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2002 CCDF State Expenditure Data

FY 2002 CCDF State Expenditures as of September 30, 2002 (Spending from All Appropriation Years): Overview

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(From Appropriation Years 1997 through 2002)

States expended a total of $8.6 billion of combined Federal and State funds inclusive of both CCDF and TANF transfers into CCDF. 1/ An additional $1.6 billion was expended in "direct spending for child care services" under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Expenditures of Federal CCDF funds were $6.4 billion, comprised of $4.2 billion from FY 2002 and $2.2 billion from prior year funds (FY 1999 through 2001). Expenditures of State Matching and Maintenance of Effort funds were $2.2 billion, which includes $2.0 billion of FY 2002 funds and $215 million of prior year funds (FY 2000 and 2001).

1/ Expenditure data as reported on State ACF-696 submissions from 10/1/2001 through 9/30/2002; subject to change until all States submit Final reports.

  FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 TOTAL by Fund
Mandatory 0 0 976,539 22,170,754 76,157,875 967,176,569 1,066,481,737
Matching Federal 0 0 0 -111,409 273,036,706 1,149,067,145 1,421,992,442
Matching State 1/ 0 0 0 -103,050 215,913,173 973,437,889 1,189,248,012
Discretionary  0 0 0 238,599,118 1,602,346,010 2,053,402,590 3,894,347,718
CCDF MOE 0 0 0 0 0 1,016,582,929 1,016,582,929
Subtotal CCDF 0 0 976,539 260,555,413 2,167,453,764 6,159,667,122 8,588,652,838
TANF Direct 2/ 2,620,359 -37,144,331 30,242,895 9,765,127 174,450,326 1,392,046,826 1,571,981,202
TOTAL spent in FY 2002 2,620,359 -37,144,331 31,219,434 270,320,540 2,341,904,090 7,551,713,948 10,160,634,040
1/ Negative expenditures are adjustments to matching expenditures based on State audit findings.
2/ TANF Direct spending data for FY 2002 (10/1/2001 - 9/30/2002) received 4/16/03 from Office of Grants Management/Division of Mandatory Grants.


Direct Services $6,908 (81%) Direct Services $6,908 (81%)
Non-Direct Services $528 (6%) Non-Direct Services $528 (6%)
Admin $207 (2%) Admin $207 (2%)
Quality Activities $945 (11%) Quality Activities $945 (11%)
1/ TANF Direct Spending on Child Care expenditures are not categorized; therefore the $1.6 billion TANF Direct expenditures are not included in this Chart.
2/ Non-Direct Services include expenditures related to the operation of voucher programs and include such costs as information and referral, eligibility determination and redetermination, and maintaining computer systems.
3/ Quality Activities include the expenditures of Earmarked funds.