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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

DCL 99-71     July 9, 1999


Dear Colleague:

Subject: MSFIDM/AEI Pilot Project

The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) would like to invite you to take part in an important Pilot Project that is designed to test recommendations made by States for utilizing Multistate Financial Institution Data Match (MSFIDM) information in an Automated Enforcement of Interstate (AEI) cases environment. The Pilot Project will begin September, 1999 and extend through March 2000.

The recommendations, which are attached, were developed by a State-Federal workgroup. Their purpose was to recommend policy, processes and technologies needed to initiate AEI at the time the MSFIDM data becomes available to states, which is projected to happen August 20, 1999. In addition to the recommendations, the attachments also include the AEI Record File Layout and a list of Workgroup members.

Before presenting their recommendations to OCSE, workgroup members presented their draft recommendations a series of "Brown Bag" discussions at three OCSE sponsored conferences in Washington, DC, St. Louis, MO and Phoenix, AZ. The concerns addressed in these sessions have resulted in changes that are reflected in this final document.

States wishing to participate in the Pilot Project should notify OCSE by August 1, 1999. States participating in the pilot will be expected to exchange data among themselves, test the recommended policies, processes, record file layouts and transmission procedures and make recommendations for change if needed by March, 2000. Additionally, pilot states will be asked to assess the workload and budget impacts of implementing MSFIDM/AEI, as well as track collections made by the program. Participating states may elect to limit the number of requests accepts each month and/or set other parameters that will not substantially effect the outcome of the pilot.

We hope you are able to take advantage of this unique opportunity to provide input into this new and important program. Questions about the Pilot Project and/or requests to volunteer should be directed to Ann Barkley (202) 260-4697, Once again, thank you for your support and cooperation as we work together to improve the lives of our nation’s children.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement


cc: State FIDM Liaisons
Regional Program Managers

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