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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

DCL-99-20    MAR 1, 1999


RE:   Weekly Update Results

Dear Colleague:

Enclosed please find the results of your States updates to the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE). These are cases that have been updated at the Treasury’s Federal Management Service (FMS). These updates were not reflected on the certified listing that you received recently since these updates were submitted to OCSE after cases were certified at FMS.

The cases sent to OCSE by States to be updated that were included in the cycles 9902 and 9907 only, should be examined by States to see if any of the cases were rejected because of the error "SSN NOT ON FILE". If this occurred on any cases in your State during these cycles, PLEASE RESUBMIT THESE CASES TO OCSE ON YOUR NEXT UPDATE. There was a problem with all cases on the master file being read at FMS during these two cycles only. OCSE and FMS corrected the problem and this should not occur again. Thus, if you get this message on any future reports (or in cycles 9905 and 9906), it is a correct message. OCSE strongly encourages you to resubmit these cases so that FMS’ records will be correctly reflected in the event of taxpayer filings. We have tried to mark on each of your summary sheets what the corresponding cycle is. If you have questions, please call us.

OCSE should now be on a weekly updating cycle with FMS. States should use Thursday as a cutoff date to get updates to OCSE to be included in the weekly cycles. Please keep in mind that this does not apply to those States sending tapes and cartridges, because once we receive the tape, it still needs to be sent up to our computer center in Baltimore to be processed. This process, depending on the time of day the tape arrives and what day of the week, can be a 2-day process. For this reason, States are encouraged to use Connect:Direct for transmission to OCSE.

Thank you for your patience and your assistance in all matters so far this year, especially the updates. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Special Collections Unit on (202) 401-9389.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement


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