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Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002)

Available Data and Related Products

The third, and final, follow-up in ELS:2002 is currently planned for release in 2013 or thereabouts. This follow-up will include data on the post-high school educational experiences all sample members, their history of employment, family formation, community service, and other areas. By this time, most of those who attended college will have graduated.

The following Second Follow-up products are currently available on the NCES website:

  • An online DAS, or Data Analysis System, which contains most of the ELS base year, first follow-up, and second follow-up data, and some of the transcript data. Click on this link or the menu bar above to get started on analyzing the ELS:2002/06 data for your purposes.
  • Restricted Use CD-Rom (NCES 2008-346) containing the second follow-up data files, all of the base year, first follow-up, and transcript data files previously released, and special software (electronic codebook) for extracting the data from the data files.This Second Follow-up data CD-Rom supercedes all of the previous data CD-Roms listed below. Also included is the data file documentation (see next).
  • Data file documentation (NCES 2008-347) that describes the second follow-up survey design and instrumentation, data collection methods, and data variables. Included also are overviews of the base year, first follow-up, and transcript components. This second follow-up data file documentation is public use.
  • Descriptive summary report (NCES 2008-308) from the second follow-up data making key findings from the data available to the public.

The student high school transcripts, which were collected as the final part of the First Follow-up, are available. The data products and reports included are:

  • Restricted-use CD-Rom (NCES 2006-351) containing the transcript data files, transcript data file documentation, and special software (electronic codebook) for extracting transcript data from the data files. Also included on the CD-Rom are the data files and data file documentation for all of the previous Base-Year and First Follow-up components. In this respect this transcript CD-Rom supersedes the Base Year to First Follow-up CD-Rom.
  • Data file documentation, which is also restricted, describing the transcript data collection procedures, transcript sample selection and weighting, and the data variables.
  • Descriptive summary report (NCES 2007-316) providing some findings from the transcript data.

The following First Follow-up products are available:

  • Public use CD-Rom (NCES 2006-346) containing the Base Year and First Follow-up student and school data files, data file documentation, and special software (electronic codebook) for extracting data from the data files for purposes of analysis.
  • Data file documentation (NCES 2006-344) that describes the Base Year and First Follow-up survey procedures and provides guidance in using the data set.
  • Descriptive summary report (NCES 2006-348) from the First Follow-up making key findings available to the public.

The following Base Year products are available:

  • Data file User's Manual (NCES 2004-405) that describes the Base Year survey procedures and provides guidance in using the data set. This documentation is more detailed regarding the Base Year data than the First Follow-up documentation.
  • Descriptive summary report (NCES 2004-371) presenting key findings from the Base Year study.

Additional reports on selected topics will be prepared under government sponsorship; it is anticipated that non-government researchers will also make extensive use of the released data and publicly publish or report their results.
