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U.S. EPA Workshop for Federal USTs


“Everything You Wanted to Know About Tanks, but Were Afraid to Ask: A Free Workshop for Federal Facilities”

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is hosting a free, day and a half workshop for the federal facility community. As many of you are aware, the Energy Policy Act of 2005, included substantial revisions to the Underground Storage Tank (UST) requirements found in Subtitle I of RCRA. One of the major changes to the UST program resulting from the Energy Policy Act involved periodic regulatory inspections, which are now to be conducted on a three year cycle. Recent inspections of federal facilities by EPA have found compliance problems not only with USTs, but also with above ground storage tanks (ASTs). Therefore, EPA’s Federal Facilities Program is hosting this workshop as a refresher on federal tank requirements.

This first day of the workshop will address Federal UST requirements. The second half day will address ASTs.

The workshop will:

  • Provide an overview of the regulatory history of the tanks’ programs, including some of the key impacts of the Energy Policy Act.
  • Educate federal facility personnel on regulatory compliance requirements applicable to USTs including a discussion of applicability, tank and piping leak detection, spill and overfill prevention, corrosion protection, and suspected releases.
  • Inform federal facility personnel on regulatory compliance requirements applicable to ASTs including applicability, spill prevention, control and countermeasure plans, facility response plans, storm water pollution prevention plans, and other federal requirements affect ASTs such as new source performance standards.

This workshop is intended for federal facility personnel who manage or oversee the management of USTs and/or ASTs at federal facilities. The workshop is not intended to meet the operator training requirements being developed by states for various classifications of operators in accordance with the Energy Policy Act.

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This training is free and offered to federal employees. In most situations, federal contractors working at federal facilities may also attend please check with specific workshop contacts (FFPM's) to see if this is possible. Each participant is responsible for travel and per diem expenses.

For questions/additional information, please contact the federal facility UST workshop contact in the EPA region where your workshop will take place.

About the Instructors 

Amelia Janisz is president of Green Reviews, a woman-owned small and disadvantaged business in New Jersey that has provided consulting services to federal and state clients throughout the United States since 1997.  These services include preparing spill prevention, control and countermeasure, storm water pollution prevention, and facility response plans as well as auditing spill control measures at facilities ranging from 30 to 1400 acres and having from 40 to 500 above ground tanks.

Ben Thomas, Principal of Ben Thomas Associates, Inc., is a nationally recognized speaker and interpreter of the complex environmental regulations for owners, operators, inspectors, and regulators of Underground Storage Tanks (USTs).  He began his career in the UST community 18 years ago.  In 1986, he performed the inspection of tank removals for the State of Vermont.  Between 1989 and 1995, he worked for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation as a project manager for leaking UST sites.  From 1995 to 2002, he ran the UST pollution prevention program for the State of Alaska.

Last Updated: March 13, 2008