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Fact Sheet: Components Overview

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Component Alignment

The transformation efforts of the six most significant business operations of the Department of Defense (DoD) are highlighted below. These organizations are the Army, Navy, Air Force, U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). These six Components have created and are maintaining transition plans that identify their transformation visions and goals.

U.S. Army

The Army is transforming from a force designed for contingency operations in the post-Cold War era to a force designed for continuous operations in a new era that presents traditional, asymmetric, and potentially catastrophic risks to the nation. The Army’s business capabilities, enablers, and processes are being transformed to achieve the following goals:

  • Manning, readiness, and well-being of the force
  • Improve business practices and processes: Paying the force and achieving financial accountability
  • Processes to equip the force
  • Sustaining the force: Enhanced joint logistics/focused logistics
  • Improved capability for stability operations

U.S. Navy

The Navy’s business transformation vision will significantly increase the readiness, effectiveness, and availability of warfighting forces by employing business process change to create more effective operations at reduced costs. The Navy has the following transformation goals:

  • Develop and maintain a secure, seamless, and interoperable information management/information technology (IM/IT) infrastructure
  • Create optimized processes and integrated systems
  • Optimize investments for mission accomplishments
  • Transform applications and data into web-based capabilities to improve effectiveness and gain efficiencies
  • Align Business Mission Area governance to produce a single, integrated enterprise

U.S. Air Force

The Air Force (AF) Operational Support transformation vision is the creation of capabilities that provide rapid and predictive Operational Support and response through situationally aware Commanders. The Air Force Operational Support enterprise transformation goals include improving warfighter effectiveness and achieving increased efficiencies by executing strategies to:

  • Focus Operational Support on improving joint warfighter effectiveness and integrate high-value operational threads across domains and across combat and non-combat functions
  • Set common goals and priorities across the Operational Support AF enterprise
  • Reengineer critical processes, identify and prioritize processes for improvement, and redesign processes when necessary to achieve immediate or long-term expectations
  • Move systems into a modern information framework. Leverage existing initiatives of the AF and Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and synchronize and accelerate them to achieve transformation
  • Harvest resources to complete Operational Support transformation and support modernization of Air Force and joint capabilities

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)

The Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA) vision for the future is to dramatically improve warfighter support at a reduced cost through business process reengineering, workforce development, technology transformation, and organizational change. The agency’s transformation goals are to become:

  • A robust customer-focused agency with world-class military service and warfighter partnering capabilities
  • A manager and integrator of the supply chains essential to military readiness with world-class commercial supplier partnering capabilities
  • A single, fully integrated enterprise

U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)

The United States Transportation Command’s (USTRANSCOM) vision is to change its orientation from providing strategic transportation to developing and employing end-to-end (E2E) global transportation of forces and materiel distribution solutions to improve joint distribution capabilities for regional Combatant Commands (COCOMs) and functional Component warfighters. USTRANSCOM seeks to:

  • Support the operational effectiveness of COCOMs by deploying command and control capability for unified theater deployment and distribution and by providing E2E Total Asset Visibility (TAV) and In-Transit Visibility (ITV)
  • Improve decision cycle time by providing IT support that turns real-time data into actionable information
  • Across DoD, promote financial management processes and solutions that are Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act compliant and improve financial management visibility
  • Provide operational flexibility in E2E intermodal distribution through improved and standardized resources, processes, and systems

Department of Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)

The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) vision is to enable the warfighter through excellence in its finance and accounting operations—where excellence is achieved by pledging dependable, accurate and reliable services at the lowest cost. The DFAS business transformation goals are to:

  • Improve financial management
  • Streamline business processes through standardized operations
  • Deliver accurate and timely military pay services
  • Provide business intelligence that supports better operational resource allocation and decision making
  • Deliver error-free pay services on time
  • Establish and maintain a partnership with customers to anticipate needs and deploy integrated solutions that enhance financial management capabilities acoss the DoD Enterprise
  • Attract, develop, and retain a first-rate work foce with the skills, agility and motivation necessary to achieve the DFAS mission
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