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Numbers and Types of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools From the Common Core of Data: School Year 2006-07

NCES 2009-304
October 2008

Table 1.  Operational and student membership status of public elementary and secondary schools in the United States, by school type and charter status: School year 2006–07

Operational and student membership status1 All schools School type Charter schools of any type
Regular Special education Voca-
Operational status             
Operating schools2  98,793 88,959 1,956 1,240 6,638 4,527
Continuing  95,676 86,608 1,805 1,093 6,170 3,603
Added3  883 416 85 138 244 56
Reopened  36 26 1 0 9 2
Changed agency4  271 232 2 2 35 61
New5  1,927 1,677 63 7 180 410
Non-operating  2,723 2,026 169 16 512 395
Inactive6  215 185 3 1 26 5
Closed  1,877 1,348 160 14 355 267
Future7  631 493 6 1 131 123
Student membership status of operating schools             
With membership  94,164 87,619 1,457 334 4,754 3,970
Without membership, providing instruction (shared time)8,9  667 14 35 537 81 3
Without membership (not shared time)9  3,962 1,326 464 369 1,803 159
1 Membership is the count of students enrolled on October 1 of the reported school year.
2 Operating schools include all those providing services during the reported school year.
3 Added schools are reported for the first time although they have been operating for more than one year.
4 Schools that changed agency are affiliated with a different local education agency than that reported in the previous year.
5 New schools opened for the first time within the school year reported.
6 Inactive schools are closed temporarily and expected to reopen within three years.
7 Future schools are expected to open within two years.
8 Shared time schools provide instruction on a regular basis to students whose membership is reported for some other school.
9 Includes schools with missing membership data.
NOTE: Table includes the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Charter status is independent of school type; charter schools are included in the school type totals.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 2006–07, Version 1a.