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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

DCL-99-124                             NOV 10, 1999

TO:        All State IV-D Directors

RE:        Interstate Summit Executive Summary

Dear Colleague:

I am very pleased to provide you with the enclosed "Executive Summary" which was developed to share some of the highlights of the OCSE Interstate Summit: Crossing the Line for the Children of America, held in Arlington, Virginia, on September 13, 1999. The purpose of this Summit was to formulate solutions and initiatives to improve interstate operations in the midst of the changing interstate environment.

As you may recall, we asked all IV-D Directors to attend or send a representative to this meeting. About 100 Federal, State and Tribal representatives participated in the Summit.

I am very pleased with the success of the Summit in generating ideas and practical actions that, I hope, all levels of government will begin to implement in the Year 2000. Please note at the end of the report is a list of actions OCSE is, or will be, undertaking in this area.

I encourage every State to enhance your interstate efforts by implementing some of the suggestions and "Good Ideas" highlighted in this report. Working in partnership, I know we can together improve interstate child support enforcement efforts on behalf of all America's children. If you would like additional information about the Summit or interstate initiatives, please contact your respective Regional Interstate Liaison.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement


cc:        Regional Program Managers

Executive Summary of the OCSE Interstate Summit: Crossing the Line for the Children of America (76Kbyte MicroSoft Word Document)

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