child), or '4' (Ward), the following additional new fields will also be provided:

  • CH Sponsor SSN (position 522-530)
  • CH Sponsor Last Name (position 531-560)
  • CH Sponsor First Name (position 561-576)
  • CH Sponsor Middle Name (position 577-592)
  • CH Sponsor Last Name Suffix (position 593-596)

3.4 Impact on States

The FCR will return the specified additional information on sponsors. Because the new fields will be located in existing filler areas, State programming changes are not required until States are ready to accept the new data elements. The file record length is not changing.

3.5 Output Record Specification

Refer to Chart A-5, "FCR DMDC Proactive Match Response Record", for the revised record layout for this change. The material that is highlighted indicates the changes to the existing record layout.

Table of Contents


4.1 Summary of Changes

The FCR is being modified to return an appropriate error or warning message when 'AD' (Adoption/Foster Care), 'PK' (Parental Kidnapping), and 'CV' (Custody and Visitation) Locates include a request for NSA (National Security Agency).

4.2 Background

NSA Locate Requests were implemented as part of Release 06-01. However, Locate Requests for types 'AD', 'PK', and 'CV' cannot be sent to NSA.

4.3 Description of Changes

If NSA is requested along with one or more agencies on a Locate Request for request types 'AD', 'PK', or 'CV', warning code 'LW002' (Locate Source Not Available for Locate Request Type) will be returned to the State.

If 'ALL' is the requested agency for request types 'AD', 'PK', or 'CV', warning code 'LW002' will be returned to the State.

If NSA is the only agency requested, error code 'TE027' (Invalid Locate Source Code) will be returned to the State and the Locate request transaction will be rejected.

4.4 Impact on States

States will receive the appropriate error or warning code when NSA is part of a Locate Request for 'AD', 'PK', or 'CV'.

Chart 4-1, "FCR Record Error and Warning Codes", displays the warning and error codes 'LW002' and 'TE027' and includes the additional meanings relating to NSA.

Error Code Record Type Error Message and Description
LW002 FP Locate Source not available for Locate Request Type.

Locate Source Code 'C01' (IRS) is not returned when the Locate Request Type is 'AD', 'CV', 'LC' or 'PK' and Locate Source 1 is equal to 'ALL'.

Locate Source Code 'A03' (NSA) is not returned when the Locate Request type is 'AD', 'CV' or 'PK' and Locate Source 1 is equal to 'ALL' or if 'A03' is present in one of the Locate Source fields.
TE027 FP Invalid Locate Source Code.
An exception to one of the following conditions was found:
  • If the Locate Request Type is equal to 'AD', 'CV', 'LC' or 'PK', the Locate Source Code cannot equal 'C01'.
  • If the Locate Request Type is equal to 'AD', 'CV', or 'PK', and Locate Sources 2 through 8 are blank, Locate Source 1 cannot equal 'A03' (NSA).
  • Locate Source 1 must be equal to 'ALL', 'A01', 'A02', 'A03, 'C01', 'E01', 'F01', 'H01' or spaces.
  • Locate Source 2 through Locate Source 8 must be equal to 'A01', 'A02', 'A03, 'C01', 'E01', 'F01', 'H01' or spaces.
Note: This rejects the invalid Locate Source only. If other valid actions (e.g., add the person to the case or initiate a Locate for other sources requested) can be taken on the record, processing will continue

4.5 Output Record Specification

There are no output record changes.

Table of Contents


5.1 Summary of Changes

The FCR NDNH Locate and Proactive Match processes are being modified to return records that contain a code indicating that the SSN/Name combination was not verified at SSA, but successfully passed a name matching routine used by NDNH.

5.2 Background

Previously, unverified NDNH records (W-4, QW, and UI) were not used by the FCR NDNH Locate or Proactive Match processes. These unverified NDNH records are now being processed through a name-matching routine. Records that match SSA on the SSN, using a name derived by the name-matching routine, are given a confidence score. Records with high confidence scores will now be used for FCR NDNH Locate and Proactive Matching.

5.3 Description of Changes

The NDNH unverified file is being added to the FCR NDNH Locate and Proactive Matching processes. Unverified records with a confidence score matching or exceeding a specified threshold will be returned on a Locate or Proactive Match Response. A Locate Response Code of '48' (Unverified SSN/Name Combination with Probable Name Match) on the FCR NDNH Locate/Proactive Match Response Record (Record Identifier 'FN') will be used to identify these unverified matches being returned to the State. The name that was submitted on the NDNH record will be returned in the process.

5.4 Impact on States

States will see an increase in FCR NDNH Locate/Proactive Match Response records, because the NDNH unverified records with successful name match are being added to the process. A new Locate Response Code value of '48' (positions 375-376) will be set on the FCR NDNH Locate/Proactive Match Response Record (Record Identifier 'FN') to identify these records. The new Locate Response Code will allow States to monitor and/or perform additional follow up if needed.

5.5 Output Record Specification

Refer to Chart A-6, "FCR NDNH Locate/Proactive Match Response Record", for the revised record layout for this change. The material that is highlighted indicates the changes to the existing record layout.

Table of Contents


6.1 Summary of Changes

The Federal Case Registry (FCR) is being modified to return new, two-part FCR Insurance Match Response records that contain the results of matches between persons on the Federal Offset File and insurance company databases.

6.2 Background

Section 7306 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 amended Section 452 of the Social Security Act to authorize OCSE, through the FPLS, to compare information concerning individuals owing past-due child support with information maintained by insurers (or their agents) concerning insurance claims, settlements, awards, and payments, and return the matches to the State agencies responsible for collecting the past-due child support.

6.3 Description of Changes

The FCR will send two corresponding Insurance Match Response records to States when a successful match is identified with an insurance company. The Insurance Match Response record pairing will be part of the standard FCR Locate Response Batch output to States. A new, unique Record Identifier, 'IM', will be used to identify the Insurance Match Response records along with a sub-identifier to distinguish Record 1 from Record 2 formats. The standard record length of 920 bytes will be used for each record.

6.4 Impact on States

States will not receive the Insurance Match records until they choose to participate. States that choose to participate in the Insurance Match will need programming changes to accept and process the new FCR Insurance Match Response record layouts. OCSE will initially suppress the insurance match process for all States. To notify OCSE that your State is ready to participate in the Insurance Match, refer to the Release 07-01 Federal Offset Specifications, Part 1.0, "Create New Exclusion Indicator for Insurance Match (OCSE 2149)."

The FCR Response Trailer Record is revised and includes a new field, "Insurance Match Response Records," in field position 222-229.

6.5 Output Record Specification

Refer to Chart A-7 and A-8, "FCR Insurance Match Response Record – Part 1 and Part 2" for the new record layouts and Chart A-9, "FCR Response Trailer Record", for the changes in the trailer record layout.

Table of Contents



This appendix contains the record specifications for the FCR Output Response Records that are affected by the changes that were made for this release.

Charts A-1 through A-9 present the entire record layout for each of the records affected, with the changes highlighted in turquoise.

Field Name Location Length A/N Comments
Record Identifier 1-2 2 A/N This field contains the characters 'FK'.
SVES Match-Type 3 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the action that initiated the generation of this record:
L –
SVES Locate Request Record
P –
SVES Proactive Match Request Record
Filler 4-18 15 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Transmitter State/Territory Code 19-20 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS Code of the state or territory that transmitted the Locate Request to the FCR System.
Filler 21-60 40 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Source Response Agency Code 61-63 3 A/N This field contains the code 'E05' to identify the Title II Locate Source.
Title II First Name 64-73 10 A/N This field contains the first name of the Title II beneficiary that was returned from SVES.
Title II Middle Initial 74 1 A/N This field contains the middle initial of the Title II beneficiary that was returned from SVES.
Title II Last Name 75-86 12 A/N This field contains the last name of the Title II beneficiary that was returned from SVES.
Title II Sex Code 87 1 A This field contains one of the following values:
F –
M –
U –
Title II Date of Birth 88-95 8 A/N This field contains the date of birth of the beneficiary that was returned from SVES. The date is in CCYYMMDD format. If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Title II Date of Death 96-103 8 A/N This field contains the date of death of the beneficiary that was returned from SVES. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
If SSA's records contained '00' in the day portion of the date, the FCR System returns '01' in the day portion of the Title II Date of Death field.
Filler 104-118 15 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Residence Address Line 1 119-158 40 A/N This field contains the edited street address that was supplied by SVES. The three edited street address lines (Residence Address Lines 1 through 3) are top-justified as follows:
  1. Beneficiary's name and non-standard address information (if present in the input address) followed by:

  2. The urbanization name for Puerto Rican addresses (if present in the input address and if requiring URB) followed by:

  3. The standardized and scrubbed street address line
If no address was returned, these fields contain spaces.
Residence Address Line 2 159-198 40 A/N
Residence Address Line 3 199-238 40 A/N
Residence Address City 239-254 16 A/N This field contains the city of residence that is associated with the address. If no city is available, this field contains spaces.
Residence Address State 255-256 2 A/N This field contains the state that is associated with the beneficiary's address of residence.
If no state is available, this field contains spaces.
Residence Zip Code 257-265 9 A/N This field contains the beneficiary's address of residence Zip Code that was returned in the Locate Response.
If no Zip Code is available, this field contains spaces.
Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 266-267 2 A/N The first Residence Address Scrub Code represents the general status of the address. It is always present on the Response Record. This field contains an address scrub code to indicate the results of the address editing:
BA –
Bad address. FINALIST determined it to be an undeliverable address. The address is left unchanged.
CH –
Changed address. The address was corrected and is considered by FINALIST to be deliverable.
EA –
Empty address. No address is present on the record. The address was not provided by the Locate source.
GA –
Good address. FINALIST has determined it to be a deliverable address.
Residence Address Scrub Indicator 2 268-269 2 A/N This field contains a value to further define the results of the address editing of the residence address information returned in the response. Success or failure of address correction attempts is indicated by the value of the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1.

If the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'BA', this field contains one of the following values:

BR –
Bad range. The house number is out of range for that street. This type of address error cannot be corrected
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was attempted.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was attempted.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was attempted.
NZ –
Non-determined Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted but failed.
If the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'CH', this field contains one of these codes:
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was successful.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was successful.
CA –
Corrected address. A misspelled or non-standard street name was successfully corrected in the Response Record.
CC –
Corrected city name. Correction of the misspelled or non-standard city name was successful.
CZ –
Corrected Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was successful.
If the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 contains 'EA' or 'GA', this field contains spaces.
Residence Address Scrub Indicator 3 270-271 2 A/N This field contains a value to further define the results of the scrubbing for the residence address information returned in the response:

If the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'BA', this field contains one of these codes:
BR –
Bad range. The house number is out of range for that street. This type of address error cannot be corrected.
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was attempted.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was attempted
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was attempted.
NZ –
Non-determined Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted but failed.
Spaces –
No additional errors were detected.
If the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'CH', this field contains one of these codes:
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was successful.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was successful.
CA –
Corrected address. A misspelled or non-standard street name was successfully corrected in the Response Record.
CC –
Corrected city name. Correction of the misspelled or non-standard city name was successful.
CZ –
Corrected Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful
MA –
Mismatched address: The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was successful.
Spaces -
No additional errors were detected
If the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 contains 'EA' or 'GA', this field contains spaces.
Filler 272-273 2 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Submitted First Name 274-285 12 A/N This field contains the first name that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Submitted Middle Initial 286 1 A/N This field contains the middle initial that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Submitted Last Name 287-305 19 A/N This field contains the last name that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Submitted Date of Birth 306-313 8 A/N This field contains the information that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
If the date of birth that was submitted is different from the date of birth on SSA's records, this field contains SSA's recorded date of birth for the person.
SSN 314-322 9 A/N This field contains the Social Security Number that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Member ID 323-337 15 A/N This field contains the Member ID that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
User Field 338-352 15 A/N This field contains the User Field that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Locate Closed Indicator 353 1 A If this is the last Locate Response returned for the Locate Request, this field contains a 'C'.
If it is not the last Locate Response for this person for this requestor, this field contains a space.
Filler 354-355 2 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
FIPS County Code 356-358 3 A/N This field contains the FIPS County Code that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Filler 359-363 5 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Request Type 364-365 2 A/N This field contains the Locate Request Type that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Filler 366-374 9 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Response Code 375-376 2 A/N This field contains a value to clarify the response that was returned from SVES:
09 –
SVES Database is inaccessible for the person.
Spaces –
Locate information returned to state.
Multiple SSN Indicator 377 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate if the SSN that was used in the SVES match is a multiple SSN:
M –
Additional/multiple SSN
X –
Multiple SSN from Corrected SSN
Spaces –
Original SSN
If this field is an 'M' or 'X', the SSN that was used in the match is in the Multiple SSN field.
Multiple SSN 378-386 9 A/N If the SSA SSN verification routines identified one or more multiple valid SSNs for the person, an additional valid SSN is in this field.
If the Multiple SSN Indicator is an 'M' or 'X', this field contains the Multiple SSN that was used in the match. The SSN in this field is different from the SSN in the SSN field.
CAN and BIC 387-398 12 A/N This field contains the Claim Account Number (CAN) and the Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC). The BIC is the last three positions of the field. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
State Code 399-400 2 A/N This field contains the two-character FIPS state code of the state that is responsible for any mandatory or optional supplementation payment. The code represents the state of residence unless another state has jurisdiction.
If no state is available, this field contains spaces.
County Code 401-403 3 A/N This field contains the three-character FIPS County Code of the county that is responsible for any mandatory or optional supplementation payment. The code represents the county of residence unless another county has jurisdiction.
If no county is available, this field contains spaces.
Direct Deposit Indicator 404 1 A This field contains one of the following values:
C –
S –
Space –
LAF Code 405-406 2 A/N This field contains a value for the Ledger Account File Code, which reflects the MBR payment status for this beneficiary. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
Deferred Payment Date 407-412 6 A/N This field contains the date in CCYYMM format that the first or next deferred payment can be made.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Date of Initial Title II Entitlement 413-418 6 A/N This field contains the date that the beneficiary was originally eligible for Title II benefits. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Date of Current Title II Entitlement 419-424 6 A/N This field contains the date that the beneficiary became eligible for Title II benefits for the current period of entitlement. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Date of Title II Suspension or Termination 425-430 6 A/N This field contains the date that the event that caused the suspension or termination of Title II benefits occurred. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Net Monthly Title II Benefit 431-436 6 N This field contains the Net Monthly Benefit amount in $$$$¢¢ format. The Net Monthly Benefit represents the benefit amount that is payable after all deductions have been taken.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
HI Option Code 437 1 A/N This field contains a Health Insurance:
(HI) Option code:
C –
None (cessation)
D –
None (denied)
E –
Yes (automatic)
F –
None (invalid enrollment)
G –
Yes (good cause)
H –
None (not eligible or did not enroll)
P –
R –
None (refused)
S –
None (no longer under renal disease provision)
T –
None (terminated for nonpayment of premiums)
W –
None (withdrawal)
X –
None (Title II termination)
Y –
Supplemental insurance (Part B) premium is payable
If no HI code is available, this field contains a space.
HI Start Date 438-443 6 A/N This field contains the date that the beneficiary became eligible for health insurance. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
HI Stop Date 444-449 6 A/N This field contains the date that the beneficiary's health insurance benefits ended. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
SMI Option Code 450 1 A/N This field contains a Supplemental Medical Insurance (SMI) Code:
C –
No (cessation)
D –
No (denied)
F –
No (terminated)
G –
Yes (good cause)
N –
No (no response)
P –
R –
No (refused)
S –
No (no longer under the renal disease provision)
T –
No (terminated for non-payment)
W –
No (withdrawal)
Y –
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
SMI Start Date 451-456 6 A/N This field contains the first month of coverage date that the beneficiary became eligible for SMI. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
SMI Stop Date 457-462 6 A/N This field contains the last month of coverage date of the beneficiary's SMI benefits. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Category of Assistance 463 1 A/N This is field contains a state exchange categorical assistance code:
A –
B –
C –
D –
F –
Food Stamps
H –
Health maintenance
I –
Income Maintenance
J –
AFDC and Food Stamps
K –
Food Stamps and Medicaid
N –
Title XIX Medicaid eligibility
P –
Child Support Enforcement
S –
Statement of Consent
U –
Unemployment Compensation
If no category is available, this field contains a space.
Black Lung Entitlement Code 464 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicates Black Lung entitlement:
D –
Death termination
E –
N –
P –
Pending entitlement
T –
Terminated (other than death)
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
Black Lung Payment Amount 465-470 6 N This field contains the Black Lung Payment Amount in $$$$¢¢ format.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
Railroad Indicator 471 1 A/N This field contains a Railroad Indicator code:
A –
Active claim
T –
Terminated claim
S –
Currently suspended
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
MBC Number of Entries 472 1 N This field contains the number of occurrences of the historical payment fields: MBC Date, MBC Amount, and MBC Type. This field contains a value from '0' through '8'.
MBC Date 1 473-478 6 A/N This field contains the first Monthly Benefit Credited (MBC) Date. The date is in CCYYMM format. The MBC amount is paid in the month after this date.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
MBC Amount 1 479-484 6 N

This field contains the first MBC amount in $$$$¢¢ format. The monthly Title II benefit is due after any appropriate dollar rounding (considering a deductible of the SMI premium) but prior to the actual collection of any obligation of the beneficiary (including the SMI premium). This amount may appear after an individual dies. States need to check the LAF Code and MBC Type to determine if a payment was issued.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
MBC Type 1 485 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values:
C –
Benefits paid
E –
Benefits not paid, due to delayed/pending or suspense
N –
Benefits not paid
Space –
Benefits not paid or not applicable
MBC Date 2 486-491 6 A/N This field contains the second MBC date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
The MBC amount is paid in the month after this date.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
MBC Amount 2 492-497 6 N This field contains the second MBC amount in $$$$¢¢ format.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
MBC Type 2 498 1 A/N This field contains one of the codes listed for the MBC Type 1.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
MBC Date 3 499-504 6 A/N This field contains the third MBC date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
The MBC amount is paid in the month after this date.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
MBC Amount 3 505-510 6 N This field contains the third MBC amount in $$$$¢¢ format.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
MBC Type 3 511 1 A/N This field contains one of the codes listed for the MBC Type 1.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
MBC Date 4 512-517 6 A/N This field contains the fourth MBC date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
The MBC amount is paid in the month after this date.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
MBC Amount 4 518-523 6 N This field contains the fourth MBC amount in $$$$¢¢ format.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
MBC Type 4 524 1 A/N This field contains one of the codes listed for the MBC Type 1.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
MBC Date 5 525-530 6 A/N This field contains the fifth MBC date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
The MBC amount is paid in the month after this date.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
MBC Amount 5 531-536 6 N This field contains the fifth MBC amount in $$$$¢¢ format.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
MBC Type 5 537 1 A/N This field contains one of the codes listed for the MBC Type 1.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
MBC Date 6 538-543 6 A/N This field contains the sixth MBC date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
The MBC amount is paid in the month after this date.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
MBC Amount 6 544-549 6 N This field contains the sixth MBC amount in $$$$¢¢ format.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
MBC Type 6 550 1 A/N This field contains one of the codes listed for the MBC Type 1.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
MBC Date 7 551-556 6 A/N This field contains the seventh MBC date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
The MBC amount is paid in the month after this date.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
MBC Amount 7 557-562 6 N This field contains the seventh MBC amount in $$$$¢¢ format.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
MBC Type 7 563 1 A/N This field contains one of the codes listed for the MBC Type 1.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
MBC Date 8 564-569 6 A/N This field contains the eighth MBC date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
The MBC amount is paid in the month after this date.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
MBC Amount 8 570-575 6 N This field contains the eighth MBC amount in $$$$¢¢ format.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
MBC Type 8 576 1 A/N This field contains one of the codes listed for the MBC Type 1.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Filler 577-910 334 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Participant Type 911-912 2 A/N This field contains a value to define the person's Participant Type on the SVES Proactive Match Request:
CH –
CP –
Custodial Party
NP –
Non-custodial Parent
PF –
Putative Father
This field contains spaces on a SVES Locate Request.
Filler 913-918 6 A/N Reserved for FCR processing. This field contains spaces.
Sort State Code 919-920 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS State Code of the state that will receive the response

Table of Contents

Field Name Location Length A/N Comments
Record Identifier 1-2 2 A/N This field contains the characters 'FK'.
SVES Match-Type 3 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the action that initiated the generation of this record:
L –
SVES Locate Request Record
P –
SVES Proactive Match Request Record.
Filler 4-18 15 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Transmitter State/Territory Code 19-20 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS Code of the state or territory that transmitted the Locate Request to the FCR System.
Filler 21-60 40 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Source Response Agency Code 61-63 3 A/N This field contains the code 'E06' to identify the Title XVI Locate source.
Other Name 64-69 6 A/N This field contains any other name that is used by the recipient.
If no name is available, this field contains spaces.
Title XVI First Name 70-79 10 A/N This field contains the first name of the Title XVI recipient as returned from SVES.
Title XVI Middle Initial 80 1 A/N This field contains the middle initial of the Title XVI recipient as returned from SVES.
Title XVI Last Name 81-99 19 A/N This field contains the last name of the Title XVI recipient as returned from SVES.
Title XVI Sex Code 100 1 A This field contains one of the following values:
F –
M –
U –
Race Code 101 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the race of the recipient:
A –
B –
H –
I –
North American Indian
N –
O –
U –
Not determined
W –
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Title XVI Date of Birth 102-109 8 A/N This field contains the date of birth that was returned on the Locate Response. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Title XVI Date of Death 110-117 8 A/N This field contains the date of death for the recipient whose name is returned in the Locate Response. The date of actual death is shown if available. However, if the date of death is posted from a returned check, the day will reflect '01' or the date that the returned check was processed. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces. If SSA's records contained '00' in the day portion of the date, the FCR System returns '01' in the day portion of the Title XVI Date of Death field.
Date of Death Source Code 118 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values:
1 –
SSA District Office (DO) notification or manual adjustment
2 –
Health Insurance (HI) notification
3 –
Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) notification
4 –
Treasury returned check notification
5 –
Returned check from Treasury with no date of death shown (date of death field contains the date of transaction)
6 –
State notification
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
If the death code is updated by a subsequent transmission, this code may change.
Residence Address Line 1 119-158 40 A/N This field is present if the recipient residence address is different from the payee mailing address.
This field contains the edited street address that was supplied by SVES. The three edited street address lines (Residence Address Lines 1 through 3) are top justified as follows:
  1. Recipient's name and non-standard address information (if present in the input address) to be followed by:
  2. The urbanization name for Puerto Rican addresses (if present in the input address and if requiring URB) to be followed by:
  3. The standardized and scrubbed street address line.
If no address is being returned, these fields are spaces.
Residence Address Line 2 159-198 40 A/N
Residence Address Line 3 199-238 40 A/N
Residence Address City 239-254 16 A/N This field contains the city of residence that was associated with the address.
If no city is available, this field contains spaces.
Residence Address State 255-256 2 A/N This field contains the state that is associated with the address of residence.
If no state is available, this field contains spaces.
Residence Zip Code 257-265 9 A/N This field contains the Zip Code that was returned in the Locate Response for the recipient's address of residence.
If no Zip Code is available , this field contains spaces.
Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 266-267 2 A/N The first Residence Address Scrub Code represents the general status of the address. It is always present in the Response Record. This field contains a address scrub code to indicate the results of the address editing:
BA –
Bad address. FINALIST determined it to be an undeliverable address. The address is left unchanged.
CH –
Changed address. The address was corrected and is considered by FINALIST to be deliverable.
EA –
Empty address. No address is present in record. The address was not provided by the Locate source.
GA –
Good address. FINALIST has determined it to be a deliverable address.
Residence Address Scrub Indicator 2 268-269 2 A/N This field contains a value to further define the results of the address editing of the Residence Address returned in the response. The success or failure of address correction attempts is indicated by the value of the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1.
If the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'BA', this field contains one of the following values:
BR –
Bad range. The house number is out of range for that street. This type of address error cannot be corrected.
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was attempted.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was attempted.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was attempted.
NZ –
Non-determined Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted but failed.
If the Residence Address ScrubIndicator 1 is 'CH', this field contains one of these codes:
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was successful.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was successful
CA –
Corrected address. A misspelled or non-standard street name was successfully corrected in the Response Record.
CC –
Corrected city name. Correction of the misspelled or non-standard city name was successful.
CZ –
Corrected Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was successful.
If the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 contains 'EA' or 'GA', this field contains spaces.
Residence Address Scrub Indicator 3 270-271 2 A/N This field contains a value to further define the results of the scrubbing for the residence address information returned in the response:
If the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'BA', this field contains one of these codes:
BR –
Bad range. The house number is out of range for that street. This type of address error cannot be corrected.
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was attempted.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was attempted
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was attempted.
NZ –
Non-determined Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted but failed.
Spaces –
No additional errors were detected.
If the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'CH', this field contains one of these codes:
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was successful.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was successful
CA –
Corrected address. A misspelled or non-standard street name was successfully corrected in the Response Record.
CC –
Corrected city name. Correction of the misspelled or non-standard city name was successful.
CZ –
Corrected Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was successful.
Spaces –
No additional errors were detected.
If the Residence Address Scrub Indicator 1 contains 'EA' or 'GA', this field contains spaces.
Filler 272-273 2 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Submitted First Name 274-285 12 A/N This field contains the first name that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request
Submitted Middle Initial 286 1 A/N This field contains the middle initial that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Submitted Last Name 287-305 19 A/N This field contains the last name that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Submitted Date of Birth 306-313 8 A/N This field contains the information that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
If the date of birth that was submitted is different from the date of birth on SSA's records, this field contains SSA's recorded date of birth for the person. The Submitted Date of Birth is in CCYYMMDD format.
SSN 314-322 9 A/N This field contains the Social Security Number that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Member ID 323-337 15 A/N This field contains the Member ID that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
User Field 338-352 15 A/N This field contains the User Field that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Locate Closed Indicator 353 1 A If this is the last Locate Response returned for the Locate Request, this field contains a 'C'.
If it is not the last Locate Response for this person for this requestor, this field contains a space.
Filler 354-355 2 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
FIPS County Code 356-358 3 A/N This field contains the FIPS County Code that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Filler 359-363 5 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Request Type 364-365 2 A/N This field contains the Locate Request Type that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Filler 366-374 9 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Response Code 375-376 2 A/N This field contains a value to clarify the response that was received from SVES:
09 –
SVES Database is inaccessible for the person.
Spaces –
Locate information returned to state.
Multiple SSN Indicator 377 1 A/N If the SSN that was used in the SVES match is a multiple SSN, this field contains one of the following values:
M –
Additional/Multiple SSN
X –
Multiple SSN from Corrected SSN
Spaces –
Original SSN
If this field contains an 'M' or 'X', the SSN that was used in the match is in the Multiple SSN field.
Multiple SSN 378-386 9 A/N If the SSA SSN verification routines identified one or more multiple valid SSNs for the person, an additional valid SSN is in this field.
If the Multiple SSN Indicator is an 'M' or 'X', this field contains the Multiple SSN that was used in the match. The SSN in this field is different from the SSN in the SSN field.
Payee State of Jurisdiction 387-388 2 A/N This field contains a FIPS code for the state that is responsible for any mandatory or optional supplemental payment. The code represents the State Code of residence for the recipient unless another state has jurisdiction.
If no state is available, this field contains spaces.
Payee County of Jurisdiction 389-391 3 A/N This field contains a FIPS code for the county that is responsible for any mandatory or optional supplemental payment. The code represents the county code of residence for the recipient unless another county has jurisdiction.
If no county is available, this field contains spaces.
Payee District Office Code 392-394 3 A/N This field contains the SSA District Office (DO) code of the office that services the claim referenced in the Response Record.
Type of Payee Code 395-397 3 A/N This field contains a value to indicate who receives the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment:
Social agency
Natural, adopted or stepchild (as payee for a parent)
Essential person is payee
Federal mental institution
Federal non-mental institution
Financial organization
Natural or adoptive father
Legally incompetent, but no representative payee has been selected
Natural or adoptive mother
Nonprofit mental institution
Nonprofit non-mental institution
Public official
Proprietary mental institution
Proprietary non-mental institution
Recipient previously had payee, but is now receiving direct payments
Other relative (includes in-laws)
Representative payee is being developed
Beneficiary is own payee
LM –
State/local mental institution
State/local non-mental institution
Space –
Beneficiary is own payee
Payee Mailing Address Line 1 398-437 40 A/N This field contains the payee name and mailing address that appears on the SSI check and other correspondence that is sent to the recipient or their representative payee.
This field contains the edited street address returned from SVES. The three edited street address lines (Payee Mailing Address Lines 1 through 3) are top justified as follows:
  1. Payee's name and non-standard address information (if present in the input address) to be followed by:
  2. The urbanization name for Puerto Rican addresses (if present in the input address and if requiring URB) to be followed by:
  3. The standardized and scrubbed street address line.
If no address is being returned, these fields contain spaces.
Payee Mailing Address Line 2 438-477 40 A/N
Payee Mailing Address Line 3 478-517 40 A/N
Payee Mailing Address City 518-533 16 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the payee's mailing address.
If no city is available, this field contains spaces.
Payee Mailing Address State 534-535 2 A/N This field contains the state that is associated with the payee's mailing address.
If no state is available, this field contains spaces.
Payee Zip Code 536-544 9 A/N This field contains the Payee Zip Code returned in the Locate Response.
Payee Address Scrub Indicator 1 545-546 2 A/N The first Payee Address Scrub Code represents the general status of the address. It is always present on the Response Record. This field contains an address scrub code to indicate the results of the address editing:
BA –
Bad address. FINALIST determined it to be an undeliverable address. The address is left unchanged.
CH –
Changed address. The address was corrected and is considered by FINALIST to be deliverable.
EA –
Empty address. No address is present in record. The address was not provided by the Locate source.
GA –
Good address. FINALIST has determined it to be a deliverable address.
Payee Address Scrub Indicator 2 547-548 2 A/N This field contains a value to further define the results of the address editing of the Payee Mailing Address returned in the response. The success or failure of address correction attempts is indicated by the value of the Payee Address Scrub Indicator 1.
If the Payee Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'BA', this field contains one of the following values:
BR –
Bad range. The house number is out of range for that street. This type of address error cannot be corrected.
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was attempted.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was attempted.
MA –
Mismatchedaddress. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was attempted.
NZ –
Non-determined Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted but failed.
If the Payee Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'CH', this field contains one of the following values:
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard Indicator 1 format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was successful.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was successful.
CA –
Corrected address. A misspelled or non-standard street name was successfully corrected in the Response Record.
CC –
Corrected city name. Correction of the misspelled or non-standard city name was successful.
CZ –
Corrected Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatchedstate and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was successful.
If the Payee Address Scrub Indicator 1 contains 'EA' or 'GA', this field contains spaces.
Payee Address Scrub Indicator 3 549-550 2 A/N This field contains a value to further define the results of the scrubbing for the payee mailing address information returned in the response.
If the Payee Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'BA', this field contains one of the following values:
BR –
Bad range. The house number is out of range for that street. This type of address error cannot be corrected.
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was attempted.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was attempted.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was attempted.
NZ –
Non-determined Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted but failed.
Spaces –
No additional errors were detected.
If the Payee Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'CH', this field contains one of the following values:
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard Indicator 1format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was successful.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was successful.
CA –
Corrected address. A misspelled or non-standard street name was successfully corrected in the Response Record.
CC –
Corrected city name. Correction of the misspelled or non-standard city name was successful.
CZ –
Corrected Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was successful.
Spaces –
No additional errors were detected.
If the Payee Address Scrub Indicator 1 contains 'EA' or 'GA', this field contains spaces.
Type of Recipient 551-552 2 A/N This field indicates the type of recipient or other individual who is involved in the record.
If a recipient is initially disabled, this code will not change at age 65.
This field contains one of the following values:
AI –
Aged individual
AS –
Aged spouse
BC –
Blind child
BI –
Blind individual
BS –
Blind spouse
DC –
Disabled child
DI –
Disabled individual
DS –
Disabled spouse
EP –
Essential person
XS –
Ineligible spouse
Record Establishment Date 553-560 8 A/N This field contains the date that the SSI record was established for the recipient. The date is in CCYYMMDD format. If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Date of Title XVI Eligibility 561-566 6 A/N This field contains the application date, the final onset date, or the date that the recipient attained the age of 65 years, whichever is later. This field is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Title XVI Appeal Code 567 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the level of appeal:
A –
Appeal council review
C –
Court case
H –
O –
Class action
R –
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
Date of Title XVI Appeal 568-575 8 A/N This field contains the date of the most recent appeal action. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Title XVI Last Redetermination Date 576-583 8 A/N This field contains the date that all of the required actions for the redetermination were completed. This field is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Title XVI Denial Date 584-591 8 A/N This field contains the date that the applicant was denied SSI benefits and/or state supplementation. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Current Payment Status Code 592-594 3 A/N This field refers to the most current SSI payment status code. (See Payment Status Code below for an explanation of codes.)
Payment Status Code 595-597 3 A/N This is a three-position alphanumeric field, which is composed of two elements: The first position reflects the status of the SSI/State Supplement payment; the second and third positions reflect the reason for the status. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Payment Status Date 598-603 6 A/N This field contains the effective date of the last change to the Payment Status Code. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Telephone Number 604-613 10 A/N This field contains the recipient's telephone number.
If no number is available, this field contains spaces.
Third Party Insurance Indicator 614 1 A/N This field indicates if there could be a third party liability for health care expenses. This field is not updated after the initial posting.
This field contains one of the following values:
A –
Third party liability does exist but applicant refuses to assign rights.
N –
Third party liability does not exist (1634 state only).
Q –
Medicaid qualifying trust may exist.
R –
Failure to cooperate in providing third party.
Y –
Third party liability does exist (1634 state only) and applicant agrees to assign rights.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Direct Deposit Indicator 615 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values:
C –
S –
Space –
Representative Payee Indicator 616 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the presence of a representative payee for the recipient:
Y –
There is a representative payee.
N –
There is not a representative payee.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Custody Code 617-619 3 A/N This field contains a value to indicate who has physical custody of the recipient:
Social agency
Natural, adopted or stepchild (as payee for a parent)
Essential person is payee
Federal mental institution
Federal non-mental institution
Financial organization
Natural or adoptive father
Natural or adoptive mother
Nonprofit mental institution
Nonprofit non-mental institution
Public official
Proprietary mental institution
Proprietary non-mental institution
Payee has custody
Other relative (includes in-laws)
Representative payee is being developed
Living by self
State/local mental institution
State/local non-mental institution
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Estimated Self-Employment Amount 620-625 6 N This field indicates the estimated net amount of self-employment income for the period shown. The format is $$$$¢¢.
Unearned Income –
Number of Entries
626 1 N This field contains the number of occurrences of the unearned income fields: Unearned Income Type Code, Unearned Income Verification Code, Unearned Income Start Date, and Unearned Income Stop Date. This field contains the value '0' through '9'.
Unearned Income Type Code 1 627 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of unearned income the recipient is, or was, receiving. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Verification Code 1 628 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates if the unearned income allegations of the recipient have been verified. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Start Date 1 629-634 6 A/N This field contains the first occurrence of the date that the one-time unearned income payment was received, or the date that the unearned income was started if the payment is made monthly. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Stop Date 1 635-640 6 A/N This field contains the termination date of the first occurrence of monthly unearned income. The date is in CCYYMM format. In situations where the unearned income amount changes, this field contains the last date that the previous rate, or a one-time payment was received.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Type Code 2 641 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of unearned income the recipient is, or was, receiving. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Verification Code 2 642 1 A/N

This field contains a code that indicates if the unearned income allegations of the recipient have been verified. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Start Date 2 643-648 6 A/N This field contains the second occurrence of the monthly-unearned income payment date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Stop Date 2 649-654 6 A/N This field contains the termination date of the second occurrence of monthly unearned income. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Type Code 3 655 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of unearned income the recipient is, or was, receiving. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Verification Code 3 656 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates if the unearned income allegations of the recipient have been verified. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Start Date 3 657-662 6 A/N This field contains the third occurrence of the monthly-unearned income payment date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Stop Date 3 663-668 6 A/N This field contains the termination date of the third occurrence of monthly unearned income. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Type Code 4 669 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of unearned income the recipient is, or was, receiving. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Verification Code 4 670 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates if the unearned income allegations of the recipient have been verified. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Start Date 4 671-676 6 A/N This field contains the fourth occurrence of the monthly-unearned income payment date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Stop Date 4 677-682 6 A/N This field contains the termination date of the forth occurrence of monthly unearned income. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Type Code 5 683 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of unearned income the recipient is, or was, receiving. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Verification Code 5 684 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates if the unearned income allegations of the recipient have been verified. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Start Date 5 685-690 6 A/N This field contains the fifth occurrence of the monthly unearned income payment date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Stop Date 5 691-696 6 A/N This field contains the termination date of the fifth occurrence of monthly unearned income. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Type Code 6 697 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of unearned income the recipient is, or was, receiving. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Verification Code 6 698 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates if the unearned income allegations of the recipient have been verified. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Start Date 6 699-704 6 A/N This field contains the sixth occurrence of the monthly unearned income payment date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Stop Date 6 705-710 6 A/N This field contains the termination date of the sixth occurrence of monthly unearned income. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Type Code 7 711 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of unearned income the recipient is, or was, receiving. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Verification Code 7 712 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates if the unearned income allegations of the recipient have been verified. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Start Date 7 713-718 6 A/N This field contains the seventh occurrence of the monthly unearned income payment date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Stop Date 7 719-724

6 A/N This field contains the termination date of the seventh occurrence of monthly unearned income. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Type Code 8 725 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of unearned income the recipient is, or was, receiving. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Verification Code 8 726 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates if the unearned income allegations of the recipient have been verified. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Start Date 8 727-732 6 A/N This field contains the eighth occurrence of the monthly unearned income payment date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Stop Date 8 733-738 6 A/N

This field contains the termination date of the eight occurrence of monthly unearned income. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Unearned Income Type Code 9 739 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of unearned income the recipient is, or was, receiving. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Verification Code 9 740 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates if the unearned income allegations of the recipient have been verified. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Start Date 9 741-746 6 A/N This field contains the ninth occurrence of the monthly-unearned income payment date. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If no date is available, this field contains spaces.
Unearned Income Stop Date 9 747-752 6 A/N This field contains the termination date of the ninth occurrence of monthly unearned income. The date is in CCYYMM format.
If no date is available, this field contains spaces.
Number of Entries
753 1 N This field contains the number of occurrences of the Payment History (PHIST) Table fields. The fields comprise the Payment History Table: PHIST Payment Date, SSI Monthly Assistance Amount, and PHIST Payment Flag. Each occurrence of data indicates a change in the payment amount. This field contains the values '0' through '8'.
PHIST Payment Date 1 754-761 8 A/N This field contains the first date that payment or recovery was made. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
SSI Monthly Assistance Amount 1 762-768 7 N
This field contains the SSI Monthly Assistance Amount in signed COBOL format S9(5)V99. Negative values can be present.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
PHIST Payment Pay Flag 1 769 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of payment made and if it is has been returned. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
PHIST Payment Date 2 70-777 8 A/N This field contains the second date that payment or recovery was made. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
SSI Monthly Assistance Amount 2 778-784 7 N
This field contains the SSI Monthly Assistance Amount in signed COBOL format S9(5)V99. Negative values can be present.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
PHIST Payment Pay Flag 2 785 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of payment made and if it is has been returned. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
PHIST Payment Date 3 786-793 8 A/N This field contains the third date that payment or recovery was made. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
SSI Monthly Assistance Amount 3 794-800 7 N
This field contains the SSI Monthly Assistance Amount in signed COBOL format S9(5)V99. Negative values can be present.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
PHIST Payment Pay Flag 3 801 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of payment made and if it is has been returned. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
PHIST Payment Date 4 802-809 8 A/N This field contains the fourth date that payment or recovery was made. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
SSI Monthly Assistance Amount 4 810-816 7 N
This field contains the SSI Monthly Assistance Amount in signed COBOL format S9(5)V99. Negative values can be present.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
PHIST Payment Pay Flag 4 817 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of payment made and if it is has been returned. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
PHIST Payment Date 5 818-825 8 A/N This field contains the fifth date that payment or recovery was made. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
SSI Monthly Assistance Amount 5 826-832 7 N
This field contains the SSI Monthly Assistance Amount in signed COBOL format S9(5)V99. Negative values can be present.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
PHIST Payment Pay Flag 5 833 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of payment made and if it is has been returned. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
PHIST Payment Date 6 834-841 8 A/N This field contains the sixth date that payment or recovery was made. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
SSI Monthly Assistance Amount 6 842-848 7 N
This field contains the SSI Monthly Assistance Amount in signed COBOL format S9(5)V99. Negative values can be present.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
PHIST Payment Pay Flag 6 849 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of payment made and if it is has been returned. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
PHIST Payment Date 7 850-857 8 A/N This field contains the seventh date that payment or recovery was made. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
SSI Monthly Assistance Amount 7 858-864 7 N
This field contains the SSI Monthly Assistance Amount in signed COBOL format S9(5)V99. Negative values can be present.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
PHIST PaymentPay Flag 7 865 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of payment made and if it is has been returned. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
PHIST Payment Date 8 866-873 8 A/N This field contains the eighth date that payment or recovery was made. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
SSI Monthly Assistance Amount 8 874-880 7 N
This field contains the SSI Monthly Assistance Amount in signed COBOL format S9(5)V99. Negative values can be present.
If no amount is available, this field contains zeros.
PHIST Payment Pay Flag 8 881 1 A/N This field contains a code that indicates the type of payment made and if it is has been returned. Refer to Appendix E, "Data Dictionary", for the list of valid values and their descriptions.
If no code is available, this field contains a space.
Filler 882-910 29 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Participant Type 911-912 2 A/N This field contains a value to define the person's Participant Type on the SVES Proactive Match Request:
CP –
Custodial Party
NP –
Non-custodial Parent
PF –
Putative Father
This field contains spaces on a SVES Locate Request.
Filler 913-918 6 A/N Reserved for FCR processing. This field contains spaces.
Sort State Code 919-920 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS state code of the state that will receive the response.

Table of Contents

Field Name Location Length A/N Comments
Record Identifier 1-2 2 A/N This field contains the characters 'FK'.
SVES Match-Type 3 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the action that initiated the generation of this record:
L –
SVES Locate Request Record
P –
SVES Proactive Match Request Record
Filler 4-18 15 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Transmitter State/Territory Code 19-20 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS Code of the state or territory that transmitted the Locate Request to the FCR System.
Filler 21-60 40 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Source Response Agency Code 61-63 3 A/N This field contains the code 'E07' to identify the Prisoner Locate source.
SSN Reported by Prison 64-72 9 A/N This field contains the SSN that was reported by the prison to SSA.
Prison Reported First Name 73-87 15 A/N This field contains the first name that was reported to SSA by the prison.
Prison Reported Middle Name or Middle Initial 88-102 15 A/N This field contains the middle name or middle initial that was reported to SSA by the prison.
If no name or initial is available, this field contains spaces.
Prison Reported Last Name 103-122 20 A/N This field contains the last name that was reported to SSA by the prison.
Prison Reported Suffix 123-126 4 A/N This field contains the suffix that was reported to SSA by the prison.
If no suffix is available, this field contains spaces.
Prison Reported Sex Code 127 1 A This field contains a Sex Code to indicate the prisoner's gender:
F –
M –
U –
Prison Reported Date of Birth 128-135 8 A/N This field contains the date of birth that was reported by the prison. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Filler 136-273 138 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Submitted First Name 274-285 12 A/N This field contains the first name that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Submitted Middle Initial 286 1 A/N This field contains the middle initial that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Submitted Last Name 287-305 19 A/N This field contains the last name that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Filler 306-313 8 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
SSN 314-322 9 A/N This field contains the Social Security Number that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Member ID 323-337 15 A/N This field contains the member ID that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
User Field 338-352 15 A/N This field contains the user field that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Locate Closed Indicator 353 1 A If this is the last Locate Response being returned for a Locate Request, this field contains a 'C'.
If it is not the last Locate Response for this person for this requestor, this field contains a space.
Filler 354-355 2 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
FIPS County Code 356-358 3 A/N This field contains the FIPS County Code that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Filler 359-363 5 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Request Type 364-365 2 A/N This field contains the Locate Request Type that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Filler 366-374 9 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Response Code 375-376 2 A/N This field will always contain spaces, which indicates that a match response was received from the prison.
Multiple SSN Indicator 377 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate if the SSN that was used in the SVES match is a multiple SSN:
M –
Additional/Multiple SSN
X –
Multiple SSN from Corrected SSN
Spaces –
Original SSN
If this field is an 'M' or 'X', the SSN that was used in the match is in the Multiple SSN field.
Multiple SSN 378-386 9 A/N If the SSA SSN verification routines identified one or more multiple valid SSNs for the person, an additional valid SSN is in this field. The SSN in this field is different from the SSN in the SSN field.
If the Multiple SSN Indicator is a 'M' or 'X', this field contains the Multiple SSN that was used in the match.
Prisoner ID Number 387-396 10 A/N This field contains the Prisoner Identification Number that was returned on the Locate Response.
If no number is available, this field contains spaces.
Date of Confinement 397-404 8 A/N This field contains the date that the prisoner was confined to a prison/facility. The date is in CCYYMMDD format. If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Release Date 405-412 8 A/N This field contains the date that the prisoner was released from the prison/facility. The date is in CCYYMMDD format.
If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Prisoner Reporter Name 413-472 60 A/N This field contains the name of the source that provided the prisoner information to SSA.
Report Date 473-480 8 A/N This field contains the date that SSA received the prisoner information. The date is in CCYYMMDD format. If this field is found without a properly formatted valid date, it will then contain spaces.
Prison/Facility Type 481-482 2 A/N This field contains one of the following values:
01 –
State prison
02 –
County prison
03 –
Federal correctional institute
04 –
Mental correctional institute
05 –
Boot camp
06 –
Medical correctional institute
07 –
Work camp
08 –
Detention center
09 –
Juvenile detention center
10 –
Half-way house
11 –
City prison
Prison/Facility Name 483-542 60 A/N This field contains the name of the prison/facility.
Prison/Facility Address Line 1 543-582 40 A/N This field contains the first line of the prison/facility address.
Prison/Facility Address Line 2 583-622 40 A/N This field contains line 2 of the prison/facility address.
If no address is available, this field contains spaces.
Prison/Facility Address Line 3 623-662 40 A/N This field contains line 3 of the prison/facility address.
If no address is available, this field contains spaces.
Prison/Facility Address Line 4 663-702 40 A/N This field contains line 4 of the prison/facility address.
If no address is available, this field contains spaces.
Prison/Facility City 703-721 19 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the prison/facility address.
Prison/Facility State 722-723 2 A/N This field contains the two-character state abbreviation that is associated with the prison/facility address.
Prison/Facility Zip Code 724-732 9 A/N The field contains the Zip Code for the prison/facility. If available, the last four positions is the Zip Plus Four portion.
If no Zip Code is available, the last four positions are spaces.
Prison/Facility Address Scrub Indicator 1 733-734 2 A/N The first Prison/Facility Address Scrub Code represents the general status of the address. It is always present in the Response Record. This field contains a code that indicates the results of the address editing:
BA –
Bad address. FINALIST determined it to be an undeliverable address. The address is left unchanged.
CH –
Changed address. The address was corrected and is considered by FINALIST to be deliverable.
EA –
Empty address. No address is present on the record. The address was not provided by the Locate source.
GA –
Good address. FINALIST has determined it to be a deliverable address.
Prison/Facility Address Scrub Indicator 2 735-736 2 A/N This field contains a code to further define the results of the address editing of the prison/facility address information returned in the response. The success or failure of address correction attempts is indicated by the value of the Prison/Facility Address Scrub Indicator 1.
If the Prison/Facility Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'BA', this field contains one of the following values:
BR –
Bad range. The house number is out of range for that street. This type of address error cannot be corrected.
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was attempted.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was attempted.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was attempted.
NZ –
Non-determined Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted but failed.
If the Prison/Facility Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'CH', this field contains one of the following values:
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was successful.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was successful
CA –
Corrected address. A misspelled or non-standard street name was successfully corrected in the Response Record.
CC –
Corrected city name. Correction of the misspelled or non-standard city name was successful.
CZ -
Corrected Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
MA -
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX -
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
NC -
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was successful.
If the Prison/Facility Address Scrub Indicator 1 contains 'EA' or 'Ga', this field contains spaces.
Prison/Facility Address Scrub Indicator 3 737-738 2 A/N This field contains a value to further define the results of the scrubbing for the prison/facility address information returned in the response:
If the Prison/Facility Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'BA', this field contains one of the following values:
BR –
Bad range. The house number is out of range for that street. This type of address error cannot be corrected.
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was attempted.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was attempted.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was attempted.
NZ –
Non-determined Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted but failed.
Spaces –
No additional errors were detected.
If the Prison/Facility Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'CH', this field contains one of the following values:
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was successful.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was successful
CA –
Corrected address. A misspelled or non-standard street name was successfully corrected in the Response Record.
CC –
Corrected city name. Correction of the misspelled or non-standard city name was successful.
CZ –
Corrected Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was successful.
Spaces –
No additional errors were detected.
If the Prison/Facility Address Scrub Indicator 1 contains 'EA' or 'GA', this field contains spaces.
Prison/Facility Contact Name 739-773 35 A/N This field contains the name of the contact person for the prison/facility.
If no name is available, this field contains spaces.
Prison/Facility Phone 774-783 10 A/N This field contains the area code and telephone number of the prison/facility.
If no number is available, this field contains spaces.
Prison/Facility FAX No. 784-793 10 A/N This field contains the FAX number of the prison/facility.
If no number is available, this field contains spaces.
Filler 794-910 117 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Participant Type 911-912 2 A/N This field contains a value to define the person's Participant Type on the SVES Proactive Match Request:
CP –
Custodial Party
NP –
Non-custodial Parent
PF –
Putative Father
This field contains spaces on a SVES Locate Request.
Filler 913-918 6 A/N Reserved for FCR processing. This field contains spaces.
Sort State Code 919-920 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS state code of the state that will receive the response.

Table of Contents

Field Name Location Length A/N Comments
Record Identifier 1-2 2 A/N This field contains the characters 'FK'.
SVES Match-Type 3 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the action that initiated the generation of this record:
L –
SVES Locate Request Record
Filler 4-18 15 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Transmitter State/Territory Code 19-20 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS Code of the state or territory that transmitted the Locate Request to the FCR System.
Filler 21-60 40 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Source Response Agency Code 61-63 3 A/N This field contains the code 'E10' to indicate that none of the three SVES Databases contained a match for this person.
Filler 64-273 210 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces
Submitted First Name 274-285 12 A/N This field contains the first name that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Submitted Middle Initial 286 1 A/N This field contains the middle initial that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Submitted Last Name 287-305 19 A/N This field contains the last name that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Submitted Date of Birth 306-313 8 A/N This field contains the information that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
If the date of birth that was submitted is different from the date of birth on SSA's records, this field contains SSA's recorded date of birth for the person.
SSN 314-322 9 A/N This field contains the Social Security Number that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Member ID 323-337 15 A/N This field contains the member ID that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
User Field 338-352 15 A/N This field contains the user field that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Locate Closed Indicator 353 1 A If this is the last Locate Response returned for the Locate Request, this field contains a 'C'.
If it is not the last Locate Response for this person for this requestor, this field contains a space.
Filler 354-355 2 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
FIPS County Code 356-358 3 A/N This field contains the FIPS County Code that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Filler 359-363 5 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Request Type 364-365 2 A/N This field contains the Locate Request Type that was provided by the submitter of the Locate Request.
Filler 366-374 9 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Response Code 375-376 2 A/N This field contains one of the following values:
06 –
FCR Case Type changed from IV-D to Non IV-D, person deleted from case, or case closed. No information is returned (All Locate Sources) or FCR Case is Closed
10 –
Locate source does not have the SSN on file.
39 –
Disclosure prohibited. Person is associated with family violence.
Multiple SSN Indicator 377 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate if the SSN that was used in the SVES match is a multiple SSN:
M –
Additional/multiple SSN
X –
Multiple SSN from corrected SSN
Spaces –
Original SSN
If this field is an 'M' or 'X', the SSN that was used in the match is in the Multiple SSN fields.
Multiple SSN 378-386 9 A/N If the SSA SSN verification routines identified one or more multiple valid SSNs for the person, an additional valid SSN is in this field.
If the Multiple SSN Indicator is an 'M' or 'X', this field contains the Multiple SSN used in the match. The SSN in this field is different from the SSN in the SSN field.
Filler 387-910 524 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Participant Type 911-912 2 A/N This field contains spaces.
Filler 913-918 6 A/N Reserved for FCR processing. This field contains spaces.
Sort State Code 919-920 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS state code of the state that will receive the response.

Table of Contents

Field Name Location Length A/N Comments
Record Identifier 1-2 2 A/N This field contains the characters 'FW'.
Transmitter State/Territory Code 3-4 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS Code of the State or territory that is transmitting data to, or receiving data from, the FCR.
Filler 5-20 16 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
FIPS County Code 21-23 3 A/N This field contains the last three numeric positions of the FIPS County Code that is associated with the matched case on the FCR.
If a FIPS County Code was not submitted, the field contains spaces.
Filler 24-31 8 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Case ID 32-46 15 A/N This field contains the Case Number that was submitted by the State to the FCR.
Order Indicator 47 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values:
Y –
The State system has a record of the existence of a support order for a child, or a parent with whom the child is living, that is applicable to this case.
N –
The State system has no record of the existence of a support order that is applicable to this case.
CH First Name 48-63 16 A/N This field contains the first name of the child that was provided by the submitter and was recorded on the FCR.
CH Middle Name 64-79 16 A/N This field contains the middle name of the child that was provided by the submitter and was recorded on the FCR.
CH Last Name 80-109 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the child that was provided by the submitter and was recorded on the FCR.
CH SSN 110-118 9 A/N This field contains the SSN that is stored on the FCR as the child's primary SSN or a verified multiple SSN.
CH SSN Verified Indicator 119 1 A/N This field contains an indicator that identifies if the child's SSN/Name combination was verified or unverified on the FCR.
Y –
SSN/Name combination was verified.
N –
SSN/Name combination was unverified.
CH Member ID 120-134 15 A/N This field contains the State-assigned Member ID that is stored on the FCR for the child.
CH Death Indicator 135 1 A/N This field contains a value that shows if DMDC records indicate that the child is deceased.
Y –
Child is deceased.
N –
Child is not deceased.
CH Medical Coverage Indicator 136 1 A/N This field contains a value that shows if DMDC records indicate that the child has medical coverage.
Y –
The child has current medical coverage.
N –
The child does not have current medical coverage.
CH Medical Coverage Sponsor Code 137 1 A/N This field contains a value that indicates the child's medical coverage sponsor.
1 –
The NCP is, or was, the sponsor for the child's current, or previous medical coverage.
2 –
The CP is, or was, the sponsor for the child's current, or previous medical coverage.
3 –
The PF is, or was, the sponsor for the child's current, or previous medical coverage.
4 –
Someone other than the NCP, CP or PF is, or was, providing the child's current or previous medical coverage.
CH Medical Coverage Begin Date 138-145 8 A/N This field, supplied by DMDC, contains the date that the child became eligible for medical coverage. The field will be in CCYYMMDD format. If DMDC does not have a CH Medical Coverage Begin Date for a child, this field contains spaces.
CH Medical Coverage End Date 146-153 8 A/N This field, supplied by DMDC, contains the date that the child's medical coverage ended, or will end (this can be a future date). This field will be in CCYYMMDD format. If DMDC does not have a CH Medical Coverage End Date for a child, this field contains spaces.
Filler 154-178 25 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
NCP First Name 179-194 16 A/N This field contains the first name of the NCP that was provided by the submitter and recorded on the FCR.
If an NCP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
NCP Middle Name 195-210 16 A/N This field contains the middle name of the NCP that was provided by the submitter and recorded on the FCR.
If an NCP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
NCP Last Name 211-240 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the NCP that was provided by the submitter and recorded on the FCR.
If an NCP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
NCP SSN 241-249 9 A/N This field contains the SSN that is stored on the FCR as the NCP's primary SSN or a verified multiple SSN.
If an NCP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
NCP SSN Verified Indicator 250 1 A/N This field contains a value that identifies if the NCP's SSN/Name combination was verified or unverified on the FCR.
Y –
SSN/Name combination was verified.
N –
SSN/Name combination was unverified.
If an NCP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
NCP Member ID 251-265 15 A/N This field contains the State-assigned Member ID that is stored on the FCR for the NCP.
If an NCP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
NCP Death Indicator 266 1 A/N This field contains a value that shows if DMDC records indicate that the NCP is deceased.
Y –
NCP is deceased.
N –
NCP is not deceased.
If an NCP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
NCP Medical Coverage Indicator 267 1 A/N This field contains a value that shows if DMDC records indicate that the NCP is in the military as active duty, retiree or special civilian.
Y –
The NCP is in the military as active duty, retiree or special civilian.
N –
The NCP is not in the military as active duty, retiree or special civilian.
If an NCP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
Filler 268-292 25 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
PF First Name 293-308 16 A/N This field contains the first name of the PF that was provided by the submitter and recorded on the FCR.
If a PF is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
PF Middle Name 309-324 16 A/N This field contains the middle name of the PF that was provided by the submitter and recorded on the FCR.
If a PF is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
PF Last Name 325-354 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the PF that was provided by the submitter and recorded on the FCR.
If a PF is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
PF SSN 355-363 9 A/N This field contains the SSN that is stored on the FCR as the PF's primary SSN or a verified multiple SSN.
If a PF is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
PF SSN Verified Indicator 364 1 A/N This field contains a value that identifies if the PF's SSN/Name combination was verified or unverified on the FCR.
Y –
SSN/Name combination was verified.
N –
SSN/Name combination was unverified.
If a PF is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
PF Member ID 365-379 15 A/N This field contains the state-assigned Member ID that is stored on the FCR for the PF.
If a PF is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
PF Death Indicator 380 1 A/N This field contains a value that shows if DMDC records indicate that the PF is deceased.
Y –
PF is deceased.
N –
PF is not deceased.
If a PF is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
PF Medical Coverage Indicator 381 1 A/N This field contains a value that shows if DMDC records indicate that the PF is in the military as active duty, retiree or special civilian.
Y –
The PF is in the military as active duty, retiree or special duty.
N –
The PF is not in the military as active duty, retiree or special civilian.
If a PF is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
Filler 382-406 25 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
CP First Name 407-422 16 A/N This field contains the first name of the CP that was provided by the submitter and recorded on the FCR.
If a CP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
CP Middle Name 423-438 16 A/N This field contains the middle name of the CP that was provided by the submitter and recorded on the FCR.
If a CP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
CP Last Name 439-468 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the CP that was provided by the submitter and recorded on the FCR.
If a CP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
CP SSN 469-477 9 A/N This field contains the SSN that is stored on the FCR as the CP's primary SSN or a verified multiple SSN.
If a CP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
CP SSN Verified Indicator 478 1 A/N This field contains a value that indicates if the CP's SSN/Name combination was verified or unverified on the FCR.
Y –
SSN/Name combination was verified.
N –
SSN/Name combination was unverified.
If a CP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
CP Member ID 479-493 15 A/N This field contains the state-assigned Member ID that is stored on the FCR for the CP.
If a CP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
CP Death Indicator 494 1 A/N This field contains a value that shows if DMDC records indicate that the CP is deceased.
Y –
CP is deceased.
N –
CP is not deceased.
If a CP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
CP Medical Coverage Indicator 495 1 A/N This field contains a value that shows if DMDC records indicate that the CP is in the military as active duty, retiree or special duty.
Y –
The CP is in the military as active duty, retiree or special civilian.
N –
The CP is not in the military as active duty, retiree or special civilian.
If a CP is not associated with the CH for this case-related group this field contains spaces.
Filler 496-520 25 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
CH Sponsor Relationship Code 521 1 A/N This field, supplied by DMDC, contains a value that represents the relationship of the child to the child's sponsor. This field only contains a value if the CH Medical Coverage Sponsor Code contains a '4'.
1 –
2 –
Foster Child
3 –
Pre-adoptive Child
4 –
5 –
6 –
Self (an adult child who is in the military)
7 –
Spouse (an adult child who is married to a military member)
8 –
CH Sponsor SSN 522-530 9 A/N This field, supplied by DMDC, contains the Social Security number of the child's medical coverage sponsor. This field only contains a value if the CH Medical Coverage Sponsor Code is equal to a '4' and the CH Sponsor Relationship Code is equal to a value of '1', '2', '3' or '4'. Otherwise, this field contains spaces.
CH Sponsor Last Name 531-560 30 A/N This field, supplied by DMDC, contains the last name of the child's medical coverage sponsor. This field only contains a value if the CH Medical Coverage Sponsor Code is equal to a '4' and the CH Sponsor Relationship Code is equal to a value of '1', '2', '3' or '4'. Otherwise, this field contains spaces.
CH Sponsor First Name 561-576 16 A/N This field, supplied by DMDC, contains the first name of the child's medical coverage sponsor. This field will only contain a value if the CH Medical Coverage Sponsor Code is equal to a '4' and the CH Sponsor Relationship Code is equal to a value of '1', '2', '3' or '4'. Otherwise, this field contains spaces.
CH Sponsor Middle Name 577-592 16 A/N This field, supplied by DMDC, contains the middle name of the child's medical coverage sponsor. This field only contains a value if the CH Medical Coverage Sponsor Code is equal to a '4' and the CH Sponsor Relationship Code is equal to a value of '1', '2', '3' or '4'. Otherwise, this field contains spaces.
CH Sponsor Last Name Suffix 593-596 4 A/N This field, supplied by DMDC, contains the last name suffix, if applicable, of the child's medical coverage sponsor. This field only contains a value if the CH Medical Coverage Sponsor Code is equal to a '4' and the CH Sponsor Relationship Code is equal to a value of '1', '2', '3' or '4'. Otherwise, this field contains spaces.
Filler 597-918 322 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Sort State Code 919-920 2 A/N This field will contain the two position state code used to sort the output response file.

Table of Contents

Field Name Location Length A/N Comments
Record Identifier 1-2 2 A/N This field contains the characters 'FN'.
NDNH Match Type 3 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the action that initiated the generation of this record:
L –
NDNH Locate Request Response
N –
NDNH-to-FCR proactive response for new information added to the NDNH
P –
FCR-to-NDNH proactive response for a new person or a change to an existing person on the FCR Database, or a change in Case Type on the FCR Database from Non IV-D to IV-D.
Filler 4-18 15 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Transmitter State/ Territory Code 19-20 2 A/N This field contains the information from the record submitted for Locate processing or the Transmitter State/Territory Code that is stored on the FCR Database for a proactive match.
Filler 21-60 40 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Source Response Agency Code 61-63 3 A/N This field contains a value to identify the NDNH source that provided the data:
H01 –
NDNH data not available (only for NDNH Match Type 'L' if the Locate Response Code equals '06', '10' or '39').
H97 –
NDNH Unemployment Insurance
H98 –
NDNH Quarterly Wage
H99 –
NDNH Name Sent/Matched Indicator 64 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate which name matched the name on the NDNH record:
1 –
First letter of First Name, first four letters of Last Name
2 –
First letter of Additional First Name 1, first four letters of Additional Last Name 1
3 –
First letter of Additional First Name 2, first four letters of Additional Last Name 2
4 –
Name from QW incomplete or missing. Name not used in match
The NDNH name as matched is in the Name Returned field.
If the Name or Additional Names do not match an NDNH Name, this field contains a space.
First Name 65-80 16 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for Locate processing, or the first name that is stored on the FCR Database for a proactive match.
Middle Name 81-96 16 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for Locate processing, or the middle name that is stored on the FCR Database for a proactive match.
Last Name 97-126 30 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for Locate processing, or the last name stored on the FCR Database for a proactive match.
Additional First Name 1 127-142 16 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for Locate processing.
If the NDNH Match Type is a 'P', this field contains spaces.
If an Additional First Name on the FCR Database was used in the match for the NDNH Match Type 'N', this field contains the name used.
Additional Middle Name 1 143-158 16 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for r Locate processing.
If the NDNH Match Type is a 'P', this field contains spaces.
If an Additional Middle Name on the FCR Database was used in the match for the NDNH Match Type 'N', this field contains the name used.
Additional Last Name 1 159-188 30 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for Locate processing.
If the NDNH Match Type is a 'P', this field contains spaces.
If an Additional Last Name on the FCR Database was used in the match for the NDNH Match Type 'N', this field contains the name used.
Additional First Name 2 189-204 16 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for Locate processing.
This field contains spaces for a proactive match.
Additional Middle Name 2 205-220 16 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for Locate processing.
This field contains spaces for a proactive match.
Additional Last Name 2 221-250 30 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for Locate processing.
This field contains spaces for a proactive match.
Name Returned Indicator 251 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the format of the name returned from the NDNH:
0 –
No name returned
2 –
Fixed format name, single name
Name Returned 252-313 62 A/N This field contains the name as found on the NDNH record. The format is:
252-267 First Name (16)
268-283 Middle Name (16)
284-313 Last Name (30)
If the Locate Response Code equals '06', '10' or '39', this field contains all spaces.
SSN 314-322 9 A/N This field contains one of the following:
  • For a proactive match, this field contains the Primary SSN that is stored on the FCR Database.
  • For a Locate Request with a state-submitted SSN that verified, this field contains the verified SSN that was submitted by the state.
  • For a Locate Request with a state-submitted SSN that did not verify but was corrected, this field contains the unverified SSN that was submitted by the state (the corrected SSN is in the Corrected/Additional/Multiple SSN field).
  • For a Locate Request, if the state did not submit an SSN, but an SSN was identified by one of the SSN identification processes, this field contains the identified SSN.
If the SSN was identified or corrected, submitters receive the identified or corrected SSN in the Acknowledgement Record.
Member ID 323-337 15 A/N This field contains the information on the record submitted for Locate processing, or the Member ID that is stored on the FCR Database for a proactive match.
User Field 338-352 15 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for Locate processing. For a proactive match, this field contains spaces.
Locate Closed Indicator 353 1 A If this is the last Locate Response being returned for a Locate Request, this field contains a 'C'.
If it is not the last Locate Response for this person for this requestor, this field contains a space.
Filler 354-355 2 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
FIPS County Code 356-358 3 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for Locate processing, or the FIPS County Code stored on the FCR Database for a proactive match.
Filler 359-363 5 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Request Type 364-365 2 A/N This field contains the information that was submitted on the record for a response to a Locate Request.
If this record is a response to a proactive match, this field contains spaces.
Date of Address Format Indicator 366 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values:
0 –
00000000, date not available
2 –
4 –
Date of Address 367-374 8 A/N This field contains the date of the address that was provided by the agency in one of the following formats:
CCYYQ000 –
century, year, quarter
century, year, month, day
00000000 –
date not available
Locate Response Code 375-376 2 A/N This field contains a value to clarify the response that was received from the NDNH:
06 –
Case Type changed from IV-D to Non IV-D, or Person or case was closed. No information returned
10 –
NDNH does not have the SSN on file, or the submitter of this CS-type Locate Request provided the only information on file for the SSN and has not requested its return.
30 –
SSN matched, no address returned
39 –
Disclosure prohibited, person associated with family violence
46 –
SSN matched, Locate source name different from submitted name
47 –
SSN matched, QW name incomplete or missing
48 –
Unverified SSN/Name Combination with Probable Name Match
Space –
Address returned to state
Corrected/Additional/ Multiple SSN 377-385 9 A/N This field contains a value to clarify which SSN was used in the NDNH search:
  • the SSN Match Indicator is a 'C', this field contains the corrected SSN.
  • If the SSN Match Indicator is an 'M' or 'X', this field contains the Additional/Multiple SSN that was used in the match. (The SSN in this field is different from the SSN in the SSN field.)
  • If the SSN Match Indicator is a 'V', this field contains spaces. (The SSN that was used in the match is in the SSN field.)
Filler 386 1 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Employer Name 387-431 45 A/N This field contains the name of the employer for the person who is the subject of the Locate search or Proactive Match.
If the Employer Name was not supplied by the NDNH, this field contains all spaces.
Filler 432 1 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Street Address Line 1 433-472 40 A/N These fields contain the returned address.
For a good or a corrected address, the line sequence for the four edited street address lines is top justified as follows:
  1. Firm name (if present in the input address) to be followed by;
  2. Non-standard address lines (if present in the input address to be followed by;
  3. The urbanization name for Puerto Rican addresses (if present in the input address and if requiring URB), to be followed by;
  4. The standardized and scrubbed street address line.
For NDNH Proactive Match Responses, foreign addresses are returned unchanged.
For NDNH Locate Responses, incorrect U.S. addresses, missing addresses and foreign addresses are returned unchanged.
If the Locate Source Response Agency Code field contains 'H01' (NDNH data is not available), and if the street address was not supplied by the Locate source, these fields contain all spaces.
Street Address Line 2 473-512 40 A/N
Street Address Line 3 513-552 40 A/N
Street Address Line 4 553-592 40 A/N
City 593-622 30 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the address.
For NDNH Proactive Match Response Records, if the address is foreign, this field may contain all spaces.
For NDNH Locate responses:
  • If the Locate Source Response Agency Code field contains 'H01' (NDNH data is not available), this field contains all spaces.
  • If the city name or if the entire address is missing, this field contains all spaces.
  • If the entire address is missing, this field contains all spaces.
If the address is a foreign address, this field may contain all spaces.
If the address is an incorrect U.S. address, this field may contain all spaces.
State 623-624 2 A/N This field contains the state that is associated with the address. For NDNH Proactive Match Response Records:
  • If the address is foreign or the state is not available, this field may contain all spaces.
For NDNH Locate Response Records:
  • If the Locate source Response Agency Code field contains 'H01' (NDNH data is not available), this field contains all spaces.
  • If the entire address is missing, this field contains all spaces.
  • If the state code was not supplied by the Locate source, this field contains all spaces.
If the address is a foreign address, this field may contain all spaces.
If the address is an incorrect U.S. address, this field may contain all spaces.
Zip Code 625-639 15 A/N This field contains the Zip Code that is associated with the address. U.S. Zip Codes are 9 digits and foreign Zip Codes may be up to 15 characters.
For NDNH Proactive Match Response Records:
  • If the address is foreign or the Zip Code is not available, this field may contain all spaces.
For NDNH Locate Response Records:
  • If the Locate Source Response Agency Code field contains 'H01' (NDNH data is not available), this field contains all spaces.
  • If the entire address is missing, this field contains all spaces.
  • If the Zip Code is not supplied by the Locate source or by FINALIST, this field contains all spaces.
If the address is a foreign address, this field may contain all spaces.
If the address is an incorrect U.S. address, this field may contain all spaces.
Foreign Country Code 640-641 2 A/N If the address is in a foreign country, this field contains the two-digit alphabetic FIPS Code of the foreign country.
If the Locate Source Response Agency Code field contains 'H01' (NDNH data is not available), this field contains all spaces.
If the entire address is missing, this field contains all spaces.
If the FIPS Code is not supplied, this field contains all spaces.
If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Foreign Country Name 642-666 25 A/N If the address is in a foreign country, this field contains the name of the foreign country.
If the Locate Source Response Agency Code field contains 'H01' (NDNH data is not available), this field contains all spaces.
If the entire address is missing, this field contains all spaces.
If the country name is not supplied, this field contains all spaces.
If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Address Scrub Indicator 1 667-668 2 A/N The first address scrub code represents the general status of the address. It is always present in the Response Record.
For NDNH Locate Responses, this field contains a value to indicate the results of the address editing of the address information returned in the response:
BA –
Bad address. FINALIST determined it to be an undeliverable address. The address is left unchanged.
CH –
Changed address: The address was corrected and is considered by FINALIST to be deliverable.
EA –
Empty address: No address is present on the record. The address was not provided by the Locate source. Applies to Locate Responses only (Proactive Match Records with incomplete US addresses are not returned).
FA –
Foreign address: The address is not edited and is left unchanged because the value in the foreign country code is other than spaces or 'US'.
GA –
Good address. FINALIST has determined it to be a deliverable address.
If NDNH Match Type = 'N' or 'P': this field will not return 'EA';
this field will not return 'BA' unless the state has opted to receive Proactive Match Records that fail FINALIST address scrubbing routines.
Address Scrub Indicator 2 669-670 2 A/N This field contains a value to further define the results of the address editing of the address information that is returned in the response. Success or failure of correction attempts is indicated by the value of the Address Scrub Indicator 1.
If the Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'BA', this field contains one of the following values:
BR –
Bad range. The house number is out of range for that street. This type of address error cannot be corrected.
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was attempted.
BX –
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was attempted.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was attempted.
NZ -
Non-determined Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted but failed.
If the Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'CH', this field contains one of the following values
BU -
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was successful.
BX -
Missing state code or missing state code and Zip Code. Assigning a state or Zip Code was successful.
CA -
Corrected address. A misspelled or non-standard street name was successfully corrected in the Response Record.
CC -
Corrected city name. Correction of the misspelled or non-standard city name was successful.
CZ -
Corrected Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
MA -
Mismatched address: The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX -
Mismatched state and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
NC -
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was successful.
For NDNH Proactive Match Response Records, if the Address Scrub Indicator 1 contains 'FA' or 'GA', this field contains spaces.
For NDNH Locate Response Records, if the Address Scrub Indicator 1 contains 'EA', 'FA' or 'GA', this field contains spaces.
Address Scrub Indicator 3 671-672 2 A/N This field's description is identical to that of the Address Scrub Indicator 2 with one exception:
If the Address Scrub Indicator 1 is 'BA' or 'CH', and a third address scrub code was not generated by the address editor, this field contains spaces
Filler 673-700 28 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Locate Source Specific Information 701-920 220 A/N This field contains additional information from the NDNH. The Locate Source Specific Information data will always be found in positions 701-920. However, the format may differ depending on the type of information supplied by the NDNH UI, QW or W-4. For ease of use, positions 701-920 are repeated three times in this table; once for each of the NDNH files as defined in the Locate source Response Agency Code.
The following nine rows define the format of the Locate source-specific information for UI, Locate source Code 'H97'
Reporting State 701-702 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS Code of the state or territory that submitted the UI data to the NDNH.
If the FIPS Code is not available, this field contains spaces.
Benefit Amount 703-713 11 N
This field contains the gross amount of UI benefits, prior to any deductions, paid to a claimant during the reporting quarter.
The last two positions are implied to be to the right of the decimal point. The last position is signed.
If the UI benefits data is not available, this field contains all zeroes.
Filler 714-724 11 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
SSN Match Indicator 725 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate if the SSN contained in the record is the state-submitted SSN, or a corrected or multiple SSN:
C –
Corrected SSN
M –
Additional/multiple SSN
V –
State-submitted verified SSN
X –
Multiple SSN from a corrected SSN
If this field is 'C', 'M' or 'X', the SSN that was used in the match is in the Corrected/Additional/Multiple SSN field.
Reporting Quarter 726-730 5 A/N This contains the time period for the UI being sent in this record. The format is CCYYQ.
CC –
YY –
Q –
Reporting quarter:
1 – January 1 through March 31
2 – April 1 through June 30
3 – July 1 through September 30
4 – October 1 through December 31
If the reporting quarter is not available, this field contains spaces.
Filler 731-910 180 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Participant Type 911-912 2 A/N This field contains a value to define the person's Participant Type on the case:
CP –
Custodial Party
NP –
Non-custodial Parent
PF –
Putative Father
If the NDNH Match Type is 'P', this field contains the code from the Add or Change Transaction that generated the match.
If the NDNH Match Type is 'N' and the person is on multiple cases, the Participant Type that is returned is determined based on the following hierarchy: 'CP', 'NP', 'PF'.
If the NDNH Match Type is 'L', this field contains spaces.
Filler 913-918 6 A/N Reserved for FCR processing. This field contains spaces.
Sort State Code 919-920 2 A/N This field contains the two-position state code that is used to sort the output response file.
The following 14 rows define the format of the Locate Source Specific Information for QW, Locate Source Code 'H98':
Reporting State 701-702 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS Code of the state or territory that submitted the QW data to the NDNH.
If the QW was reported by a Federal agency, this field contains spaces.
If the FIPS Code is not available, this field contains spaces.
Address Indicator Type 703 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the type of address provided:
1 –
Employer address
3 –
Employer optional address
Space –
No address provided
Wage Amount 704-714 11 N
This field contains the gross amount of wages an employer reported as paid to an employee during the reporting quarter.
The last two positions are implied to be to the right of the decimal point.
The last position is signed.
If the wages are not available, this field contains zeroes.
FEIN 715-723 9 A/N This field contains the employer's Federal Employer Identification Number.
If the FEIN is not available, this field contains spaces.
Filler 724 1 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is a space.
SSN Match Indicator 725 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate if the SSN contained in the record is the state-submitted SSN, or a corrected or multiple SSN:
C –
Corrected SSN
M –
Additional/multiple SSN
V –
State-submitted verified SSN
X –
Multiple SSN from a corrected SSN
If this field is 'C', 'M' or 'X', the SSN that was used in the match is in the Corrected/ Additional/Multiple SSN field.
Reporting Quarter 726-730 5 A/N This contains the time period of the quarterly wages being sent in this record.
The format is CCYYQ.
CC =
YY =
Q =
Reporting quarter:
1 – January 1 through March 31
2 – April 1 through June 30
3 – July 1 through September 30
4 – October 1 through December 31
If the reporting quarter is not available, this field contains spaces
Reporting Federal Agency 731-739 9 A/N This field contains the code for the Federal agency that reported the quarterly wages.
If the quarterly wages were reported by a state or territory, this field contains spaces.
If the Federal agency is not available, this field contains spaces.
DoD Agency Status Indicator 740 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the status of an employee who was reported by DoD:
A –
Active duty employee
C –
Civilian employee
P –
Pension/retired employee
R –
Reserve employee
If the quarterly wages were reported by a Federal agency other than DoD, a state, or a territory, this field contains spaces.
If the status not available, this field contains spaces.
State EIN 741-752 12 A/N This field contains the State Employer Identification Number.
If the State EIN is not available, this field contains spaces.
Filler 753-910 158 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Participant Type 911-912 2 A/N This field contains a value to define the person's Participant Type on the case:
CP –
Custodial Party
NP –
Non-custodial Parent
PF –
Putative Father
If the NDNH Match Type is 'L', the field contains spaces.
If the NDNH Match Type is 'N' and the person is on multiple cases, the Participant Type that is returned is determined based on the following hierarchy: 'NP', 'PF', 'CP'.
If the NDNH Match Type is 'P', this field contains the code from the Add or Change Transaction that generated the match.
Filler 913-918 6 A/N Reserved for FCR processing. This field contains spaces.
Sort State Code 919-920 2 A/N This field contains the two-position state code that is used to sort the output response file.
The following 14 rows define the format of the Locate Source Specific Information for W-4, Locate Source Code 'H99':
Reporting State 701-702 2 A/N This field contains the two-digit numeric FIPS Code of the state or territory that submitted the W-4 data to the NDNH.
If the W-4 was reported by a Federal agency, this field contains spaces.
If the FIPS C ode is not available, this field contains spaces.
Address Indicator Type 703 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the type of address provided:
1 –
Employer address
2 –
Employee address
3 –
Employer optional address
Space –
No address provided
Date of Birth 704-711 8 A/N This field contains the date of birth of the employee from the NDNH W-4 records. The format is in CCYYMMDD format.
If the date of birth is not available, this field contains spaces.
Date of Hire 712-719 8 A/N This field contains the date of hire of the employee. The format is in CCYYMMDD format.
If the date of hire is not available, this field contains spaces.
FEIN 720-728 9 A/N This field contains the Federal Employer Identification Number.
If the FEIN is not available, this field contains spaces.
SSN Match Indicator 729 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate if the SSN contained in the record is the state-submitted SSN, or a corrected or multiple SSN:
C –
Corrected SSN
M –
Additional/multiple SSN
V –
State-submitted verified SSN
X –
Multiple SSN from a corrected SSN
If this field is 'C', 'M' or 'X', the SSN that was used in the match is in the Corrected/ Additional/Multiple SSN field.
Reporting Federal Agency 730-738 9 A/N This field contains the code for the Federal agency that reported the W-4 data.
If the W-4 was reported by a state or territory, this field contains spaces.
If the Federal agency is not available, this field contains spaces.
DoD Agency Status Indicator 739 1 A/N This field contains a value to indicate the status of an employee who was reported by DoD:
A –
Active duty employee
C –
Civilian employee
R –
Reserve employee
If the W-4 was reported by a state, a territory, or a Federal agency other than DoD, this field contains spaces.
If the status not available, this field contains spaces.
State EIN 740-751 12 A/N This field contains the State Employer Identification Number.
If the EIN is not available, this field contains spaces.
State of Hire 752-753 2 A/N This field contains the valid two-letter U.S. Postal Service abbreviation of a state or territory that indicates the state in which the employee was hired.
If the state of hire is not available, this field contains spaces.
Filler 754-910 157 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Participant Type 911-912 2 A/N This field contains a value to define the person's Participant Type on the case:
CP –
Custodial Party
NP –
Non-custodial Parent
PF –
Putative Father
If the NDNH Match Type is 'P', this field contains the code from the Add or Change Transaction that generated the match.
If the NDNH Match Type is 'N' and the person is on multiple cases, the Participant Type that is returned is determined based on the following hierarchy: 'NP', 'PF', 'CP'.
If the NDNH Match Type is 'L', the field contains spaces.
Filler 913-918 6 A/N Reserved for FCR processing. This field contains spaces.
Sort State Code 919-920 2 A/N This field contains the two-position state code that is used to sort the output response file.

Table of Contents

Field Name Location Length A/N Comments
Record Identifier 1-2 2 A/N This field contains the characters 'IM'.
Obligor SSN 3-11 9 A/N This field contains the Federal Offset Obligor SSN used by the Insurance Matcher (Insurance Company or OCSE) for insurance matching purposes.
Record Creation Date 12-19 8 A/N This field contains the date the record was created by OCSE. The date is in the CCYYMMDD format.
Record Sequence Number 20-22 3 A/N This field contains a number that indicates the sequence of a pair of Insurance Match records that describe a unique match. For each pair of records, the same sequence number is provided.
Sub-Record Indicator 23 1 A/N This field contains a value of ‘1’ to indicate the first of two corresponding records.
Filler 24-43 20 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Obligor Case Identifier 44-58 15 A/N This field contains the Case ID for the SSN that the Insurer response matched on the Federal Offset File.
Obligor First Name 59-73 15 A/N This field contains the person's first name for the SSN on the case the Insurer response matched to on the Federal Offset File.
Obligor Last Name 74-93 20 A/N This field contains the person's last name for the SSN on the case the Insurer response matched to on the Federal Offset File.
Insurer Provided SSN 94-102 9 A/N The SSN provided by the Insurer as part of its matching process.
This field is provided only if the SSN is different from the SSN that is provided in the "Obligor SSN" field.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Identifier 103-111 9 A/N This field contains the valid nine-digit Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) assigned to the Insurer, a Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN), or another designated identification.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Processing Date 112-119 8 A/N This field contains the date the Insurer record was created or updated by the Insurer. The date is in the CCYYMMDD format.
Claim Update Indicator 120 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values to indicate if this is an update to previously provided information on this claim:
1 –
Updated information on previously provided insurance claim match
Space –
New insurance claim match
Insurer Name 121-165 45 A/N This field contains the name of the Insurer where the insurance claim is maintained and to which the State is directed to send the insurance intercept request for processing.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact First Name 166-185 20 A/N This field contains the first name of the Insurer contact.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact Last Name 186-215 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the Insurer contact.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact Phone Number 216-225 10 A/N This field contains the phone number of the Insurer contact.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact Phone Extension Number 226-231 6 A/N This field contains the phone number extension of the Insurer contact.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact Fax Number 232-241 10 A/N This field contains the fax number of the Insurer contact.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Contact Email Text 242-281 40 A/N This field contains the email address of the Insurer contact.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Address Line 1 Text 282-321 40 A/N This field contains Insurer address information within this first street field. If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Address Line 2 Text 322-361 40 A/N This field contains Insurer address information within this second street field.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Address City Name 362-391 30 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the Insurer address.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Address State Code 392-393 2 A/N This field contains the alphabetic code for the State that is associated with the Insurer address.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Address Postal Code 394-408 15 A/N This field contains, for the Insurer Address, the five-digit Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code and the four-digit extension code (if available) that represents the geographic segment that is a subunit of the ZIP code, assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to a geographic location to facilitate mail delivery; or the postal zone (up to 15 characters) specific to the country, other than the U.S., where the mail is delivered.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Address Foreign Country Indicator 409 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values to indicate if the Insurer address provided is a U.S. or foreign address:
1 –
The address of the Insurer is in a foreign country
Space –
The address of the Insurer is in the U.S.
Insurer Address Foreign Country Name 410-434 25 A/N If the returned address is in a foreign country, this field contains the name of the foreign country.
If the country name is not provided, this field contains all spaces.
If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Insurer Address Scrub 1 Code 435-436 2 A/N The Insurer Address Scrub 1 Code represents the general status of the address. It is always present in the Response Record. This field contains an Address Scrub 1 Code to indicate the results of the address editing of the address information returned in the response:
BA –
Bad address: FINALIST determined it to be an undeliverable address. The address is left unchanged.
CH –
Changed address: The address was corrected and is considered by FINALIST to be deliverable.
EA –
Empty address: No address is present in record. The address was not provided by the source.
FA –
Foreign Address: The address is not edited and is left unchanged because the value in the foreign country code is other than spaces or 'U.S'.
GA –
Good address: FINALIST has determined it to be a deliverable address.
Insurer Address Scrub 2 Code 437-438 2 A/N This field contains one of the following codes to further define the results of address editing of the address information that is returned in the response. Success or failure of address correction attempts is indicated by the value of the Insurer Address Scrub 1 Code.
If Insurer Address Scrub 1 Code is 'BA', this field contains one of these codes:
BR –
Bad range. The house number is out of range for that street. This type of address error cannot be corrected.
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was attempted.
BX –
Missing State code or missing State code and Zip Code. Assigning a State or Zip Code was attempted.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched State and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was attempted.
NZ –
Non-determined Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted, but failed.
If Insurer Address Scrub Code 1 is 'CH', this field contains one of these codes:
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was successful.
BX –
Missing State code or missing State code and Zip Code. Assigning a State or Zip Code was successful.
CA –
Corrected address. A misspelled or non-standard street name was successfully corrected in the Response Record.
CC –
Corrected city name. Correction of the misspelled or non-standard city name was successful.
CZ –
Corrected Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched State and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was successful.
If the Address Scrub 1 Code contains 'EA', 'FA', or 'GA', this field contains spaces.
Insurer Address Scrub 3 Code 439-440 2 A/N This field's description is identical to that of the Insurer Address Scrub 2 Code with one exception:
If Insurer Address Scrub 1 Code is 'BA' or 'CH' and a third address scrub code was not generated by the address editor, this field contains spaces.
Insurer Claim Number 441-470 30 A/N This field contains the claim number assigned by the Insurer.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurance Product Claim Type Code 471-472 2 A/N This field contains the code indicating the type of claim matched by the Insurance Matcher. If not populated with a valid value, this field contains all spaces. The valid values are:
00 –
01 –
02 –
Automobile –
No Fault
03 –
Automobile –
04 –
Property Liability
05 –
Workers' Compensation
06 –
Personal Injury
07 –
General Liability
08 –
Homeowners Liability
09 –
Medical Premise/Owners Policy
10 –
Product Liability
11 –
Slip, Trip and Fall
12 –
13 –
Insurance Claim State Code 473-474 2 A/N This field contains the alphabetic FIPS code for the State in which the insurance loss occurred.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurance Claim Loss Date 475-482 8 A/N This field contains the date of the insurance claim loss by the Claimant. The date is in the CCYYMMDD format.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurance Claim Beneficiary Indicator 483 1 A/N This field contains an indicator specifying whether a beneficiary is associated with this life insurance claim. If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Y –
Yes. A beneficiary is associated with this life insurance claim.
N –
No. A beneficiary is not associated with this life insurance claim.
Insurance Claim Reported Date 484-491 8 A/N This field contains the date the claim was reported by the Claimant to the Insurer. The date is in the CCYYMMDD format.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Insurance Claim Status Code 492 1 A/N This field contains one of the following codes to indicate the status of the claim:
0 –
Matched claim open at the time of the match by the Insurance Matcher.
1 –
Matched claim closed at the time of the match by the Insurance Matcher.
9 –
The Insurer did not report the status of the matched claim.
Insurance Claim Payout Frequency Code 493 1 A/N This field contains a code associated with the frequency of the Insurer claim payout. If not populated with a valid value, this field is a space.
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
Obligor Match Code 494-495 2 A/N This field indicates the result of the Insurer match of the obligor's identifying information against insurance claim data as performed by the Insurance Matcher. The valid values are:
00 –
Name and Address
01 –
Name and DOB
02 –
Name and SSN
03 –
04 –
SSN and Address
05 –
06 –
Name, SSN, and Address
07 –
Name, SSN, and DOB
08 –
SSN, Address, and DOB
09 –
Name, SSN, Address, and DOB
10 –
Name, Address, and DOB
SSN/Name Verification Code 496 1 A/N This field contains the results of the SSN/Name Verification process.
M –
The SSN matches and a name comparison resulted in a probable match.
U –
The SSN/Name combination does not verify.
V –
The SSN/Name combination verifies.
Filler 497-505 9 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it is spaces.
Claimant First Name 506-525 20 A/N This field contains the first name of the Claimant from the insurance data match.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Middle Name 526-541 16 A/N This field contains the middle name of the Claimant from the insurance data match.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Last Name 542-571 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the Claimant from the insurance data match.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant ITIN Number 572-580 9 A/N This field contains the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number for the Claimant.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Birth Date 581-588 8 A/N This field contains, if available, the date of birth of the Claimant from the Insurer data match. The date is in the CCYYMMDD format.
If not provided, this field contains spaces.
Claimant Gender Code 589 1 A/N This field contains the code that indicates the gender of the Claimant.
F –
M –
If not available, this field contains a space.
Claimant Home Phone Number 590-599 10 A/N This field contains the home phone number of the Claimant.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Business Phone Number 600-609 10 A/N This field contains the business phone number of the Claimant.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Business Phone Extension Number 610-615 6 A/N This field contains the business phone number extension of the Claimant.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Cell Phone Number 616-625 10 A/N This field contains the cell phone number of the Claimant.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Driver License Number 626-645 20 A/N This field contains the driver license number of the Claimant.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Driver License State Code 646-647 2 A/N This field contains the driver's license alphabetic code for the State of the Claimant.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Occupation Text 648-687 40 A/N This field contains the occupation of the Claimant.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Professional License Number 688-702 15 A/N This field contains a professional license number of the Claimant.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address Line 1 Text 703-742 40 A/N This field contains Claimant address information within this first street field.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address Line 2 Text 743-782 40 A/N This field contains Claimant address information within this second street field.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address City Name 783-812 30 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the Claimant address.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address State Code 813-814 2 A/N This field contains the alphabetic code for the State that is associated with the Claimant address.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address Postal Code 815-829 15 A/N This field contains, for the Claimant Address, the five-digit Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code and the four-digit extension code (if available) that represents the geographic segment that is a subunit of the ZIP code, assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to a geographic location to facilitate mail delivery; or the postal zone (up to 15 characters) specific to the country, other than the U.S., where the mail is delivered.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address Foreign Country Indicator 830 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values to indicate if the Claimant address provided is US or foreign address:
1 –
The address of the Claimant is in a foreign country
Space –
The address of the Claimant is in the US
Claimant Address Foreign Country Name 831-855 25 A/N If the returned address is in a foreign country, this field contains the name of the foreign country associated with the Claimant address.
If the country name is not provided, this field contains all spaces.
If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Claimant Address Scrub 1 Code 856-857 2 A/N The first Claimant Address Scrub 1 Code represents the general status of the address. It is always present in the Response Record.
Refer to "Insurer Address Scrub 1 Code" field above for field values.
Claimant Address Scrub 2 Code 858-859 2 A/N This field further defines the results of address editing of the address information that is returned in the response. Refer to "Insurer Address Scrub 2 Code" field above for field values.
Claimant Address Scrub 3 Code 860-861 2 A/N This field's description is identical to that of the Insurer Address Scrub 2 Code with one exception:
If Insurer Address Scrub 1 Code is 'BA' or 'CH' and a third address scrub code was not generated by the address editor, this field contains spaces.
Refer to "Insurer Address Scrub 3 Code" field above for field values.
Filler 862-918 57 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version it is all spaces.
Sort State Code 919-920 2 A/N This field contains the numeric FIPS code for the State receiving the response.

Table of Contents

Field Name Location Length A/N Comments
Record Identifier 1- 2 2 A/N This field contains the characters 'IM'.
Obligor SSN 3-11 9 A/N This field contains the Federal Offset Obligor SSN used by the Insurance Matcher.
Record Creation Date 12-19 8 A/N This field contains the date this record was created. The date is in the CCYYMMDD format.
Record Sequence Number 20-22 3 A/N This field contains a number that indicates the sequence of a pair of Insurance Match records that describe a unique match. For each pair of records, the same sequence number is provided.
Sub-Record Indicator 23 1 A/N This field contains a value of ‘2’ to indicate the second of two corresponding records.
Filler 24-43 20 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it contains all spaces.
Attorney First Name 44-63 20 A/N This field contains the first name of the Attorney for this claim.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Last Name 64-93 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the Attorney for this claim.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Phone Number 94-103 10 A/N This field contains the phone number of the Attorney.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Phone Extension Number 104-109 6 A/N This field contains the phone number extension of the Attorney.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address Line 1 Text 110-149 40 A/N This field contains Attorney address information within this first street field.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address Line 2 Text 150-189 40 A/N This field contains Attorney address information within this second street field.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address City Name 190-219 30 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the Attorney address.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address State Code 220-221 2 A/N This field contains the alphabetic code for the State that is associated with the Attorney address.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address Postal Code 222-236 15 A/N This field contains, for the Attorney Address, the five-digit Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code and the four-digit extension code (if available) that represents the geographic segment that is a subunit of the ZIP code, assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to a geographic location to facilitate mail delivery; or the postal zone (up to 15 characters) specific to the country, other than the U.S., where the mail is delivered.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address Foreign Country Indicator 237 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values to indicate if the Attorney address provided is a U.S. or foreign address:
1 –
The address of the Attorney is in a foreign country
Space –
The address of the Attorney is in the U.S.
Attorney Address Foreign Country Name 238-262 25 A/N If the returned address for the Attorney is in a foreign country, this field contains the name of the foreign country.
If the country name is not provided, this field contains all spaces.
If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Attorney Address Scrub 1 Code 263-264 2 A/N The first Attorney Address Scrub 1 Code represents the general status of the address. It is always present in the Response Record. This field contains an Attorney Address Scrub 1 Code to indicate the results of the address editing of the address information returned in the response:
BA –
Bad address: FINALIST determined it to be an undeliverable address. The address is left unchanged.
CH –
Changed address: The address was corrected and is considered by FINALIST to be deliverable.
EA –
Empty address: No address is present in record. The address was not provided by the source.
FA –
Foreign Address: The address is not edited and is left unchanged because the value in the foreign country code is other than spaces or 'U.S'.
GA –
Good address: FINALIST has determined it to be a deliverable address.
Attorney Address Scrub 2 Code 265-266 2 A/N This field contains one of the following codes to further define the results of address editing of the address information that is returned in the response. Success or failure of address correction attempts is indicated by the value of the Attorney Address Scrub 1 Code.
If Attorney Address Scrub 1 Code is 'BA', this field contains one of these codes:
BR –
Bad range. The house number is out of range for that street. This type of address error cannot be corrected.
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range, or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was attempted.
BX –
Missing State code or missing State code and Zip Code. Assigning a State or Zip Code was attempted.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched State and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was attempted.
NZ –
Non-determined Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was attempted, but failed.
If Address Scrub 1 Code is 'CH', this field contains one of these codes:
BU –
Bad unit number. In a multi-dwelling unit, the unit number has a non-standard format, is out of range or is missing. In PO Box addresses, the box number does not match the Zip+4 code. Standardization was successful.
BX –
Missing State code or missing State code and Zip Code. Assigning a State or Zip Code was successful.
CA –
Corrected address. A misspelled or non-standard street name was successfully corrected in the Response Record.
CC –
Corrected city name. Correction of the misspelled or non-standard city name was successful.
CZ –
Corrected Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
MA –
Mismatched address. The street name is not found in the city (the address may be deliverable because some addresses do not require a street name).
MX –
Mismatched State and Zip Code. Correction of the Zip Code was successful.
NC –
Non-determined city name. Correction of the city name was successful.
If the Attorney Address Scrub 1 Code contains 'EA', 'FA', or 'GA', this field contains spaces.
Attorney Address Scrub 3 Code 267-268 2 A/N This field's description is identical to that of the Attorney Address Scrub 2 Code with one exception:
If Attorney Address Scrub 1 Code is 'BA' or 'CH' and a third address scrub code was not generated by the address editor, this field contains spaces.
Third Party Administrator Company Name 269-308 40 A/N This field contains the name of the Third Party Administrator (TPA) company.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Contact First Name 309-328 20 A/N This field contains the first name of the TPA contact.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Contact Last Name 329-358 30 A/N This field contains the last name of the TPA contact.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Company Phone Number 359-368 10 A/N This field contains the phone number of the TPA company contact.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Company Phone Extension Number 369-374 6 A/N This field contains the phone extension number of the TPA company contact.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Address Line 1 Text 375-414 40 A/N This field contains TPA company address information within this first street field.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Address Line 2 Text 415-454 40 A/N This field contains TPA company address information within this second street field.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces
Third Party Administrator Address City Name 455-484 30 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the TPA company address.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Address State Code 485-486 2 A/N This field contains the alphabetic code for the State that is associated with the TPA company address.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Postal Code 487-501 15 A/N This field contains, for the Third Party Administrator Address, the five-digit Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code and the four-digit extension code (if available) that represents the geographic segment that is a subunit of the ZIP code, assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to a geographic location to facilitate mail delivery; or the postal zone (up to 15 characters) specific to the country, other than the U.S., where the mail is delivered.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Address Foreign Country Indicator 502 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values to indicate if the TPA company address provided is a U.S. or foreign address:
1 –
The address of the TPA is in a foreign country
Space –
The address of the TPA is in the U.S.
Third Party Administrator Address Foreign Country Name 503-527 25 A/N If the returned address associated with the TPA company is in a foreign country, this field contains the name of the foreign country.
If the country name is not provided, this field contains all spaces.
If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Third Party Administrator Address Scrub 1 Code 528-529 2 A/N The first Third Party Administrator Address Scrub 1 Code represents the general status of the address. It is always present in the Response Record.
Refer to "Attorney Address Scrub 1 Code" field above for field values.
Third Party Administrator Address Scrub 2 Code 530-531 2 A/N This field further defines the results of address editing of the address information that is returned in the response.
Refer to "Attorney Address Scrub 2 Code" field above for field values.
Third Party Administrator Address Scrub 3 Code 532-533 2 A/N This field's description is identical to that of the Third Party Administrator Address Scrub 2 Code field with one exception:
If Third Party Administrator Address Scrub 1 Code is 'BA' or 'CH' and a third address scrub code was not generated by the address editor, this field contains spaces.
Refer to "Attorney Address Scrub 3 Code" field above for field values.
Employer Name 534-573 40 A/N This field contains the name of the Employer (of the Claimant).
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Phone Number 574-583 10 A/N This field contains the phone number of the Employer. An additional extension number may be provided as part of this number.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Phone Extension Number 584-589 6 A/N This field contains the phone extension number of the Employer.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address Line 1 Text 590-629 40 A/N This field contains the Employer address information within this first street field.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address Line 2 Text 630-669 40 A/N This field contains the Employer address information within this second street field.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address City Name 670-699 30 A/N This field contains the city that is associated with the Employer address.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address State Code 700-701 2 A/N This field contains the alphabetic code for the State that is associated with the Employer address.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address Postal Code 702-716 15 A/N This field contains, for the Employer Address, the five-digit Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code and the four-digit extension code (if available) that represents the geographic segment that is a subunit of the ZIP code, assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to a geographic location to facilitate mail delivery; or the postal zone (up to 15 characters) specific to the country, other than the U.S., where the mail is delivered.
If not provided, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address Foreign Country Indicator 717 1 A/N This field contains one of the following values to indicate whether the Employer address provided is a U.S. or foreign address:
1 –
The address of the Employer is in a foreign country.
Space –
The address of the Employer is in the U.S.
Employer Address Foreign Country Name 718-742 25 A/N If the returned address associated with the Employer is in a foreign country, this field contains the name of the foreign country.
If the country name is not provided, this field contains all spaces.
If the address is not in a foreign country, this field contains all spaces.
Employer Address Scrub 1 Code 743-744 2 A/N The first Employer Address Scrub 1 Code represents the general status of the address. It is always present in the Response Record.
Refer to "Attorney Address Scrub 1 Code" field above for field values.
Employer Address Scrub 2 Code 745-746 2 A/N This field further defines the results of address editing of the address information that is returned in the response.
Refer to "Attorney Address Scrub 2 Code" field above for field values.
Employer Address Scrub 3 Code 747-748 2 A/N This field's description is identical to that of the Employer Address Scrub 2 Code with one exception:
If Employer Address Scrub 1 Code is 'BA' or 'CH' and a third address scrub code was not generated by the address editor, this field contains spaces.
Refer to "Attorney Address Scrub 3 Code" field above for field values.
Filler 749-918 170 A/N This field is reserved for future use. For the current version, it contains all spaces.
Sort State Code 919-920 2 A/N This field contains the numeric FIPS code for the State receiving the response.

Table of Contents

Field Name Location Length A/N Comments
Record Identifier 1-2 2 A/N This field contains the characters 'FX'.
Case Records Received 3-10 8 N If the batch being returned is a routine batch, this field contains the number of FCR Case Input Records (with Record Identifiers of 'FC') that were received in the batch.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
Case Records Accepted 11-18 8 N If the batch being returned is a routine batch or a pending resolution batch, this field contains the number of accepted FCR Case Input Records (with Record Identifiers of 'FC') from the batch.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
Case Records Rejected 19-26 8 N If the batch being returned is a routine batch or a pending resolution batch, this field contains the number of FCR Case Input Records (with Record Identifiers of 'FC') in the batch that were rejected by the FCR System.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
Case Records Pending 27-34 8 N If the batch being returned is a routine batch, this field contains the number of FCR Case Input Records (with Record Identifiers of 'FC') in the batch that are pending as of the transmission of the response.
If the SSN identification for the related person(s) record is not complete Case Input Records to add a new case may be pending.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
Person/Locate Records Received 35-42 8 N If the batch being returned is a routine batch, this field contains the number of FCR Person/Locate Request Records (with Record Identifiers of 'FP') that were received in the batch.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
Person/Locate Records Accepted 43-50 8 N If a batch being returned is a routine batch or a pending resolution batch, this field contains the number of FCR Person/Locate Request Records (with Record Identifiers of 'FP') in the batch that were accepted.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
Person/Locate Records Rejected 51-58 8 N If the batch being returned is a routine batch or a pending resolution batch, this field contains the number of FCR Person/Locate Request Records (with the Record Identifier of 'FP') in the batch that were rejected.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
Person/Locate Records Pending 59-66 8 N If the batch being returned is a routine batch, this field contains the number of FCR Person/Locate Request Records (with Record Identifiers of 'FP') in the batch that are pending as of the transmission of the response.
If the SSN identification for the person is not complete a Person Input Record may be pending.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
FCR Query Records Received 67-74 8 N If the batch being returned is a routine batch, this field contains the number of FCR Input Query Records (with Record Identifiers of 'FR') that were received in the batch.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
FCR Query Records Accepted 75-82 8 N If the batch being returned is a routine batch, this field contains the number of FCR Input Query Records (with Record Identifiers of 'FR') in the batch that were accepted.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
FCR Query Records Rejected 83-90 8 N If the batch being returned is a routine batch, this field contains the number of FCR Input Query Records (with Record Identifiers of 'FR') in the batch that were rejected.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
Filler 91-98 8 N Reserved for FCR processing. This field contains zeros.
FCR Query/Proactive Match Response Records 99-106 8 N If the batch being returned is a Locate Response batch, this field contains the number of FCR Query/Proactive Match Response Records included in the batch.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
NDNH Response Records 107-114 8 N If the batch being returned is a Locate Response batch, this field contains the number of NDNH Locate Response Records that are included in the batch.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
FPLS Response Records 115-122 8 N If the batch being returned is a Locate Response batch, this field contains the number of FPLS Locate Response Records included in the batch.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
IRS-1099 Records 123-130 8 N If the batch returned is a Locate Response batch, this field contains the number of IRS-1099 Response Records that are included in the batch.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
Response Record Count 131-141 11 N This field contains the number of records in the batch, including the FCR Response Header and Trailer Records.
MSFIDM Response Records 142-149 8 N If the batch returned is a Locate Response batch, this field contains the number of MSFIDM Response Records that are included in the batch.
If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
Filler 150-205 56 A/N Reserved for FCR processing. This field contains zeros.
SVES Response Records 206-213 8 A/N If the batch returned is a Locate Response batch, this field contains the number of SVES Response Records (with Record Identifier of 'FK') that are included in the batch. If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field contains zeros.
FCR DMDC/Proactive Match Response Records 214-221 8 N If the batch returned is a Locate Response batch, this field contains the number of FCR DMDC/Proactive Match Response Records that are included in the batch. If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field will be zeros
Insurance Match Response Records 222-229 8 N If the batch returned is a Locate Response batch, this field contains the number of FCR Insurance Match Response Records (with Record Identifier 'IM') that are included in the batch. If none of these records are returned in the batch, this field will be zeros
Filler 230-920 691 A/N This field will be used for future versions. For the current version, this field is all spaces.

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Last modified: July 01, 2007