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Numbers and Types of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies From the Common Core of Data: School Year 2006-07

NCES 2009-303
October 2008

Table 1.  Operational and student membership status of public elementary and secondary local education agencies in the United States, by agency type: School year 2006–07
Operational and student membership status1 All agencies Agency type Charter agencies of any type
Regular school districts Supervisory unions2 Regional education service agency3 State agency Federal agency Other education agency
All agencies  18,172 14,251 270 1,121 237 0 2,293 1,973
Operational status                 
Operating4  17,492 13,862 237 1,110 224 0 2,059 1,908
Continuing  17,052 13,656 235 1,095 200 0 1,866 1,759
Added5  114 39 0 10 12 0 53 13
Reopened  3 1 0 0 0 0 2 2
Changed boundary  151 146 0 1 1 0 3 1
New6  172 20 2 4 11 0 135 133
Non-operating  680 389 33 11 13 0 234 65
Inactive7  140 137 0 0 0 0 3 1
Closed  464 250 32 11 9 0 162 0
Future8  76 2 1 0 4 0 69 64
Student membership status of operating agencies                 
With membership  16,083 13,598 74 417 120 0 1,874 1,877
Without membership9  1,409 264 163 693 104 0 185 31
1 Membership is the count of students enrolled on October 1 of the reported school year.
2 Supervisory unions provide administrative services to school districts through a common superintendent.
3 Regional education service agencies provide services to a variety of local education agencies.
4 Operating agencies include all those providing services during the reported school year.
5 Added agencies are reported for the first time although they have been operating for more than one year.
6 New agencies opened for the first time within the school year reported.
7 Inactive agencies are closed temporarily and expected to reopen within three years.
8 Future agencies are expected to open within two years.
9 Includes local education agencies with missing membership data.
NOTE: Table includes the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Table does not include Department of Defense domestic dependents schools or Bureau of Indian Education schools. For analytical purposes, New York City Public Schools, New York, is treated as a regular school district.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Local Education Agency Universe Survey," 2006–07, Version 1a.