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11 mileage-obsessed questions

It's never been easy to buy a car, but with soaring gas prices, you may have a lot more to ask about what's best for you. Here are the answers.

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Following convention
Question: How do I get a deal on a conventional car with decent fuel economy?

Answer: First consult to narrow your list of potential cars based on mileage; then check Kelley Blue Book's "New Car Blue Book Value," the price these autos are really selling for now.

Stick with vehicles going for less than sticker, generally those in the 30-mpg-and-under range. Pick three and check them on CarsDirect, which allows you to select specific trim and options, then see an offer price from a local dealer.

Next e-mail Internet managers at up to eight local dealers, telling them about that quote and asking if they can beat it. (These people usually cut to the chase fast.) Go for a second round with your new low. Ideally you'll end up under Blue Book Value

NEXT: Used value
Last updated August 12 2008: 6:04 AM ET
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