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Collections Served by the Collections Access, Loan and Management Division


This guide describes the collections served by the Collections Access, Loan Management Division (CALM) and provides brief requesting information. It is intended for researchers using, or planning to use, any of the following facilities:

  • Main Reading Room (Jefferson Building)
  • Local History and Genealogy Reading Room (Jefferson Building)
  • Science Reading Room (Adams Building)
  • Business Reference Services (Adams Building)

(Library employees should see the "Library Staff" version of this document, which lists other means of requesting that are not available to the public.)

Questions about these collections or about services offered by CALM can be answered at a Book Service Desk or at a Book Service Desk (see end of this document for locations and hours of operation). Researchers may also send an inquiry to Ask a Librarian

Collection Level Cataloging (CLC) Collection

Description: This growing collection is comprised of groups of materials on a related subject that are stored together physically (in archival boxes) and that are described in one bibliographic record. Most of the materials are unbound, and many are pamphlets. There are often dozens of items housed together under one CLC number. (NOTE - Be aware that other custodial units hold CLC materials. The bibliographic record will indicate when materials are assigned to a custodial unit other than CALM.)

How to Request: Submit request at a Book Service Desk. (NOTE - These collections must be consulted in the special materials alcove in the Center Room of the Science and Business Reading Room on the 5th floor of the Adams Building.)

Directories (City, Criss-Cross and Telephone)
and Social Registers

Description: This collection is comprised of bound volumes of City Directories, Criss-Cross Directories, Telephone Directories (white and yellow pages), and Social Registers. (NOTE - Current editions of directories are available as part of the Main Reading Room reference collection. Much of the retrospective bound directories collection has been replaced by microfilm, which is available through the Microform Reading Room.)

How to Request: Submit a paper call slip at a Book Service Desk

General Collections

Description: Approximately twelve million books, bound serials and other materials classified under the LC Classification System comprise this collection. Includes all such items not assigned to other Library custodial units.

How to Request: Submit a paper call slip at a Book Service Desk

Lesser-Known Languages Collection

Description: This collection is comprised of assemblages of uncataloged materials printed in over 600 languages, dialects, pidgins and creoles. The materials for each language are grouped together and stored in archival boxes. The number of items per language varies greatly. In some cases, there are only one or two items for a language, while others have over one hundred. (NOTE - Be aware that other custodial units also hold Lesser Known Languages materials. The bibliographic record will indicate when a language is assigned to a custodial unit other than CALM.)

How to Request: Submit request at a Book Service Desk. (NOTE - These collections must be consulted in the special materials alcove in the Center Room of the Science and Business Reading Room on the 5th floor of the Adams Building.)

MLC Collection

Description: This collection is comprised of monographs that have received minimal level cataloging treatment. Items do not receive Library of Congress call numbers, but instead are assigned "one-up" MLC numbers that facilitate the shelving of items by size. A typical MLC number is MLCS 91-9437. The "S" indicates small physical size; "91" indicates 1991; and 9437 is the "one-up" shelving number. MLCs are shelved offsite at Fort Meade. (NOTE -Be aware that other custodial units also hold MLC items. The bibliographic record will indicate when a MLC item is assigned to a custodial unit other than CALM.)

How to Request: Submit a paper call slip at a Book Service Desk (for items held at Fort Meade only)

Priority 4 Collection

Description: This collection contains 108,000 monograph and serial volumes, in various subject areas, that were given minimal cataloging treatment.

How to Request: Submit request at a Book Service Desk. (NOTE - These collections must be consulted in the special materials alcove in the Center Room of the Science and Business Reading Room on the 5th floor of the Adams Building.)

WMLC Collection

Description: The WMLC collection is comprised of serials that have received minimal level cataloging treatment. The Collections Access, Loan and Management Division holds the bound portion of this collection only, and it is stored at the Landover Center Annex. (NOTE - The unbound portion of the collection is held on-site in the Serial and Government Publications Division.)

How to Request: Submit request at a Book Service Desk.

X Collection

Description: The X Collection can be described as an early precursor to the Collection Level Cataloging Collection. It is comprised of groups of materials on a related subject that are stored together physically (in archival boxes). However, there is no "cataloging" of these materials, except for the application of a general LC Classification number. The materials in this collection are predominantly of a pamphlet or ephemeral nature.

How to Request: Submit request at a Book Service Desk. (NOTE - These collections must be consulted in the special materials alcove in the Center Room of the Science and Business Reading Room on the 5th floor of the Adams Building.)

Questions & Comments

Any questions or comments about this document or about the services provided by the Collections Access, Loan & Management Division may be sent to Ask a Librarian

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  The Library of Congress >> Especially for Researchers >> Research Centers
  January 8, 2009
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