
Voice of America - Khmer


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Khmer Archive
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44 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Nuon Chea Makes Third Trip to Hospital *
2.  Investors Sought to Straighten Out Neglected Railway *
3.  NEC Defends Voter List Clean-Up as Registration Ends *
4.  Monitors Concerned As Registration Closes *
5.  Government Plans Housing Project for the Disabled *


1.  With Registration Closed, Parties Eye Voters *
2.  NEC Claims High Voter Registration, as Critics Chide Process *
3.  Ex-Tuol Sleng Photographer Summoned *
4.  As Elections Near, Democracy Debated *
5.  NGOs Urge Benchmarks, Extension for Tribunal *


1.  Bail Hearing Set for Duch *
2.  Muslim Leaders to File Complaints With Tribunal *
3.  Ministry of Culture Mulls Copyright Protection *
4.  International Group Urges Parties to Align *
5.  The Changing Face of U.S. Catholicism *


1.  Foreign Minister Seeks More Tribunal Money *
2.  Muslims to US Ambassador: Chams Suffered 'Enormously' Under Khmer Rouge *
3.  'Rice Intensification' Takes Off, Group Says *
4.  Arrest of Pedophile Highlights Trafficking Issues *
5.  North Korea to Sign Seaport, Trade Agreement With Cambodia *


1.  Organizers: Pro-Democracy Forum Barred by Authorities *
2.  200 Cham Muslims File Complaints With Tribunal *
3.  In Brief: Oil and the Poor, an Intern First, Debt Swap *


1.  Poor Students Truant as Classes Begin *
2.  Tribunal Confident US Will Find Funds *
3.  In Saen Sok Ghetto, No Reprieve from Poverty *
4.  Cambodia Faces Drug Problem *
5.  Stock Market a Worry for Some *
6.  Private Medical Group Brings Health Care to Poor, Uninsured *
7.  Montgomery County, Maryland, Government Promotes and Protects the Rights of Women *
8.  Nonprofit Groups Provide Job Training, Placement for Unemployed in Montgomery County, Maryland *
9.  Lawyers in Montgomery County Donate Time to Free Legal Clinic *
10.  Squatter Thespians in 'Don't Grab My Land' *


1.  Cambodia Facing Increasing Fuel Cost Pressure *
2.  PM Thanks King for Country's Stability *
3.  Former King Asked to Remain in Cambodia for Elections *
4.  Tribunal Prosecutors to Host Seminar *


1.  Hun Sen Warns Officials Over Sale of School Land *
2.  Old Worries, Little Gain in Visit of North Korean PM, Observers Say *
3.  Difference in Tribunal Civil, Criminal Cases Explained *
4.  Mozart's 'Magic Flute,' to a Cambodian Tune *


1.  Duch Torture Case Could Close by 'First Half' of 2008, Tribunal Says
2.  North Korean PM Signs Trade, Shipping Pacts in Phnom Penh *
3.  Officials Face Allegations of Illegal Immigrants on Voter Lists *
4.  Civic Leader Brings Personal Suit for 'Justice, Honor' *