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All Agents >> Blister Agents >> LEWISITE (L) >> Additional Sampling and Analysis Information

Additional Sampling and Analysis Information
Blister Agent: LEWISITE (L)

References are provided for the convenience of the reader and do not imply endorsement by NIOSH.

    Aldstadt JH, Olson DC, Martin AF [1997]. Determination of volatile arsenicals in ambient air by flow injection. Anal Chim Acta 338(3):215-222.

    NIOSH [1994]. 7300 Elements by ICP. NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th ed. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 94-113.

    NIOSH [1994]. 7900 Arsenic and compounds. NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th ed. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 94-113. Arsenic: OSHA Method ID105; Fully Validated.

    No references were identified for this sampling matrix for this agent.

    Aldstadt JH, Olson DC, Wolcott DK, Marshall GD, Szostek B, Martin AF [1997]. Determination of lewisite in the environment using a field-portable monitor [Abstract]. Pap Am Chem Soc 214:130-ANYL Part 1.

    Chaudot X, Tambute A, Caude M [2000]. Simultaneous extraction and derivatization of 2-chlorovinylarsonous acid from soils using supercritical and pressurized fluids. J Chromatogr A 888(1-2):327-333.

    Szostek B, Aldstadt JH [1998]. Determination of organoarsenicals in the environment by solid-phase microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 807(2):253-263.

    Tomkins BA, Sega GA, Ho CH [2001]. Determination of lewisite oxide in soil using solid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography with flame photometric or mass spectrometric detection. J Chromatogr A 909(1):13-28.

    No references were identified for this sampling matrix for this agent.

    Aldstadt JH, Martin AF [1996]. Flow injection method for the determination of arsenic (III) at trace levels in alkaline media. Analyst 121(10):1387-1391.

    EPA [1992]. Environmental Protection Agency SW-846 Method 7061A. Arsenic (Atomic Absorption, Gaseous Hydride). In: Test methods for evaluating solid waste, physical/chemical methods, Rev. 1992. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

    EPA [1996]. Environmental Protection Agency SW-846 Method 7063. Arsenic in aqueous samples and extracts by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). In: Test methods for evaluating solid waste, physical/chemical methods, Rev. 1996. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

    Fowler WK, Stewart DC, Weinberg DS, Sarver EW [1991]. Gas chromatographic determination of the lewisite hydrolysate, 2-chlorovinylarsonous acid, after derivatization with 1,2-ethanedithiol. J Chromatogr A 558(1):235-246.

    Guenegou T, Tambute A, Jardy A, Caude M [1997]. Elimination of effluent arsenic resulting from hydrolysis of lewisites. Analysis 25(8):279-286.

    Hooijschuur EWJ, Hulst AG, de Jong AL, de Reuver LP, van Krimpen SH, van Baar BLM, Wils ERJ, Kientz CE, Brinkman UAT [2002]. Identification of chemicals related to the chemical weapons convention during an interlaboratory proficiency test. TrAC Trends Anal Chem 21(2):116-130.

    Sandí G, Brubaker KL, Schneider JF, O'Neill HJ, Cannon Jr PL [2001]. A coulometric iodimetric procedure for measuring the purity of lewisite. Talanta 54(5):913-925.

    Szostek B, Aldstadt JH [1998]. Determination of organoarsenicals in the environment by solid-phase microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 807(2):253-263.

    Wooten JV, Ashley DL, Calafat AM [2002]. Waste analysis plan for lewisite neutralization system at CAMDS,
    Quantitation of 2-chlorovinylarsonous acid in human urine by automated solid-phase microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B 772(1):147-153.

Page last updated:August 22, 2008
Page last reviewed:August 1, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Education and Information Division