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National Great Rivers Research and Education Center

Lake: Rivers Project

Partners: USACE; University of Illinois College of Agriculture; Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Lewis and Clark Community College; Illinois Natural History Survey

Partnership Type: MOA

Corps POC: Carol Ryan, Park Ranger

Story: National Great Rivers Research and Education Center: A joint venture between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Lewis and Clark Community College, and the Illinois Natural History Survey will provide for research on river ecology, watershed and river management strategies, and educational programs for students and the public about these issues. Protecting the ecology and quality of the Mississippi, Illinois, and Missouri Rivers is critical. Yet, until now, nowhere in the world had a comprehensive research and education program been conducted on a major river system, let alone on a site where three major rivers come together. The Mississippi, Illinois, and Missouri Rivers converge in Alton. This is a very unique and promising location for studying the interaction between land and water. The Center will be multifunctional, focusing on research, but also college students and the general public. The facility will provide environmental education programs in addition to the outreach programs offered at the National Great Rivers Museum for schools and the general public. Building the two facilities in such a close proximity to each other will reach a wide range of visitors and give a unique opportunity to learn about the Mississippi River.

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Updated: June 2005