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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

UIFSA Conference

May 31, 1996



Dear Colleague:

On September 18 and 19, OCSE will sponsor a retreat focusing on implementation of the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA). We are inviting you to send representatives from your State who are familiar with UIFSA and interstate case processing. We will also be sending invitations directly to interstate practitioners in some States.

This retreat will be a follow-up to an event two years ago. In November 1994, approximately 60 representatives from State IV-D programs, the Federal OCSE, employer/payroll groups, and other entities met in Fairfax, Virginia to discuss and resolve problems associated with the implementation of UIFSA. Notes from the retreat were distributed nationally. The retreat was also the basis for developing the UIFSA Handbook--a manual designed to assist practitioners working UIFSA cases.

Since the 1994 retreat, additional States have enacted UIFSA and new issues have emerged. The upcoming September retreat will allow us to address these new issues--including the impact of the Full Faith and Credit for Child Support Orders Act. Like the first retreat, this will be a working meeting--not a training session. Attendees will discuss and attempt to resolve specific issues and problems. Developing consensus regarding UIFSA matters will help to ensure greater uniformity and standardization in interstate case processing. Results of the retreat will be distributed nationally and will be the basis for updating the UIFSA Handbook.

In order to facilitate discussion and to cover as many issues as possible, the retreat will be divided into four major topic areas: modification, enforcement, direct income withholding, and general provisions. When registering for the retreat, attendees should indicate their topic preference and suggest specific issues for discussion. Prior to the retreat, attendees will receive their group assignment and a list of discussion questions.

The UIFSA retreat will be held at the site of the original UIFSA retreat--the Holiday Inn Fair Oaks outside of Fairfax, Virginia. Rooms are available for $116 per night. Attendees should call the hotel at 703-352-2525 as soon as possible to reserve a room; be sure to mention the child support enforcement meeting in order

to obtain the reduced rate. We regret not having the funding to cover participant expenses. The hotel offers shuttle service from Dulles airport (which is closer to the hotel than Nationalairport), as well as from the Vienna Metro station.

The retreat is expected to start on September 18 at 9:00 a.m. and will conclude on September 19 at 3:00 p.m. Our intent is to make this a pleasant work environment--casual dress is preferred.

The UIFSA retreat will be the same week as OCSE's Sixth National Child Support Enforcement Training Conference, which will focus on strategic planning issues. The Training Conference will be held September 16 and 17 in Alexandria, Virginia. Both Alexandria and Fairfax are suburbs of Washington, D.C.

Attendees should complete the attached registration form for the UIFSA retreat and fax it to Karen Bartlett/Andrew Williams at (202) 401-5559 no later than August 16. If you have any questions, call Karen Bartlett at (202) 401-4630 or Andrew Williams at (202) 401-1467.


David Gray Ross

Deputy Director

Office of Child Support



cc:Regional Administrators, Regions I - X

CSE Program Managers, Regions I - X

Registration Form: UIFSA Retreat II

Please mark the appropriate space(s) below:

_I will attend the UIFSA retreat on September 18 and 19.

_I need a ride from the conference in Alexandria, VA on the evening of September 17.

Participant Information:

Name _____________________________________________________________________

Title/Agency _______________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________

Telephone _________________________________________________________________

Fax _______________________________________________________________________

Topic Preference: Please rank the four topics listed below on the following scale: 1 = first choice; 2 = second choice; 3 = third choice; 4 = fourth choice.


_Enforcement (other than direct withholding)

_Direct Withholding

_General Provisions (including miscellaneous; e.g, international issues)

Issues for Discussion: Please list issues below that you would like to discuss at the retreat. Please be specific. Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Contact the Holiday Inn Fair Oaks at (703) 352-2525 as soon as possible to reserve a room. Mention that you will be attending the child support enforcement meeting. Fax this completed form to Karen Bartlett/Andrew Williams at (202) 401-5559 no later than August 16.

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