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OCSE Network and CSENet 2000 - Defense Finance & Accounting Service

How the Application Works

  • The state CSE system generates wage-withholding orders based on a record layout provided by DFAS.
  • The file containing the wage-withholding orders is picked up from a data set on your CSE system, routed through the OCSE server in Manassas, VA and forwarded to a central DFAS server in Montgomery, AL.
  • The DFAS server processes your wage-withholding orders, stores them on the KIDS 1st Program server and then forwards the orders to Department of Defense's (DOD) Integrated Garnishment System (IGS).
  • An Acknowledgment file and Error log are returned to the States.
  • Garnishments are issued to the military and civilian DOD personnel working in the United States and overseas.

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Last modified: February 03, 2003