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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

Federal Personnel Files Cross Match with Federal Tax Refund

NOV 8, 1996 DC-96-63


Executive Order 12953, dated February 27, 1995, establishes the Executive Branch of the Federal Government as a model employer in promoting and facilitating child support enforcement. It requires Federal agencies and uniformed services to cooperate fully in efforts to establish paternity and child support orders and to enforce the collection of child and medical support in all situations where such actions may be required.

As part of this Executive Order, OCSE has matched the Federal Tax Refund Offset cases for 1995 with federal personnel files. Enclosed is a tape or hard copy of matched cases for your State and information concerning the hits by State. To avoid confusing these tapes with other processed tapes, they are labeled "Executive Order 12593: Federal Obligors (DOD)." Tape format specifications are identical to those used for the Federal Parent Locator Service.

OCSE encourages States to pursue wage withholding or other enforcement techniques to collect delinquent child support owed identified federal obligors. When taking enforcement action on matched cases, States should refer to Dear Colleague Letter

DC-95-65, dated November 28, 1995 for lists of designated federal agents for processing garnishment orders for child support and for serving of legal process to establish child support orders. Appendix A of DC-95-65 identifies agents designated for service of wage withholding process. Appendix B of DC-95-65 identifies agents to facilitate the service of legal process for child support proceedings.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Special Collections Unit at (202) 401-9389. We are also interested in your feedback on the enforcement process and results.


David Gray Ross

Deputy Director

Office of Child Support Enforcement


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