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2003 CCDF State Expenditure Data

NOTE: The expenditure tables below reflect spending of funds appropriated in FY 2003 only. They do not include expenditures from funds appropriated in prior fiscal years. To see a complete picture of total child care expenditures in FY 2003 see “Spending from All Appropriation Years” tables.

Index: Overview | 1-Summary of Expenditures | 2-Grant Summary Award | 3-Mandatory Categorical | 4-Matching Categorical | 5-Matching State Share | 6-Discretionary Categorical | 7-Maintenance of Effort Categorical | 8-Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Summary



Quarter End Date: 9/30/2003

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STATE Total Federal And State Expenditures FMAP Reported Federal Share Reported State Share   State Share of Expenditures
  Regular Private Pre-K Total
ALABAMA 18,343,308 70.60% 12,950,375 5,392,933   4,853,676 0 539,257 5,392,933
ALASKA 7,251,265 53.99% 3,914,958 3,336,307   3,336,307 0 0 3,336,307
AMERICAN SAMOA 0 50.00% 0 0   0 0 0 0
ARIZONA 12,603,808 67.25% 11,925,647 678,162   678,162 0 0 678,162
ARKANSAS 104,681 74.28% 77,757 26,924   26,924 0 0 26,924
CALIFORNIA 345,267,198 50.00% 167,984,549 177,282,649   177,282,649 0 0 177,282,649
COLORADO 8,749,546 50.00% 4,374,773 4,374,773   4,374,773 0 0 4,374,773
CONNECTICUT 35,734,928 50.00% 17,867,464 17,867,464   17,867,464 0 0 17,867,464
DELAWARE 6,623,226 50.00% 3,311,613 3,311,613   3,311,613 0 0 3,311,613
DIST.OF COLUMBIA 4,336,131 50.00% 1,855,528 2,480,603   2,480,603 0 0 2,480,603
FLORIDA 125,910,433 58.83% 74,073,108 51,837,325   38,052,534 13,784,791 0 51,837,325
GEORGIA 76,878,369 59.60% 45,819,508 31,058,861   31,058,861 0 0 31,058,861
GUAM 0 50.00% 0 0   0 0 0 0
HAWAII 10,550,784 58.77% 6,200,696 4,350,088   4,350,088 0 0 4,350,088
IDAHO 10,502,831 70.96% 7,452,809 3,050,022   3,050,022 0 0 3,050,022
ILLINOIS 136,833,370 50.00% 68,416,685 68,416,685   68,416,685 0 0 68,416,685
INDIANA 53,256,652 61.97% 33,003,147 20,253,505   20,253,505 0 0 20,253,505
IOWA 17,864,039 63.50% 8,770,648 9,093,391   9,093,391 0 0 9,093,391
KANSAS 22,307,654 60.15% 13,418,054 8,889,600   8,889,600 0 0 8,889,600
KENTUCKY 29,728,666 69.89% 20,777,365 8,951,301   8,951,301 0 0 8,951,301
LOUISIANA 0 71.28% 0 0   0 0 0 0
MAINE 6,516,729 66.22% 4,315,378 2,201,351   2,201,351 0 0 2,201,351
MARYLAND 56,863,948 50.00% 28,431,974 28,431,974   22,745,579 0 5,686,395 28,431,974
MASSACHUSETTS 50,606,214 50.00% 25,303,107 25,303,107   20,242,486 0 5,060,621 25,303,107
MICHIGAN 77,592,913 55.42% 43,001,992 34,590,920   27,672,736 0 6,918,184 34,590,920
MINNESOTA 52,326,312 50.00% 25,839,064 26,487,248   26,487,248 0 0 26,487,248
MISSISSIPPI 6,593,755 76.62% 5,052,135 1,541,620   722,568 819,052 0 1,541,620
MISSOURI 48,184,177 61.23% 29,503,172 18,681,006   18,681,006 0 0 18,681,006
MONTANA 4,408,663 72.96% 3,061,976 1,346,687   1,346,687 0 0 1,346,687
NEBRASKA 15,441,447 59.52% 9,190,749 6,250,698   6,250,698 0 0 6,250,698
NEVADA 19,689,169 52.39% 10,315,156 9,374,013   6,306,625 1,667,388 1,400,000 9,374,013
NEW HAMPSHIRE 12,833,866 50.00% 6,416,933 6,416,933   6,416,933 0 0 6,416,933
NEW JERSEY 88,958,576 50.00% 44,479,288 44,479,288   44,479,288 0 0 44,479,288
NEW MEXICO 13,843,124 74.56% 10,321,433 3,521,691   3,521,691 0 0 3,521,691
NEW YORK 166,365,754 50.00% 67,507,398 98,858,356   98,858,356 0 0 98,858,356
NORTH CAROLINA 66,645,215 62.56% 41,693,247 24,951,968   24,951,968 0 0 24,951,968
NORTH DAKOTA 3,610,076 68.36% 2,467,848 1,142,228   1,142,228 0 0 1,142,228
NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS 0 50.00% 0 0   0 0 0 0
OHIO 102,086,096 58.83% 60,057,250 42,028,846   42,028,846 0 0 42,028,846
OKLAHOMA 25,362,946 70.56% 17,896,095 7,466,851   6,576,907 0 889,944 7,466,851
OREGON 28,692,780 60.16% 17,090,771 11,602,010   9,281,608 0 2,320,402 11,602,010
PENNSYLVANIA 87,774,733 54.69% 37,854,394 49,920,339   49,920,339 0 0 49,920,339
PUERTO RICO 0 50.00% 0 0   0 0 0 0
RHODE ISLAND 9,418,372 55.40% 5,217,778 4,200,594   4,200,594 0 0 4,200,594
SOUTH CAROLINA 28,405,364 69.81% 19,829,785 8,575,579   7,239,688 0 1,335,891 8,575,579
SOUTH DAKOTA 6,257,274 65.29% 4,085,374 2,171,900   2,171,900 0 0 2,171,900
TENNESSEE 45,558,200 64.59% 29,426,041 16,132,159   16,132,159 0 0 16,132,159
TEXAS 154,166,383 59.99% 92,484,413 61,681,970   48,344,829 1,426,162 11,910,979 61,681,970
UTAH 3,977,977 71.24% 2,833,911 1,144,066   1,144,066 0 0 1,144,066
VERMONT 4,757,760 62.41% 2,969,318 1,788,442   1,788,442 0 0 1,788,442
VIRGIN ISLANDS 0 50.00% 0 0   0 0 0 0
VIRGINIA 3,614,598 50.53% 1,826,456 1,788,142   1,788,142 0 0 1,788,142
WASHINGTON 61,441,587 50.00% 30,720,798 30,720,789   24,576,629 0 6,144,160 30,720,789
WEST VIRGINIA 10,919,814 75.04% 8,194,197 2,725,617   2,725,617 0 0 2,725,617
WISCONSIN 34,891,546 58.43% 20,387,130 14,504,415   10,546,349 0 3,958,066 14,504,415
WYOMING 1,923,396 61.32% 1,179,426 743,969   743,969 0 0 743,969
TOTAL 2,222,575,653 0 1,211,148,671 1,011,426,982   947,565,690 17,697,393 46,163,899 1,011,426,982