American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Reason

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A Daguerrian Gallery

M. B. Brady's New Photographic Gallery, Corner of Broadway and Tenth Street, New York
Albert Berghaus, engraver
"M. B. Brady's New Photographic Gallery,
Corner of Broadway and Tenth Street,
New York
Published in
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper
January 5, 1861
Wood engraving
Prints & Photographs Division
Copyright deposit, 1861 (121.4)

In 1844, photographer and entrepreneur Mathew Brady opened his first daguerreotype studio in New York City. As his career flourished, he moved to more opulent quarters. Brady exhibited portraits of "Illustrious Americans" on his gallery walls and encouraged the public to admire these images much as one would view an exhibition of paintings in an art gallery. The three large paintings in the center of this wood engraving were based on Brady studio daguerreotypes. They depict statesmen John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, and Daniel Webster.

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