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USGS Activity Physical Data: W-1-68-MX

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CMG Staff: Nationwide   Menlo Park & Santa Cruz   St. Petersburg   Woods Hole  
CMG Facilities: Offices   Labs   Research Libraries   Research Platforms   Other  
CMG Directions: to Menlo Park   to Santa Cruz   to St. Petersburg   to Woods Hole   to MARFAC   to MOF   to O'Brien  

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
146164 1107 Area D column 22 row 02 Bill Normark CMG P system up and P  
146165 1107 Area D column 22 row 02 Bill Normark CMG airgun  
146166 1107 Area D column 22 row 02 Bill Normark CMG general log  
146167 1107 Area D column 22 row 02 Bill Normark CMG 12 khz EDO bathymetry  
146168 1107 Area D column 22 row 02 Bill Normark CMG navigation log "r/v Thomas Washington, TipTow cruise, May 1968
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
195458 1107 Area D column 22 row 02 Bill Normark CMG TipTow Baja margin ?magnetics 1 roll
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
195497 2098 Area C column 01 row 11 Bill Normark CMG "microfilm TIPTOW, San Lucas Fan"
195498 2098 Area C column 01 row 11 Bill Normark CMG "microfilm TIPTOW, San Lucas Fan"
Item # Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents

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