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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

Standard Interstate Forms, Pilot Test

July 8, 1996 DC-96-33


RE: Pilot Test for New Standard Interstate Forms

Dear Colleague:

Last December 12, OCSE issued a Dear Colleague letter (DC-95-70) announcing a pilot project to test new standard forms for interstate case processing; a copy of the pilot forms was attached to that letter. Your State may be participating in the pilot project as an initiating jurisdiction or may have received interstate referrals on these pilot forms. OCSE is now seeking feedback based on experience from the pilot project.

Enclosed is a survey that you may use to provide comments on the pilot forms. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Please send any comments no later than August 9 to:

Karen Bartlett/Andrew Williams

Office of Child Support Enforcement

4th Floor

370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.

Washington, D.C. 20447

We anticipate that the pilot forms will eventually be used in all interstate actions; therefore, OCSE needs to ensure that the forms meet the needs of every State. The attached survey gives you an opportunity to provide input based on your use of the forms during the pilot project. OCSE, in conjunction with the work group of State representatives that developed the forms, will review your comments and determine if any adjustments to the forms are necessary.

Please submit only one completed survey for your State. As a basis for completing the survey, you may wish to obtain input from a variety of sources within your State that have experience with the pilot forms (e.g., IV-D caseworkers, attorneys, judges, hearing officers, central registry staff, parents). If your State volunteered as a pilot jurisdiction, a copy of the survey will also be forwarded directly to the pilot contact for your State.

In accordance with requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the public reporting burden for this collection of information (i.e., completion of the enclosed survey) is estimated to average one hour per response, including the time

for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data

needed, and reviewing the collection of information. Completion of the enclosed survey is voluntary. This information is not considered confidential, therefore, no additional safeguards are

considered necessary beyond that customarily applied to routine government information. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.


David Gray Ross

Deputy Director

Office of Child Support



cc: ACF Regional Administrators, Regions I - X

Child Support Program Managers, Regions I - X


Your Office/State:___________________________________________________________________

Contact Person:___________________________________________________________________


Phone Number/Fax Number: ___________________________________________________________

1. Does the set of pilot forms contain all of the standard forms necessary for interstate case processing? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If not, what forms should be added as standard forms, and why? __________________








2. Are any of the pilot forms unnecessary? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, which forms, and why? ___________________________________________________







3. Does each pilot form contain data elements for all pertinent information? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If not, indicate what elements should be added; specify the form. __________________









4. Does any pilot form contain data elements that are not needed? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, indicate what elements should be deleted; specify the form. _________________






5. Is the format (e.g., print size, layout) of the pilot forms acceptable? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If not, please describe specific problems. _________________________________________






6. Is the spacing sufficient to enter the appropriate information? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If not, provide specific examples. ________________________________________________






7. Are the forms' instructions clear, informative, and accurate? [ ] Yes [ ] No

How would you change the instructions? Be specific. ______________________________







8. Provide any additional recommendations. ____________________________________________






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