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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

DCL-99-114                             OCT 2, 1999


RE:   Online Automated OCSE-157 Form

Dear Colleague:

As you may know, we in OCSE have been working with you to develop electronic means to enhance our business practices. With enhanced business practices we expect to improve our customer services to you.

This letter is to introduce another new business practice, an online automated form
to share information between state, regional, and federal child support partners. The automated State Program Data will allow states to submit their State Program Data through an electronic OCSE-157 form that will be accessed through the OCSE Web Site. On-line automated submission of State Program Data will be available to all ten regions and all states beginning October 1999. The automated State Program Data system is a voluntary program. States can electronically enter and update their OCSE-157 report data.

States are requested to designate an individual responsible for the online input of their State Program Data. State Designee’s will be able to access their state’s online automated form through the use of a password. Passwords will be administered by Ms.Renée Jackson (202) 401-5101. Please e-mail State designees name, phone, and e-mail address to Ms. Renée Jackson at Official submission of online State Program Data to the Federal Child Support Enforcement Office requires the State IV-D Directors’ online approval. Each State IV-D Director will be issued an ID and a password by OCSE. He/she will use this tentative ID and password to log in the system to review the OCSE-157 report data and to approve the OCSE-157 report. The State IV-D Director can change his/her password if he/she wishes to do so. OCSE plans to issue the State IV-D Directors’ IDs and Passwords starting in October 1999.

We look forward to facilitating the online input and submission of State Program Data.

If you have any further question concerning this online automated program or other OCSE’s online automated programs, please feel free to contact Mr. Joe Gloystein, Chief of OCSE’s Electronic Team at, (202) 401-6741 or Ms. Renée Jackson at, (202) 401-5101.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement

Enclosures (Instructions for Form 157)

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