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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

DCL-99-126                             NOV 24, 1999


RE:    Federal Offset Program User Guide

Dear Colleague:

Enclosed are Section 1 and Appendices E, F, and G of the new Federal Offset Program User Guide. The User Guide was developed to provide detailed instructions on the operation of the Federal Offset Program including processing procedures, record specifications, and system requirements. The decision to develop a User Guide was made to enable the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) to continually update the States on program enhancements.

Policy issues will be published in a new Action Transmittal (AT) which will be distributed in the near future. This AT will be an attachment to the User Guide, but will be considered a separate document. It is currently referred to as OCSE-AT-99-XX in this release. Both of these documents will supersede AT 98-17.

OCSE is working diligently to complete the User Guide; however, rather than wait for the entire Guide to be complete, OCSE will distribute sections as they become available. Additional releases will include instructions on replacing and/or adding to the guide.

If you have any questions, please contact OCSE’s Special Collections Unit at (202) 401-9389.

Thank you for you continued support and cooperation as we work to improve the lives of our nation’s children.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement


Regional Program Managers
ACF Regional Administrators
Federal Offset Contacts

Appendix B, Table of Contents (71K M.S. Word Document)
Appendix E, Input Record Specifications (56K M.S. Word Document)
Appendix F, Output Record Specifications (74K M.S. Word Document)
Appendix G, Error Messages and Codes (33K M.S. Word Document)

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