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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

DCL-99-14    Feb 12, 1999


RE:  Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet) Technology Upgrade Plan

Dear Colleague:

The purpose of this letter is to update you on the technological changes that the Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet) is undergoing. In a continuing effort to improve network communication for the processing of interstate cases, the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) and CSENet project staff performed a critical analysis of the existing network during 1998. The team of analysts reviewed a range of components, (e.g., software and hardware capabilities, communication, and capacity) and concluded that a technological upgrade and the long-term development of a telecommunications network is imperative in order to meet the States’ increasing need for information exchange.

OCSE’s strategy for technological development consists of several concurrent activities designed, first, to stabilize the network, and, second, to provide the States with continuous coverage and network upgrades in order to accommodate increased transaction usage. OCSE’s goal is to implement Direct File Transfer with all States as soon as possible. This strategy is described below:

The first component of the strategy is to maintain the existing network until the technological upgrade can be completed. This requires monitoring network usage, managing host processing to ensure maximum performance, and resolving State issues concerning hardware and software. OCSE will continue to assist States with interface development and testing, in addition to providing technical assistance, whenever possible, as you integrate CSENet onto your mainframes.

The second component of the strategy is to upgrade the network, which will involve two phases. During Phase I (Technology Upgrade), we will purchase and install new servers, software and communication lines for the host site. Workstations will be replaced only in those States where new equipment is needed in order to ensure the continuous optimal functioning of the network. Installation of upgraded communication lines is scheduled for all 54 States and territories. The custom CSENet application will not be altered during this phase in order to minimize the impact on States.

Phase II (Direct File Transfer) will begin shortly after the technology upgrade is completed. This phase consists of two tasks. The first task will be to move the functionality currently performed by the States’ workstations to the host site. The centralization of editing and functionality will allow us to provide the direct file transfer solution many States have requested, giving us the versatility to accommodate future program requirements. The second task will be to change the CSENet application file layout and begin use of an open protocol for the exchange of transaction files from the State or Federal Child Support Enforcement mainframes to the CSENet host.

To determine future telecommunications needs of the child support program and the plans that States have for improvements, CSENet staff will consult with standing workgroups and committees during the next few months. Their input will be presented during the national conferences scheduled for April of this year, and will serve as the basis for developing the OCSE plan for a new telecommunications network.

The Office of Child Support Enforcement is committed to the technological development of CSENet, and has allocated resources to fully support this endeavor. Throughout this period of change, our goal is to ensure that network performance is maintained and that States continue to move toward the full automation of interstate transactions. We know that as States become fully automated the volume of information being exchanged will increase tremendously. We are confident that the plan outlined above will ensure network availability and reliability.

Enclosed please find two documents. The first document, CSENet: Transition and Upgrade Initiative, briefly highlights the enhancements that will occur over the next six months. The second document, Impact of Centralized Functionality and (Direct File Transfer) on the States, outlines the impact of Direct File Transfer on the States’ automated systems. Please read through the documents and share them with the appropriate staff. If you have any questions, please call Helen Smith, CSENet Project Officer, at (202) 690-6639.

We welcome any comments and suggestions you may have on this strategy, which is designed to keep pace with the growing telecommunications needs of the Child Support Enforcement Program. We look forward to providing you with continued support and technical assistance as we all work to develop a more effective nationwide Child Support Enforcement Network.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement


cc:  Regional Program Managers
      State Project Directors
      CSENet Point of Contacts

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