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The Use of Computers in Folklore and Folk Music: A Preliminary Bibliography

Compiled by: Evan Stein
Publication Date: October 4, 1979

Bartimiński, Jerzy.
"Komputery w Badaniach nad Pieśnia Ludowa." Literatura Ludowa, volume 19, number 1, January-February 1975, pp. 54-56. Song analysis.

Beatty, Roger Dean.
"Computerlore: The Bit Bucket." New York Folklore, volume 2 numbers 3-4, Winter 1976, pp. 223-224. Survey of the folklore of computers.

Bebbington, Brian.
"Folk Music and Computers." African Music, volume 4, number 2, 1968, pp. 56-58

Ben Amos, Dan.
"University of Pennsylvania Folklore Archives: A Progress Report." Keystone Folklore Quarterly, volume 15, number 3, Fall 1970, pp. 148-157.

Boggs, Beverly.
"Analysis of Ethnomusicological Transcriptions." Computational Musicology Newsletter, volume 1, number 1, October 1973, p. 14. Abstract.

Bregenhøj, Carsten.
Jyde, Fynbo og Sjaellender: Foreløbig Rapport om Hulkortanalyse af Anekdotesamlingen DFS 1966/1. Københaven: Dansk Foldemindesamling and Nordisk Institut for Folkedigtning, 1969. Folktale analysis.

Bronson, Bertrand H.
"Mechanical Help in the Study of Folk Song." Journal of American Folklore, volume 62, number 244, April-June 1949, pp. 81-86.

"Toward the Comparative Analysis of British-American Folk Tunes." Journal of American Folklore, volume 72, number 284, April-June 1959, pp. 165-191.

The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads. Four volumes, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1959-1972. Major collection in which the use of computers played a significant role.

Callow, James T.
Folkstore One. Detroit: University of Detroit, Computerized Folklore Archive, 1977.

Catalán, Diego.
"Análisis Electrónico de la Creación Poética Oral: El Programa Romancero en el Computer Center de UCSD." In Homenaje a la Memoria de Don Antonio Rodriguez-Moñino: 1910-1970, Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 1975, pp. 157-194.

Cohen, Norman.
"Computerized Hillbilly Discography: The Gennett Project." Western Folklore, volume 30, number 3, July 1971, pp. 182-193.

Colby, Benjamin N.
"The Analysis of Culture Content and the Patterning of Narrative Concern in Texts." American Anthropologist, volume 68, number 2, April 1966, pp. 374-388.

"Cultural Patterns in Narratives." Science, volume 151, number 3711, February 11, 1966, pp. 793-798.

Colby, Benjamin N., George A. Collier and Susan K. Postal.
"Comparison of Themes in Folktales by the General Inquirer System." Journal of American Folklore, volume 76, number 302, October-December 1963, pp. 318-323.

Csébfalvy, K. and M. Havass.
"A Direct Computer Processing of Folk Tunes." Computational Linguistics, volume 9, 1965, pp. 125-129.

Csébfalvy, K. et al.
"Systematization of Tunes by Computers." Studia Musicologica, volume 7, numbers 1-4 (Journal of the International Folk Music Council, volume 17, part 2), 1965, pp. 253-257.

Czekanowska-Kuklińska, Anna.
"Polish Mathematical Methods in Classification of Slavic Folk Song." In Report of the Tenth Congress of the International Musicological Society, edited by Dragotin Cvetko, Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, 1970, pp. 440-443.

Dundes, Alan.
"On Computers and Folktales." Western Folklore, volume 24, number 3, July 1965, pp. 185-189.

Elschek, Oskár, ed.
Hudobná Klasifikácia Ă Samočinne Počitače: Predbežná Zprára 6. Etnomuzikologického Seminára [Music Classification and Electronic Data Processing]. Bratislava: Slovenska Akademia Vied, 1976. Abstracts in Slovak, German and English.

"L'udová Pieseń a Samočinny Počítač 2: Druhý Seminár o Využití Samočinných Počítačoy pri Štúdiu L'udových Piesní: Bratislava 16.-17. OKtóber 1973" [Folksongs and the Computer: Seminar in Bratislava 16-17 October 1976]. Musicologica Slovaca, volume 6, 1978, pp. 163-165. Followed by numerous articles and reports by various authors.

Elscheková, Alica.
"General Considerations on the Classification of Folk Tunes." Studia Musicologica, volume 7, numbers 1-4 (Journal of the International Folk Music Council, volume 17, part 2), 1965, pp. 259-262.

"Methods of Classifications of Folk Tunes." Journal of the International Folk Music Council, volume 18, 1966, pp. 56-76.

"Technologie der Datenverarbeitung bei der Klassifizierung von Volksliedern." In Methoden der Klassifikation von Volksliedweisen, edited by Oskár Elschek and Doris Stockmann, Bratislava: Slovenská Akadémia Vied, 1969, pp. 93-122.

Ferentzy, E. N. and M. Havass.
"Human Movement Analysis by Computer, Electronic Choreography and Music Composition." Computational Linguistics, volume 3, 1964, pp. 129-188.

Gailey, Alan.
"Proposals for Indexing Folk Material." Museums Journal, volume 67, number 2, September 1967, pp. 107-108.

Georges, Robert A., Beth Blumenreich and Kathie O'Reilly.
"Two Mechanical Indexing Systems for Folklore Archives." Journal of American Folklore, volume 87, number 343, January-March 1974, pp. 39-52.

Grauer, Victor A.
"Some Song-Style Clusters—A Preliminary Study." Ethnomusicology, volume 9, number 3, September 1965, pp. 265-271.

Halmós, Istvan.
"Automation of Analysis and Classification of Folk Tunes, Experiment 1: Comparison Note by Note." Computational Linguistics, volume 9, 1970, pp. 59-71.

"Automation of Analysis of Folk Tunes. Part One: Comparison Note by Note." Computational Musicology Newsletter, volume 1, number 1, October 1973, p. 15. Abstract.

Henderson, Michael M. T.
"Use of and Interactive Program in Analyzing Data for a Dialect Dictionary." Computers and the Humanities, volume 9, number 3, May 1975, pp. 105-113.

Hickerson, Joseph C.
"Computer Machine-Readable Cataloging at the Archive of Folk Song—Library of Congress: Summary of the Feasibility Study Report." Association for Recorded Sound Collection Journal, volume 1, number 4, Summer 1969, pp. 8-9. Reprinted in Computational Musicology Newsletter, volume 1, number 1, October 1973, p. 20.

Holbek, Bengt.
"Computer Classification of Proverbs: Report on a Small Scale Experiment." Proverbium, volume 14, 1969, pp. 372-376.

Hood, Mantle and Fredric Lieberman.
"Improvisation and Music Theory of the Javanese Gamelan." Computers and the Humanities, volume 2, number 2, November 1967, p. 88. Abstract.

Hoshovs'kyj. V.
"The Experiment of Systematizing and Cataloguing Folk Tunes Following the Principles of Musical Dialectology and Cybernetics." Studia Musicologica, volume 7, numbers 1-4 (Journal of the International Folk Music Council, volume 17, part 2), 1965, pp. 273-286.

Járdányi, P.
"Experiences and Results in Systematizing Hungarian Folk Songs." Studia Musicologica, volume 7, numbers 1-4 (Journal of the International Folk Music Council, volume 17, part 2), 1965, pp. 287-291.

Jason, Heda.
"Volkskunde und Computer: Eine Auseinandersetzung." Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, volume 25, number 3, 1971, pp. 201-216.

John, Robert W.
"A Pilot Computer Catalog of Early American Shape-Note Hymn Tunes." Computers and the Humanities, volume 4, number 5, May 1970, p. 345. Abstract.

Kagan, Alan L.
"Computerized Analysis and Classification of Asian Musical Style." Computers and the Humanities, volume 4, number 5, May 1970, p. 347. Abstract.

"Materials of Asian Performing Arts: Interim Manual I: Description, Classification and Location." Chinoperl News, number 1, August 1969, pp. 31-37.

Materials of Asian Performing Arts Computerized: Manual I. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Department of Music, 1969.

Kalin, Rudolph, William N. Davis and Davie C. McClelland.
"The Relationship Between Use of Alcohol and Thematic Content of Folktales in Primitive Societies." In the General Inquirer: A Computer Approach to Content Analysis, edited by Philip J. Stone et al., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1966, pp. 569-588.

Klein, Sheldon et al.
Modelling Propp and Levi-Strauss in a Meta-Symbolic Simulation System. Madison: University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Department, 1974. (Technical Report no. 226.)

Kluge, Reiner.
"Faktorenanalytische Typenbestimmung an Einstimmigen Volksmelodien." Computers and the Humanities, volume 2, number 2, November 1967, p. 88. Abstract.

Faktorenanalytische Typenbestimmung an Volksliedmelodien. Leipzig: Deutscher Verlag für Musik, 1974.

Knudson, Thorkilk, and Poul Rovsing Olsen.
"The Musicological Section of the Danish Folklore Archives." Folklore and Folk Music Archivist, volume 7, number 3, Fall 1964, pp. 45-65.

Leino, Pentti.
"A Computer for the Paremiologist?" Proverbium, volume 14, 1969, pp. 377-379.

Lieberman, Fredric.
"Computer-Aided Analysis of Javanese Music." In The Computer and Music, edited by Harry B. Lincoln, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1970, pp. 182-192.

Locke, Eleanor G.
"!G !K2- !M3:4 (2E.U(0)): Folk Song Research and Computer Science." Kodály Envoy, volume 3, number 3, December 1976, pp. 2-4.

Lomax, Alan.
"Africanisms in New World Negro Music." In The Haitian Potential: Research and Resources of Haiti, edited by Vera Rubin and Richard P. Schaedel, New York: Teachers College Press, 1975, pp. 38-53.

"Brief Progress Report: Cantometrics-Choreometrics Projects." Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council, volume 4, 1972, pp. 142-145.

Folk Song Style and Culture. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1969.

"The Good and the Beautiful in Folksong." Journal of American Folklore, volume 80, number 317, July-September 1967, pp. 213-235.

"The Homogeneiety of African-Afro-American Musical Style." In Afro-American Anthropology, edited by Norman E. Whitten, Jr., and John F. Szwed, New York: Free Press, 1970, pp. 181-201.

"Song Structure and Social Structure." Ethnology, volume 1, number 4, October 1962, pp. 425-451. Reprinted in Readings in Ethnomusicology, edited by David P. McAllester, New York: Johnson Reprint Corp., 1971, pp. 227-252; also in The Sociology of Art and Literature, edited by Milton C. Albrecht, James H. Barnett and Mason Griff, New York: Praeger, 1970, pp. 55-71.

"Special Features of the Sung Communication." In Essays on the Verbal and Visual Arts: Proceedings of the 1966 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society, edited by June Helm, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1967, pp. 109-127.

Lomax, Alan and Joan Halifax.
"Folksong Texts as Culture Indicators." In Structural Analysis of Oral Tradition, edited by Pierre and Elli Köngäs Maranda, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1971, pp. 235-267.

Lomax, Alan, Irmgard Barteniefe and Forrestine Paulay.
"Choreometrics: A Method for the Study of Cross-Cultural Pattern in Film." Research Film, volume 6, number 6, December 1969, pp. 505-517. Reprinted in CORD Research Annual, volume 6, 1974, pp. 193-212.

McLeish, John.
"Children's Superstitions: A Comparative Study of English and Canadian Beliefs." In Man: Anthropological Essays Presented to O. F. Raum, edited by E. J. DeJager, Cape Town: C. Struik, 1971, pp. 35-52.

Maranda, Elli Köngäs.
"Theory and Practice of Riddle Analysis." Journal of American Folklore, volume 84, number 331, January-March 1971, pp. 51-61 Reprinted in Toward New Perspectives in Folklore, edited by Américo Paredes and Richard Bauman, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1972, pp. 51-61.

Maranda, Pierre.
"Analyse Quantitative et Qualitative de Mythes sur Ordinateur." In Calcul et Formalisation dans les Sciences de l'Homme, edited by J. C. Gardin and B. Jaulin, Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1968, pp. 79-86.

"Computers in the Bush: Tools for the Automatic Analysis of Myths." In Essays on the Verbal and Visual Arts: Proceedings of the 1966 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society, edited by June Helm, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1967, pp. 77-83.

"Formal Analysis and Inter-Cultural Studies." Social Science Information, volume 6, number 4, August 1967, pp. 7-36.

"Lecture Mecanographique des Mythes." Social Science Information, volume 6, number 5, October 1967, pp. 219-222.

"Queries from the Desk: A Computerized Analysis." In Structural Analysis of Oral Tradition, edited by Pierre and Elli Köngäs Maranda, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1971, pp. 301-312.

Ojo Arewa, E.
"The Use of the Computer for Bibliographic Research in African Folklore." Research in African Literatures, volume 3, number 1, Spring 1972, pp. 51-53.

Orth, Donald J.
"Place Names and Computers: A New Challenge." Indiana Names, volume 2, number 1, Spring 1971, pp. 2-12.

Petofi, J. S.
"On the Linear Patterning of Verbal Works of Art." Computational Linguistics, volume 8, 1969, pp. 37-64.

Petöfi, J. S. and É. Szöllösy.
"Computers and Folklore Research." Computational Linguistics, volume 8, 1969, pp. 65-70.

Preston, Michael J.
"The British Folk Plays and Thomas Hardy: A Computer-Aided Study." Southern Folklore Quarterly, volume 41, 1977, pp. 159-182.

"Computers in Folklore." Tennessee Folklore Society Bulletin, volume 43, number 1, March 1977, pp. 14-22.

Reaver, J. Russell.
"Some Problems in the Comparative Study of Tall Tales." North Carolina Folklore, volume 15, number 1, May 1967, pp. 6-8.

Rhodes, Willard.
"The Use of the Computer in the Classification of Folk Tunes." Studia Musicologica, volume 7, numbers 1-4 (Journal of the International Folk Music Council, volume 17, part 2), 1965, pp. 339-343.

Richard, P.
"Folklore." Computers and the Humanities, volume 6, number 5, May 1972, p. 319. Abstract.

Rosenberg, Bruce A. and John B. Smith.
"The Computer and the Finnish Historical-Geographical Method." Journal of American Folklore, volume 87, number 344, April-June 1974, pp. 149-154.

Rubin, Gerald M.
"Computer-Produced Mapping of Dialectal Variation." Computers and the Humanities, volume 4, number 4, March 1970, pp. 241-246.

Sackett, Samuel J.
"Using a Computer on a Belief Collection." Western Folklore, volume 29, number 2, April 1970, pp. 105-110.

Sánchez Romeralo, Antonio.
El Villancico: Estudios Sobre la Lírica Popular en los Siglos XV y XVI. Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1969. Computer-assisted study.

Scherrer, Deborah K. and Philip H.
"An Experiment in the Computer Measurement of Melodic Variation in Folksong." Journal of American Folklore, volume 84, number 332, April-January 1971, pp. 230-241.

Sebeok, Thomas A.
"Approaches to the Analysis of Folksong Texts." Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher, volume 31, 1959, pp. 392-399.

"The Computer as a Tool in Folklore Research." In The Use of Computers in Anthropology, edited by Dell Hymes, The Hague: Mouton, 1965 (Studies in General Anthropology, volume 2), pp. 255-272.

Shamos, Michael Ian.
"Computer Investigation of Highland Bagpipe Music." Computers and the Humanities, volume 5, number 5, May 1971, pp. 311-312. Abstract.

Shaw, David.
"Statistical Analysis of Dialectal Boundaries." Computers and the Humanities, volume 8, number 3, May 1974, pp. 173-177.

Smith, P. S.
"Computers and the Folklorist." Lore and Language, volume 2, number 8, January 1978, pp. 29-30.

Steinbeck, Wolfram.
"Die Liederbank Kiel." Jahrbuch des Staatlichen Institute für Musikforschung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1976 (1977), pp. 94-108.

"The Use of the Computer in the Analysis of German Folksongs." Computers and the Humanities, volume 10, number 5, September-October 1976, pp. 287-296.

"Zur Methodik der Analyse Deutscher Volkstümlicher Lieder mit Hilfe Elektronischer Rechenanlagen." In Beiträge zur Musikgeschichte Nordeuropas: Kurt Gudewell zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Uwe Haensel, Wolfenbuttel: Möseler Verlag, 1978, pp. 323-341.

Šrámkova, Marta.
"Pokus o Strojové Zpracování Baladického Typu" [Experimental Cataloguing of Ballads by Computers]. Slovenský Národopis, volume 21, number 2, 1973, pp. 217-226.

Stockmann, Doris.
"Elektronische Datenverarbeitung in der Ethnologie und den ihr nahestehenden Wissenschaften." Deutsches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde, volume 15, number 1, 1969, pp. 134-158.

Suchoff, Benjamin.
"A Bartóki Népzenekutatás és az Elektronikus Számítógépek" [Bartók's Music Research and the Electronic Computer]. Muzsika, volume 13, number 7, July 1970, pp. 6-8; number 8, August 1970, pp. 4-6.

"Aplicarea Calculatoarelor Electronice la Etnomuzicologica Bartokiană." Muzika, volume 20, number 11, November 1970, pp. 10-14.

"An Application of GRIPHOS to Bartok's Turkish Folk Music Materials." Computational Musicology Newsletter, volume 1, number 1, October 1973, p. 18. Abstract.

"Bartók, Ethnomusicology and the Computer." Newsletter of the NYU Institute for Computer Research in the Humanities, volume 4, number 4, December 1968, pp. 3-6.

"The Computer and Bartok Research in America." Journal of Research in Music Education, volume 19, number 1, Spring 1971, pp. 3-16.

"Computer Applications to Bartók's Serbo-Croatian Material." Tempo, volume 80, 1967, pp. 15-19.

"Computer Applications to Béla Bartók's Serbo-Croatian Material." Computers and the Humanities, volume 2, number 2, November 1967, p. 88. Abstratct.

"Computer-Oriented Comparative Musicology." In The Computer and Music, edited by Harry B. Lincoln, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1970, pp. 193-206.

"Computerized Folk Song Research and the Problem of Variants." Computers and the Humanities, volume 2, number 4, March 1968, pp. 155-158.

A GRIPHOS Application of Bartók's Turkish Folk Music Material. Stony Brook: Center for Contemporary Arts and Letters, S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook, 1975.

"Lexicographical Index of Maramures Vocal Melodies." In Rumanian Folk Music, volume 5, by Béla Bartók, edited by Benjamin Suchoff, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975, pp. 270-294.

"Lexicographical Index of Melodies." In Rumanian Folk Music, volume 4, by Béla Bartók, edited by Benjamin Suchoff, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975, pp. 550-601.

"Lexicographical Index of Turkish Melodies." In Turkish Folk Music from Asia Minor, by Béla Bartók, edited by Benjamin Suchoff, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976, pp. 271-279.

"Some Problems in Computer-Oriented Bartókian Ethnomusicology." Ethnomusicology, volume 13, number 3, September 1969, pp. 489-497.

"Unele Probleme Privind Folosirea Maşinilor Electronice de Calcul la Materialul Etnomuzicologie al lui Béla Bartók." Revista de Etnografie şi Folclor, volume 14, number 5, 1969, pp. 343-352.

Thill, Richard S.
A Basic System for Creation and Processing of a Folklore Archive. Bloomington: Indiana University, Folklore Publications Group, November 1978. (Folklore Preprint Series, volume 6, number 7, November 1978.)

"A Bibliography of Materials Relevant to Folklore and Technology." Keystone Folklore, volume 18, number 4, Winter 1973, pp. 197-199. Reprinted in Tennessee Folklore Society Bulletin, volume 40, number 1, March 1974, pp. 8-9. An announcement and request for contributions.

"A Rose by Any Other Name: Computers, Traditions, and the Folklorist." Tennessee Folklore Society Bulletin, volume 40, number 1, March 1974, pp. 1-8.

Vikis-Freibergs, Vaira and Inants F. Freibergs.
"Formulaic Analysis of the Computer-Accessible Corpus of Latvian Sun-Songs." Computers and the Humanities, volume 12, number 4, 1978, pp. 329-339.

"The Sun-Songs of Latvian Folklore: A Computer-Accessible Corpus." Journal of Baltic Studies, volume 9, number 1, Spring 1978, pp. 20-31.

Voigt, Vilmos.
"Means and Aims of Computer Folklore Research." In Papers in Computational Linguistics, edited by Ferenc Papp and György Szépe, Budapest: Akademai Kiadó, 1976, pp. 549-554.

Wenker, Jerome.
"An Analysis of Transcriptions." Computers and the Humanities, volume 7, number 2, November 1972, p. 126. Abstract.

"An Analytical Approach to Folk Music." Computers and the Humanities, volume 4, number 2, November 1969, p. 138; volume 7, number 2, November 1972, pp. 124-125.

A Computational Method for the Analysis of Anglo-American Folksongs. Unpublished MA Thesis, Bloomington: Indiana University, 1964.

"A Computer Oriented Music Notation Including Ethnomusicological Symbols." In Musicology and the Computer: Musicology 1966-2000, edited by Barry S. Brook, New York: City University of New York Press, 1970, pp. 91-129.

"A Music Compiler for Musicologists and Ethnomusicologists." Computers and the Humanities, volume 7, number 2, November 1974, p. 124. Abstract.

"MUSTRAN II—An Extended MUSic TRANslator." Computers and the Humanities, volume 7, number 2, November 1972, p. 125. Abstract.


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