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Numbers and Types of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools From the Common Core of Data: School Year 2006-07

NCES 2009-304
October 2008

Table 5.  Average student membership size of operating public elementary and secondary schools with membership, by instructional level, membership size of largest and smallest school, and state or jurisdiction: School year 2006–07

State or jurisdiction Total number of schools Average size Largest school Smallest school
Total schools1 Primary schools Middle schools High schools
United States2  87,619 549.8 446.1 592.6 875.7 7,611 1
Alabama  1,344 550.7 466.6 559.1 722.4 2,515 16
Alaska  451 266.0 322.4 466.1 624.9 2,198 2
Arizona  1,831 571.4 531.5 627.9 727.7 3,220 2
Arkansas  1,074 441.8 403.1 470.5 473.8 2,933 36
California  8,471 719.7 535.1 854.9 1,460.6 4,778 1
Colorado  1,639 475.1 390.6 498.5 758.4 3,804 1
Connecticut  1,021 546.2 413.3 607.2 1,056.6 3,266 1
Delaware  178 636.3 501.6 701.3 1,112.7 2,330 52
District of Columbia  189 354.2 285.0 327.3 502.2 3,430 36
Florida  3,079 848.9 654.1 933.0 1,716.6 7,611 1
Georgia  2,126 763.1 624.3 799.1 1,308.3 3,657 5
Hawaii  281 642.2 502.1 808.2 1,329.4 2,576 17
Idaho  609 430.9 358.3 504.8 590.8 2,416 4
Illinois  4,035 520.8 430.6 487.9 915.2 5,944 5
Indiana  1,872 556.4 432.3 602.1 938.4 4,001 9
Iowa  1,423 334.7 284.3 329.0 463.0 2,179 5
Kansas  1,392 330.2 289.7 357.3 420.8 2,184 3
Kentucky  1,209 528.2 419.8 552.5 850.9 2,172 9
Louisiana  1,254 521.3 452.1 524.9 771.1 2,269 28
Maine  641 302.6 218.2 363.2 565.4 1,473 5
Maryland  1,311 635.5 452.9 742.7 1,348.6 2,917 7
Massachusetts  1,845 510.3 383.9 588.7 910.9 4,328 2
Michigan  3,456 479.0 374.0 531.1 821.0 2,822 1
Minnesota  1,636 494.3 406.0 603.4 640.2 3,267 4
Mississippi  904 547.6 489.6 541.4 684.9 1,981 17
Missouri  2,241 409.0 348.9 487.4 568.4 2,882 3
Montana  825 174.9 159.1 125.4 279.5 2,078 1
Nebraska  1,084 264.5 206.8 408.3 349.5 2,579 1
Nevada  543 769.4 593.0 995.9 1,356.4 3,372 5
New Hampshire  482 422.3 297.9 485.9 820.1 3,358 2
New Jersey  2,339 579.0 579.0 437.2 613.4 557 15
New Mexico  795 405.4 405.4 344.9 384.7 436 9
New York  4,408 615.2 615.2 505.9 638.7 437 4
North Carolina  2,277 629.7 629.7 516.0 665.7 428 14
North Dakota  494 195.7 195.7 162.6 396.4 514 3
Ohio  3,807 480.0 392.1 492.7 711.6 6,524 1
Oklahoma  1,783 357.6 348.7 377.3 347.4 2,307 7
Oregon  1,230 446.9 354.3 510.6 722.9 2,837 2
Pennsylvania  3,150 567.9 432.7 624.5 924.3 5,872 17
Rhode Island  303 480.2 319.2 642.9 1,027.3 2,017 2
South Carolina  1,115 630.6 523.9 616.2 1,020.5 3,356 10
South Dakota  687 176.4 168.2 153.6 227.9 2,239 1
Tennessee  1,625 598.1 485.0 612.6 992.5 2,812 2
Texas  7,143 633.0 544.9 617.3 1,040.3 4,979 1
Utah  806 636.8 530.2 740.8 991.4 2,639 3
Vermont  314 296.8 213.1 324.1 659.2 1,543 19
Virginia  1,845 660.1 485.8 742.8 1,249.7 4,080 20
Washington  1,872 528.1 414.8 571.7 941.1 3,142 2
West Virginia  700 400.1 310.4 461.6 740.2 2,342 47
Wisconsin  2,137 407.9 335.8 428.2 587.9 2,435 1
Wyoming  343 244.6 198.9 264.4 371.7 1,586 1
Department of Defense dependents schools, Bureau of Indian Education, and other jurisdictions 
DoDDS: DoDs Overseas3  139 438.1 463.0 397.8 440.8 1,164 27
DDESS: DoDs Domestic3  68 391.6 388.8 353.5 453.0 897 89
Bureau of Indian Education  186
American Samoa  29 558.3 474.7 837.0 887.2 1,560 69
Guam  36
Northern Mariana Islands  29 402.3 322.9 616.7 660.6 1,225 34
Puerto Rico  1,456 361.3 277.8 420.9 652.6 1,364 24
U.S. Virgin Islands  32 507.8 360.2 617.4 1,252.8 1,632 62
— Not available.
1 Total schools includes primary, middle, high, and other schools.
2 U.S. totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
3 DoDDS and DDESS are the Department of Defense dependents schools (overseas) and the Department of Defense dependents schools (domestic), respectively.
NOTE: Instructional levels are primary (low grade prekindergarten to 3, high grade up to 8); middle (low grade 4 to 7, high grade 4 to 9); high (low grade 7 to 12, high grade 12 only); and other (any configuration not falling within the previous three, including ungraded schools).
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 2006–07, Version 1a.